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Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:32pm
by Lord Falcon

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:33pm
by Flagg
Lord Falcon wrote:Well?
I heard North Korea is nice this time of year.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:36pm
by Lord Falcon
Don't do that. I'm being completely serious. I want to leave. You know as well as I do North Korea is NOT a nice place to live.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:36pm
by aerius
North Korea is fucking freezing this time of year.
You should go somewhere warm, like Somalia or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:37pm
by Lord Falcon
Are you being serious? Are those nice countries?

Would Canada be better? Or some European nation?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:39pm
by Ahriman238
US, Canada, Australia, Most of Europe, large sections of the tropics....

Where are you moving from?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:40pm
by Flagg
aerius wrote:North Korea is fucking freezing this time of year.
I like the cold.
You should go somewhere warm, like Somalia or the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Those poor people have it bad enough without inflicting this douchenozzel on them. Christ, show some humanity.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:44pm
by Lord Falcon
Stop insulting me. Do you have any idea how hurtful that is to me? I want honest advice, and I've agreed to stop injecting politics into it.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:46pm
by Thanas
How many languages do you speak?

What are your skills?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:48pm
by Lord Falcon
I only speak English.

I'm actually still in school, working to get my GED. I have also worked in factories, unloading stuff, etc.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:49pm
by Thanas
Then that kinda limits you to English speaking countries.

And with those skills or lack thereof they will not take you IMO. Best get more skilled.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:51pm
by Flagg
Lord Falcon wrote:I only speak English.

I'm actually still in school, working to get my GED. I have also worked in factories, unloading stuff, etc.
Bahahahahahahaha! You're not going to get residency, let alone citizenship in any English speaking country with a GED and your only marketable skill is picking something up and moving it to another location.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:54pm
by Lord Falcon
Well, then I guess it's like he said, I need to train up my skills more and get my GED (I am currently saving up to take the test).

I guess this discussion is moot till then, but if anyone wants to continue giving me advice, that's ok.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 06:58pm
by Thanas
You need a lot more than a GED. You almost certainly need a college degree of some kind or a marketeable skill in short supply in those countries.

A GED is far less than what those states expect as a minimum from their own citizens.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:03pm
by Flagg
Lord Falcon wrote:Well, then I guess it's like he said, I need to train up my skills more and get my GED (I am currently saving up to take the test).

I guess this discussion is moot till then, but if anyone wants to continue giving me advice, that's ok.
My honest advice to you would get me banned. But you're gonna need more than a fucking GED. You'd need some college. Maybe join the military and use that as a stepping off point to get a real education and then flee.

And not to be misogynistic, but you sound like a fucking pussy. There are assholes in every country on the face of the Earth and unless you learn to put up with them and give some back you'll just be a mewling useless waste of my oxygen. Grow a pair and maybe you can contribute to making THIS nation a better place. Then we won't have to live with the guilt of inflicting your ignorant ass on some other poor bastards.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:07pm
by Broomstick
Thanas wrote:Then that kinda limits you to English speaking countries.

And with those skills or lack thereof they will not take you IMO. Best get more skilled.
^ This.

I have a college degree and do speak another language, but I would have an extremely difficult time emigrating anywhere else in the world. A GED is nowhere near enough.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:21pm
by Iroscato
As harshly-worded as it was, Flagg hit the nail on the head there. I've seen your posts over the months, Falcon, and honestly I'm undecided whether you are a trolling piece of shit or a genuinely vulnerable person with very little life experience. Assuming you are the latter...the only way you will ever be happy is to pull yourself together and actively work to improve your life. If you're depressed and/or suicidal, get help, there is nothing to be ashamed of. If you're unhappy with your body/appearance, then eat healthily, exercise, find something you enjoy to get some energy and drive going in your system.
Yeah, maybe your country seems like a corrupt cesspit that is rotting from the inside out - freaking the fuck out over it on the internet isn't going to do a damn thing to change it - it will just draw the ire of people who don't know you, don't want to share in your every individual problem, and don't give a shit that you take offense to their insults.

Huge piece of advice - the world does not give one shallow-fried FUCK about you. Same goes for me, and everyone else on this planet. You need to realise that most of the time, people simply don't want the burden of your problems in life. You need to get on top of things, and once you're up there, the view is actually pretty nice.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:35pm
by Borgholio
Consider two important facts.

First, stupid people in the government is not a disease unique to the United States. Yeah we make the headlines all the time but politicians are fucking idiots wherever you go.

Second, despite everything you may see or hear around you, the US is far from being the worst place to live. Our supermarkets are well stocked with food, our unemployment rate is in the single digits, we have advanced healthcare, we are in no danger of invasion from a foreign power, we have only a fraction of the terrorist attacks that plague other nations, our higher education is still a magnet for people around the world, and you don't need to be afraid of our government busting your door down and executing you for speaking your opinion.

Yeah we have our problems, and some of them are quite glaring. But things could be worse. A lot worse. Remember that.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:36pm
by Ziggy Stardust
Also, and I don't mean this to be insulting, but I think you need to hear this kind of advice.

This thread of yours smacks of misplaced entitlement and unearned arrogance. You don't give us any information about yourself, you don't give any information about what you are looking for in life, or any sort of pertinent information whatsoever that could help anyone actually give you constructive advice. It shows you are unspeakably ignorant about the way the world works or what it means to live abroad; hell, of what it means to live domestically. You just expect to be able to waltz onto the Internet and have someone give you a quick fix solution with the absolute minimum amount of effort on your part.

I am assuming you are just a kid, but that's why I think you need to hear this. You are never going to get the solutions to your problems just handed to you. There are no quick fixes in life. If you want to improve your lot in life, you are going to have to work hard and think long-term. There is nothing wrong necessarily with acting impulsively (I think within certain limits it can be a good thing to make life more interesting), but there is something very wrong with acting ignorantly.

EDIT: I mean, seriously, what on Earth were you possibly expecting to hear on this thread? Did you want somebody to give you directions to the Big Rock Candy Mountain?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 07:43pm
by aerius
Lord Falcon wrote:Stop insulting me. Do you have any idea how hurtful that is to me? I want honest advice, and I've agreed to stop injecting politics into it.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 08:21pm
by Flagg
I'm gonna level with you, this little prick sounds like a little prick I knew about 15 years ago. Except I didn't need classes to get my GED I just took the test and passed the first time. The reason I'm being so goddamned harsh on him isn't out of meanness or spite it's because I wish I had someone tell this shit to me when I was his age. Luckily I'm a gifted test taker, have a decently higher than average IQ (which gets you very little in life, but is a small advantage) and have a parent that even now takes care of my emotionally and physically disabled ass.
And it's not like I at this point wouldn't love to escape from America, but due to my only having a GED, no marketable skills in particular demand (security guards are a dime a dozen) and am seriously mentally and physically ill no country would want me. And I don't blame them.
What I have to do is make the best of my bad situation. But you're obviously young. You don't sound like you have any serious physical conditions. You haven't posted enough for me to Internet diagnose you with any serious mental issues. The world is your oyster and yet you come to a half dead BBS whining about the mean old people you disagree with on the internet. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-05 09:00pm
by Wicked Pilot
Join the military and you might get some oversees time.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-06 03:49am
by salm
If you´re still in school and young enough you can go to another country with the American Field Service. Good chance to learn a language.

Also consider your skin color. Some countries might be better than others in case you´re something other than white.

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-06 06:00am
by Raw Shark
Lord Falcon wrote:Well?
I hear the USA's a pretty good country to move to, if you can get in. How would you define "good" in this context?

Re: Anyone know any good countries to move to?

Posted: 2014-02-06 06:08am
by ray245
Lord Falcon's profile states that he is 26, so he is unlikely he is still in school. However, either you have a degree or some sort of actual skill, short of becoming a low paying labourer, you are unlikely to find countries that are willingly to accept you.