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Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers)

Posted: 2012-02-17 11:50am
by Guardsman Bass
Hand-to-hand fight scenes are all over the place in action and SF films. Which one is your favorite?

My personal favorite is the one between Jason Bourne and Desh in The Bourne Ultimatum. It's a bit stylistic but so brutal, with both of them using everything in the house to their advantage (and ending with Bourne killing Desh in the bathroom).

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 12:54pm
by Alferd Packer
The final fight from Drunken Master 2. Jackie Chan at his absolute best.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 01:20pm
by Ryan Thunder
Guardsman Bass wrote:My personal favorite is the one between Jason Bourne and Desh in The Bourne Ultimatum. It's a bit stylistic but so brutal, with both of them using everything in the house to their advantage (and ending with Bourne killing Desh in the bathroom).
That guy had a name? Was it ever actually mentioned in the film? :P

I think that tops out as one of my favourites at the moment. Wire-fu seems to be really overused these days so I can't think of much else.

Dunno if this counts since its basically wire-fu with better impact, but its some of the best stuff I've seen so far in that category.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 01:23pm
by Guardsman Bass
They mention Desh's name once or twice, and that's it. The only time I can distinctly remember is when Nikki says that if "he [Bourne] kills Desh, they'll just send somebody else."

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 02:39pm
by Alerik the Fortunate
I actually rather enjoyed the final fight from Equilibrium. The rest of the "gun kata" sequences were pretty ridiculous, but the final fight looked like two people who were really grappling with guns to get a clear shot. Of course they were both from a rather stiff and formal school of fighting, and total reliance on guns as the killing weapon reduced their use of the environment, but I still liked watching it.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 02:42pm
by evilsoup
Is this just for one-on-one fight scenes?
This scene from They Live (a film everyone should watch btw). It just keeps going and going...

Also, there's a fight scene in the film Troy... the film is a complete bastardisation of the Iliad, but the fight between Achilles and Hector is worth watching.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 03:07pm
by Dread Not
I recently watched Taken which had some excellent fisticuffs. While the movie was overall quite silly, watching Liam Neeson kick ass is quite entertaining, though in a lot of the scenes he splices in some pistol shots. I guess the best scene that qualifies is the final showdown with the Arab guy on the boat. It's brief but incredibly brutal with tons of blood, bruises and broken bones.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 03:12pm
by Captain Seafort
Guardsman Bass wrote:My personal favorite is the one between Jason Bourne and Desh in The Bourne Ultimatum. It's a bit stylistic but so brutal, with both of them using everything in the house to their advantage (and ending with Bourne killing Desh in the bathroom).
That one is equal first, along with Bond vs Red Grant in From Russia With Love

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 03:13pm
by Panzersharkcat
Probably because it's fresh in my mind from watching it yesterday, but Max vs Blaster in the Thunderdome was pretty good.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 03:31pm
by White Haven
I'm somewhat shocked that Tony Jaa hasn't made an appearance in this thread yet. He's probably waiting off-camera for the most unlikely moment to appear at an improbable scene from an unlikely direction. :lol:

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 04:15pm
by Brother-Captain Gaius
There really can be no other.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 04:47pm
by Terralthra
Alerik the Fortunate wrote:I actually rather enjoyed the final fight from Equilibrium. The rest of the "gun kata" sequences were pretty ridiculous, but the final fight looked like two people who were really grappling with guns to get a clear shot. Of course they were both from a rather stiff and formal school of fighting, and total reliance on guns as the killing weapon reduced their use of the environment, but I still liked watching it.
I also liked this one. Fighting with guns as extensions of their bodies worked as an entirely different sort of gun fight than we're used to seeing.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 05:21pm
by spaceviking
If it counts Rocky III, Rocky vs. Clubber II

For a truer action movie... Soldier, where Kurt Russel fights a guy on climbing chains.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 08:44pm
by Flagg
Every scene between Neo and Smith in the Matrix films. I loved them all, so fuck you haters. You be my motivators.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 10:08pm
by Nieztchean Uber-Amoeba
The hallway fight from Oldboy. If you've seen it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't, I couldn't tell you.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-17 10:52pm
by Edward Yee
Ryan Thunder wrote:Dunno if this counts since its basically wire-fu with better impact, but its some of the best stuff I've seen so far in that category.
I stopped watching this after Heihachi's first strike to the just-German-suplexed Jin wasn't straight to Jin's crotch.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 12:23am
by Darth Wong
What the fuck is wrong with you people? All these responses and not one mention of Bruce Lee?

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 12:25am
by Zablorg
I'll mention Bruce Lee if it makes you feel better.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 01:02am
by Panzersharkcat
I have never seen a movie with Bruce Lee in it. I know his rep. I just haven't gotten around to watching his movies.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 01:32am
by Flagg
He kicked that douchenozzel Chuck Norris's ass so he's ok by me. Even if his kid was an emo.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 03:35am
by Oscar Wilde
Ip Man

"I want to fight ten people."
"Don't do that!"

Nothing better...

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 04:12am
by Darth Wong
Panzersharkcat wrote:I have never seen a movie with Bruce Lee in it. I know his rep. I just haven't gotten around to watching his movies.
His movies were crap. But he was a great martial artist, and he was the real deal. He wasn't just some dancer or gymnast who knew how to do cool-looking moves but could get his ass kicked by a feisty high school kid, like half the people starring in movie fighting scenes today. You could see his amazing speed in his scenes, which were devoid of wires or any other modern special effects.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 04:37am
by Terralthra
I think this is my favorite Bruce Lee scene.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 04:39am
by Shroom Man 777
I liked the bit where he killed Dan Inosanto. :D

Goddamn it, got ninja'd.

Re: Your favorite hand-to-hand fight scene in film (spoilers

Posted: 2012-02-18 05:32am
by Ryan Thunder
Edward Yee wrote:
Ryan Thunder wrote:Dunno if this counts since its basically wire-fu with better impact, but its some of the best stuff I've seen so far in that category.
I stopped watching this after Heihachi's first strike to the just-German-suplexed Jin wasn't straight to Jin's crotch.
Nah, it was straight to his forehead, pulverizing timbers with the back of his skull.

Seemed funnier to me. :lol: