Page 1 of 9 Seapower (RAR!)

Posted: 2008-02-10 08:40pm
by Zor
Today, Q has decided to do something to the established population of However, unlike so many other scenarios he does not send back in time or to the ass end of the galaxy. We stay on earth at this time, but get something major.

Every not banned member of that has more than 50 posts is given command of his/her own fully equiped warship based on postcount and status as of the event. It goes as such (Wikipedia use for convenice purposes)...

Those with 50 to 1,000 posts get command of a Halifax Class-Frigate and the Rank of Commander

Those with 1,001 to 2,500 Posts get a Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyer and the Rank of Captain

Regular posters with 2,500 to 5,000 posts get either a Ticonderoga Class-cruiser or a Virginia-Class Attack Sub, depending on choice and the rank of Vice Admiral

Regular posters with 5,000 or more posts and moderators get a Kirov-Class battlecruiser, Wasp-Class LHD or a Ohio-Class Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarine, depending on choice and the Rank of Admiral

Supermods and Administrators get a Nimitz-Class Aircraft Carrier and the Rank of Admiral of the Fleet

People with a VI or other such title are given a Freedom-Class LCS, they get the rank of Ensign.

Each of these ships is fully equiped, including paracites and aircraft and in full working order with a loyal Crew and Marines. As well, there are six automated floating naval facilities in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans with automated munitions factories, aircraft factories, hydroponic farms for production of food, fuel production systems and such to supply consumables and automated repair yards, each able to service forty ships at a time, as well as being equiped with substantial point defense weapons, including anti ICBM strategic defense lasers and anti ship missile batteries as well as a few reletively resteraunts and Hotels. The Navy is broken up into Six fleets (Australian, East African, Eastern Pacific, Western Pacific, North Atlantic and South Atlantic) nearby a Base.

What do you do and what happens? (PS, i am taking a cruiser as i don't feel like being cramped up in a submarine)


-EDIT: Added LHD to listing to give us some basic ground power.

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:18pm
by Teebs
The ranks and talk of fleets implies that we have to fit into a command structure and such. If that's the case I continue my university studies and resign from the navy, someone else can have the frigate.

Otherwise it would probably be fun going and playing tourist with my new frigate.

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:38pm
by Hawkwings
Awesome, I'm a Captain and a Captain! With an Arleigh Burke!

Anyways, we all run out of fuel, except for the ships with nuke plants. But before we do, I suspect piracy off Somalia becomes much less of an issue.

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:41pm
by That NOS Guy
Couldn't we just hire ourselves out?

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:42pm
by Enigma
I'd sell my ship and live a life of luxury.

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:46pm
by Zor
Hawkwings wrote:Awesome, I'm a Captain and a Captain! With an Arleigh Burke!

Anyways, we all run out of fuel, except for the ships with nuke plants. But before we do, I suspect piracy off Somalia becomes much less of an issue.
Fuel is not an issue, the docking facilities are equiped with petrolium production equipment capable of meeting the needs of the Fleet and the air wing.


Posted: 2008-02-10 09:48pm
by Uraniun235
Can I get a Seawolf instead of an Ohio?

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:53pm
by Hawkwings
Zor wrote:
Hawkwings wrote:Awesome, I'm a Captain and a Captain! With an Arleigh Burke!

Anyways, we all run out of fuel, except for the ships with nuke plants. But before we do, I suspect piracy off Somalia becomes much less of an issue.
Fuel is not an issue, the docking facilities are equiped with petrolium production equipment capable of meeting the needs of the Fleet and the air wing.

So basically, we could sit our ships in port and make a fortune selling our free miracle oil?

Posted: 2008-02-10 09:56pm
by Starglider
Zor wrote:Fuel is not an issue, the docking facilities are equiped with petrolium production equipment capable of meeting the needs of the Fleet and the air wing.
Found new countries based on these platforms. Dock the ships (sell most of the small ones) and sell the fuel and manufactured goods they're magically producing for hard currency. If they're extremely well defended (and everything is run by competent loyal troops) this should work. Frankly those Ohios are more of a liability than an asset, they make this ragtag bunch of total novices a dangerous nuclear threat that national governments will want neutralised by whatever means possible. Given decent ABM we'd probably be better off without them.

The problem with just selling the ships is the massive glut on the market, which vastly outstrips the demand or available support facilities - plus there's the problem of crewing them if the crews loyalty is to the initial captains. The platforms are the real prize and if the SDN ships don't act quickly to claim and defend them national governments (mainly the US) will.

Posted: 2008-02-10 10:40pm
by Master of Cards
Starglider wrote: Dock the ships (sell most of the small ones)
Dude, I think I speak for most of us small frys. We ain't going to sell our ships and do nothing. My TSS Lizcarol isn't much but she's mine and no ones going to touch her.

Posted: 2008-02-10 11:03pm
by KlavoHunter
Starglider wrote:(sell most of the small ones)
You can sell my ship when you pull it from the cold, dead fingers of myself and my crew.

I hope the Sea King on my Halifax is at least brand new. I'd be pissed if it were some 40-year-old breakdown waiting to happen. Or do I get a CH-148 Cyclone, or even my choice of helicopter?

First things first, I set course for the coast of Somalia and begin destroying pirate boats and bases in the area, hopefully before the rest of the SDN Navy gets to it.

Posted: 2008-02-10 11:26pm
by Rawtooth
I sink the ships of the two idiots who posted above me, then I sell my ship. Really, the only two smart choices are either cashing-out or praying that the fleet can organize fast enough to secure and hold the platforms. No sane government would let a shit load of ships float around under the control what amounts to mercenary control.

Posted: 2008-02-11 12:09am
by weemadando
We have so many damn Ohio class SSBNs that I enlist a few others and we hold the world to ransom, take over and live like Kings!

Posted: 2008-02-11 12:31am
by Scottish Ninja
Well, there'll be some 1514 people suddenly running about with warships now. That'll be some pretty significant tonnage, and plenty of it unorganized too. As much fun as I think it'd be to do some of that running about with my pretty little Halifax, I'd have to think it might be a better idea to sell it to some deserving government and go hide in a landlocked country, like Switzerland. [size=0](Fooled you, suckers, I'm going to Austria.)[/size]

Posted: 2008-02-11 12:31am
by Lancer
I take my Virginia, name it the USS Monitor, and make a beeline for the North Atlantic base.

Posted: 2008-02-11 12:55am
by Uraniun235
Rawtooth wrote:I sink the ships of the two idiots who posted above me, then I sell my ship. Really, the only two smart choices are either cashing-out or praying that the fleet can organize fast enough to secure and hold the platforms. No sane government would let a shit load of ships float around under the control what amounts to mercenary control.
FYI, if we have this many ships, they're probably just going to nuke the shit out of the platforms.

I'm taking my sub and I'm going to be laying low for the next several weeks.

Posted: 2008-02-11 01:06am
by weemadando
With that navy, if we can get *at all* organised we rule the waves. Period.

We have a lot of CVNs and more than enough power to protect all of them.

Posted: 2008-02-11 01:23am
by brianeyci
Uraniun235 wrote:I'm taking my sub and I'm going to be laying low for the next several weeks.
I'm probably finding you. Then we can have a sub party.

The main problem is stick your head up the USN sinks you. I can't think of any scenario where I won't be sunk attempting to "defect." Red October sounds cool until you realize the United States has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose keeping you alive.

Posted: 2008-02-11 01:28am
by weemadando
It all going horrifically nuclear is the most likely case though.

We need to connect all of our Ohio class subs together and start building Rapture and wait for the nuclear depth charges.

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:20am
by K. A. Pital
My Kirov class is renamed "Aurora" and flies the red banner. :lol: The SDNavy is enough to sink any other Navy in the world, so technically we can subdue, and rather fast, all other nations by our presence alone. Then we can select nations to rule over. :lol:

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:27am
by wautd
Hmm close to 5000.

While an Ohio is a helluva lot scary than pretty much anything, I just think that the Kirov will be more comfortable for my lazy ass. + I can get a nice tan on the Kirov

Decisions decisions...

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:27am
by brianeyci
Maybe I'm a pussy but I don't want to sink USN ships.

If it wasn't for family I would rather be sunk than sink an American warhip. Because of my family, I would rather lay low than fight. Sorry SDN you will have to count me out... except for weedmando's world's longest sub.

By the way wautd you're a fucking cheater you only get a Ticonderoga get back up to sea level :x

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:30am
by weemadando
We have the technology. We can live...

Under the sea, under the sea,
In an octopus' garden under the sea!

*nuclear depth charges start detonating*

Posted: 2008-02-11 02:43am
by Gandalf
I'll moor my Kirov off the coast of Sydney, and enjoy my new seafront property. In the summer, I'll travel to other parts of the world for holidays.

Posted: 2008-02-11 03:19am
by Uraniun235
brianeyci wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:I'm taking my sub and I'm going to be laying low for the next several weeks.
I'm probably finding you. Then we can have a sub party.

The main problem is stick your head up the USN sinks you. I can't think of any scenario where I won't be sunk attempting to "defect." Red October sounds cool until you realize the United States has absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose keeping you alive.
Red October was in a much worse position; basically everyone knew where she was starting from and where she was going to. Me, I'm going to just dive down to max depth and crawl along at minimum speed for several weeks, then surface long enough to find out how badly everything has been screwed up.

I mean, depending on how things go, there might well no longer be a US Navy to hunt me down.

Actually, screw that. I'll take the Ohio-class after all. I'll need some way of avenging the Pacific Northwest if someone fucks up and drops a few megatons on it.