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Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-23 04:01pm
by Majin Gojira
Only a silent trailer for it, sadly.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-23 08:23pm
There's a review on YouTube here.

For some reason, I remember just about the entire plotline of it by heart. No names, no real dialogue, but I recall just about every important event clearly. Which is odd, because it was just okay IIRC, and ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-26 10:38pm
by Majin Gojira
Normally, I try and update every 7 days or so, but right now this chapter is going to take longer (because it is longer).

As of this moment I have 3500 or so words, 2500 of which is raw exposition. The rest is Jack being confounded by young girls.

And the Mission hasn't even started yet. There's still at least 2 to 4 scenes to go through before the mission starts!

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-27 10:22am
by al103
I want to suggest "Figure 17" as another crossover. Good low level enemies for first missions and ending that definitely require some "remaking".

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-27 01:28pm
Majin Gojira wrote:Normally, I try and update every 7 days or so, but right now this chapter is going to take longer (because it is longer).

As of this moment I have 3500 or so words, 2500 of which is raw exposition. The rest is Jack being confounded by young girls.

And the Mission hasn't even started yet. There's still at least 2 to 4 scenes to go through before the mission starts!
Well, I did suggest you do more of that, so I can't complain.

And if the chapter is good, I certainly won't. :D

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-27 01:37pm
al103 wrote:Oh please NOOOOOOOOOOOO! :banghead: Pactio is actually good... as long it's not with Negi! There is so many other mages... Or make it Negi one received pactio not Nanoha. Hmm... Just had a thought... pactio can't be used 2 sides... but there IS cheat. And perfect one. Fate -> Yuuno -> Nanoha -> Fate - ULTIMATE COMBO! About comboattacks btw - Yuuno holds, Nanoha shots from distance and Fate slashes near... :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv: :luv:
Actually, I can see them trying out the Pactio (not sure who with who), simply so the TSAB can have it documented.

On the bright side, this is a prime excuse to get Yuuno involved more. Assuming that the TSAB is unaware of Magicus Mundus and the mages already on Earth (I always assume this because I think it makes the story more interesting), Yuuno would definitely want to check it out. Cue him and Daniel with their noses buried in magic books for days on end.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-28 09:54am
by Setesh
SAMAS wrote:Another thought:

If the project to convert the Gotengo into a spaceship works out, will the Japanese try to build more based on the design?

And on a related note: Have you ever seen the old (and kinda obscure) anime OAV Super Atragon?
I imagine that would depend on which Gotengo they have.
1999 version Which looks much the same but had better weapons.
Or Neo-Gotengo which already is capable (or so I'm told by the Final Wars fact file) of limited spaceflight. So upgrading it to more long lasting spaceship shouldn't be too hard. Shields, increased power, and hyperdrive. Its already absurdly well armed.

If Neo era there are already at least 2 more slightly less advanced versions used for kaiju patrol, if not finished than the hulls are probably started at least.

Though it would be funny if Captain Gordon was still in command of it.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-28 02:13pm
by Styphon
Oh man... Captain Gordon was the best part of that movie (well... second best, after seeing GINO get blasted), any possible cameo would be epic win! :lol:

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-28 11:52pm
by Majin Gojira
The Doctor was verging on nervous. He had not talked in front of a big crowd of politicians and soldiers for at least two regenerations. But he held ‘Fate of the Planet’ type information, of the type which, loathed to admitting it as he was, he needed help with. He led the train of bad news for the meeting.

It was an odd mix to say the least: there was Dr. Weir, newly elected head of the SGC; UNIT Director and old friend Hyppolita Trevor; Lieutenant Tetsuya Tsurugi of the JSDF; Admiral Lindy Harlaown of the Time Space Administration Bureau (a name almost as pompous as the Time Lords, but the Doctor didn’t press the issue); and Admiral James Bond, current head of MI-13, Britain’s home grown alien and monster countermeasures force; Colonel Chekov, representing Russia’s interest in the Stargate Program. Newly chosen representatives from China and France were also in attendance, but seemed slightly out of their element (apparently, they saw the RahXephon on their way in).

“Right,” the Doctor said, “before we start, we need to get everyone here.”

As the confused looks spread across the room, the Doctor unsheathed his Sonic Screw Driver and pointed it at a seemingly empty portion of wall. The attendants reacted with various degrees of shock as a young girl in a yellow sundress appeared as though one simply changed the channel on reality.

The girl blinked in astonishment. A sentiment she shared with some of the present representatives.

“It’s rude to eavesdrop,” The Doctor smiled slyly as the girl simply stared daggers into the Time Lord.

Colonel Chekov asked the obvious question first: “Who is that?”

The girl inhaled and answered: “I am Ixtli, the soul of the RahXephon.”

“Basically, the AI that governs your recently activated, 20 thousand-year-old God Machine,” The Doctor explained, “But frankly that’s not the worst bit of news you have.”

Heading back to the head of the table, the Doctor pocketed his sonic screwdriver before he spoke again, “There’s a subtly activated dark matter indicator surrounding the planet. It’s subtle enough that most won’t consciously notice it, but it’s going to draw all sorts of trouble to this planet.”

“Is it related to the Dinozaur that attack Hokkaido three days ago?” Tetsuya asked, “Or the re-appearance of Gudon yesterday?”

Three days ago, during the cleanup of debris from the battle over the Antarctic, a space monster slipped by both the Prometheus and Asura and landed in Hokkaido. The JSDF engaged it, but lost almost all their Gun-Crusaders in the battle. So bad were their losses that the reserves for the GUYS Crew had to be called up.

Ragtag bunch of misfits didn’t even begin to cover what was left. Among its new recruits included a soccer star, a professional motorcyclist and a kindergarten teacher. Worse, the only functioning anti-kaiju fighter the JSDF had left, the Gun-Phoenix, was an experimental METEOR prototype.

The only spot of hope in the entire incident was the appearance of an alien ally that had not been seen on earth for 25 years. Ostensibly a good thing, but the appearance of a so-called Ultraman was an omen of dangerous times ahead in itself; when Kaiju sightings numbered would occur almost twice a month on average.

“Both actually,” The Doctor answered, “The dark matter indicator does three things. Firstly, it calls forth hostile alien species from space by announcing the planet’s ill health and vulnerability. Most aren’t even aware they’re being called; they come like moths to a flame. Second, it awakens and even spurs the creation of earthly Kaiju. Thirdly, it weakens dimensional barriers allowing predators from other dimensions to see the weakness being announced. The short version is that a giant target has been painted on earth.”

“Despite our efforts so far,” Admiral Lindy said, “we’ve been unable to dissipate the signal or find its source.”

“And even if we did, the signal’s already reached around the Galaxy, so they’re already on their way,” The Doctor rubbed the back of his neck, “Some of them have natural forms of stealth while traveling in space to boot.”

“So even with the Asura,” Admiral Lindy lowered her head, “some will still break through. The debris left by the Goa’uld fleet certainly makes things even more difficult until we finish cleaning it up.”

“Not counting, of course, the one the planet itself will bring forth every now and then.” The Doctor added, “But I’m not the only bearer of bad news.”

Director Trevor took this as her cue, “Our researchers as UNIT have come up with some frightening answers. But to understand them, a little history is needed.

“In 1943,” Director Trevor began, “a group of Nazi scientists began experimenting with biological weaponry. They were united under a single name: Millennium. Their original goal was to create an army of Super Soldier such as the then famous Captain America. Eventually, they gathered every level of occult and fringe technological asset they could as a last gasp effort to create a weapon to win the war for Germany. This eventually culminated in the never realized Ragnarok Project—seeking to bring an Old One to Earth. Even though their attempt failed, it should give you an idea of what we’re up against.”

She let that sink in for a moment before she continued. Sadly, only she and the Doctor truly understood what being in the presence of an Old One was like. “Before the fall of Berlin, they fled to South America with as much of their research as possible. Among this was the Gladiator Formula. A human who survived the process would be endowed with superhuman capabilities to nearly become a true Human Tank. We thought the formula lost at the end of the Occult Wars in 1954 until a small group of survivors of the Gladiator Process re-appeared in South America in 1985 and attacked Rio de Janeiro. UNIT Special Operations managed to halt the attack of these self proclaimed “Children of the Sun” and they were all thought destroyed. However, 5 years later another generation of Super Soldiers was largely destroyed during the rescue of kidnapped Professor James Utonium. Their primary facility was completely lost in a volcanic eruption and the case seemed closed until 5 days ago when SG-1 encountered the man calling himself Wodan Ymir.”

Hyppolita brought up images of the warrior on the main computer screen which hung on the wall at the end of the room, “Wodan Ymir appears to be a recipient of the Gladiator formula. On most survivors of the Gladiator treatment he has been given incredible strength, durability and speed. His numbers exceed those of the average recipient, why is currently unknown. Based on the combat data Nanoha Takamachi and Raising Heart collected; as well as information taken from the known Children of the Sun, it is estimated that without his armor he is capable of lifting 10 tons with effort. Running at 150 miles an hour and leaping almost a quarter mile. Even the thinnest part of his skin is akin to Class IV armor. Nothing less than a 30mm shot is going to do any damage to him. His muscle and bone density render him extremely durable, which reduces the effectiveness of shots which do penetrate his skin. For a certain single-hit-kill it generally takes at least a 50mm shell to the head or heart. Other Children of the Sun have been revealed to have high degrees of enhanced senses including thermal, ultraviolet and X-Ray vision as well as canine-like hearing. Their bodily durability has so far prevented them from suffering from the dim of combat; but cyan pepper and other ocular irritants remain effective. He appears to be too old to be from the 1990 generation Professor Untonium worked on, so it is unlikely that he has any additional abilities beyond this.”

“Pardon me,” Dr. Weir said, “But it sounds like you’re describing Superman.”

“Who do you think they were trying to copy?” Director Trevor answered bluntly, “Professor Utonium actually had access to fragments of… “Kryptonian” DNA, which made his forced work on the project all the more terrifying.”

“If this was all possible,” The French representative asked, “Why hasn’t UNIT or some other government attempted this?”

“Oh, a few have tried over the years. The Nazi’s were just more successful. Still, the entire idea of creating Super Soldiers on a massive scale is simply not feasible due to the low success rate and cost of creation. Currently, the process for creating a Super Soldier like Wodan would cost about as much as 3 F-302s fighters. The same goes for Powered Armor, which was another thing Wodan had.”

“The armor Wodan wore is quite remarkable: it nearly doubles his effective strength; and adds another 40 miles per hour to his running speed. There were also indications of a flight capability within the armor, but it has not been fully defined. The armor is primarily a Kevlar-like mesh, with plates of a Naquidah-Steel alloy underneath a dispersive shield that surrounds the subject completely. Penetrating that is something we’re still working on.

“The sword Wodan carries appears to be channel magic directly through it for its offensive capabilities. What it can do beyond that is currently unknown.

“As for the organization, Millennium,” Hyppolita switched the images to those of various men, women and monsters surrounded by swastikas, “We have little information. After their defeat in 1954, the managed to remain quiet for 20 years before even an inkling of their survival surfaced. During that time, they replenished their forces through many means: they kidnapped the terminally ill to use as cyborg foot soldiers; dug up corpses to create mass-produced undead foot-soldiers akin to Frankenstein’s creature; turned their remaining elite SS and imported neo-Nazis into vampires or injecting them with the Gladiator Formula. Lacking hard materials, they went with biological development. Thanks to a few rogue creations and the intervention of the BPRD as well as others, many of their plans were stymied and the group thought disbanded. Our last reports on their leadership are rather dated, but this organization replaces leaders very slowly, so we assume the following men and women are still in power:”

The image of a man in an SS uniform with a strange gas-mask covering his face jumped to prominence: “Karl Ruprecht Kroenen. Formerly the leader of the Thule Occult Society, he is their top assassin and possibly the oldest cyborg ever created: constructed of clockwork parts and powered in a manner similar to a Golem.”

A new image appeared on the screen, that of a blonde woman in an SS uniform. The photo was at least 60 years old.

“Ilsa Hasputin is the apprentice of Rasputin, who was lost at the climax of Project Ragnarok. The extent of her abilities is unknown as she has yet to engage on actual combat. It is theorized she serves as an occult advisor in Rasputin’s absence.”

The image changed to a man with a swastika burned into his forehead, his head suspended in a green liquid in a glass dome attached to a metallic disk which floated the severed head several feet above the ground. Next to him was a strange creature, part gorilla part Frankenstein’s monster. Below the floating head were the parts of a machine that gave the Doctor some pause, but he put it to the back of his mind for now. Her did not believe in coincidence, but it was extremely unlikely that this mad scientist could even begin to use their technology.

“Herman Von Klempt is a classic sufferer of Malign Hyper-Cognitive Disorder. His mind was further warped by the teachings of Rasputin and the Necronomicon. Last he was seen, he was creating an army of primate-related weapons called Kreigaffes for the Nazis.”

The next image to appear was that of a man who under normal circumstances would barely be considered alive. The skin around his face was blood-red and stretched tight over his skull as if all the muscles within had atrophied into paper-thin sheets. His hairless skin and deeply sunken, bloodshot eyes only enhanced the menacing look the clipped security footage gave him.

“Johann Smitt, better known as the Red Skull, is a bio-chemist and would be the top scientist there if it were not for one man. Sadly, almost no information on him exists. Descriptions range from a tall blond to a hook-nosed hunchback. What remains constant is this Doctor’s cruelty and glasses. Because of his emphasis on creating living and pseudo-living beings from non-living or recently deceased components, many people who have encountered him have given him the nickname ‘Dr. Dreath.’”

The final image was of a short, barrel of a man with glasses which reflected light to the point that it obscured his eyes.

“This man is the last known leader of Millennium; Major Montana Max. Aside from his basic physical dimensions, we have little information about the man. He’s former SS and was thought deceased until the 1975; the fact that he apparently has not aged since 1944 leads us to believe that he is something other than fully human. Exactly what is currently unknown.

“They’ve already moved against the BPRD and Hellsing Organization. There is little doubt that with their alliance with the alien Anubis is a sign that they are moving to a big plan of some sort. It is feared that they seek to complete Project Ragnarok. We will need everyone’s full cooperation to survive against this new threat, let alone prevail.”

“Which brings us,” The Doctor put his hands in his pockets and leaned towards the Ixtli as he said, “to you.”

“Yes,” Colonel Chekov said, “Why did you come here?”

She blinked slowly, “I am not used to being out of the loop.”

“Yeah, I know,” the Doctor answered.

“These men,” She said, “They’ve done something to mask themselves from the suffused symphony of the one who has achieved Yollotle.”

“I’m sorry,” the French Representative said, “but what exactly do you mean?”

The Ixtli looked upon the stuffed shirt of a man with a mixture of confusion and contempt.

“The creators of the RahXephon reduced the fundamental cornerstones of reality to sound waves. She can manipulate them.”

“Not completely, and not without guidance,” She said, “Which only an Instrumentalist can provide.”

“I’ll explain the terminology later,” The Doctor said, “the important thing now is that the Millennium group has removed themselves from the threads of reality slightly—taking them slightly out of phase with reality. Close up, say, 1 kilometer or less, it’s worthless, depending on the intensity of the scans being made. They can be interacted with normally up close, but over greater distances, it makes them almost invisible except to themselves: a near perfect camouflage.”

“Their action may indicate,” Ixtli said, “an attempt to control or harness what has already been made. Thus, I must stop them.”

“Does that mean,” Admiral Bond said, “You will help?”

All eyes turned to the Ixtli for her answer: “I will,” She said, “However. Understand this: the previous statement applies to you as well. I am not your tool. I am not your puppet. Nor am I your weapon.”

She shone like the sun for a brief moment before disappearing with the words, “I will stop anyone who threatens the one who has attained Yollotl, no matter their cause or justification.”

A tenser silence fell over the room for a long moment before the Doctor broke it with a quiet comment: “And that’s why I hate talking to AIs.”

Jack did not wake up for almost 4 days, and only the use of the Asura’s medical magic spared his life and would get him back on his feet. Still, he spent another three days laid up in bed.

He woke up to the sound two light voices trying their best to be quiet.

“Is he going to wake up?” One voice said, rather breathily yet with a heaviness to it that verged on a weariness that did not suit the youth held within it.

“The doctors said it should be any day now,” the second voice answered. Jack realized it was Nanoha. “I’m glad he got through okay.”

“But in the last letter you sent,” The first voice said, “you complained about the SGC treating you like a child.”

“Well— but, yeah—I mean,” Nanoha stumbled, “They just worried a lot. It was because they cared about me that they tried to keep me from fighting. I may not have liked it, but I appreciated the thought.”

Jack slowly opened his eyes and saw the owner of the first voice: a blonde girl about Nanoha’s age and height, but with distinct red irises.

“Nanoha,” She said, slightly bobbing her head towards Jack.

Nanoha turned to see Jack’s slowly waking eyes, “Colonel O’Neill! You’re awake!”

“Not so loud,” Jack moaned as he got his bearing, “My head’s still ringing from the truck that hit me.”

Nanoha quickly, quietly apologized and added, “I’m glad you’re awake.”

As Jack’s eyes found their focus, he noticed something about Nanoha. She was slightly pale, and the glow of infectious joy she usually carried around her was gone.

“You okay?” He asked.

Nanoha shared a glance with the blonde girl with her, “I’ll be fine in a few days. Don’t worry too much about it.”

Jack didn’t listen to the last part, “What happened?”

“We were attacked near Nanoha’s home,” The blonde girl answered flatly, “and Nanoha was injured during the battle.”

“And you are…?”

“I’m sorry, Fate Testarosa,” The girl bowed slightly, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Alright,” Jack looked up and rubbed his eyes, “You sure you’re going to be okay, kid?”

“Yes,” Nanoha said, “the doctors aboard the Asura said my Linker Core would regenerate within a week or so.”


“It’s a dark matter organ that mages use to—”

“Wait,” Jack interrupted Fate’s explanation with a raised hand, “Let me guess…Magnets!”

The two girls looked dumbfounded for a moment and shared a quick glance. Jack’s hand dropped as the humor flew over the girl’s heads completely.

“Should I tell the other’s you’re awake?” Nanoha said, “Or do you want some more time to rest?”

“Rest is good.”

“Okay,” Nanoha said with an honest smile. She and Fate bowed slightly before they left the room. Jack closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

When Jack opened his eyes again, he saw the Ixtli. Wearing a US Air Force Dress Uniform—lieutenant’s rank.

“We need to talk,” She said.

“I bet,” Jack slowly propped himself up.

“Is this how you see me?” She asked.


“As a weapon? A tool?”

“And you are asking me this because…”

“Some of them think me to be nothing but this: a weapon.”

Jack remained silent for a moment, trying to figure out his answer.

And he could not come up with anything. He had just met the ‘girl’ for lack of a better word a week ago and then only for 5 (subjective) minutes.

“Who do you think you are?” Jack asked back.

Ixtli scowled slightly and cocked her head to the side, “Don’t be smart.”

“Kid, I haven’t a clue beyond “RahXephon’s Soul” and I didn’t know robots could even have those. I’m not one for deep philosophical questions. Ask Daniel. He loves that sort of thing.”

“I was constructed 20 thousand years ago. I am hardly a ‘kid’.”

“Yeah, well, you could have fooled me,” Jack snapped back.

The Ixtli scowled, “think of an answer soon.”


“…I…” The Ixtli left her mouth open as she searched for words, “I inspire you. Without you to be inspired, I cannot truly act.”


“Without even the most rudimentary of instrumentalists, I cannot inspire,” She said, “I take the form of their desire to inspire them. But you—you rejected it. I…I don’t know what to do with you.

“I told them that I was not a tool, or a weapon…” her eyes glistened with half-formed tears, “and I don’t want to be that unless I have too.”

“You…want something?” Jack asked.

The Ixtli pulled back with a gasp, as if she realized what she said, “I—I inspire others to create or destroy…that is my function. I can create and I can destroy. What I do is up to you.”

“But you don’t want to destroy,” Jack said, “Well, that helps a bit.”

The Ixtli blinked.

“For a minute I was worried you would go crazy and destroy the world.”

“I can never do that,” She answered, her voice slightly strained, “For it is the home of Yollotl. For that reason, the Earth must survive.”

“Okay, can you use terminology I’m actually familiar with? Because this Instrumentalist, Yote-yodel stuff is getting kind of confusing,” Jack said, “Can I get some straight answers from you?”

“When you answer my question: how do you view me?”

“Alright, how’s ‘I don’t know?’”

“It is insufficient.”

“Then can I think on it for a bit. I’m still recovering from—whatever it is you did to me.”

Ixtli shrunk slightly, “I’m sorry. I’ll let you think,” and she disappeared as though she was never there.

Jack knew he pulled something desperate when he downloaded the ancient knowledge. But this…whatever this girl was, she was going to be trouble.

He spent the next two days catching up on what had transpired. Apparently, the Antarctic outpost he had uncovered stored only the RahXephon. The Lost City was somewhere else on earth.

But hopes of finding it intact were dashed when the pilot of the Getter Dragon, Ryoma Nagare, brought reports of a mission he and the getter team undertook back in 1976: even the RahXephon was activated; Atlantis reached the surface; and briefly awakened Godzilla.

Between Godzilla and a berserk machine similar (though larger) to the RahXephon called “Leviathan,” the city sunk beneath the waves and subsequent attempt to find it had proved futile.

Assuming it even survived the monster and machine’s duel.

So that topic got put to the back-burner. The issues with the “Millennium” organization and the unification of various factions got pushed to the forefront.

Millennium was proving difficult to find, so most of the focus on the reorganization and networking that Xanatos’ initiative would need. The newly formed Extra-Earth Defense Bureau, or EDB, would be working directly with UNIT in regards to beings either from other dimensions or other planets. They were already halfway through. Getting the various magic-related organizations to parlay however was proving far more difficult. Many of them were old and had long intertwining histories with each other—often bloody and violent history. The Catholic Church’s paranormal countermeasure group, Iscariot, had particular enmity for the British-Protestant Hellsing Organization.

Furthermore, Director Trevor would be calling up some of her reserve Specialized Operatives for future missions. The short form of it meant Government Sanctioned Costumed Vigilantes.

Jack considered himself a very observant individual. How could he have missed the existence of freakin’ superheroes living right under his nose? There was even a section labeled “Para-crime” to deal with the use of magic, exotic technologies or other things that are not generally on the social conscious—even entire gangs like Jokerz, Vultures and Scorpions which dedicated themselves to their use.

To be fair, he had never been to New York before, which is where most operated. His interest peaked, he did some more research. Daniel would be proud.

It turned out that the main reason he had never heard of any of these “Super Heroes” outside of movies and comics was that most only lasted half a decade of activity at best before either being crippled, dying, going insane or at best retiring. Many of the ones that did appear often had deep rooted psychological problems. Some were to the point that UNIT or the FBI shut them down when they were tracked down.

Strangely, UNIT had long ago adopted the policy the SGC itself did in regards to a…modest information leak that manifested itself as Wormwhole X-treme. They funded the production of comics, movies, books and TV shows that fictionalized re-named and exaggerated the exploits of these heroes to provide their agents cover.

That Superman’s real name was actually something as banal as Clark Kent had Jack chuckling, but not for joy.

To top it off, half of them didn’t even have superhuman abilities naturally. Most of them relied on technology, training or just raw nerve to get the job done. The United States had the largest concentration of them. Japan and England tied for second with a few scattered Costumed Vigilantes showing up in places ranging from Canada and France to Egypt and Mexico.

The act of reading these files slowly turned into an exercise in dashed dreams. One by one, he saw the heroes of his age had retired, been replaced or just died.

Captain America: Deceased, 2001 in rescue efforts during 9/11.
Spider-Man: Retired, 1997. Currently under Witness Protection program.
Superman: Deceased, 1985. Slain by enhanced bio-weapon labeled “Doomsday.”

It slowly got worse from there.

Many of them left legacies in one form or another, but the acknowledgment that time moved for even these iconic figures…was rather disheartening.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Teal’c asked.

Nanoha nodded.

“Alright then, show me what you know.”

Grasping the wooden staff in her hand, Nanoha charged her much larger opponent and lashed out with all the form she had seen her siblings at the dojo.

The two-handed overhead strike was easily blocked by Teal’c, who knocked her staff aside in preparation for a thrust. Nanoha tried to block it, but the staff had too much force behind it, and nearly knocked her off her feet. But her arms did not give nor did her hands let go of the staff.

She used the momentum from Teal’c strike and turned her small shove into the air into a spin form which she lashed out again.

Teal’c twisted his arms and blocked her strike and spun the staff around that nailed his tiny opponent before she had even landed.

To her credit, she lasted all of 15 seconds before Teal’c knocked her flat on her back, the sound echoing slightly throughout the SGC’s small training room.

“Interesting,” Teal’c said.

Nanoha rubbed the back of her head slightly, “I…just copied what my brother and sister do. They run the family Kendo Dojo.”

“I am unfamiliar with those last two words,” Teal’c said.

“Oh,” Nanoha thought for a moment, “…Eto…I’m sorry, without Raising Heart, I can not really translate it simply. It is like a martial arts training school for sword use—though we don’t use real swords, just…um, Bamboo sticks.”

“A staff is not a sword,” Teal’c responded, “But you did not use the staff as such.”

Nanoha nodded, “Some of the motions that they use seemed useful.”

“How old are your siblings?”

“Siblings?” she said as she stood back up.

“Your brother and sister.”

Hai, they’re 5 years older than I am.”

“You are small and very light. You should use that to your advantage.”

Nanoha nodded quickly, with a slight grunt.

“Shall we go again?” Teal’c took a defensive stance. Nanoha nodded again and similarly took a defensive stance.

Teal’c waited for her strike—which looked to be a repeat of her initial strike from the first round when Jack’s voice boomed: “TEAL’C WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?”

Teal’c glanced at the noise for only a second, but it was that second that allowed Nanoha’s staff to strike him directly on the golden brand upon his forehead.

So he felt nothing.

“Eee!” Nanoha cried out, “Daijoubu? -- I-- a-are you okay?”

“I am fine, Miss Takamachi.” Teal’c answered as he turned to O’Neill, “Colonel O’Neill, I was training Nanoha.”

“You were what?”

“I asked him too,” Nanoha answered.

“Okay, why?” Jack scowled.

“Because of the Wolkenwritter,” Nanoha answered, “I believe that I need at least a bit more close combat training and until my magic recovers I can’t do any ranged practice, so I asked Mr. Teal’c to help me since he also uses a staff.”

“And you agreed to this, T?”

“Indeed,” Teal’c answered, “She is of the age when Young Jaffa warriors would begin earnest training with a staff weapon.”

Observing Jack’s continued disapproving scowl, Teal’c added, “Furthermore, it would be of an overall greater benefit to give her training since we already know that she is going to be placed in combat situations.”

Jack inwardly cursed Teal’c logic and realized he just couldn’t win. So, he left, unable to vent his frustrations while a 10 year old girl took training bumps nearby.

Maybe he could talk with Daniel and get the whole God Machine problem worked out.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 05:30am
Malign Hyper-Cognitive Disorder
I see what you did there. Do I presume correctly that is only a throwaway reference?

Apparently the Ragnarok project was used to summon Great Old Ones and if by the appearance of Wodan we can infer that the project is still alive, the are probably good odds that we will have a Godzila vs Cthulhu(Or at least I can hope so, though it does beg the question if you use pure Lovecraftian Mythos or August Derleth iteration).

And lastly, I keep thinking that Jack's first interaction with the TSAB adults will be with Lindy in full Bubblehead mode and Chrono will be the straight man in the background which will lead Jack to theorize that the TSAB is some bizzaro universe where the adults are kids and the kids are adult.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 08:31am
by Majin Gojira
SITB wrote:
Malign Hyper-Cognitive Disorder
I see what you did there. Do I presume correctly that is only a throwaway reference?
Pretty much. I needed a good name for Mad Science as a Psychological Disorder, and picked this one.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 11:59am
Oh my god, you killed Cap!

You Bastard! :mrgreen:

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 12:47pm
by Xon
SITB wrote:Apparently the Ragnarok project was used to summon Great Old Ones and if by the appearance of Wodan we can infer that the project is still alive, the are probably good odds that we will have a Godzila vs Cthulhu(Or at least I can hope so, though it does beg the question if you use pure Lovecraftian Mythos or August Derleth iteration).
It obviously worked because the Doctor is running around Earth :D

They better pray some of the Time Lords ancient weapon systems don't find their way to Earth (again). Ancient Time Lord weapons of DOOM appear to like visiting Earth as much as the Time Lords do.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 12:59pm
by Trogdor
Montana Max? Wasn't he the rich kid from Tiny Toons? :lol:

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 01:04pm
No, a Hellsing villain was apparently named after him.

Among its new recruits included a soccer star, a professional motorcyclist and a kindergarten teacher.
I get the disturbing feeling that his is foreshadowing something other than Ryoma, Kouji, and Benkei. Or am I just looking too much into it?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 01:27pm
by Majin Gojira
SAMAS wrote:Oh my god, you killed Cap!

You Bastard! :mrgreen:
I debated on killing him either in Oklahoma city or in 9/11.

And Cap got off easy. The minor heroes suffered even more.
I get the disturbing feeling that his is foreshadowing something other than Ryoma, Kouji, and Benkei. Or am I just looking too much into it?
Your answer is three sentances below their introduction.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 02:15pm
Majin Gojira wrote:
SAMAS wrote:Oh my god, you killed Cap!

You Bastard! :mrgreen:
I debated on killing him either in Oklahoma city or in 9/11.

And Cap got off easy. The minor heroes suffered even more.
I probably would have gone with 9/11. I can see him getting caught in the collapse of one of the towers, I just can't figure out what, other than some serious history rewriting, would put him in Oklahoma City at the time.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-29 06:49pm
by Majin Gojira
I'm not married to the concept, so shall I change it?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-04-30 12:50am
(cajun guy) You can do eet!

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-01 09:14pm
“Is it related to the Dinozaur that attack Hokkaido three days ago?” Tetsuya asked, “Or the re-appearance of Groudon yesterday?”
I see what you did there...

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-03 03:12am
by Ford Prefect
I like how you managed to accurately recreate exactly how insufferably smug and annoying the Tenth Doctor is. Impressive. Also, the amount of stuff in this has passed critical mass.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-03 10:09am
by Majin Gojira
The crossover might explode then, given that only about half the major players have showed up, especially on the Magical side fo things. Though about 2/3rds have been referenced in one way or another, I we may be safe.

Or doomed. whichever.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-03 02:46pm
Just a running tally:

Stargate SG-1
The Savage Dragon (possibly other Image as well)
Doctor Who
The Dresden Files
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Godzilla (counting Atragon)
Ultraman Meibus (don't count out other Ultraman elements, either)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (A's)
Magical Teacher Negima
Pokemon (unless that Groudon came from somewhere else)
Mazinger Z/Great Mazinger (Possibly Grendizer/Mazikaiser)

That's pretty close to the Mean for the number of crossovers in a Super Robot Wars game, especially counting that he's not using all of many of the things mentioned.

Have I missed anything that's been mentioned so far?

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-03 06:43pm
by Majin Gojira
SAMAS wrote:Just a running tally:
Stargate SG-1
The Savage Dragon (possibly other Image as well)
A few
Doctor Who
The Dresden Files
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Godzilla (counting Atragon)
He's mentioned by name in the opening scroll.
Ultraman Meibus (don't count out other Ultraman elements, either)
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha (A's)
Magical Teacher Negima
Pokemon (unless that Groudon came from somewhere else)
It was me mispelling the name of an Ultraman Monster, Gudon.
Mazinger Z/Great Mazinger (Possibly Grendizer/Mazikaiser)

That's pretty close to the Mean for the number of crossovers in a Super Robot Wars game, especially counting that he's not using all of many of the things mentioned.

Have I missed anything that's been mentioned so far?
You've nailed most of the introduced major players. However, there are things beyond Major Players that are crossover references. Counting the subtle crossovers, there's also:

Irwin Allen's Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (The Submarine is named)
Ghostbusters (Characters)
The X-Files (REAL subtle)
Tremors (Critters from this series are named)
Serial Experiments Lain (The Wired)
The Cthulhu Mythos (Lots of subtle and not so subtle things)

And i'm sure they're others. Keep your eyes pealed, for there will be subtle references to other things in one way or another, and this is not all that have appeared.

Re: Supernatural Taisen (Megacrossover)

Posted: 2009-05-11 01:19pm
by Majin Gojira
When Jack went into Daniel’s office, he found it rather crowded. Not only was Daniel there, as he expected, but several people he didn’t recognize.

One of which was a tall blue fish-man in what appeared to be a reverse diving suit.

“Oh,” The fish said, “Hello.”

Jack could not help but blink sympathetically as the fish did—it was just that strange of a sight to see fish eyes do that.

“I’m sorry if I startled you,” The fish continued.

“That’s okay,” Jack peered over the fish man to get a better look at Daniel, “Daniel, can you tell me what’s going on.”

“A lot of research,” Dr. Jackson answered plainly, never looking up from his reading.

“And these are…”

“Oh, I am Abraham Sapien of the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense,” The fish said.

“I am Yuno Skraya,” Said a kid not much older than Nanoha, “I work with the Time Space Administration Bureau.”

“I figured,” Jack scowled slightly.

The third newcomer in the room had not looked up during the entirety of the conversation. She was a young woman: short, pale and with rather thick glasses. She read the musty tome before her with an intensity Jack rarely saw. And she was blushing intensely.

“And you are?” Jack said, leaning towards the woman.

“Oh,” Abraham said, “Don’t bother. Once she starts reading there’s little short of a gunshot that will get her attention. She’s Yomiko Readman of MI-13.”

“Dare I ask what you’re researching?”

“The RahXephon,” Yomiko answered; a slight British accent and a small vocal crack that peaked through her words.

“Oh, so you have been paying attention,” Abraham chided slightly.

Yomiko didn’t answer. Nor did she move her eyes from her book.

Jack then noticed exactly how fast the girl was reading. No one page took her more than a minute before she turned the page, her eyes never once remaining still as she focused completely on the book before her.

“That’s good,” Jack said, “Because she’s been bugging me about stuff lately and want some context.”

“Well,” Yuno added, “to be honest, we’re multitasking rather extensively.”


“Yes,” Yuno said, “Of the Lost Logia on earth, both the RahXephon and the Book of Darkness are currently active. With this Millennium group looking for more, we need to form a proper catalog of what they may be seeking. It’s not an easy task given how many Lost Logia are tied to, on or in the Earth.”

“The Book of Darkness--isn’t that’s the book that lead to Nanoha getting hurt, right?”

“Yes,” Daniel said, “And if it’s not found and its agents stopped--”

“Will it destroy the world?” Jack asked.

“Well, yes.” Daniel answered.

Jack let out a little smile, “We can deal with that.”

Jack looked over Yomiko’s shoulder as he asked, “So has anything about the RahXephon come up that’s worth knowing?”

Abraham’s water tanks gurgled, “Nothing quite yet, but you’ll be the first to know when we do.”

Jack left the room a little dejected. After running through his list of options, he decided to check in on Carter.

When he reached the Lab, he found her in conversation with two other women. One was striking, tall Japanese woman. The other was visibly strong blonde in a wheelchair.

“I swear to Rao,” the blonde exclaimed, “If this keeps up, I’m just going to overhaul the entire system and install the Angelic Layer Neural Interface. If they want mental control of Mechagodzilla that badly, they need to PAY for it.”

“I’m not sure what would be worse:” Carter sighed, “The fact that it would probably work, or getting the brass to put a game controller in the seat of its most powerful weapon.”

“Well, let’s be thankful that Daitokuji Heavy bought the company three weeks ago,” The tall woman smirked, “so if it does indeed come to that, we can do it with ease.”

“Aside from the brass,” Carter corrected.

The tall woman echoed Carter with a slight nod in her head, at which point Cater spotted Jack in the doorway.

“Colonel,” She said, getting the others' attention.

“Afternoon, ladies,” Jack said, “I’m not interrupting anything?”

“This would be a good point to break,” The tall woman said, “at least before someone suggests we put a Wii into Mechagodzilla.”

“Why not? You’ve seen the useless crap they’ve tried to put in it already.” The woman in the wheelchair huffed.

“Jack,” Carter nodded towards the tall woman, “This is Biko Daitokuji.”

“Of Daitokuji Heavy Industries. Pleasure,” Biko said as she extended a hand to Jack. He accepted it easily.

“And,” Carter continued, “This is Doctor Kara Zor-El.”

Kara wheeled herself over to Jack and shook his hand. Her grip visibly looked light, but Jack’s hand felt like it had just been squeezed in a steel vice.

“You’re not here to ask about the RahXephon are you?” She said, “I’ve had it up to my neck with mecha problems today.”

“Well it is sorta important,” Jack answered.

“What’s the problem?” Biko said, “You’ve only piloted once and came out alive. For the God Machine, that’s a pretty good outcome.”

“The…The Ixtli wants to know how I view it.”

The three scientists’ heads all perked up.

“The God Machine dreams of electric sheep?” Kara blinked.

“Did it ask anything else?” Biko stared intently at Jack.

“It wanted to know if I viewed it as a weapon. And that it wanted to inspire something in me, I guess. It was really vague and annoying.”

“Sounds like you talked to some mystical power—which sounds about right for the God Machine.” Kara thought aloud.

“Pardon me, sir, but isn’t this more of Daniel’s area of expertise?” Carter said.

“He won’t give me an answer, says he needs to do more research.”

“Probably should wait then. If the RahXephon’s AI is as advanced as I think it is,” Kara rubbed her chin, “then it will likely have experienced things that will color its future reactions.”

“Hell, I built learning AIs back when I was in high school,” Biko smirked, “If the civilization that built the RahXephon made its AI a learning type, then who knows what it’s learned over the years.”

It was a starting point, but it pointed to a currently stagnant direction. Jack did not like not being able to act, even if it was only going to be for a short time.