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promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-24 10:56am
by dragon
Well I earned a promotion to GS11 only problem is it came with a lateral transfer from the office to the production floor. So i go from having an office to a big room with 12 people in it, no privacy and not even a desk. Instead I gotta share a workbench with 3 others.

I'm thinking I should have turned down the promotion :shock:

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-24 09:19pm
by General Zod
Do they at least pay more?

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-25 07:14am
by dragon
General Zod wrote:Do they at least pay more?
Yeah about 7k more a year so at least that

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-25 07:37am
by salm
To me it seems better to be in the same room as other people you´re able to talk to.
I´ve had both and prefer sharing offices with others.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-25 07:59am
by dragon
yeah but I'm pretty much antisocial don't like talking to people

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-25 01:12pm
by Block
dragon wrote:yeah but I'm pretty much antisocial don't like talking to people
You're going to have to get over it as you continue up the chain, although you know that by now as a GS11.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-25 02:31pm
by JLTucker
Grow up. It's a $7k boost per year. You'll get over it.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-26 09:01am
by dragon
JLTucker wrote:Grow up. It's a $7k boost per year. You'll get over it.
Being paranoid schizophrenic with being an sever introvert I afraid I might not get over it.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-26 06:16pm
by Ziggy Stardust
Well, I think you will find it better than you think. I've worked in similar situations and always enjoyed it. Do you know what your schedules will be like? If you are really having problems it might not be impossible to tinker with schedules so you spend a lot of time there in relative solitude, or something. That said, I don't have the slightest idea what you do so I have no idea if this is practical.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-26 07:07pm
by JLTucker
dragon wrote:
JLTucker wrote:Grow up. It's a $7k boost per year. You'll get over it.
Being paranoid schizophrenic with being an sever introvert I afraid I might not get over it.
Give it a try. If you're worried, see your therapist regularly. That should really help.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-26 08:23pm
by aerius
dragon wrote:Being paranoid schizophrenic with being an sever introvert I afraid I might not get over it.
You'll be fine, they're your co-workers, they're not out to kill you, they're fellow professionals doing their jobs.

It's not retail where you're dealing with the general public and at least 95% of the people are fucking assholes or morons, usually both.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-27 08:47am
by dragon
aerius wrote:
dragon wrote:Being paranoid schizophrenic with being an sever introvert I afraid I might not get over it.
You'll be fine, they're your co-workers, they're not out to kill you, they're fellow professionals doing their jobs.

It's not retail where you're dealing with the general public and at least 95% of the people are fucking assholes or morons, usually both.
yeah thats the problem with paranoid schizophrenia intellectually you know it but accepting is something different

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-02-27 11:56am
by Thanas
Hang in there.

And when the first interoffice fight comes (and it will) remember that they are probably not out to get you.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 12:24am
by fuzzymillipede
Dude, being in the same room with other people is awesome. If I was stuck in a room by myself all day I would go crazy.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 03:04am
by GuppyShark
fuzzymillipede wrote:Dude, being in the same room with other people is awesome. If I was stuck in a room by myself all day I would go crazy.
You. Singular.

Not everybody shares your psychological makeup. This is a tastes and preferences issue. Telling dragon he's wrong is not helpful as he is not wrong. He merely has different tastes and preferences.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 08:43am
by dragon
yeah overheard several of the people talking bad about kevin and started saying to mysel i am imagining it. Turns out they were bad mouthing kevin just not me but a different kevin.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 08:59am
by Jub
I don't know much about this sort of thing, but would going out of your way to get to know the crew outside of the job do anything to help your mind set? Maybe make a few friends among the guys, so that when it feels like somebody is out to get you at least a few guys might seem like they're on your side or at least not out to get you.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 09:37am
by dragon
Jub wrote:I don't know much about this sort of thing, but would going out of your way to get to know the crew outside of the job do anything to help your mind set? Maybe make a few friends among the guys, so that when it feels like somebody is out to get you at least a few guys might seem like they're on your side or at least not out to get you.
Yeah it would but i make friends difficulty. wether its the ps or the depression up for grab. Oh well it will work out in th end

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 09:46am
by Jub
dragon wrote:Yeah it would but i make friends difficulty. wether its the ps or the depression up for grab. Oh well it will work out in th end
I feel you on that one, I struggle with depression and anxiety myself and it can be rough meeting and feeling comfortable around new people. I wish I had more to offer but I'm sure you're going to make best of this new position so all I can do is wish you luck.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 10:04am
by ArmorPierce
Chilling in the office with other people but it depends on the culture. In my office several key individuals cause it to be run like high school politics with the cool kids and not cool kids. The 35 year older men are chasing after the 22 year old girls, certain people who are note popular enough are excluded and remaining individuals bond by talking crap about the excluded individuals.

Re: promtion and lateral transfer

Posted: 2014-03-01 06:40pm
by Arthur_Tuxedo
You should check out the book "The Everything Guide to the Introvert Edge". It goes into detail about techniques to thrive in extrovert-dominated offices, even ones with little to no privacy. It's all about carving out space for yourself to recharge.