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Posted: 2007-03-20 09:55pm
by Sean Mulligan
Sean Mulligan wrote:This is a great fic, it is a Harry Potter the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy crossover. Something Grim This Way Comes.

Misunderstood an au with a very different Vader

A carrie/Star Wars Crossover The Dark Sides Beloved

A Eragon fic where Galbatorix is the hero. From White to Black

A saga that redeems Slytherin Slytherin Rising

Vader survives Endor and is transported onto the Starship Voyager

Buffy is ressurected centuries after dying in The Gift.

Grey Maiden series by Chris Widger

About what school was like for Dumbledore and Voldemorts Grandson Au with HBP. Two Worlds and in Between

One of the greatest Daria fics ever.

A dark Hermione fic The Girl Nobody Knows
Here is my ffn account where my favorite stories and authors are listed. Their are many good fics here.

Posted: 2007-03-20 10:26pm
by Skelron
So okay I should have done this a long time ago... One of my favourite Buffy Fanfic writers, Lizbeth Marcs. She writes Xander Centered Fic often, but not in the Xander gains a super power and kicks the Scooby gangs ass style. She writes Xander pure and simple. With but two exceptions, the first being a response to the Super-Powered non human Xander and happy with it fics and the other as a Dark Xander fic, where he is seriously screwed up.

In any case her whisperverse is fantastic. It's vaguely shippy, in a 'Getting two chars to the point where they could be a couple way' but she's several tales in and they are still not a actual couple. Anyway enough from me her link and her Journal link follow... Start at Whisper and you won't be unhappy.

Fanfic link
and her Live Journal page (Memories section for finding her stories)
Live Journal

'Cuckoo in the nest' also deserves a mention, it's a Tony Harris 'Fanfic', and is quite disturbing. One of the author's arguments is that Xander was not a Phyiscally abused child, (A common view amongest Xander writers.) but rather an emotionally abused Child. That is Tony never hit him, even Sunnydale social services might notice that after a few years, but rather he belittled his son, kept him feeling useless and unimportent etc. Cuckoo in the Nest explores this.

After that I also recommend WTF_is_Shame another Xander fic writer, in this one the basic premise is Buffy was not brought back from the dead and something happens to Willow and Giles. To save them Xander makes a deal with a demon and the fall out is painful. Again Xander has no powers in this story he's just Xander doing what he does and getting into a situation beyond his control because he has to save his friends, and he'll pay the price for that... WTF is Shame Note this one is a WIP but is updated at least once a month.

I think that will do for now.

Posted: 2007-03-21 12:52am
by Cyborg Stan
Hmm... seems to be a bit old here. As long as it's up though, I may as well post the link to the slightly-less dead twin of this thread, in the chance there might be someone viewing this thread but not the other.

Good fanfics from other places

Posted: 2007-03-21 06:59am
by Catman
Sean Mulligan wrote:This is a great fic, it is a Harry Potter the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy crossover. Something Grim This Way Comes.

Misunderstood an au with a very different Vader

A carrie/Star Wars Crossover The Dark Sides Beloved

A Eragon fic where Galbatorix is the hero. From White to Black

A saga that redeems Slytherin Slytherin Rising

Vader survives Endor and is transported onto the Starship Voyager

Buffy is ressurected centuries after dying in The Gift.

Grey Maiden series by Chris Widger

About what school was like for Dumbledore and Voldemorts Grandson Au with HBP. Two Worlds and in Between

One of the greatest Daria fics ever.

A dark Hermione fic The Girl Nobody Knows
The Vader/Voyager one is quite good.

Posted: 2007-03-21 07:35am
by Majin Gojira
I gotta put my voice against most of Tenhawks work, especialyl Journeys. The Sue-ness (Elan is rather blatant, but the true avatar of author fiat is Xander) and the repeated, subtle mysoginy (a common factor in most Xander-empowerment fics) and even the odd use of Netspeak are easy to spot once you start looking. Hell, he doesn't even understand the concept of psychological torture, canon-raping Angelus in his first story. Having Xander belittle Angelus' efforts as ineffective completely misses the point of what Angelus was doing or his motivation!

Don't even ger me started on his worldmelding issues. He suplements Buffy canon and concepts for Charmed canon. Fucking Charmed! Judeo-Christian mythology replacing Buffy's Lovecraftian ties and the total loss of the symbolism of everything involved just pisses me off.

On positive notes:

April 10, 1997 - A unique idea crossing Daria and Buffy. Faith sees the psychologist in prison, revealing she is a recently constructed personality of Daria Morgandorffer. Whatever caused this to happen occured on the titular date. Handled extremely well. A sequel is in the works and so far is pretty damn good, but won't get the full nod from me until it is completed.

Posted: 2007-03-21 12:11pm
by Xon
Majin Gojira wrote:I gotta put my voice against most of Tenhawks work, especialyl Journeys.
Most of his fanfiction is vastly overrated.

Any moron who thinks Startrek can somehow be a fucking viable future for Stargate or BtVS without any major tampering to either shows in-universe history or even any explanation has a serious lack of logical thinking. Thats what made me give up on 'Journeys', it was never that great but that was the last straw for me.

He chucked a large hissy fit over people questioning the Startrek future for Journey-verse when after considerable amount of story with a mutally exclusive history to Startrek suddenly having "Startrek is the one true future" slapped in by author fiat.

Posted: 2007-03-21 12:38pm
by phongn
Xon wrote:He chucked a large hissy fit over people questioning the Startrek future for Journey-verse when after considerable amount of story with a mutally exclusive history to Startrek suddenly having "Startrek is the one true future" slapped in by author fiat.
How on Earth does someone make Star Trek the future of Stargate?

Posted: 2007-03-21 12:57pm
by Xon
phongn wrote:How on Earth does someone make Star Trek the future of Stargate?
I have no fucking clue, especially when he just comes out and states it with no reasoning why.

While there is a fic on which is a Startrek/Starwars/Stargate crossover, the author exlpains very quickly what happened any why, and blends aspects on Stargate & Startrek history together with a bit of hand waving. That is an altogether a different prospect to what Tenhawk did.

Posted: 2007-03-21 12:57pm
by Majin Gojira
The only way to take Trek as a viable future for BtVS is

1st - Take some of the Eugenics Wars Novels as a link (there is an eventual Dr. Maggie Walsh in there)

2nd - Interperate everything things loosely, vastly altering Trek's canon to fit (as the future is mutable).

3rd - Intepret the Trek Series as a glorification and white-washing of an dark future (IE: The Alliance's perspective in Firefly).

That's a lot to buy into, though. You really only get One Big Buy.

Posted: 2007-03-21 07:28pm
by Catman
Xon wrote:
Majin Gojira wrote:I gotta put my voice against most of Tenhawks work, especialyl Journeys.
Most of his fanfiction is vastly overrated.

Any moron who thinks Startrek can somehow be a fucking viable future for Stargate or BtVS without any major tampering to either shows in-universe history or even any explanation has a serious lack of logical thinking. Thats what made me give up on 'Journeys', it was never that great but that was the last straw for me.

He chucked a large hissy fit over people questioning the Startrek future for Journey-verse when after considerable amount of story with a mutally exclusive history to Startrek suddenly having "Startrek is the one true future" slapped in by author fiat.
Stargate is a better prequel than Enterprise, at least.

Posted: 2007-03-22 03:21am
by Alan Bolte
I am greatly enjoying Misunderstood, and its sequel. You may have missed that he's rewriting it though, he's most of the way done.

Posted: 2007-03-22 04:14am
by Dominus
Halo 3: Collapse is one of the better Halo fanfics I've encountered thus far. While the writing is a little shaky in the beginning, and the author's grasp of (space) naval tactics is somewhat lackluster, it is overall a very good fanfic, especially if you enjoy politics. The attention to detail regarding the background of the universe is particularly impressive. The later chapters focus extensively on the Elites and their pseudo-samurai culture, and are of interest if you enjoy reading about the Sangheili (guilty as charged). His Elite characters are fascinating, in spite of the fact that they're xenos scum. :wink:

Keep in mind that the author started writing it quite a while before the graphic novel and Ghosts of Onyx were released, so it doesn't exactly mesh well with the latest editions to Halo canon.

EDIT: "Collapse," dummkopf, not "conquest"...

Posted: 2007-03-22 07:27pm
by Satori
Majin Gojira wrote: Runaway Trains at 3 a.m. -- a Smallville/Buffy crossover that doesn't suck. Dawn and Clark have both runaway and meet each other at a trainstation. The banter between these two characters is well done.
That is one of the very few fanfics i've seen where the characters are completely BELIEVABLE. I could actually SEE Clark and Dawn doing that.

On Journeyverse:

I enjoy Tenhawk's work. Sure he's overated (But if you want VASTLY overated, you'll have to look at Wanderverse or EVA-R).
Yes, I think he's an idiot for ignoring the incompatability of ST:voyager and Stargate too. But that doesn't keep me from enjoying the Fics. Continuity error s are a given on something that long anyway.

My Recomendations are:

The Case of Lorenz Kihl
Best Damn Evangelion Fanfic I've seen.

Pokemon Masters by Ace Sanchez. The version is incomplete so link is to Acey's site. This fic is so acclaimed it spawned it's own genre.

A Was a Teenage Dummyplug How to write a SI fic that is actually enjoyable to read. Not the best writing, but the concept makes it worth mentioning.

Elsewhere and Elsewhen ST/WH40K crossover. Has the Galatic Incompatability problem, but brilliant writing makes up for it, IMHO.

Unreal Hotwire's account doesn't even list a fraction of his works, so I thought I should point this little gem out. It's a brilliant concept, and well written. It's #2 on my list of Best Evangelion Fanfics.

Dead Man's Logic
Not an fanfic, but too damn good not to mention. FF6 fanfic centered on Kefka, our favorite Pyromaniac.

Posted: 2007-03-22 11:29pm
by Dominus
Satori wrote:(But if you want VASTLY overated, you'll have to look at Wanderverse or EVA-R).
My biggest qualm with EVA-R was the way they handled the "Sixth Children" and the fact that he became an essentially useless character by the halfway point. That isn't to say that I wanted him to end up a Mary Sue (or Gary Stu, if you will) by any means, but the way in which he just disappeared from the story was, well... underwhelming. And, of course, I saw most of the major plot developments coming a mile way.
The Case of Lorenz Kihl
Best Damn Evangelion Fanfic I've seen.
I like that one as well, for obvious reasons. :D
Elsewhere and Elsewhen ST/WH40K crossover. Has the Galatic Incompatability problem, but brilliant writing makes up for it, IMHO.
Has been mentioned before, by Shinova in this very thread, I believe.

EDIT (again): Gah, Nagisa was the Fifth, which makes the OC in EVA-R the sixth.

Posted: 2007-03-23 10:32am
by Majin Gojira
Satori wrote:On Journeyverse:

I enjoy Tenhawk's work. Sure he's overated (But if you want VASTLY overated, you'll have to look at Wanderverse or EVA-R).
Wanderer is levels of crap that made possible.
Yes, I think he's an idiot for ignoring the incompatability of ST:voyager and Stargate too. But that doesn't keep me from enjoying the Fics. Continuity error s are a given on something that long anyway.
So, it's the Eragon defence?

Sorry, but when a writer forgets the core symbolism and mythology of a series he's working with, and even forgets to acknowledge it, he's got major problems.

I got him once to essentially say "Buffy is not horror because it doesn't scare me."

Posted: 2007-03-23 12:19pm
by Satori
Dominus wrote:
Satori wrote:(But if you want VASTLY overated, you'll have to look at Wanderverse or EVA-R).
My biggest qualm with EVA-R was the way they handled the "Sixth Children" and the fact that he became an essentially useless character by the halfway point. That isn't to say that I wanted him to end up a Mary Sue (or Gary Stu, if you will) by any means, but the way in which he just disappeared from the story was, well... underwhelming. And, of course, I saw most of the major plot developments coming a mile way.
My biggest problem was that the characters were so flat you could slide them under a ^*&%ing door. AOI was a non-entity with no personality, and the same goes for pretty much every other character. The only people in EVA-R that acted like they had personality were Kensuke and BlindChineseGirl.

That and the fact that for a Dialogue centered work, having 20% of your dialogue being ELLIPSES is just plain MORONIC.
Majin Gojira wrote:
Satori wrote:On Journeyverse:

I enjoy Tenhawk's work. Sure he's overated (But if you want VASTLY overated, you'll have to look at Wanderverse or EVA-R).
Wanderer is levels of crap that made possible.
I really hope that Steve has english as a second language, because otherwise his abuse of tense is a geneva convention violation.
Yes, I think he's an idiot for ignoring the incompatability of ST:voyager and Stargate too. But that doesn't keep me from enjoying the Fics. Continuity error s are a given on something that long anyway.
So, it's the Eragon defence?

Sorry, but when a writer forgets the core symbolism and mythology of a series he's working with, and even forgets to acknowledge it, he's got major problems.

I got him once to essentially say "Buffy is not horror because it doesn't scare me."

No, it's more the "Stargate has no gorram continuity in the first place" defense. I mean seriously... With all the Alternate Universe and time travel felgercarb... Just assume that somewhere between 2010 and 2200 Soem experiment Carter does completely WTFPWNS the timeline. It's not like that would be out of line for Stargate.....

Posted: 2007-03-23 01:36pm
by Majin Gojira
Satori wrote:No, it's more the "Stargate has no gorram continuity in the first place" defense. I mean seriously... With all the Alternate Universe and time travel felgercarb... Just assume that somewhere between 2010 and 2200 Soem experiment Carter does completely WTFPWNS the timeline. It's not like that would be out of line for Stargate.....
I can forgive one timeline mistake, but not when the core themes and symbolism have been so thuroughly raped.

Plus the misogyny. Keep an eye on the female characters, in the first few chapters of story one we have the charmed ones standing gawk-eyed for the entire duration of a "look how badass Xander is" fight. It then happens again, and again and again. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. I once started a MSTK of that first fic. Me and the co-author of the snark decided to just plant a Genesis Device and return to Canon once Elan the Sue appeared.

I mean, really. Am I the only one who sees something both demeaning and sexual about Xander having a hot chick trapped in his super-powered staff that has the ability to expand--er--grow?

Posted: 2007-03-25 02:52am
by Satori
Majin Gojira wrote: Plus the misogyny. Keep an eye on the female characters, in the first few chapters of story one we have the charmed ones standing gawk-eyed for the entire duration of a "look how badass Xander is" fight. It then happens again, and again and again.
I think you need to look up Misogyny in the dictionary. Xandersue annoys me too, but Xander being "badass" and females watching does not misogyny make.
And that's just the tip of the iceburg. I once started a MSTK of that first fic. Me and the co-author of the snark decided to just plant a Genesis Device and return to Canon once Elan the Sue appeared.
Snerk. Elan is indeed a sue. But then so are Xander and Jarod and Dragan and Jacks and eventually Giles as well.
I mean, really. Am I the only one who sees something both demeaning and sexual about Xander having a hot chick trapped in his super-powered staff that has the ability to expand--er--grow?
I think you're reading subtexts where none exist. The Rune weapon idea is wanky but kinda neat in it's own way... and let's face it, a Female Rune spirit is just cooler, "sexy"-er, and more "badass" seeming than a male one. And the Telescoping weapons is old hat as far os "ooh doesn't this weapon look cool" goes.. i mean, you can make the same phalic comment about a lightsaber, too...

Frankly, you're reading things into the story that just aren't there. There's no Misogyny, just typical male wetdream materiel, which is about par for a fanfic.

Sure, despise Journey's for its excessive Mary-sue spam and it's marginalization of non-Xander characters, but don't analyze it lijke lit class materiel... That makes you look pathetic, rather than the fic.

Posted: 2007-03-25 06:24am
by ray245
can't believe you guys actually miss this fic...

The author show a rather good idea of how military works, how to create a believable culture, and how to conduct a proper first contact.

Posted: 2007-03-25 01:41pm
by phongn
Yeah, but it also infodumps in the opening chapter.

Posted: 2007-03-25 08:37pm
by Majin Gojira
Satori wrote:I think you need to look up Misogyny in the dictionary. Xandersue annoys me too, but Xander being "badass" and females watching does not misogyny make.
Yes it does. He robs them of there intelligence and even will to act, litterally gawking like aw-struck DBZ characters at how awesome or insane Xander is. Making a male stronger and in the process weakening a female is almost textbook mysoginy.

Literally, the first story has it in spades. Re-read the scene with the charmed ones and watch as they patiantly do nothing to allow Xander to be badass.

It's not that he gets to act and they do not. it's that the girls literally are forbidden to act due to brain-drainage.

Xander then beats himself up over obviously stupid shit in a extraordinarily vain attempt to gain sympathy from the reader.

Tenhawk also belittls several female charactes, such as Willow and usurping the roles originally ascribed to female characters.

It suddenly becomes Xander's "Duty" to do so, even though he has a "Choice" to do so and makes, it, literally making him better than those who do not have that choice. This idea is beat into the reader again, and again, and it belittles those who don't have that choice to no end. He raises Xander's status by tearing down Slayers and the Charmed Ones.

What really clinched it for me was the treatment of Grace "Pei Pei" Chen of Marshal Lawl. Let me describe it in it's simplest forms:
Grace: I've been trained in the martial arts for many years.
Demon: Grr
Grace: What are these things?!
Crow (of "John Carpenters "Vampires"): ::Apear!:: Here's how it's done, Woman.
Grace: :Draw's gun: Who are you and what's going on. I am scared and confused! Oh the Cliche!
Crow: I fight demons, lol, therefore, I must know more about martial arts than you, and be overall better at everything physical than you. DISARM!
Grace: I be pwned.
Fuck me with a spoon.
I think you're reading subtexts where none exist.
I'd label it unintentional subtext, as Tenhawk simply isn't good enough to have legitimate, intentional subtext in his writing.
The Rune weapon idea is wanky but kinda neat in it's own way...
Giving a character a fill-in-the-need mcguffin is always a terrible idea. A specific McGuffin is fine, but not a end-all-be-all.
and let's face it, a Female Rune spirit is just cooler, "sexy"-er, and more "badass" seeming than a male one.
Bleach's Zangetsu begs to differ. For all Bleach's quasi-DBZ problems, it manages to disprove that assertion.
And the Telescoping weapons is old hat as far os "ooh doesn't this weapon look cool" goes..
And it's almost always regarded as (unintentionally) phalic.
I mean, you can make the same phalic comment about a lightsaber, too...
I do. Swords are always penis-related. All media entertainment boils down to Sex and Death. The sooner one realizes that, the better.
Frankly, you're reading things into the story that just aren't there.
There's no Misogyny, just typical male wetdream materiel, which is about par for a fanfic.
Dude, most male wetdreams are mysoginistic in that women are oftne objectified. Need I recall the love spell foursome Xander got? Or the fact that a below-average, by-the-numbers porno fic was written to acompany it (girls eating eachother out as the only position explored is just fucking dumb).
Sure, despise Journey's for its excessive Mary-sue spam and it's marginalization of non-Xander characters, but don't analyze it lijke lit class materiel... That makes you look pathetic, rather than the fic.
I love being a screenwriting major, because I've actually had the joy of taking classes to authoritarianly tell you how full of shit you are.

Intended or not, there is always subtext to be analyzed. It speaks of the time a story was written, the thoughts of the author. The question is whether or not the claim can be supported. That's where the debate comes from. Some claims (like homophobia in Season 6-7 of Buffy) are obviously bullshit, and can be disproven with the text. Other things (like Buffy being a Horror series) can be supported on multiple levels.

Posted: 2007-03-26 02:24am
by Satori
You are free to explicate fanfics as you wish. I still say say that you are both seeing things that aren't there and being rather pathetic. Let's face it, you don't get much more pathetic that doing Fanfic Exegesis/Eisengesis.

Getting back on topic, does this following fic pass the "SGC not acting like morons" test?

Are You Ready?
Someone near and dear to SG-1 is called as a slayer.... Set post BtVS Season 7

Posted: 2007-03-26 09:13am
by Majin Gojira
Satori wrote:You are free to explicate fanfics as you wish. I still say say that you are both seeing things that aren't there and being rather pathetic. Let's face it, you don't get much more pathetic that doing Fanfic Exegesis/Eisengesis.
Way to duck out. Mearly restate your posistion without backing it up?

I mean, I go through all the trouble of writing that up and this is the thanks I get! And I think I addressed your OTHER points well enough to get a response to.

I'm so underappreciated! :P

To add to the actual content of this thread:

This Just In! - Star Wars Episode 3. A Coruscant tabloid journalist is hot on the trail of the biggest story of her career: Who is the father of Senator Amidala's baby?

Posted: 2007-03-26 11:30am
by Vehrec
MercineriesFinal Fantasy 7/8 crossover. Cloud is blackmailed into a special mission by Galbardian forces. His objective? Kill Rinoa Heartilly. His reward? Tifa Lockheart's life.

Slayer of Nightmares Inuyasha/Buffy crossover. "The modern world's Inuyasha has run into serious trouble with Buffy, and it's up to Kagome, now a Slayer, to save him. InuKag, mildly Spuffy." It just feels right damnit. There is a sequel in progress.

Just another TuesdayXXXholic/Discworld crossover. Deals with Death, Horses, Death's Granddaughter, Luggage and Wizzards.

Posted: 2007-03-26 11:44am
by Satori
Majin Gojira wrote:
Satori wrote:You are free to explicate fanfics as you wish. I still say say that you are both seeing things that aren't there and being rather pathetic. Let's face it, you don't get much more pathetic that doing Fanfic Exegesis/Eisengesis.
Way to duck out. Mearly restate your posistion without backing it up?

I mean, I go through all the trouble of writing that up and this is the thanks I get! And I think I addressed your OTHER points well enough to get a response to.

I'm so underappreciated! :P
Given that Neither of us is Tenhawk or is privy to what;s in his head, what kind of "back-up" am is supposed to find?

My position is that it is fallacious to try and pull meanings out of a text where none have been hidden in the first place, so literary citatioon is rather out, isn't it?