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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-01 10:24pm
by Vehrec
Well, if everyone's asking silly questions, here's one for you. Any plans to include Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter as part of the backstory? :P

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-01 11:04pm
by Kamikage
The reason I ask about Harry being in the tourney is because I want to see it happen (I think of Harry being the John McClane of wizardry for some reason) and the Blue Beatle attack would be your standard car fu with some spells (mostly the Fuego spell) being shot out of the driver-side window prior to impact and the Mister one is only because I have this image of Mister killing and eating a dragon i have stuck in my head.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-02 10:45am
by Majin Gojira
Apparently, it's Q&A time.
Kamikage wrote:Can we have Harry Dresden in the tournament please? (Don't really read Negima, but from what I understand of the combat styles seen threin I think Harry would raise a few eyebrows with his rather pragmatic fighting style) Also, I demand that one of his attacks involves Mouse, the Blue Beetle, Mister or a combination of the three.
Given his fighting style, he may observe but not enter. He views himself as "Too deadly."

Several other characters will refrain from entering because they don't think it will be fair. Only one is actually justified in this belief, and she's about to make her grand entrance.

Before the tournament begins, I'll post a "Who do you want in" poll of some sorts.

From that, it will determine how many matches I gotta write or at least briefly mention in the case of non epic curb stomps. Evangeline is good for those. When she's distracted.
xie323 wrote:Given the fact that the Turn X has been activated do you intend for other Mobile suits to appear(other then Turn A as Turn A is bound to appear). Maybe have them be War Machines of the Dark History.
Answer withheld due to nearness to answer in story.

Most Gundam series are fictional in this universe, however. Beyond the current mission, there will be one other Gundam appearance in Epic Cosplay.
Vehrec wrote:Well, if everyone's asking silly questions, here's one for you. Any plans to include Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter as part of the backstory?
I did plan on including the Amazing Screw On Head, but this is the first I've heard of that. This calls for RESEARCH!

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-02 01:01pm
Oh no, what have you done!

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-02 04:07pm
by Kamikage
Question, are you going to have any of the OG mechs in this? Also, I think I should remind you that you can't have Wodan Ymir without SANGER ZONVOLT (if he isn't going to show up I think that either Daniel, Harry Dresden, or Xander should get the Zankantou).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-06 03:52pm
by HolyDragoon
If that happens, I'd vote for Gespenst or anyone related to a Gespenst. Anyway, I've been reading and although I don't know most of the characters referred here, I'm having loads of fun with it.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-06 08:22pm
It's also pretty fun to find out. I just brought a Dresden Files book today.

Oh, and since you brought it up, update to the character guide (of sorts):

Harry Dresden: Title character of novel series The Dresden Files. Freelance Wizard who works in Chicago and is even listed in the phone book. Very powerful magic, but has trouble with control.

Raven: Teen Titan. Daughter of massively powerful demon born to help bring Daddy into the world. Didn't agree with the idea. Powerful magic-user. AFAIK, only Goth in the cartoon.

Rose Wilson: Daughter of Titans villain Slade Wilson, a.k.a. Deathstroke the Terminator.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-06 09:09pm
by Kamikage
Personally, I think that Harry should start off with the SP Regenerate, Prevail and SP Up skills and should have the Zeal and Focus Spirit Commands included. Equippable weapons should include swords and handgun-type weapons.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusion)

Posted: 2010-03-07 12:45am
by Majin Gojira
Kamikage wrote:Question, are you going to have any of the OG mechs in this? Also, I think I should remind you that you can't have Wodan Ymir without SANGER ZONVOLT (if he isn't going to show up I think that either Daniel, Harry Dresden, or Xander should get the Zankantou).
I debated several things-- from Gespents to the Granzon, but eventually decided against it.

As for Sanger...

There are already plans for the inheritors of the Soul-Sword, One Strike/Samurai Sword

Next segment's going to be up in a few minutes, so keep watching.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Mission 9 Conclusio

Posted: 2010-03-07 01:02am
by Majin Gojira
“Harry,” Murphy said, “I can handle magic. But I’m going to hold off on believing that little girl was an alien.”

“She said she is,” Harry answered.

“And you believe her?”

“Not in the slightest,” Harry scanned the room again, “But it would explain the mages here using a method of magic I’ve never seen before.”

“You’re kidding right?”

Harry just continued to scan the room as Murphy repeated herself. His ears listened to bits of conversation that floated by him, looking for one to interject himself too.

“So Koji’s been locked in his father’s lab for 3 days working on that thing?” One voice said, to which an answer soon came.

“Yeah,” a female voice answered, “I’ve been keeping an eye on him, considering he still has his father’s notes with him.”

“But he’s not his father,” The first voice said, “Do you really think he can repair Mazinger?”

“He built a personal inter-planetary spacecraft on his own dime,” The feminine voice said with a smirk, “I don’t doubt his ability as a mechanic—just his sanity.”

Another nail in Murphy’s (and his own) disbelief in the presence of aliens in this room, but before he could alert her, another White Council face revealed itself.

“I know that guy—” Harry murmured and began walking towards a rather large circle of people—though he used the term loosely.

The circle consisted largely of Gargoyles, but he decided to pass it. Amongst the Gargoyles (and demons) where two young teenaged Asian girls—one of whom was actively engaging the Gargoyles in conversation. Both were rather pretty for their age—though one was obviously more athletic than the other, even though she was slightly shorter. What really made the pair stand out, however was their clothing. The taller girl wore a white dress with red highlights, whilst the other wore a black suit and tie.

For about one quarter of a second, Harry mistook her for a very pretty young man.

The suited girl carried herself strongly, but was visibly nervous. The one in the white dress just bubbled energy.

“I love the way your wings fold up!” White Bubbles beamed, “I bet you can swoosh them around like a cape too.”

“Not really,” The rounder of the Gargoyles said. He was large, barrel-shaped and a light green in color.

Next to him were a muscular male and slender female, both a shade of purple Harry was sure had a specific name that wasn’t just normal purple. Maybe it was eggplant—he didn’t quite care.

The girl in the suit seemed to shrink as the other spoke more openly to the Gargoyles.

White Bubbles wrapped an arm around her friend and nuzzled up against her as she whispered in her ear—but not quietly enough, “Yours are still prettier, 'tsuna.”

“Yours?” The large purple said.

The girl in the suit, 'tsuna, looked aside and murmured, “I do not wish to talk about it.”

“Oh,” White Bubbles whined, “But it’s not like they’re Tengu, they’re Gargoyles!”

“Tengu are Gargoyles” 'tsuna murmured.

“Not if they’re from New York,” White Bubbles smiled.

By then, however, he reached his destination. An old man in a simple, but elegant kimono, he had a long white beard that was well kept and highly stylized. The top of his head was bald except for the back which housed a rather long braid.

This was a White Council warden like himself, but from the other side of the pacific: Konoemon Konoe.

Upon spotting Harry, he arched one of his fuzzy eyebrows and let a small smile escape the forest well kept hair that nearly covered his face.

“Mr. Dresden,” Konoemon said, “What a pleasant surprise.”

“And here I thought I was the only representative from the White Council here,” Harry extended a hand to the older man, who gladly shook it.

“From what I’ve seen,” Konoemon said, “We’re the only ones—must be an east/west thing. But there are quite a few oddities here, aren’t there Warden Dresden.”

“Where would you like me to begin,” Harry said, “At this event being held at all or the fact that there are several groups here who are not exactly the best of friends sitting at arm’s length from each other?”

“Not to mention the big names,” Konoemon smiled, brought a small pad from a hidden pocket and said “It’s not every day one can get Hongo Takeshi’s autograph.”


“Oh, you wouldn’t know,” Konoemon pointed towards a couple a few yards away, “he’s the pretty boy with the red head over there.”

Sure enough, he spotted the couple. The pretty boy was of a decent height and of a slim athletic build. He appeared to be Japanese and stood almost rigidly straight. His suit was well made, but he wore black leather gloves with it. Something else was off about him too.

The woman he was with was a stark contrast to him greatly. Though she too was Japanese, but her hair was vividly blonde. His dark suit with green tie counteracted her white dress with red trimming. While he stood rigidly, she could not help but move with every syllable she uttered.

An inhuman, fluid movement that was almost mesmerizing. It helped that she was quite curvy and the dress left little to the imagination.

They stood talking to another woman with slight Asian features in her face—a very tall one at that. Not as tall as Harry, but enough to be more than a head taller than Murphy. She was also stacked.

Listening to their voices, he realized that he overheard them earlier in the party--they had re-established Nanoha's claim towards alien influence. Were these aliens too? He bet the fluid woman was just using human form as a disguise. There was no way a human could move like that.

“So,” Konoemon said ripping Harry away from the woman’s mesmeric bounce, “What do you think?”

“It’s bad news all around,” Harry answered, “Before Xanatos became president he was one of the most successful businessmen in the world. With us here, all these powerful wizards, foreign dignitaries and things I didn’t think really existed all in one room.”

Harry took a breath, “I expect a coup d'état.”

“What?” Konoemon coughed, “I was talking about my granddaughter, Konoka.”

Konoemon pointed to White Bubbles, Harry blinked, “Um, huh?”

“How about a marriage interview?” Konoemon smirked, “With your combined raw talent, I’m sure you’ll produce powerful wizard children. And marrying into my family would certainly help with the bills, wouldn't it?”

Harry sputtered and thanked God that he wasn’t drinking anything at the moment.

“Are you kidding?!” Harry nearly shouted, “She’s fourteen!”

“Isn’t that the legal age in America?”

No!” Harry answered, “besides, she looks a little too friendly with the girl in the pantsuit.”

“Well,” Konoemon’s grin reminded Harry of the Cheshire Cat, “Why not have both then, I’m sure Konoka wouldn’t mind.”

Harry did everything in his power to keep his power under control.

Magic power was strongly tied to emotions, and Harry had a lot of power. One uncontrolled outburst and he could blow circuits in nearby machinery. Harry felt the power rise up in him, but he grabbed it and channeled it back into the floor, grounding it. He would later recall that the light's barely even flickered when he did so, but his mind was on other topics.

Konoemon’s laughter eventually clued him in. He’d been had.

Distracting Harry from the fact that no electronic equipment nearby was effected by the power release--the light bulbs did not even flicker.

Konoemon apologized but then added, “But think about it in another 8 years. If I haven’t found her a husband by then—or if she wants to raise a kid with her girlfriend, give it some thought.”

Harry decided to bow out before the conversation got any more wrong.

The next words to hit Harry’s ears immediately grabbed his attention: “You licked me!” It was a girl’s voice that reminded Harry of his apprentice Molly Carpenter. It carried the same annoyed know-it-all attitude commonly found in teenagers.

This declarative statement was followed by, “As part of a normal investigation! Don’t you use all of your sensory—and why are you getting upset over this in the first place?”

The voice had a British accent Harry could not quite place, and seemed to slightly together due to the speed at which the person talked. He appeared to be a young man in his late 20s.

Harry eyed them and found Tongue Man in a blue suit and bow-tie whilst he girl wore a yellow sundress and orange scarf. The small Asian girl was a wisp of a thing that carried herself in a manner similar to Nanoha. With them was a rather strongly built military man in a blue USAF dress uniform. His rank read as Colonel, his hair graying but body remained rather fit and well built. Harry guessed him to be in his 50s or so.

“For cryin’ out lout,” the soldier said, “can you make this conversation any creepier?”

Thinking on it for a brief moment, Tongue Man said, “I could mention the various impurities and calcifications that accumulated on her robot shell while it rested in Antarctica—but it’s not as if I licked your projection or anything! Licking a giant robot’s armor isn’t creepy in the slightest!”

The soldier, girl and Harry did not believe him.

“Ah! Harry Dresden!” He said as he walked over to Harry, alarm bells ringing in his head, “wonderful to meet you!”

“Um, hi, who are you?” Harry asked Tongue man as he shook his hand.

Tongue man pointed to a name tag on his shirt that read ‘Hello my name is: The Doctor’

“I’m the Doctor,’ Tongue Man said, “And over there are Colonel Jack O’Niell and Ixtli Reika Mishima.”

He shook Jack’s hand first. He went to shake the girl’s hand (she could not have been more than 16 by appearances) when she met his eyes—which flashed red.

Yellow Sundress gave Tongue Man a severe look, which forced him to scan the surroundings looking for an out.

And she met eyes with Harry.

He found himself in front of a titanic machine in the shape of an angelic humanoid figure with a mirror for a face. Below it the girl stood watching the life of a teenage boy with someone who looked exactly like her, but with darker hair, inside the reflection of a lake they all stood upon.

The sky was the color and composition of the skies of Jupiter. The machine howled, causing the sky to shatter into a blue hue. As it did, Harry felt his heart seize for a brief second and every atom of his existence vibrate to the same chord.

Harry awoke in time to catch himself from falling to his knees.

Or Harry thought he did. Murphy actually caught him and was glaring at this Ixtli thing, whatever it was Harry was certain now that it was not human.

And she was very sad.

“Harry!” Murphy blurted out--just before Harry realized he fell into her arms.

“You alright?” Jack asked.

The Ixtli looked at him, her hands clasped together in front of her mouth, “I am sorry. I had forgotten how easy it is for some wizards to initiate a soulgaze.”

“Oh," The Doctor winced, "you got the God Machine’s Full Monty. Never a good thing.”

First wizards from outer space and possibly the future too, followed by a “God Machine”. If Godzilla showed up in Chicago to attend this function, Harry did not think he’d be surprised.

Harry stood up with Murphy's help and found some wood to knock on rather quickly after that thought crossed his mind.

This Doctor guy was also starting to get on Harry’s nerves.

“Wait, a God Machine?” Murphy fixed her gaze between the Ixtli and the Doctor.

“Deus Ex Machina,” The Doctor explained, “God from a Machine.”

“So what just happened?” Jack asked Harry as he righted himself.

“Soulgaze,” Harry said between heavy breaths.

“It let’s a wizard with the right talents to see into the psychological profile of a person they lock eyes to,” The Doctor explained (to Harry’s relief), “unfortunately anything you see with your soulgaze stays with you—burned into your brain until the very end.”

“How…do you know—” Harry stammered, but the Doctor interrupted him.

“Well, I may not be able to use magic,” The Doctor smirked, “Or even like it, really. Buuuut I do know how it works.”

“Do you need to sit down?” Jack asked Harry.

Harry righted himself and breathed, “No, I’ll be fine.”

“So, you’re a wizard,” Jack asked him, attempting a conversation, “Not what I expected but at least you’re not a 10 year old girl.”

“You met her already, I take it?” Harry said, finally standing on his full two feet.

“A while back,” Jack answered, “Still not used to it.”

Harry was about to ask him another question when a voice sounded over the speakers, “Everyone, please take your seats. The presentation is about to begin.”

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 11:32am
by Kamikage
My earlier suggestion was to make them power armor versions for characters to use (I just have this image of Harry orMichean=l wearing the SRX ans the Weisritter respctivley) \, and I suggest that Harry meet Teal'c soon. I don;t particularly care who gets the Zankantou but it has to be a guy. (No offense to the females but you guys already have Nanoha, Fate, and Buffy).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 01:42pm
More importantly, they have Fate, so the BFS angle will be covered on their end very soon anyway. :)

Anyways, on to the guessing game! (I love it when a crossover describes a character through the eyes of someone who doesn't know them. It gives me a chance to guess who they are before the story lets on.)

So the other attendees are:

Goliath, Angela, Broadway -- Gargoyles

Konoemon and Konoka Konoe and Setsuna Sakurazaki -- Negima

Hongo Takeshi --(Tuxedo?) Kamen Rider

Honey Kisaragi -- Cutey Honey

The second woman with them I'm not sure, but guessing is Eiko Megami considering the red hair

After I figured Reiko, Jack was pretty obvious, though it took me a while to notice The Doctor, and I'm pretty sure he likes it that way.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 02:38pm
by Kamikage
The point that I was trying to make was that they need a Zankantou to beat a Zankantou (for example pretty much No one in OG2 was able to do anything to Wodan Ymir until Sanger showed up and started to kick his ass. (A God can only be killed by another God, as it were)

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 05:04pm
by Majin Gojira
What can I say, I like action girls.

And SAMAS remains spot on--except on one account.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 08:34pm
by Kamikage
Still I demand the Zankantou have a male wielder (reason found in a previous post), that and I still want a reply on the power armor suggestion and the Mister the cat one. (At the very least I'll settle for a cameo for the Zankantou)

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 10:26pm
by al103
Kamikage wrote:The point that I was trying to make was that they need a Zankantou to beat a Zankantou (for example pretty much No one in OG2 was able to do anything to Wodan Ymir until Sanger showed up and started to kick his ass. (A God can only be killed by another God, as it were)
Thing is - Fate Testarossa is either Wodan expy or Zanger expy. So she pretty much qualifies anyway.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-07 11:20pm
by Kamikage
There's no rule that states that there caan't be more than one expy of a character present (also I was talking about the Zankantou not Sager or Wodan), also I think it best that we leave the decision to the author for this or it's going to get universes uglier than Cthulu.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 12:44am
by al103
Kamikage wrote:There's no rule that states that there caan't be more than one expy of a character present (also I was talking about the Zankantou not Sager or Wodan),
Only Fate's device already have such form... and while "Sword that cleaves evil" is less used for Fate than "White devil" for Nanoha in fanon - it's still regularly used :D

PS. If there would be Zanger after all i demand him marrying Lindy and adopting Fate!
PPS. Actually to think of it Nanohaverse have 2 Zanger expies, second being Zest that is. They even look very much alike, only Zest uses naginata... Actually Zest and Agito would be win...

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 10:48am

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 07:08pm
by Kamikage
I already know about the vid, but all I'm saying is that I think that the Jack and Harry (THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF THE FIC) should get some manner of boost in order to better oppose the forces they already are (I know Jack's the new pilot of the RaXephone but he can;t always pilot the thing) and with Nanoha and co. in the mix everone's going to be a bit more focused on them than the Pizza Lord. And no offense but you've got a Supermanesque guy in power armor that enables him to go toe to toe with a bunch of powerful people (check the chapter he was introduced in; he took down Nanoha in ONE BLOW), all I'm saying is that we should definately get some more BFSes (and their users) besides Fate (otherwise this is going to turn into a Nanoha fic starring someone else).

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 07:14pm
by farmer_10
How about Micheal Carpenter getting the Zankantou? As one of the three fists of God, he's one the closest things we have to an in-canon Sword That Cleaves Evil.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 07:27pm
by Kamikage
And before I forget this; does anyone know how much money we have at this point (for upgrades)?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 08:15pm
by Kamikage
Last one till next week (at least) I forgot to mention the blade that I'm thinking of is a Mecha-sized one coming out of a normal-sized hilt (think that one guy in the first episode of Escaflowne for reference). I am cool with Fate fighting Wodan but I just really liked the duel between Sanger and Wodan Ymir that led to the Earth Cradle being opened up. P.S. When are we going to see the Knightmare Frames being destroyed via Tetsujin-28? P.P.S. where are all of the Real Robots?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 09:24pm
by Majin Gojira
Kamikage wrote:I already know about the vid, but all I'm saying is that I think that the Jack and Harry (THE MAIN CHARACTERS OF THE FIC) should get some manner of boost in order to better oppose the forces they already are (I know Jack's the new pilot of the RaXephone but he can;t always pilot the thing)
He can also merge with the damn thing.

Then we can kiss all our asses goodbye.
and with Nanoha and co. in the mix everone's going to be a bit more focused on them than the Pizza Lord.
Don't worry, Harry's going to hold his own and get his spotlight very soon.

He may just burn down another building.

Also, with Negima in the mix, he can form a pactio with one or more people.

Or he may be yanked for a Pactio by unscrupulous future entrants. Ya never know.

Better than kissing a 10 year old.
And no offense but you've got a Supermanesque guy in power armor that enables him to go toe to toe with a bunch of powerful people (check the chapter he was introduced in; he took down Nanoha in ONE BLOW),
Pre-upgrade Nanoha.
all I'm saying is that we should definately get some more BFSes (and their users) besides Fate (otherwise this is going to turn into a Nanoha fic starring someone else).
Well, they won't get a BFS.

I'd say what they'd get, but that ties into to much future spoilage. Let's just say, it will be for the climax, it will be awesome.

It will be B and F.

And it will be all Haruhi's fault.
And before I forget this; does anyone know how much money we have at this point (for upgrades)?
Just wait for the character select screen and see ;)
P.S. When are we going to see the Knightmare Frames being destroyed via Tetsujin-28?
Not in this story. Maybe if it manages to get to a sequel...
P.P.S. where are all of the Real Robots?
They're coming, though there is only one type or real robot: Labors.

Well, there are others, but they're...pulpier.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover) (Updated)

Posted: 2010-03-08 10:38pm
by Kamikage
(Last one til next week I swear) I have this image of him (accidentally, mind you) setting ALL OF JAPAN ON FIRE!!!!!!!! (You can see it from space)