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Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-25 12:59pm
by LadyTevar
My 19yr old nephew Jaxon decided that the snowy roads meant he and his buddies should go out and play. They tied a plastic sled to an ATV and Jaxon climbed on to be dragged through the streets.

Something happened, and Jaxon was slung underneath on of the parked cars. His friends dug him out, found him unconscious, and threw him in a car to rush him to the local hospital. My brother meet them there, but due to Covid all are stuck outside in the parking lot, no one's allowed inside with Jaxon.

Jaxon is awake now, able to move, but in a lot of pain. As of this writing (1p EST), Xrays revealed 3 spinal fractures. The worst one is to the C-7, and needs surgery.

I'll know more in a few hours. But, we can safely say that Xmas Dinner is cancelled :(

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-25 02:41pm
by Broomstick
I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry to hear he's in pain, but when it comes to spinal fractures being able to feel anything and able to move are actually good signs.

I hope he can make a full recovery.

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-25 02:44pm
by Batman
Best of wishes, My Lady

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-26 03:25pm
by LadyTevar
The nephew is being sent home, no surgery, just a back brace and pain meds.

The worst break was at T-7, not C-7, so there's that.

We'll see how he recovers, and gods willing he won't become another Opioid Junkie.

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-26 03:41pm
by Broomstick
If the break doesn't require surgery, just stabilization, then no surgery probably is for the best.

Best wishes for an uneventful recovery.

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-26 05:19pm
by Batman
Best of wishes for your nephew My Lady

Re: Medical Emergency for Xmas

Posted: 2020-12-27 02:25pm
by LadyTevar
The plan for recovery right now is rest and recuperation with the braces, then a follow up this weekend or Monday for more Xrays, MRIs, etc to see if the bones are showing signs of natural recovery. The doctors were not wanting to put in nuts and bolts if Jaxon can heal on his own.