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Fuck this board

Posted: 2007-04-01 09:29am
by Rye
Well guys, however many years it's been, it's time to get this off my fucking chest and tell you all what useless, sycophantic, spineless fucks you are. Yes, I too can read the fucking date, and no, this is not a joke, so no "hurf hurf, not convincing" responses from you (to borrow a phrase from RI, who is one of the few people that's contributed anything remotely innovative to this stale shit pot, despite being a fucking arsehole and rubbing everyone's nose in the fact he's getting laid).

First, I'm going to point out the main thing that's wrong with this board, it's not the flaming or the AYVB, it's the fucking sycophantic taintlappers that let Mike think for them. We all know who they are, in any thread about religion, they'll always be there to give a useless, uninteresting commentary like "christianity is bullshit lol" because the staff frankly is more tolerant to atheist bigotry than anything from the other side. What's more, everyone around here knows it's true, but they won't say it because of the aforementioned spineless, sycophantic behaviour. They are the biggest problem and make it all the more intolerable.

Yes, Kelly Antilles or whatever her damn name was a sore loser, but she was also right. There is a personality cult here that defers to fear of authority over sound reasoning, and it's to the detriment of the whole place.

I can see the responses, "Oh, but we made a christian usergroup and we had one polite debate in SLAM!!! That TOTALLY disproves the atheist supremacist bullshit around here!!" Riiiiight. :roll:

Secondly, Mike, I'm tired of listening to you act like a giant flaming douchebag throughout every single conversation in which you participate.

I'm tired of your endless "THE RAIN IN SPAIN DOES NOT IN FACT FALL MOSTLY ON THE PLANE YOU LIAR!" antics where you cleverly "expose" the blatant use of anything but dead-serious literal language by anyone you don't like.

Basically, I'm tired of you being a wannabe-bully crybaby shit here in your own little internet kingdom. I really should have left after that Anakin vs Sauron thread a couple of years ago where you misread the username "Rye" as "Necronlord" and proceeded to brand me a "wanker", then threatened me with the mighty banstick when I pointed out that you needed to go back and read the fucking post again.

How many people around here would even try to argue black was black if one day you reared your little head and tried to argue black was white for your own personal sadistic amusement? Well, obviously, that's hyperbole, but if there's ANY ambiguity in an argument, you would declare yourself the winner and most of the weak-willed atheist jamboree around here would sing your praises as another great and glorious victory for the snappy, browbeating, "much more puritanical than he believes he is" one! Wow!

You're just way too much of a raging asshole to bother conversing with, or around. So go ahead and ban this now-derelict account, post a big picture of Galvatron shooting my post with pew-pew laser beams or something, and cram it up your puckered little ass.

That's it.

P.S. Fuck Stark. :evil:

Posted: 2007-04-01 09:35am
by Bounty
This would be marginally more convincing if it wasn't copy-pasted from a SLAM post by whatshisface. And if it wasn't April first.

Posted: 2007-04-01 09:41am
by mr friendly guy
Bounty wrote:This would be marginally more convincing if it wasn't copy-pasted from a SLAM post by whatshisface. And if it wasn't April first.
Well Lord Shaithis did confuse Galvatron with Megatron, unlike Rye. And Galvatron didn't shoot people with laser beams. He ordered the sweeps to terminate Ultra Magnus. Geez, where were those people in the 1980s. :P

Posted: 2007-04-01 09:52am
by Bounty
Geez, where were those people in the 1980s.
Reading books. Playing outside in the sun. Studying. Building spaceships with Lego.

Posted: 2007-04-01 09:54am
by Vehrec
*lights a stoogie* Ahh, the April First Threads. Think I'll swing over to Maddox's site later.

Posted: 2007-04-01 10:33am
by Lord Zentei
Vehrec wrote:*lights a stoogie* Ahh, the April First Threads. Think I'll swing over to Maddox's site later.
Maddox seems to have gone senile or something judging by the infrequency of his recent articles. And he hasn't done jack today either.

Posted: 2007-04-01 10:47am
by The Wookiee
Fine, Rye. Smeg off.

Posted: 2007-04-01 10:56am
by Ace Pace

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:04am
by Ozymandias
The Wookiee wrote:Fine, Rye. Smeg off.
Dammit man, my kill!

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:25am
by Shroom Man 777
Aw, Rye, you had such sexy legs! :cry:

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:28am
by Bounty
On the bright side, we won't have to hear the little bitch wax poetically about that trash-turned-sound called "metal". A happy day for humanity indeed :mrgreen:

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:28am
by Pick
Bounty wrote:On the bright side, we won't have to hear the little bitch wax poetically about that trash-turned-sound called "metal". A happy day for humanity indeed :mrgreen:
Yeah, everyone knows that stuff is just for stupid potheads. :P

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:29am
by Big Orange
Why did she suddenly snap like that? :?

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:34am
by aerius
Bounty wrote:On the bright side, we won't have to hear the little bitch wax poetically about that trash-turned-sound called "metal". A happy day for humanity indeed :mrgreen:
You got that right. That stupid tool could rant on and on about metal, black metal, dark metal, death metal, polka-dot metal, thrash metal, seriously, who the fuck cares?

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:35am
by Bounty
Big Orange wrote:Why did she suddenly snap like that? :?
28% stupidity, 51% attention-whoring, 19% immature whining, 2% metal.

Posted: 2007-04-01 11:52am
by Shroom Man 777
Koosalagoopagoop! I imagine you...away!

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:03pm
by Lord Zentei
Ah, well. I imagine this thread will be moved to Parting Shots shortly.

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:10pm
by Big Orange
Bounty wrote:
Big Orange wrote:Why did she suddenly snap like that? :?
28% stupidity, 51% attention-whoring, 19% immature whining, 2% metal.
I guess this is not the first time that a fairly popular long term SD.Net member vanished up his/her backside then went into a massive meltdown like the late Rye just did? It seems all the more peculiar that she was ranting about SD.Net's attitude towards religion, when she was pretty "me too" about that controversial board opinion about religion as well - maybe she had a few fair points, but it was daft of her to angrily stomp out of this forum like that.

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:15pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Colour me unconvinced.

I mean, the Mess prank was fucking awesome, until proven otherwise, I'm considering this just icing on the cake.

Oh, something that's confused me, though. PS hasn't been updated in ages, but I know there's been quite a few bans since February 6th, Shaithis among them. Is there a good reason for the lack of updates...or is someone asleep at the wheel?

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:42pm
by Ace Pace
Destructionator XIII wrote:Guys, Rye is a dude.
Dude, Rye is as close to trannie as it gets from active posters.

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:49pm
by brianeyci
Heh heh.

What's hilarious is that there's people who hate the board culture, many of them, some who've even expressed to me privately's board culture blows. People who are posting in this very thread (I won't name names) who think's board culture's condescending and part of a persecution complex. But they manage here just fine, just ignore everything because they aren't here for that and instead here for SF, science, news, or whatever.

I had one of these debates with Rye before about "what to call people who are ignorant about Christanity" (and I'm a weak debator) and I asked him why I should know more about The Bible and he couldn't give an answer. He also couldn't give an answer that people who were ignorant about Christianity were statistically significant enough to warrant a label. Hahahaha I bet it stuck in your craw Rye Dubai, knowing the mods wouldn't come and save your ass, and when Mike chimed in after me pissed you off to no end. Probably doesn't enter his brain that people have the same conclusions about religion as Mike not because we're all one big hive and parrot each other's views, but because I came to those conclusions separately and I just happen to be reasonable.
Rye wrote:P.S. Fuck Stark.
Stark's gonna need support after this. GROUP HUG! :D

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:49pm
by Oni Koneko Damien
Ace Pace wrote:
Destructionator XIII wrote:Guys, Rye is a dude.
Dude, Rye is as close to trannie as it gets from active posters.
I happily claim second closest...and if this thread *isn't* a prank...then I suppose that puts me in the lead.

Posted: 2007-04-01 12:57pm
by Bounty
I just happen to be reasonable.
I'm just going to pretend that quote is Brian's April Fools joke. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Posted: 2007-04-01 01:01pm
by Ace Pace
Bounty wrote:
I just happen to be reasonable.
I'm just going to pretend that quote is Brian's April Fools joke. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


I happily claim second closest...and if this thread *isn't* a prank...then I suppose that puts me in the lead.
Come on, no one is banning the Orange Metal crossdressing dude. Right?



Posted: 2007-04-01 02:01pm
by The Wookiee
Oni Koneko Damien wrote:Colour me unconvinced.

I mean, the Mess prank was fucking awesome, until proven otherwise, I'm considering this just icing on the cake.

Oh, something that's confused me, though. PS hasn't been updated in ages, but I know there's been quite a few bans since February 6th, Shaithis among them. Is there a good reason for the lack of updates...or is someone asleep at the wheel?
Shaithis was never banned. I didn't know this but a brief check of his posting history shows that he threw a drama-queen bitch fit and went to his room to cry into his pillow.