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Posted: 2002-08-07 01:52am
by StarshipTitanic
Where did the Zerg come from?!?

Posted: 2002-08-07 02:48am
by Cpt_Frank
The Zerg, to the best of my knowledge, are still in the SC universe together with the UED fleet. They will come sooner or later.

Posted: 2002-08-07 12:38pm
by Vapthorne
I am intrigred by this concept, it seems interesting. I could develop a character if you need one more. Any ideas?

Posted: 2002-08-07 01:14pm
by starcraft
well i have a character

i like to join you guys i could give you tech ideas here is an exammple.

species comander he is the comander of the species 8472 fleet
species comander these imperials are a threat they must be iradicated

and here is another arqua
a zerg cerebrate he is a brilliant tactician his allies the species
terms species fighs the ships and the zerg will take care of the ground forces
improvements species gave dna to zerg now they can build things like overlords with the bioship weaponery or hydralisk with shapeshifting ability.

while the protos and jim raynor allies with the rebels and they were able to create some hybrid tech like x-wings with cloak or even this a star destroyer armored with the recal ability and scouts armed with turbo lasers

Or how about this zeratul teaches luke how to do psionic storm

Posted: 2002-08-07 01:36pm
by Cpt_Frank
err... could you perhaps specify your ideas a little bit more precise, your description is somewhat sketchy, oh, and could you perhaps add proper punctuation and such to your posts? It'd make them much easier to read.

Posted: 2002-08-07 03:17pm
by SirNitram
Hrm... If there's room, I suppose I could bring a fleet in from Homeworld. What sort of limits on technology, etc are in place, before I flesh this guy out?

Posted: 2002-08-07 03:35pm
by Cpt_Frank
There are no limits I guess. But we need a fair fight.

Posted: 2002-08-07 03:39pm
by Captain Cyran
Am I allowed to introduce a character from a story of mine that has never been a book or movie, or game, etc.?

Posted: 2002-08-07 05:54pm
by StarshipTitanic
Cpt_Frank wrote:The Zerg, to the best of my knowledge, are still in the SC universe together with the UED fleet. They will come sooner or later.
Major Hazzard is on an Earth Force ship, however...

Posted: 2002-08-07 10:15pm
by Jack Lain
Any and all ideas are welcome. Homeworld is fine, so are non-human ST characters. Just flesh the main out a little so others can write about him/her/it.

-Jack "let there be light" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-07 11:21pm
by Skelron
hmm I'm interested, now then what too add I'm torn my first choice is an Imperium of Man Inquistor of the Xenos Branch. (They hunt down Alien influance in the Imperium primary although as an Inquistor his duties can bring him against any foe of the God-Emporer of mankind. it's more like a sphere of specialised interest than a 'You only deal with your branch' type of thing.

On the other hand perhaps an Alien species would be good, the Eldar. Then though I reach a few problems should said Eldar for example be an 'outcast' or even a Pirate, fun and the easiest to bring in yes... but the problem is that a person who has left even temporary the Eldar Paths becomes one very hard to write for. (Since they can then literally turn their minds to anything they wish, and feel/think things we can't comprehend, the path system keeps this controlled once you are removed from it, he could decide to save someone one minute and shoot them the next. Well it's not that bad, but nah I think someone still on the paths.)

Hmm What then, a farseer be the mysterious guy who shows up from time to time and tells people, you may find it useful to go there... yes, the guy in the shadows... I like it, Okay heres a rough Work in progress of the char I propose.

Name:- Milt-hith de'varnd of the Craftworld Asherok
Race:- Craftworld Eldar.
Path currently on:- Path of the Seer, Aka The Witch Path
Level of Attainment:- It has become impossible for him to leave the path of seer, he is a farseer, and therefore the idea of a level of attainment is a mute one, he is the teacher, he has moved beyond mere masterly of the path.
Previous Paths:- Artisan:- Poet subclass Love Poems. Warrior:- Aspect Striking Scorpion. Outcast:- Pirate.
Age 350 years old.

His first path was that of the Poet, and several of his works are still read among many who take their first steps on the path, later he travelled other paths, and forgot that of poetry, it was after his 50 years as a Pirate, and his return to the Craft World that he first considered that of the seer, he thought it was his duty, after shrugging of his people for so long to return something to his home, he'd been a warrior, and the thought of getting trapped in the path seemed impossible to consider, he'd faced that test when he'd been a Fire dragon. Filled with confidence he entered the path of the seer, and became hooked on the probing of future to guide his people, of the expansion of his mind, in a way he should have expected it. Now he has seen turning points in time and space, ones that while far from his people, will if not guided correctly now, spell great turmoil and suffering for the Eldar race in the distant future. Only by acting now can they prevent this, but it must be done with great care, and it may mean time spent away from the craftworld. Speaking to the farseer's of his home, and to the great Eldred Ulthuran himself, a solution was decided upon, one of their number was to leave for a little used and almost forgotten web Way exit, there that Seer could arrange transport to the troubled regions.

Milt-Hith was chosen, his previous paths gave him unique qualites not possessed by many of his brethren, he could draw upon, a part of his Combat experiance, in much the same way as a Guardian, he also knew how to survive away from the Craftworld's from his the Eldar, how to deal with Mon-Keigh... finnally through it was he that had first seen the coming turmoil, and it was he who had the greatest chance to bring it to the the needed conclusion, once he knew what that was...

Note fpor others who don't know about Eldar, think Kosh's way of thinking. add to this a 'healthy' way of putting the species first. example time. To save 10,000 Eldar or so, they arranged events so that an Ork who would have came to power didn't instead a different one did... this one they knew would lead a campaign that would kill billion's of Human's they considered this a fair exchange. (but they are not 'Evil' just a little selfish)

Posted: 2002-08-07 11:28pm
by Captain Cyran
*Pause* So this means I can make a character that has nothing to do with any movie, book, or game (to the best of my knowledge) right?

Posted: 2002-08-08 12:07am
by Jack Lain
Not sure if I understand you correctly.

Your character must be grounded in the "genre" that you pick. But as you can see, we are heading for a free for all and that is good. As soon as we get the last (I count three??? anyone concur?) characters, we can begin in ernest.

Meaning, if you make a name and character up, fine. So long as the character you make up is a part of the universe you decide to bring in.
I will add though, - NO Q or GOD LIKES - that would ruin our story and be a waste of time.

We are now looking at a cross multiverse anomaly that connects multiple univereses. Way cool. So long as everyone respects everyone else and sticks to stories only - meaning no non-story posts, this puppy will rox and we'll end up with a killer fan fic. And as I said before, we are counting on MODS to rep the continuity and deal with BS posts. Nothing worse than a story writer who is too in-love with his own characters to not let them die.

-Jack "not the owner" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-08 12:12am
by Captain Cyran
I mean if the universe I bring him from does not exist except for in my mind, and in the story I am writing.

Posted: 2002-08-08 12:43am
by StarshipTitanic
Jack Lain, why should we let our characters die? Who are we going to write for after that?

For instance, my warlock should NOT be suddenly blown away by a massive salvo from one of the Imperial ships, even though this is possible.

Posted: 2002-08-08 12:56am
by Jack Lain
Ah I understand. But think of it this way.

Suppose after the 8th post you suddenly realize that you really like Anzasha. And for whatever reason this dark Jedi just killed your character? You cannot rewrite the story. So you pursue this character like and help Anzasha out with your next post. --this is what I mean. As we create the original 8 primary characters, we cannot as writers disallow them to die. Otherwise we are going to see "dream sequences" "Time disparities" "Other Bullshit" to allow them to live.

-If a writer, writes a good scene in which your creation dies, deal with it. Write another scene or create a new character to take their place. Dream sequences and bull shit time line crap is weak. This is what I am hoping the mods will identify and fix. Don't keep your creation alive when a writer describes a fully plausible death. Let him/her go and think of something else or back another of the 8.

-Remember - we allow clones and we allow computer simulations - android replicas :). We do not however allow gods.

-Jack "make sense? or no?" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-08 02:13am
by StarshipTitanic
And what happens if an Imperial ship decides to blow the Mars apart with a light turbolaser?

Posted: 2002-08-08 04:34am
by Cpt_Frank
Then it should do it later in the story, where the dramatic end of the Mars is fitting.

Posted: 2002-08-08 08:20pm
by StarshipTitanic
That's it, the Mars is getting Vorlon tech. :D

Posted: 2002-08-08 11:46pm
by Jack Lain
Captain_Cyran - I think so long as you can provide enough background information that others can accurately write about your created character, it shouldn't be a problem is you use a totally fictional universe. Just be cautious that if people add to your universe, you may not like the addition. :)

I think we have the following
1. Admiral Sadir - Imperial
2. Captain Anarik - Imperial
3. Acting Admiral Travis W. Ryan, member of the UED military
4. Major Mark Hazzard Eartf Force Marine Corps in charge of the marine troops on the EAS Mars
5. species comander he is the comander of the species 8472 fleet - kinda really need a name for this guy - so when you get a chance, please post it. :)
6. Milt-hith de'varnd of the Craftworld Asherok

Ok, two characters left. Anyone want to take up the challenge of creating a feddie? Or rebel? Or something? heheh.

Lates ppl, really look forward to doing this once we get the last two (possibly three if we don't get a species 8472 name) and starting it up.

-Jack "off the pipe" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-08 11:48pm
by Jack Lain
The word is IF, not is. Meaning, problem is you, should read - problem if you... gah!!!

/note to self, proof read idiot!
/self - dahhhh ok.

-Jack "back on the pipe somehow" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-09 01:04am
by StarshipTitanic
Captian Constantine Leonov of the EAS Mars! You forgot already?!?! ;)

Posted: 2002-08-10 12:30am
by Captain Cyran
Captain Cyran (I created the name for the story before this name)

Name: Cyran (pick a last name I don't mind)
Race: Ulatine
Position: Captain of the warship Visar within the 42nd Imperium
Age: 34
Features: 5'9", Medium build, blue skin, green eyes (like a Chiss only green), pointed ears

History: Born on his home planet, etc. etc., (make up his young years as you like) when he was 17 he went to the training planet of Garil for 10 years where he graduated among the top 10 of his class. Cyran is considered among the top 20 commanders in the galaxy. After graduating he became the Captain on a small ship in the home defense fleet of Visar during the final years of the 41st Imperium. His ship was destroyed during the infighting between the rebels who became the 42nd Imperium and the 41st Imperium. When the dust settled and the 42nd Imperium won he was given the ship Visar. For 4 years he has been the commander of this ship.

Ship: The Visar
Length: 1050 meters
Width:456 meters
Height:200 meters
F.T.L.: 35 (Alittle slower then an Imperius Star Destroyer)
Armaments: 60 Double Blaze Cannons
5 Quad Blaze Cannons
35 Anti-Fighter Cannons
50 Missile Launchers
10 Tractor Beams
Crew: 5,000
Squadrons: 3 (2 Interceptor, 1 Bomber)
Shields: (Double that of an ISD II)
Armor: 5 meters thick

The Bridge is in the middle of the ship and sensors and holographs are used to see a full 360 degrees around the ship. The Engines are covered by a layer of armor, leaving only small holes in the back making them hard targets. Maneuverability, speed in both sub-light and F.T.L. is bad.

Personality: Very laid-back for a commander. Does not back down from fights but does not lose his cool during one. Often looks for fights as during battle he achieves a sort high from the fight. He takes pride in knowing the names of everyone of his crewmen and takes it as a great loss when one dies.

Posted: 2002-08-10 12:31am
by Jack Lain
Ah, shit. Captian Constantine Leonov of the EAS Mars. heheh - yeah, I forgot. lol.

Ok, we have one spot left - unless we don't hear the 8472 name.
Then we'll have two.

Come on. You have nothing to lose by making up a character and a history for them! Shit, this is a fan fic. Its supposed to be campy, silly and a good time as we write the deaths of our enemies and our enemies explain why the second in charge still kicks our ass!!!
I know there is at least one person who reads this board who really wants to put up a character and a history! Come on bro/sis. This isn't part of the domination of SW over ST. :) Its a good time.
Its going to be a group of people writing a story about a possible cross over war of a bunch of different universes. Should be fun and a good time.

-Jack "I miss my pipe" Lain.

Posted: 2002-08-10 12:31am
by Captain Cyran
Is that enough info or do you want more?