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do you play paintball?

Posted: 2005-07-14 05:36pm
by Master of Cards
simple I do but do you?

Posted: 2005-07-14 05:39pm
by Quadlok
No. But then again, I don't do much of anything.

On a related note, there was a kid around here a couple years ago who died from head trauma when his CO2 tank failed and rocketed towards him.

Posted: 2005-07-14 05:41pm
by Master of Cards
Quadlok wrote:No. But then again, I don't do much of anything.

On a related note, there was a kid around here a couple years ago who died from head trauma when his CO2 tank failed and rocketed towards him.
:cry: but paintball has less injures then soccer or biking

Posted: 2005-07-14 05:48pm
by Sea Skimmer
I have played, but it's too expensive for me to do on a regular basis. It's very nice to live within a reasonable drive of Skirmish, likely the best paintball location in the US if not the world.

Posted: 2005-07-14 06:06pm
by thecreech
I play as often as i can. I just got me a new tippman custom 98 (well its new to me) i can't wait to use it

Posted: 2005-07-14 06:46pm
I've played once. I would love to play again, but I don't live near any of the designated areas in my region. Mostly in Pennsyvania.

Posted: 2005-07-14 07:28pm
by Pint0 Xtreme
Yup. I have my own marker and all.

Posted: 2005-07-14 07:47pm
by Korvan
I used to play a bit back in college. My dorm would play against another one about once a year. There was quite a rivaly between us and the games could get quite nasty.

Case in point: I was scaling a ladder in order to clear out a sniper's post. Part way up, some bastard got beneath me, stuck his gun between my legs and fired straight up. Fortunately for me, my thigh took about 80% of the hit, but the remaining 20% went straight into my nuts, bypassing my cup completely.

Fortunately for him, he took off running immediatly since the first thing I did in my haze of pain and rage was jump off the ladder, spin around and smash the butt of my gun's CO2 tank into where I guessed his face would be. A disproportionate response for sure, but you just don't go around shooting people in the nuts at point blank range.

Still there were good times, like the time I took cover in poison nettles and had my fingers swell up so much I couldn't fit them into the trigger guard.

Or the time I pulled my groin and ended crawling 100 yards through heavy bush (with gloves this time to avoid thsoe damn nettles) on my belly to infiltrate the enemy base just it time to ambush the returning flag carrier, only to discover that I was out of ammo.

Posted: 2005-07-14 07:48pm
by Alferd Packer
I used to play; last time was probably 4 years ago. My marker is still at my dad's house. I'm almost positive it doesn't work anymore.

Posted: 2005-07-14 08:02pm
by Trytostaydead
I used to play, but then I got into airsofting. Paintballing is only fun if you can get a big enough group to go so you have a private field, otherwise your game gets ruined. Airsofting, same problems as paintball though kids can cheat more rampantly. But if you get a good bunch of guys, it's sweet. My group consisted of mainly young professionals, law enforcement and military so our games were always sweet and vicious.

Posted: 2005-07-14 08:11pm
by Lord Pounder
I went paintballing once as part of a cross community initiative when i was in my late teens. What better way to bring down the religious divide then making us shoot at each other.

It was actually a lot of fun though our grenades (watered down paint in water balloons) didn't go down too well.

Posted: 2005-07-14 11:20pm
by Mr. T
Just once, very fun though. Too expensive to make a hobby out of it though.

Posted: 2005-07-15 12:29am
by Comosicus
Never played. It's too expensive around here.

Posted: 2005-07-15 03:35am
by weemadando
Unfortunately, due to the idiocies of a single crazed gunman, paintball is illegal in Tasmania.

Posted: 2005-07-15 04:21am
by wautd
We had it once at work. Quite fun

Don't play it on a regular basis but I see me playing it again in the future

Posted: 2005-07-15 04:27am
by Rogue 9
Used to, on my family's property. Now that we don't live on the farm anymore, I don't get much opportunity.

Posted: 2005-07-15 11:08am
by Cal Wright
Sporadically at best. I've got like three guns now, all the basic Pirahna/Tipman style. The only place I've got to go is just outside the city, and it's hard to get a schedule coordinated with friends.

Posted: 2005-07-15 11:15am
by Master of Cards
go open play

Posted: 2005-07-15 11:51am
by Zaia
I have in the past, and I had a great time, but I haven't been back. Too busy.

Re: do you play paintball?

Posted: 2005-07-15 01:21pm
by Zoink
I have several thousand in equipment and play every Sunday morning. I shoot a suped-up Impulse (I think the only thing stock is the main aluminium body... lol) with the freak barrel, halo, compressed air, etc. and a Piranha from my earlier years. Got a Scuba station for air refills, and a friend who's a distributor so we have a virtual equipment store wherever we play.

We're lucky to have players that own large areas of forested land. We've setup our own fields, provide rental equipment to people that want to join us, and really just have a bunch of fun every Sunday.