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What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 01:12pm
by Sarevok
Rememeber we could die any time from anything. For all you know you have some uncurable cancer in your body right now. Or someone is going to run you over tommorow while walking the streets. Nothing you can ever foresee or do about it. You could work very hard for a bright future yet achieve nothing if you just die before reaping the benefits. And anything you accomplished from person you married to work you did is utterly meaningless since you don't exist anymore. It does not matter what wordly accomplishments you achieved as we all end up the same ultimately from poorest pauper to Alexander the Great. Everything in between birth and death is just distraction on way to our same and very equal final destination.

So what are your plans for dealing with the fact that you could die any moment taking away all your hopes,dreams and memories ?

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 01:44pm
by Purple
So you are asking how I intend to deal with death? I don't. Sure all you said is true, but so what? Sure I could die at any moment. And yes, I will have lost everything when I die. But I will also be no more so I won't exactly be in a position to give a dam about it. So I don't exactly obsess about death like that. Sure some of my plans and investments will fail. But so what? You can't obsess about it or else you won't ever get anything done. My self, I just live my life. And when the reaper comes all that matters is that you greet him with a smile and with as little regrets as possible.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 01:52pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Sarevok wrote: So what are your plans for dealing with the fact that you could die any moment taking away all your hopes,dreams and memories ? NOt think about it? If I start thinking about shit like that, I'll get all depressed and never do anything. Yes, fine, I might die tomorrow. But I'm not goign to spend the potential last twelve hours of my life worrying about that fact.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 02:52pm
by Lord Revan
Eternal_Freedom wrote:
Sarevok wrote: So what are your plans for dealing with the fact that you could die any moment taking away all your hopes,dreams and memories ? NOt think about it? If I start thinking about shit like that, I'll get all depressed and never do anything. Yes, fine, I might die tomorrow. But I'm not goign to spend the potential last twelve hours of my life worrying about that fact.
that's kind of my philosophy (if you want to call it that) about it. Sure I'll die eventually, we all do, but really there's nothing I can do to change it before it happens and after I won't care, so there's really no reason to mope about it.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 03:35pm
by Surlethe
Well, you work to minimize the chance that you'll die prematurely, and you take life insurance and put together a will to make sure that the people you care don't suddenly have huge burdens unexpectedly imposed on them if you suddenly die. Other than that, since when you die "you" stops, there's not really any point in worrying about it or "dealing with it."

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 03:45pm
by HeadCreeps
The only important thing should I die is that I not cause any more damage than necessary to those I care about.

Hope for nerd rapture with a pause button + social and economic equality. Hahahaha.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 03:49pm
by SirNitram
Came to terms with the idea I will die early, and try and live in a way where I won't look back and wish I did things differently. Love my wife, hug my kittens, and keep close to my moral compass.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 05:49pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I tell my family I love them on a regular basis, and maintain a regular 'what to do in the event of my death' doccument on my hard drive.

I've also scattered clues throughout my life which will lead whoever finds them on an elaborate scavenger hunt that ends with an autographed Chewbacca action figure and my prize-winning barbecue recipe.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 07:14pm
by Alyrium Denryle
When I die, I fully intend to give back a little of what society has given me, and try to make up for what I have taken from mama earth. Body gets donated to science (I am not permitted to donate organs or tissue due to The Gay. No, that rule never got changed with Obama in office), and when the medical students are... done... the bits are to be incinerated and the ashes mixed with concrete and tossed into warm shallow water to form a anchor for coral, such that my body can contribute to the lives of other living things for N thousand years.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 07:40pm
by Mr Bean
When I die I have left instructions in my will that my body (If in mostly intact conditions) be shipped to the home of my current worst enemy with a dagger stabbed into my back with a note attached that's covered in glitter and saying "YOU NEXT". The box will be rigged of course on opening for the body to face plant dramatically on the carpet/vinyl/front walkway. Needless to say a portion of my will covers the hiring costs of the accomplice, dagger purchase and courier shipping out to my enemy's current residence. The rest of my worldly goods are auctioned off and the money distributed to family members I can count on to see it used somewhere useful.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 07:50pm
by Eternal_Freedom
CaptainChewbacca wrote:I've also scattered clues throughout my life which will lead whoever finds them on an elaborate scavenger hunt that ends with an autographed Chewbacca action figure and my prize-winning barbecue recipe.
Despite the morbid subject matter, that sounds awesome.

As for what happens to after I die, well, the scientists can have whichever bits of my body they so wish. Especially the eyeballs and optic nerves (unless they're fixed by then) int he hopes it helps find a way to repair glaucoma damage.

The rest of me. Can I go with the viking option? Place my body on a boat and burn it in the sea. Preferably with fireworks and loud rock music playing. And no one is allowed to cry.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 08:09pm
by Rabid
Eternal_Freedom wrote:The rest of me. Can I go with the viking option? Place my body on a boat and burn it in the sea. Preferably with fireworks and loud rock music playing. And no one is allowed to cry.
A rocket. A fucking rocket. Once you have extracted all useful organs and other stuff, you put that sack of meat into an "homemade" rocket, and you launch it to low-earth orbit. Best case scenario ? my remains will orbit the Earth for a few decades or centuries, and when the orbit will finally be exhausted I'll be a Shooting Star. Worst case scenario ? BAM ! It's raining man ! Literally ! :lol:

Seriously though what's to say about that ? Live to have as few regrets as possible, do so that if you where to pass away suddenly those you love are taken care of, and just generally be a good person and try to leave the world a better place than you found it originally.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 08:21pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Rabid wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:The rest of me. Can I go with the viking option? Place my body on a boat and burn it in the sea. Preferably with fireworks and loud rock music playing. And no one is allowed to cry.
A rocket. A fucking rocket. Once you have extracted all useful organs and other stuff, you put that sack of meat into an "homemade" rocket, and you launch it to low-earth orbit. Best case scenario ? my remains will orbit the Earth for a few decades or centuries, and when the orbit will finally be exhausted I'll be a Shooting Star. Worst case scenario ? BAM ! It's raining man ! Literally ! :lol:
I concede to the better plan Sir. Going out with a bang indeed! :D

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 09:07pm
by The Romulan Republic
Sarevok wrote:Rememeber we could die any time from anything. For all you know you have some uncurable cancer in your body right now. Or someone is going to run you over tommorow while walking the streets. Nothing you can ever foresee or do about it. You could work very hard for a bright future yet achieve nothing if you just die before reaping the benefits. And anything you accomplished from person you married to work you did is utterly meaningless since you don't exist anymore. It does not matter what wordly accomplishments you achieved as we all end up the same ultimately from poorest pauper to Alexander the Great. Everything in between birth and death is just distraction on way to our same and very equal final destination.

So what are your plans for dealing with the fact that you could die any moment taking away all your hopes,dreams and memories ?
I disagree with your view. Leaving aside the question of weather their is an afterlife, our accomplishments have effects on the world long after we are dead.

As for how I approach death, I fear it and I am someone who will fight and avoid death as long as possible.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-13 09:21pm
by Enigma
I'll most likely be cremated whether I want to or not (Wife and her parents including grandmother are all fans of cremation, I'm not.).

Everything I own will go to my wife (not much).

I'm pretty much in peace with the thought of dying and don't particularly care whether I die now or in fifty years. Other than my wife, family back home and my faith, not much good is happening with my life. Job sucks, my health sucks even more, living with the in-laws is horrendous and I'm pretty much worse off now than before I moved here. I'm three and a half years away from turning forty and I don't see myself earning enough to give my wife a better life than what we have now. I figure that if I died soon (no worries, I'm not gonna off myself), I'll have left instructions for my wife to marry someone who deserves her more and that has his own place to live. She can keep whatever she wants of my belongings with the exception of any of my written works, whether complete or not. They are to be burned.

Life sucks at the moment and death doesn't seem that bad, but I will not actively seek it out.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 02:50am
by FaxModem1
I've been planning a Viking funeral for myself for a while now. My grandparents canoe, my body inside, nearest body of water. My body covered in gasoline and somebody launching a flaming arrow at me.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 03:29am
by Zanfib
I intend to procrastinate.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 04:49am
by PeZook
Have the people who want a Viking funeral made any actual arrangements for such?

Because if they did, it's the most awesome thing I've read, and if they didn't, they really should because otherwise it's just internet grandstanding.

As for, I don't even have a will. Not much to give away, don't care much for a funeral. Probably should buy life insurance soon, though. My health is deteriorating fast...

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 05:18am
by Darth Tanner
I can't see how that would be legal, you'd essentially be dumping a half burned body in a lake.

As for me, no prep at all, I'm only 26. My organs are all signed away already though as part of my driving licence, I was thinking of donating whatever is left to medical science or whoever wants some rotting flesh but never got round to it. Will have to look for the form one day.

Will sort a will out once I'm married next year.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 05:58am
by CaptainChewbacca
You know, I always kinda liked how Tommy Lee Jones' character went out in 'Space Cowboys', riding an aging soviet defense satellite all the way to the moon.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 06:31am
by mr friendly guy
I will resurrect myself and continue my quest to beat the big bad boss, after I gain several levels and exp for killing the underling. Oh wait, you are talking about real life and not a video game.

Ok, but since most people aren't taking such a depressing view of things I haven't done anything aside from a will. I see no need to do anything to prepare for death due to conditions which the OP has defined as "unforseeable". Since they are defined as unforseeable, there isn't really much point getting worked up over it. Now if it was forseeable, that may be a different matter.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 06:46am
by Lord Revan
"Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

there's actually a reason why I don't like thinking about death or other similarry depressing things, as I've stated on another thread I have some problems with periods of depression and one of the ways I deal with those is avoiding thinking about depressing things as much as I can. In that sense the first part of the serenity prayer (no it has nothing to do with Firefly :wink: ) I quoted there is sort of fitting to how I think about these things.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 09:33am
by Guardsman Bass
No preparations yet.

The ideal would be to donate my organs, plus putting the rest of me in cryogenic storage (including my head and spinal cord). It's mostly out of curiosity - I'd be interested to see if somebody a couple of hundred or thousand years down the line would have the technology to revive me based off of what is left.

In practice, I don't think I'll have the money for that. I'd settle for donating my body to science, if they'll take it. What's left gets burned and planted under a pretty tree sapling. I really don't want a gravestone to mourn over - burn me, remember me from when I was alive, and move on, like what my paternal grandfather wanted.

Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 09:51am
by Thanas
Surlethe wrote:Well, you work to minimize the chance that you'll die prematurely, and you take life insurance and put together a will to make sure that the people you care don't suddenly have huge burdens unexpectedly imposed on them if you suddenly die. Other than that, since when you die "you" stops, there's not really any point in worrying about it or "dealing with it."


Re: What are your plans regarding death ?

Posted: 2012-05-14 10:23am
by Broomstick
My plans regarding death? How about: put it off as long as reasonably possible.

Seriously, I take care of myself and try not to run crazy risks so as to increase my chances of living a long time. But since it's inevitable I don't to to extremes and run NO risks whatsoever.

My spouse and I have our finances arranged so if one dies first the other gets the money for continued existence. We should probably fine-tune some of the legal details but the truth is I won't leave much of material value behind at this point.

Otherwise, I see no point on dwelling on the matter.