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Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 08:33pm
by Surlethe
What the title says. The "Am I stupid?" thread and Olrik's follow-ups made me wonder: just how much math has everyone here had? The categories are above, so vote!

I myself am currently in the midst of completing a degree in math and physics (and economics, but so far it doesn't count in terms of math experience). I've taken group theory, analysis, topology, differential geometry, linear algebra, discrete math, differential equations, as well as multivariable and single-variable calculus. I have yet to take partial differential equations, boundary values, and measure theory. The physics classes I'm taking or have taken make heavy use of multivariable calculus, differential equations, and some linear algebra.

The economics class is so far full of people who seem to have difficulty with simple linear equations. Differentiating was mentioned. Once.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 08:37pm
by erik_t
At the moment, I have a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering. I have taken elementary linear algebra, multivariable calculus, ordinary differential equations, and a class on groups/rings/fields and their application to coding. I have considerable non-math-class experience in PDEs and numerical methods (whether or not the latter is really "math" is left to the reader). I may be taking a formal PDE course in the future.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 08:56pm
by phongn
Graduate-level studies in Computer Science (I selected Engineering as my poll option). I have taken elementary linear algebra, statistics, multivariable (and single-variable) calculus, ordinary differential equations, probability, discrete mathematics and automata theory. I have also taken formal analysis of algorithms courses, but I am unsure if that is really "maths."

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 08:57pm
by erik_t
Oh yeah. Throw in a prob&stat course too.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:10pm
by aerius
B.Sc in CompSci. Same as phongn except I didn't have multivariable calculus and automata theory.

But since I became a government freeloader I've pretty much forgotten everything harder than basic high school calculus.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:13pm
by The Spartan
B.Sc. in Mathematics and a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.

The highest useful math that I've had would be Diff. Eq. 2, though the highest math that I've had is Advanced Analysis which was an introduction to theoretical calculus, delta-epsilon proofs and so forth.

Edit: Chose not to vote since I need two options...

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:20pm
by SpacedTeddyBear
Got a bachelor's in physics. So naturally, I've taken linear algebra, ODE, PDE, Multi & Single Variable Calculus, and Mathematical Methods. What I can remember and am currently able to do off the top of my head is questionable. :?

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:24pm
by Magus
My highest formal mathematics training was through Calc AB in high school. Since then, I've had to pick up a few principles here and there for programming, and the only things I've really remembered from Calc have been the common applications sort of stuff - basically anything used in physics.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:35pm
by Surlethe
The Spartan wrote:Edit: Chose not to vote since I need two options...
I'd vote "math degree", but whichever you feel like is fine for what I'm looking for.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:45pm
by The Spartan
Surlethe wrote:
The Spartan wrote:Edit: Chose not to vote since I need two options...
I'd vote "math degree", but whichever you feel like is fine for what I'm looking for.
Fair enough. Done.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:53pm
by phongn
aerius wrote:B.Sc in CompSci. Same as phongn except I didn't have multivariable calculus and automata theory.
I thought you were an EE?
Magus wrote:My highest formal mathematics training was through Calc AB in high school. Since then, I've had to pick up a few principles here and there for programming, and the only things I've really remembered from Calc have been the common applications sort of stuff - basically anything used in physics.
Calc AB ~= Calculus I = differential calculus. If you're serious about developing software, though, I'd suggest you take some probability and linear algebra if you can.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 09:58pm
by aerius
phongn wrote:I thought you were an EE?
Nope, I just specialized into hardware design so there is a fair bit of overlap with EE.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 10:21pm
by J
Just the basic 1st year university stuff, linear algebra, stats, calc I, and a watered down version of calc II in second year. I believe we got to the basics of integration & differentiation by parts.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 10:28pm
by Simplicius
I got my prereqs for engineering completed before I started my BA, so up to integral calculus. But with luck, and cash, there will be mathematics in my future sooner rather than later.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 10:36pm
by Darth Mordius
In my second year of a B.Sc. in Physics so multivariable calculus, ODE etc.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 10:55pm
by Master of Ossus
I said I have a partial degree that uses math. I think I formally took through Differential Equations, and then took multiple stat and econometrics courses for my Econ degree. I'm not sure if those qualify as "math" in the sense of this poll.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 10:58pm
by phongn
aerius wrote:
phongn wrote:I thought you were an EE?
Nope, I just specialized into hardware design so there is a fair bit of overlap with EE.
Essentially a computer engineer, then? That makes me wonder what your curriculum ended up being - I pretty much proceeded down the software path, especially in image/video processing.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:00pm
by K. A. Pital
No, Statistics and Econometrics, which I also took, do not qualify as math in this poll I guess. We had courses in linear algebra, differential calculus and integral calculus courses. Thus I put integral calculus as top. The use of math is too "partial" in either statistics or econometrics to be seriously considered as grounds for choosing "partial degree that makes use of math".

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:05pm
by Master of Ossus
Surlethe wrote:The economics class is so far full of people who seem to have difficulty with simple linear equations. Differentiating was mentioned. Once.
What econ class is that? Is it like an intro to principles course, because Economists have basically used Calculus extensively since Ricardo. :wtf:

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:19pm
by The Romulan Republic
Trigonometry. Well, it was part of the course (Grade 11 Principles of Math). But I had to barely scrape by in summer school. :oops:

I don't think it was so much out of lack of ability, though, as it was out of laziness and disorganization. I would do fine on tests if I bothered to study.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:19pm
by ray245
Intergal Algebra when I was in Junior College, although I have mostly forgotten what I have learned one year ago.

Yes, I have a short term memory, blame me.

Got to refresh my memory soon I guess.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:25pm
by CmdrWilkens
I did 3 years of calculus (multi and single variable) followed by one year each of differential equations and linear algebra as part of my year and a half studying Aerospace Engineering. Unfortunately for my dumb ass the last course I took was roughly a decade ago and I've not bothered in that time to try and refresh my memory. If you had to quiz me right now I'd be screwed by anything tougher than multivariable algebra or trigonometry. Its really a case of use it or lose it and I lost it sad to say.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:33pm
by Dark Lord of the Bith
I'm currently working on a B.A. in Mathematics with a minor in Biomathematics, and I intend to go for a Ph.D. I've taken Differential, Integral, and Multivariate Calculus, Elementary Linear Algebra, Probability & Statistics, General Topology, Ordinary Differential Equations, and I'm currently taking Real Analysis and Set Theory, with Number Theory and Real Analysis II next semester.

I've also taken a few physics classes, covering topics through special relativity and quantum mechanics.

I do undergraduate biomath research, which recently has involved work with chaos and fractals.

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-17 11:54pm
by Mayabird
While I was in engineering, I did Calc I-III (Calc II included Linear Algebra) and Differential Equations. When I switched to Biology I also took a probability & statistics course (and also since I only needed Calc I and II for Bio Calc III and DiffEQs became Bio elective credits for me).

Re: Just how much math have you learned?

Posted: 2008-11-18 12:03am
by The Grim Squeaker
Advanced High School Mathematics. (Equivalent to an English A level). Trigonometry,Differentials, Integrals. (At least I remember solving equations with those names being bandied around, I've managed to forget just about everything since then).