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OnePlus 2

Posted: 2015-10-22 08:05am
by SCRawl
Many of you probably haven't heard of it, and just about as many may not care at all, but there's this relatively new, smaller phone manufacturer out there called OnePlus. Their first offering, the OnePlus One, was initially sold exclusively through their invitation system, so you needed an invite to be able to purchase the phone. (It isn't just a marketing strategy; it actually allows them to manage inventory more easily and cheaply.) The second phone, the OnePlus 2, is being sold the same way. I have one, and I like it, but more to the point of this post: I now have three shareable invites, and I can commit to sharing one here if one is requested. You don't have to know me, you don't have to like me, you just have to be first.

If anyone in this august community would like an invite, please PM me and I will furnish it. They are good for one week, starting about an hour ago. Please don't ask for one unless you are intending to purchase a device, because I'm reasonably certain I can find a home for them elsewhere. gets the first crack.

(Edited to explicitly commit only one invite.)