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Posted: 2006-05-04 06:40am
by mr friendly guy
technomage wrote:Here's a good read Tempora Mutantur Et Nos Mutamur In

Long title, and I have no idea what it means, not to mention an author's summary that is deliberately obtuse, but it's still good. To summarize: The Federation gets a major wakeup call, and then the Federation grows a pair. Not to mention, this story has the best explanation I've seen for the Federation's transformation from the ass-kicking capitalist democracy of TOS to the emasculated communist state of TNG.
I am reading it now. It crosses over with nBSG. I suppose this will help the Federation military get better since nBSG is a military orientated show.

Posted: 2006-05-05 06:23pm
by technomage
And here's a link to another post of mine on this site where I listed a bunch of WH40K fics I thought were good: ... t=#1834326

Posted: 2006-05-06 07:20pm
by Falcon

Sixth and seventh year Harry Potter fanfics, AU, no horcruxes, etc

Posted: 2006-05-07 02:32pm
by Argosh
Heart of Darkness by Cka3ka
AU: Vader finds Leia at an early age. Is the redemption of the Dark Lord at hand? Or will the Princess fall into darkness.

Posted: 2006-05-07 05:20pm
by Dominus
The Sacrifices Epic

MASSIVE, and I do mean MASSIVE AU epic where Harry has a twin brother and is sorted into Slytherin, amongst other things (later becomes DM/HP slash, though it's not explicit). It's currently up to OoTP book-wise, and is by far the longest fanfic series I've ever read in my entire life. I linked to the author's page instead of the story itself just to give you a feel for this immense undertaking...

Taken from the description of the first story in the series: AU, eventual HPDM slash, very Slytherin!Harry. Harry's twin Connor is the Boy Who Lived, and Harry is devoted to protecting him by making himself look ordinary. But certain people won't let Harry stay in the shadows...

The first four installments (covering the first four books) are complete; the fifth is still in progress.

Posted: 2006-05-07 05:37pm
by Prozac the Robert
Dominus wrote:The Sacrifices Epic
Bah. Opinion is devided on it's goodness. I'm on the not so good side. Partly it's my inherent dislike for the idea of Harry and Draco in a relationship. Partly it's the way half of everyone good is now evil in horrible ways, and the way so many evil people are suddenly portrayed in a possitive light. Partly it's the wanked out power Harry somehow has. And partly it's this same 'Sacrifice!' theme hammered at you over and over again without Harry ever seeming to learn anything. (As you can probably guess I've read much more of it than I'd like to admit. I did stop at least a little way before getting to the end of what was written at the time though, so that lets me keep a little bit of self respect.)

You know, I'm usually nicer when rubbishing things. Oh well.

Oh, Argosh, I'm fairly sue that has already been mentioned earlier in the thread. I supose it's inevitible that we'd get some repeats though, seeing how this is a completely un-sorted list.

Posted: 2006-05-07 10:34pm
by Dominus
We can agree to disagree, then -- as there's no point arguing over purely subjective preferences in this regard. I think of it as a fantastic story in its own right, if only for the surprising diversity of its original characters. I find them so enjoyable, in fact, that I find myself distinctly uninterested in returning to a canon that doesn't contain them.
Prozac the Robert wrote: Bah. Opinion is devided on it's goodness. I'm on the not so good side. Partly it's my inherent dislike for the idea of Harry and Draco in a relationship.
I admit that even though I don't mind the slash at all, I do gloss over the parts that don't have any revelance on the storyline whatsoever. Some of the romance scenes just bore me to death, and thus I find myself skipping most of those.
Partly it's the way half of everyone good is now evil in horrible ways, and the way so many evil people are suddenly portrayed in a possitive light.
I actually like the fact that some of the Dark wizards are portrayed in a more positive light this time around. It's refreshing to find one that doesn't doesn't depict all Dark magic (and those who practice it) as evil incarnate, though I admit that the author might have gone a little overboard on this particular point (especially in regards to Dumbledore, who is so OOC in this fanfic that I honestly cringe when I think of him).
Partly it's the wanked out power Harry somehow has. And partly it's this same 'Sacrifice!' theme hammered at you over and over again without Harry ever seeming to learn anything.
Oh, I definitely agree with you there. In all honestly, I don't like this Harry for that very same reason -- he's stubborn and annoying, and his obsessive "sacrificing" thing is growing steadily more irksome with the passage of each successive installment. Yes, I know that he's supposed to be poor and abused, but he's so thick-headed that I honestly wonder if canon Harry isn't better off in this regard.
(As you can probably guess I've read much more of it than I'd like to admit. I did stop at least a little way before getting to the end of what was written at the time though, so that lets me keep a little bit of self respect.)
To tell you the truth, I only read it for the occasional offhanded mention of Harry's snake. I like snakes. :D

Which is part of the reason why I'm disappointed with the fifth installment -- considering the role Syalarna (sp?) played in the second, I find myself distinctly disappointed with the fact that Argutus apparently doesn't merit anything more than a cursory notation anymore.

Posted: 2006-05-07 11:25pm
by Noble Ire
I'm rather bewildered by its sheer size. I mean, I've been working on my fic for more than a year, and I think it's at a rather decent length for the time invested, and yet this person has written literally twenty times as much in only half a year. Honestly, did the author just have the whole lot of them saved up, and is now slowly placing them online? I don't see how such a feat is possible otherwise, even with a professional. :?

Posted: 2006-05-08 12:19am
by Sarevok
Argosh wrote:Heart of Darkness by Cka3ka
AU: Vader finds Leia at an early age. Is the redemption of the Dark Lord at hand? Or will the Princess fall into darkness.
Already posted in page 1 by Robo Jesus. And yes it is a most excellent story.

Posted: 2006-05-08 02:05am
by Dominus
Noble Ire wrote:I'm rather bewildered by its sheer size. I mean, I've been working on my fic for more than a year, and I think it's at a rather decent length for the time invested, and yet this person has written literally twenty times as much in only half a year. Honestly, did the author just have the whole lot of them saved up, and is now slowly placing them online? I don't see how such a feat is possible otherwise, even with a professional. :?
That's a bloody good question. As far as I know, the guy who's writing it is still in college, which somehow makes me question where he finds the time to write this much material. He's written more in the last six months than I have in the past six years! I personally think he must have it all typed up somewhere, because I honestly find it hard to believe that it's humanly possible to write out fifteen-page chapters on a daily basis.

Posted: 2006-05-15 03:17am
by Glocksman
Lure of the Dark Side

Summary: What if Padme Amidala was really the daughter of Darth Sidious and the only reason she was born was to help lure the Jedi's fabled Chosen One to the dark side?

Not very well done, but it's actually pretty damn funny to read her inner thoughts as she deals with people like Jar Jar.
Padme brought her full attention back over to Anakin and the podracer. She noticed that Jar Jar was still helping, but what drew her attention was some sort of force field he was hovering around. Anakin took that moment to suddenly call out, "Hey Jar Jar. Keep away from those energy binders. If your hand gets caught in the beam it's gonna go numb for hours."

As Anakin was saying all this to Jar Jar, the freak dropped the tool he was using and it landed right under the energy binder. He made sure to stay away from the binders as he bent down to pick the tool up, but when he got up his mouth got caught in the beam and he yelled. Padme rolled her eyes. Jar Jar than continuously screamed about how his tongue was fat. His hand than got caught in a part of the podracer and so he started screaming about that.

Above the yelling Padme heard C3PO say to R2, "You know I find that Jar Jar creature to be a little odd."

Like duh, he's a freak.

R2 gave a chirp of that clearly agreed to what 3PO said
She's so bitchy. :P

Posted: 2006-05-19 12:32am
by Ryoga

It's decently written (excepting a few grammar errors and the like), and the author has a flair for throwing in humor right when it's needed. Normally I don't like 'pairing' 'fics, but what the hey.
"Oh Shera, it's gorgeous! I'm so happy for you! When did he ask you?" She glanced at Cid, who was turning quite red at the mention of his engagement, and grinned.

"Well, he was quite romantic about it. He took me flying on the Highwind about a month ago, when he'd gotten it perfectly restored. He took me out on the deck, the night was gorgeous, and he stared into my eyes." she paused for dramatic effect, and Tifa, Yuffie (sick though she was), and even Cloud leaned forward in anticipation. Even Vincent seemed mildly interested in her story. "Pulled out a dark blue box, took out this ring, slipped it on my finger and said. 'Shera, will you &%^$ing marry me?'."
Best proposal. EVER. :lol:

Posted: 2006-06-03 02:01am
by RhoOmicronMu
Some summaries shamelessly stolen from


Black SunriseA Halloween fic that doesn’t focus on Xander

BtVS / Noir. Black Sunrise series, part 1. She had made all these wonderful plans for Halloween, but when it was time to collect the candy circumstances forced Dawn to go with her sister. At least she could still go while dressed as her favorite assassin.
I like this much more than I like Noir, if that says anything.

The sequels can be found here. He also has a decent Dark Angel crossover with Dawn as Noir.
The sequel that involves Dawn going to the Highlander universe in her sleep is pretty cool. She kills the A-Team and Alt Cordy is immortal. The scene where Dawn meets Methos is is great.

Family Is Forever Punisher crossover
A tragic event irrevocably alters Xander's path, turning his war from one evil to another.

The many sequels can be found in the files section at the authors Yahoo group th_presents. If anything, the sequels are even better than the first part.

Buffy fics with a military flavor:


Interregnum between Season 3 and 4. Xander's 'journey of discovery' took an unexpected turn. In the meantime, the Scoobies have made new friends and new enemies... but which is which?
I think this is the only BtVS fic that has the New Zealand SAS in it. All in all a pretty fun technothriller.

Future Imperfect

The sequels can be found at his Yahoo Group.
Seal Team 13 by the same author is a lot better but you have to register for his Yahoo Group or be willing to go through all the posts. Xander, Faith, and various other crossover characters go through Seal training, the Admiral from JAG is in charge. The author, Tenhawk, can pull off a multi crossover almost effortlessly. His web site is down right now so you will have to get the stories from his Yahoo Group.


Two fics from The Wobbly Guy aka The Nice Guy:

New World Order
On a desolate world in the Periphery, long-hidden secrets and power beyond imagination are sought. And the universe will be changed forever...
At 159376 words its got some length to it.

The sequel Seekers In Shadow.
Far Traveller. Raging Bull. Lost Star. Their actions will change the Inner Sphere forever.

One such character is Winters, a Goliath Scorpion Seeker. Seekers are some of the most interesting characters in Battletech, even if they never got screen time in the novels.

The Misadventures of Darius Davion 1
The Misadventures of Darius Davion 2
The Misadventures of Darius Davion 3
The Misadventures of Darius Davion - File Fragment 1
Darius bears a distinct resemblance to Flashman from the novels of the same name. It’s so delightfully British. Great fun.

Before you read Knock, Knock read Sybil.
The SLDF's experiments with artificial intelligence, in the form of the M5 Caspar drone WarShips, were infamous. What if they tried again with an M6 prototype, and what if it survived, isolated, for nearly three centuries before rediscovery?

For now Identity the other source for Knock, Knock is, as far as I know, only available on the Classic Battletech archive board. Registration is required. Hopefully, it along with Cannonshop’s excellent series about the Ngo family will be reposted on the new board.

Knock, Nock Written by Cannonshop and GiovanniBlasini

Sybil and Tabby the Casper drone warhship meet during the Jihad and fight toaster worshiping Blakist scum.

Posted: 2006-06-03 03:03am
by Shinova
I've probably suggested these sometime in the past, but here again:

Dominion: Reprise

I'm not sure if FFnet still has this, but here's the whole version.

It's a DBZ fic. And it's good. Very good. Yes, the very thought is paradoxical. Maybe my standards have risen considerably since way back when I first read this, but I thought this was a really good piece of work. The plot's very complex. Involves lots of different dimensions, timelines, etc. Very epic.

Battletech: The Saotome Gambit

(I haven't checked the files listed. The original author's site is down, and I'm pretty sure FFnet no longer has it, since the fic has adult content in a few of its chapters. Fortunately, I have the whole fic saved on my hard drive so if anyone wants the whole thing, I can email it to them).

A Ranma 1/2 and Battletech fusion fic. One of THE two best fanfics I've read. Ever. The merging of the two universes is flawless. Just that alone is a work of art. The story itself is a greatly engaging epic. The author works the Ranma characters with a flair and quality you wouldn't expect from something coming from a mindless comedy anime like Ranma 1/2.

The plot builds and builds as the story progresses, and explodes in a climax at the end like how any great epic should do. I just can't say enough just how well this story builds and builds.

I said the Ranma characters are utilized with a master-like flair. It's not just Ranma 1/2 that's been given 5-star treatment. The Battletech elements are done superbly well also. The author knows his battletech. You don't get the feeling that one is at disjoint with the other. I can't say enough just how well these two VASTLY different universes are fused so well together in this story.

Awesome mech action and Battletech politics, mixed with Ranma's brand of craziness and often over-the-top'ness and characters, and the whole kabang infused with a romance that grows over the whole story and an incredible sense of an epic adventure.

An awesome piece of work.

Shampoo 1/2

(Another fic that I'm not sure is on FFnet anymore. This time the author's site is still up, and I also have the fic on my hard drive just in case)

This is the other fic of the two very best fics I've ever read.

This time it's purely just a Ranma 1/2 fic, so non-anime fans might not find the motivation to read this. If you are interested in any way with this fic, then I strongly recommend that you do take some time to read at least some of it.

Basically, Ranma's not the only one who get's the gender-switching treatment in this fic. That's the basic premise of the fic.

And from that comes this long, engrossing, and totally AWESOME romance epic of a fic. Remember how I said the author of Saotome Gambit gives a quality and flair to the Ranma characters that you wouldn't expect from Ranma? Same here. The author gives a depth to these characters, and builds them up over the course of the whole story. Character development, sorely lacking from the original Ranma, is given front-row treatment in this story. The story takes the Ranma characters in directions and surpasses what most people would've expected out of them. You'd think a mindless martial arts comedy anime couldn't possibly get any kind of depth to its one-dimensional characters, but Shampoo 1/2 takes these one-dimensional characters and utterly shatters that conception. It's amazing how it's been done.

This fic is also an epic. And, as with Saotome Gambit, the story builds anticipation up over the whole story and toward an awesome climax at the end. The setting's been ramped too. Depth has been added to all the little backstories and histories. There's an actual history and depth to the setting now.

And maybe it was just me back then, but I think the romance was done superbly in this fic. A damn far better sight than most anything Hollywood has put out. Like Saotome Gambit, the romance starts light, and slowly builds with meaningful steps across the whole fic, with pitfalls and setbacks and obstructions in-between.

I should also say that this story and Saotome Gambit have the absolute best endings of any fic I've read. There's a supreme sense of satisfaction and a feeling that you got something out of reading these that you don't get with most other written pieces of work. You feel rewarded for taking the time to read these's authors' works.

Okay I'm done raving now. :P

Posted: 2006-06-03 05:50am
by Alan Bolte
Took two months, but I finished A Dark Distorted Mirror. That last book was too damned long. Needs editing bad. Other than that I loved it.

Posted: 2006-06-04 04:04am
by Academia Nut
Found some good stuff in this thread, my biggest problem of course being the waiting for updates. Anyway, I figured that I might as well contribute something and since I found this little gem called Third Species I figured I might as well share it. It's a crossover between nBSG and Apocalypse Troll. To put the delightful Apocalypse Troll into perspective, the humans in that book could go toe-to-toe with the GE at its height and would only lose due to the Empire's superior numbers and logistics. The story is pretty annoying at the beginning what with ridiculously short posts, but it picks up pretty quick.

Posted: 2006-06-04 05:34am
by Xon
Third Species is a fairly shitty fanfic, it manages to get one of the core plot elements wrong in Apocalypse Troll

They do not have andriods in Apocalypse Troll.

Posted: 2006-06-04 02:51pm
by Academia Nut
Well... yeah, I've definitely seen better, but where was it mentioned they had androids? I must have missed that part.

Posted: 2006-06-04 07:42pm
by technomage
Third Species is a POS. It had some potential, but the earlier chapters are ridiculously short, I get the distinct feeling that Tamsin Reece is a Mary-Sue, and because we see almost nothing of the Kanga-war civilization that Ludmilla Leonovna comes from in The Apocalypse Troll, Third Species' author has immense room to make up stuff, and I swear, it seems like they're pulling this civilization out of their ass just so they can wank off to how superior it is over the Colonials and the Cylons. After Reece meets them, it's largely just one shocking revelation to the Colonials after another.

Admittedly, the civilization of TAT is massively superior in technological terms, but still...

Posted: 2006-06-04 09:47pm
by Academia Nut
Eh... in re-reading I realize that I was slightly out of my mind from staying up too late. And yeah, the earlier chapters were definitely POSs. Thing is, if you wade through all the crap out there you eventually get so numb to the shit that when something slightly less shitty comes along you suddenly think its much better than it is. Sometimes even reading the descriptions of the stories made my head hurt with the stupidity.

Actually, going through can sometimes be like staying up late at night channel surfing, aware that you should really go do something else because there's nothing but crap on, but then you stick with something because it seems like slightly less crap. And then as things go on, you're just like "Nah... it's so crappy it has to get better" and by the time you're done you're like, "Nah... it wasn't that bad, otherwise why did I just waste that time?"

Plus there's the fact that its been so long since I've read Apocalypse Troll, which I remember enjoying greatly, that I was somewhat bemused with finding [i[anything[/i] related to it that I stuck on when I should have just let go.

So yeah, ignore that recommendation. I was out of my mind.

Posted: 2006-06-05 12:58am
by Knife
Bah, there is a distinct lack of me in here. :P


Posted: 2006-06-05 01:45am
by RhoOmicronMu
Shinova wrote: Battletech: The Saotome Gambit

(I haven't checked the files listed. The original author's site is down, and I'm pretty sure FFnet no longer has it, since the fic has adult content in a few of its chapters. Fortunately, I have the whole fic saved on my hard drive so if anyone wants the whole thing, I can email it to them).

A Ranma 1/2 and Battletech fusion fic. One of THE two best fanfics I've read. Ever. The merging of the two universes is flawless. Just that alone is a work of art. The story itself is a greatly engaging epic. The author works the Ranma characters with a flair and quality you wouldn't expect from something coming from a mindless comedy anime like Ranma 1/2.

The plot builds and builds as the story progresses, and explodes in a climax at the end like how any great epic should do. I just can't say enough just how well this story builds and builds.

I said the Ranma characters are utilized with a master-like flair. It's not just Ranma 1/2 that's been given 5-star treatment. The Battletech elements are done superbly well also. The author knows his battletech. You don't get the feeling that one is at disjoint with the other. I can't say enough just how well these two VASTLY different universes are fused so well together in this story.

Awesome mech action and Battletech politics, mixed with Ranma's brand of craziness and often over-the-top'ness and characters, and the whole kabang infused with a romance that grows over the whole story and an incredible sense of an epic adventure.

An awesome piece of work.
I could never get myself to read Saotome Gambit even though I am a huge Battletech fan. The setup just seemed to different and I didn’t know much about Ranma, never having seen or read any of it, but I really liked some of the Ranma fics in this thread so I’ll give it a shot.

Another fic rec that at least includes guns, and pretty fancy guns at that is the In Their Shadow series.

This one has a crossover that at first sounds like it would suck horribly. Nights Dawn Trilogy / Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Strangely enough it actually seems to work. There is just something right about Satanists and vampires slaughtering each other. It’s set in the aftermath of the trilogy rather than during it. So they have just finished dealing with the possession crises.

Edit: I have to downgrade my recommendation for Future Imperfect its good it just isn’t as good as his other stuff. That’s not to say it isn’t good. It is, its just no SealTeam13.

Posted: 2006-06-05 02:58am
by Murazor
Shinova wrote:(Another fic that I'm not sure is on FFnet anymore. This time the author's site is still up, and I also have the fic on my hard drive just in case)
It took me a grand total of twenty seconds to find the author and roughly five seconds more to locate the story in his oversized list.

Posted: 2006-06-05 07:36am
by Alan Bolte
I tried Heart of Darkness, but I just couldn't take the dialogue. It didn't sound like the characters at all.

Posted: 2007-03-13 10:12pm
by Sean Mulligan
This is a great fic, it is a Harry Potter the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy crossover. Something Grim This Way Comes.

Misunderstood an au with a very different Vader

A carrie/Star Wars Crossover The Dark Sides Beloved

A Eragon fic where Galbatorix is the hero. From White to Black

A saga that redeems Slytherin Slytherin Rising

Vader survives Endor and is transported onto the Starship Voyager

Buffy is ressurected centuries after dying in The Gift.

Grey Maiden series by Chris Widger

About what school was like for Dumbledore and Voldemorts Grandson Au with HBP. Two Worlds and in Between

One of the greatest Daria fics ever.

A dark Hermione fic The Girl Nobody Knows