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self esteem question

Posted: 2005-05-18 02:59pm
by Enforcer Talen
what makes you feel good about yourself and justfies all the oxygen your using up? :D

me, I like working out. school can be fun, I love learning new things, but if I dont do physical activity for a few days, I start getting twitchy. on the other hand, I can stop doing college for a spring break, and if I am working out, Im feeling awesome ^^

Re: self esteem question

Posted: 2005-05-18 03:15pm
by Lindar
Enforcer Talen wrote:what makes you feel good about yourself and justfies all the oxygen your using up? :D
The rare chances to sing, and making people laugh and feel all bubbly inside. I know that sounds like a weird thing, but that's what makes me feel glad to be me. Sometimes it's the only thing, but it's better than nothing.

Posted: 2005-05-18 03:44pm
by kheegster
I have zero self-esteem, and if not for the fact that everyone calls me a genius (even professors), I might have suicided ages ago. So I guess I'm being carried by everyone's expectations.

Posted: 2005-05-18 03:49pm
by Singular Quartet
People claiming I'm a good person and have talent, mostly. Oh, and the drugs help.

That, and the general need to get the stories out of my head and into some discernable form.

Posted: 2005-05-18 04:05pm
by Petrosjko
Accomplishment, pure and simple.

That and the fact that I reached an accord with myself sometime back to accept who and what I am, working on fixing the rough edges, so on and so forth.

I've done some good in my life, and I look to do more.

Posted: 2005-05-18 04:11pm
by Darth Raptor
I can't justify my existence.

Or actually, I can, but it's one giant fallacy. Basically, I take a great deal of sollace in the fact that I'm not violent, greedy or otherwise actively evil.

I contribute nothing to the species, but I'm not as big of a detriment as some people. That's basically it.

Posted: 2005-05-18 04:12pm
by General Zod
simply realizing that there's always more i can do than what i've done before, and that i haven't done everything i've wanted to yet. also the fact that there's very little i probably couldn't do that i want to do with enough motivation and means.

Posted: 2005-05-18 04:27pm
by Lagmonster
My wife makes me feel good about myself. Damn, she's hot.

But the number one thing is a small thing: I know that I can go out right now and buy myself a candy bar. I can do this, in fact, whenever I want to and it won't make a lick of difference to me financially. The security of knowing I'm not counting pennies to make it through life makes me feel DAMN good about myself.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:05pm
by Tinkerbell
I'm the therapist out of my little group of friends. I've been told I'm half-decent at it. Maybe a little bit more. So not only does it make me feel good that I'm helping out my friends, it makes me feel sorta needed. If that makes any sense.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:07pm
by Lindar
xBlackFlash wrote:I'm the therapist out of my little group of friends. I've been told I'm half-decent at it. Maybe a little bit more. So not only does it make me feel good that I'm helping out my friends, it makes me feel sorta needed. If that makes any sense.
Makes a lot of sense Velvet.*hugs* Everyone needs to be needed. It's actually one of the basic needs...

it's always good to feel that. It helps one keep it together sometimes.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:08pm
by Zoink
I've always had good esteem. My sense of self worth comes from knowing I'm doing something I want to do that's in my best interest or fulfills some desire. That's not necessarily a selfish thing, as making a sacrifice for a friend may be my desire. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I fulfill some challenge/goal I set for myself. I spend a very little amount of time feeling angry or sad.

I guess I'm the complete opposite of being co-dependant, which may be the reason I'm still single. I don't need someone holding my hand to accomplish something, nor do I need reassurance that I'm smart or doing something right.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:16pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
Those around me always say I give good advice, and I'm called a compassionate and caring person. That makes me feel good inside. :-)

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:17pm
by Surlethe
Expectations, the love of learning, and the "Ah-hah!" instant, both when I have it, but more when someone I'm teaching has it.

Posted: 2005-05-18 05:54pm
by Noble Ire
Thanks from others when I dispense information or render assistance. It may be a bit self absorbed of me, but I enjoy it when I'm recognized for something. :)

Re: self esteem question

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:04pm
by Antares
Enforcer Talen wrote:what makes you feel good about yourself and justfies all the oxygen your using up? :D
that i can do some things other cannot, including some 3D artwork and computer science stuff.

that most events happen like i predict (even if noone believes me)

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:09pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Letting people see what I can do. Whether it's a good test score, saying something amusing, or just doing something with friends, anything to show that I can do something besides go a day without talking to someone other than myself. But, since I don't do those things nearly as much as I can, I have a few self-esteem problems.

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:21pm
by Trogdor
My friends are willing to drag my anti-social ass out every now and then despite the fact that I practically go kicking and screaming, so there must be something good about me.

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:35pm
by aerius
Knowing that I've "made it", more or less. I had so many people in my youth tell me that I'll never make it, that I'll be a complete failure in life and end up being a homeless bum or permanently stuck on welfare. I got a degree, I have a decent job, I'm dating the most amazing and wonderful woman I can imagine...I've gotten somewhere and made something of myself, and now I get to go "ha-ha! Told you so!" to all my doubters. That gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Posted: 2005-05-18 06:50pm
by salm
Accomplishment and progress.

Posted: 2005-05-18 10:07pm
by mr friendly guy
I guess I never actively went out and do "bad" things. I like every consumer and tax payer contributes to the economy and help people through taxes.

If I really want to say what my main contribution would be, I would say as a doctor I provide a obvious benefit to the people under my care.

Posted: 2005-05-18 10:36pm
by Duckie
1) I enjoy seeing other people laugh. I like to laugh, too.
2) Random acts of feigned stupidity or silliness liven up the day.*
3) Because there's nothing else to do. I never understood the preoccupation with a purpose for living when there's no alternative.
4) A girl. She doesn't like me any more than a friend and doesn't know, but it's nice just to be around her. I guess.

And that's about it. You learn to deal with the rest.

* A recent special favorite of mine was waiting till the end of a multi-day lecture on the chapters with the Renaissance and the Reformation and then raising my hand and asking "All right, I get the part about Martin Luther King, but what's a Ren-Ah-Sense?" The look of horror was priceless...

Posted: 2005-05-19 04:48am
by The Morrigan
Right at the moment, fuck all except that I'm quite good at my job. Unfortunately, my job happens to be a quite junior clerical position, only my bosses let me rewrite the company constitution because I have a law degree and nobody else understands it anyway. In fact come to think of it, I only still have a job becuase I'm the only one who understands all the legal shit that nobody else wants to deal with. :|