Have you ever been suspended from school? What did you do?

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Have you ever been suspended from school? What did you do?

Post by Superman »

The title is self explanatory. At any time while growing up, were you ever suspended?
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Re: Have you ever been suspended from school? What did you

Post by Ritterin Sophia »

Superman wrote:The title is self explanatory. At any time while growing up, were you ever suspended?
Numerous times, that's why I decided if I'm gonna get suspended for some kid sucker punching me, I might as well fight back.
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Post by Surlethe »

Never, though I do seem to recall getting detention a couple of times for too many tardies.

Edit: Tardies. Tardies, not absences.
Last edited by Surlethe on 2008-04-30 08:28am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jaevric »

Yes, generally for getting in fights; I'd just moved into a fairly insular community when I was hitting middle school and anyone who hadn't been born and raised there was automatically "at fault" whenever there was an altercation.

Nothing breeds bitterness with school officials like getting jumped by 3 other kids after class and being put in suspension--when they aren't--because all three of them said "Well he started it." The fact that after a few incidents I gave up on even trying to back down or avoid notice and instead went right back at people who got in my face didn't help.
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Post by Chardok »

I missed the bus one morning and, as my parents both worked, I had no choice but to hoof it to school. So I did. so, me and my buddy Andy are be-bopping along, walking up this hugenormous hill, on the way to school, backpacks one and whatnot, when who should appear but the HONOLULU POLICE DEPARTMENT - and...what's this, they're slowing down! perhaps they mean to give us a ride? Yes! They do! Oh, thanks, mr. cop! Instead of walking in the blistering heat we've gotten a ride. that makes things much easier! We thank the cop after getting in, of course, and we genuinely are grateful for the ride.

Needless to say, we were perplexed when he got out and left us in the back seat after pulling up to the office at school, and even moreso when the assistant principal, who hated our guts anyway appeared in the doorway gazing at us icily. Seriously- you've never seen two more confused 12 year olds.

So, Mr. Cop lets us out and escort us into Mrs. Small's office, who proceeds to tell us that we were picked up for truancy, that our parents would be called and that we were suspended for the remainder of the week.

This was....and is to this day, troubling, as we genuinely were TRYING to get to school after having missed the bus. We had no other method of getting there but walking so, natually we would be late arriving to school, but we were GOING. I understand, we shouldn't have missed the bus in the first place....but to have my dad get in trouble with his commander because his son is a truant? That's not cool at all.

Believe it or not, I'm pissed to this day that no one believed we were on our way to school. I'm like, "Oh yeah, we missed the bus, and thought we'd just throw on our backpacks and go traipsing about on Aliamanu Boulevard 3 miles away from home just because it seemed fun. Yeah, we TOTALLY wouldn't stay at Andy's house and play NES all day, or go to the pool or anything. Nope, we'd just walk and walk and walk in the general DIRECTION of school - just because. Yeah :roll:

Oh, at any rate, yeah, I was suspended for truancy. Irony, no?
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Post by MKSheppard »

That's an awesome story chardoky.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Lets see according to my records here I was suspended eleven times in middle school, twice in elementary and one in High School. All of my middle school suspensions were for fighting except one, and my elementary and high school suspensions were for swearing.

I never caught on to the idea in middle school that being sent home instead of being forced to come to school was a punishment. See I had serious issues in my middle school because my elementary school had me in the equivalent of AP class. In fifth grade I took and passed the seventh grade statewide Algebra exam. Then I got out of elementary went to middle school in a different state and was kindly informed that I would for the next three years be forced to sit in classes I had already been in the year before. And as a "foreign" kid I got picked on, while in Elementary fighting was allowed, in Middle school they had a zero tolerance policy as I found out when they suspended me the first time I got hit and hit back.

It got so bad that at one point I got togther with a few of my friends and we staged a fake fight in seventh grade in full view of the Vice Principle so he would see us, break it up and suspend us, this was three days before Winter Break so I figured he'd never gave us less than three days. He did us one better, he suspended us for a full week, so not only did we go home earily that day and have the next three days off, but after winter break was over we came back on a Tuesday, score extra four days off, a full extra week of vacation!

Yeah, suspending kids when their parents don't care is not exactly a useful punishment.

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Post by Dark Flame »

Surlethe wrote:Never, though I do seem to recall getting detention a couple of times for too many tardies.

Edit: Tardies. Tardies, not absences.
Me too. I ended up with 2 4-hour Friday detentions, in addition to several regular detentions, when I was in 7th grade and my dad would drop me and my older brother off at school. There was nothing at all I could do to make them get to school on time, and he was in high school so he got off with no punishment.

That's basically the extent of my problems. Never had trouble with fighting, at least not during school... :wink:
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Post by Superman »

Mr Bean wrote:I never caught on to the idea in middle school that being sent home instead of being forced to come to school was a punishment.
Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. School discipline is weird since the thing you don't like about school is going to school. Getting suspended was sort of like this:

"What's happening to me?"

"You're suspended for three days."

"I'm gonna watch TV and wack off for three days?"


"OK. You can't stretch it out to four? What I did was pretty heinous."

"No, three days."

"OK. Anything else?"

"It's gonna be on your record."

"Oh, you mean the one they look at when I start community college at age 21, or when I apply for that carpet cleaning gig later?"

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Post by Ryushikaze »

Once. I was accused of threatening a teacher with violence or death (I was never given too explicit details about the incident I had supposedly committed), and after giving me a police style interrogation where I wasn't given any information what-so-fucking ever about why I was there, I was suspended and my mother had to come pick me up, which was an issue because I was at a boarding school about two hours away at the time, and this was just before I got my license. Later it turns out that not only did the teacher who had apparently been threatened not been the one to report the incident, he had not been threatened, and had no clue who I was. It was only while the headmaster was APOLOGIZING to me, after I came back from the suspension that I learned any of this shit, aside from the vague "you threatened someone, admit it" shit I got from one of the faculty (who had just come to this school after teaching a reform school, come to think of it) that first day.

That suspension was removed from my record, naturally.

Now, I'd been sent home several times before, like the time I brought a typical 'spread your jam' style knife into school when I was in second grade. Forgot I even had it in my coat.

Other than stuff like that, and the 'suspension of Senior Priveliges' I had when I accidentally broke a locker in the senior lounge (and even then, that was a 'show' punishment, as it was never enforced and I never really bothered to exercise them), there's not much in the way of amusing stories of me getting into trouble, which is surprising, given how much I probably should have.
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Post by ANGELUS »

I was once suspended for three days while on High School. Some moron started a fight with me just because... I wouldn't just stand there and let him hit me so I fought back.

Both of us were suspended.
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Post by Ohma »

I recall coming pretty close to a suspension back in elementary school when I got a bit overzealous during a game of sword fight or something during recess, and decided that it would be the height of 11 year old comedy if I mimed that my belt had been slashed and soon was punished because I'd exposed slightly more of the back of my briefs than would've been visible if I'd just bent over (I was kinda' chubby).

So yeah...that gave everyone in class plenty more to mock me about for a while.

EDIT: The thing is, I'm not annoyed that they punished me for that. I am pissed that they punished me for showing a little more of my underwear than normally was visible, while the kids in my class who constantly bullied other kids were rarely even told to knock it off.
Last edited by Ohma on 2008-04-30 01:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Singular Intellect »

I've never been suspended. But then I was a loner and didn't do shit anyways.
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Post by eyexist »

In high school I was suspended for a week and had to do community service for snatching my arm back when a school admin grabbed me. I was five minutes late after the bell rang for my next class and she assumed I was roaming the halls when I was just running late after finishing a test.

I had the cops called on me and on the court date the judge decided to make an example of me by having me do 100 hours at a community center cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms.

Ironically if an administrator put their hands on a child now they would lose their job.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Superman wrote:
"Oh, you mean the one they look at when I start community college at age 21, or when I apply for that carpet cleaning gig later?"

Yeah you mean the one they looked at when they gave me my clearance after I jointed military?

For fuck sake your school records when I grew up meant dick. Maybe the've changed now but I knew a Nuke who was fucking expelled for putting a kid into the Hospital with a broken jaw and broken fingers, he made it in just fine.

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Re: Have you ever been suspended from school? What did you

Post by FedRebel »

I got suspended a two times

1. 5 day suspension for fighting, this was delayed by a week since I was on the swim team and the coach wanted be to finish the season

2. 3 Day suspension for fighting, less because there were no witnesses and the camera only caught the start of the fight before it moved into the restroom

Aside from that I had (technically still have, since I never served them) countless detentions for foul language, "near fights", pissing off teachers, and oddly enough flatulence (horrifyingly rank farts that were bad enough to disrupt class.) Lets not forget the interest accrued from not serving them.
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Post by darthdavid »

I had many in school suspensions(You sit in a room and do your work for the day (which half the teachers forget to send in) and then nap or read. Oh noes, whatever shall I do...), quite a few detentions and one regular go home suspension because I walked in to the middle of a food fight in progress and someone hit me with a mayo packet so I went and smeared them with a honey mustard packet. No one else go it trouble for it despite the fact that I'd just show up and it had been going on for a while... :roll:
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Post by General Zod »

Never been suspended, but I've gotten a fair share of detention. One time for accidentally destroying a book, once for carving stuff into a desk, and another time for skipping study hall a bunch of times.
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Post by RogueIce »

Dark Flame wrote:
Surlethe wrote:Never, though I do seem to recall getting detention a couple of times for too many tardies.

Edit: Tardies. Tardies, not absences.
Me too. I ended up with 2 4-hour Friday detentions, in addition to several regular detentions, when I was in 7th grade and my dad would drop me and my older brother off at school. There was nothing at all I could do to make them get to school on time, and he was in high school so he got off with no punishment.
That happened to me as well, in elementary school.

You see, me and my sister went to a Christian school, which wasn't too bad to my 3rd grader self. But since she was not really eager to go in the morning, and we of course shared a ride, I ended up late quite a bit, and got "detentions" as a result.

Not that it mattered, since I had to stay at the after school program anyway until my parents came. So it was either run around on the pre-school playground area or sit inside the main school doing my homework and stuff. Either way I was still there after school, and the detention was never longer than I would have waited to get picked up in any case.

I did get taken out to the hallway and get a stern talking from the teacher one time though. For whatever reason I had decided to just not even try that day (literally I'd get zeros on anything we did, not because I didn't do it but because I deliberatley put in the wrong answers), and I probably did some other stuff I don't remember on top of that. I don't think I got any more trouble than that though.

In fifth grade (I went to public schools from 4th onwards) the janitor sent my to the AP's office because it was supposed to be "total silence!" in the lunch room or something. Anyway, someone did something funny and, being a kid, I of course laughed, along with several other people. Just my luck that the janitor lady cracked down on me and a couple other kids. So the AP told us to follow the rules, blah blah, and we got sent back. The next day, the janitor lady actually came up and apologized to me, because she realized she'd just kinda targeted me pretty unfairly.

And in middle school there was an incident when I got accused of calling a black kid the n-word. I didn't, but he was bigger than me and angry when someone told me I did it so I didn't actually say no (I was too nervous...and I did say something to him but I didn't repeat it, and that's when someone said I used the n-word). I got talked to by one of the administrators in the lunch room (no fight, he went to a teacher) but didn't get suspended or anything. Luckily that was the day prior to when my family was flying up to see family or something so I basically got to disappear until everybody forgot about the incident.

I was, all in all, a goody-twoshoes in school. :D

As for suspensions being punishment, I don't know how the private school did, but the public schools were supposed to hand out zeros for all the work that was supposed to turned in while you were suspended, and anything handed out would not be given as makeup when you came back. Which would affect your grade, obviously. Not that the teachers ever did that and just let people on ISS/OSS turn in stuff and get makeup work anyway, but that was the theory.

Oh and in high school you'd lose the exam exemptions too.
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Post by TithonusSyndrome »

A lot of suspensions in elementary and junior high for fighting, but that stopped abruptly when I got into a really, REALLY long fight at the start of high school and got a pretty serious concussion and fucked up eye that to this day still cannot look all the way up or down. Took the fight outta me real good.
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Post by Eulogy »

And the school officials wonder why kids don't tend to respect them.

I'm envisioning a kid handing in a diorama for a project demonstrating what utter failures most employees are at meting fair punishments and why some kids do not like authority. Then the next day, the same kid gets suspended for "being disruptive" or some other bullshit. :roll:
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

I got suspended once in junior high school (eighth grade). It was entirely my fault. :oops:

What happened was that we were in the band room, and one of the guys was pretty wild - you know, in and out of detention and so forth. So on the second to last day of school, when we were essentially sitting around doing nothing, we started up a duel - with the band stands used as swords. We only got suspended when it progressed to using chairs and desks as swords and the like.
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Post by Havok »

In order from High School down to Elementary.

When I was in the office getting suspended for fighting, the VP left me alone for a minute and I got on the school intercom and told everyone to suck my dick in a funny voice. I was already getting suyspended, but that added to it.
I told a girl I wanted to eat her pussy.

I was a bad kid. Surprisingly, I had very good grades.
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Post by Darth Ruinus »


You were caught having sex or something? That must have been emberassing.
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Post by Zadius »

I was suspended for three days in 8th grade for threatening someone. It was a joke, and everyone that heard me knew it including the person it was directed at, but the school had a zero tolerance policy so I was suspended. A year earlier, I served an in-school suspension for throwing clay at the art teacher (she had physically destroyed some pottery that I had made and refused to give me credit for it.) I reacted wrongly, but to this day I maintain that she was psychotic, literally crazy.

In high school I didn't get in much trouble, but I did receive quite a few detentions for tardiness. They had a policy that if detentions were not served on time, they would be doubled, so I managed to rack up 30 detentions or so. They were never very good at enforcing them and I never did serve them.
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