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Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-07 05:56pm
by RogueIce
Those last few lingering image glitches seem to have worked themselves out. They now display fine from what I can tell.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-07 06:16pm
by FSTargetDrone
Consarnit, I just now had another "Content Encoding Error" issue (wasn't logged in at the time). I was running Firefox 3.6.8 on XP Pro SP3 and it's the first such problem I've seen since my last posting, after which I was on sporadically.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-07 11:16pm
by Dalton
FSTargetDrone wrote:Consarnit, I just now had another "Content Encoding Error" issue (wasn't logged in at the time). I was running Firefox 3.6.8 on XP Pro SP3 and it's the first such problem I've seen since my last posting, after which I was on sporadically.
Make sure you flush your cache. I'm giving it a few days. If things are still shaky, I'll let Mike know.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-08 01:23am
by FSTargetDrone
Dalton wrote:Make sure you flush your cache. I'm giving it a few days. If things are still shaky, I'll let Mike know.
I have cleared it a few times since I started seeing the issues. Just now, within the past few minutes, I saw 2 "Content Encoding Error" pages and one of the visible code problem as I was trying to log in (the same XP Pro SP3 machine as above, though Firefox has been updated to 3.6.9.)

Flushing again and I'll see how it goes.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-08 08:20am
by Dalton
Try it through both encryptions too.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-09 06:00pm
by FSTargetDrone
Dalton wrote:Try it through both encryptions too.
Everything seems quite stable today. I haven't seen any problems at all, both on- and off-line, with and without the encryption across the different browsers I mentioned earlier. Also looking good on the iPhone.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-10 01:07am
by Dalton
Thanks for your diligence! That was quite useful. Rogue?

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-10 01:06pm
by FSTargetDrone
Dalton wrote:Thanks for your diligence! That was quite useful.
Happy to have been even a small bit of service. Whatever you guys did, it's been back to being smooth as glass for the last few days. Well done!

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-10 06:23pm
by Dalton
FSTargetDrone wrote:
Dalton wrote:Thanks for your diligence! That was quite useful.
Happy to have been even a small bit of service. Whatever you guys did, it's been back to being smooth as glass for the last few days. Well done!
I can't take any credit, I just told Mike and he rebooted the server ;)

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-11 12:21am
by RogueIce
Dalton wrote:Thanks for your diligence! That was quite useful. Rogue?
Everything's running smooth still. Looks like that server reboot and me manually flushing my data (I forgot I had IE set to preserve cookies and temporary files for favorites) was enough to deal with the issues. BlackSoul and MF work fine, on normal and SSL encryption.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-09-11 02:06am
by Dalton
Thanks, guys. Mike just put away the Pepto. Let me know of any further issues.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-04 03:09pm
by TimothyC
Board was down for about 45-50 minutes from 14:15 EDT to 15:00 EDT.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-05 12:35am
by Dalton
Uh...let me know if you can't see who the forum moderators are.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-05 12:37am
by Phantasee
Dalton wrote:Uh...let me know if you can't see who the forum moderators are.
Can't see em.

It's happened before as well, but it got fixed quickly enough that everyone thought I was losing it.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-05 12:39am
by Dalton
Phantasee wrote:
Dalton wrote:Uh...let me know if you can't see who the forum moderators are.
Can't see em.

It's happened before as well, but it got fixed quickly enough that everyone thought I was losing it.
Can you remember how it was fixed? Because I just fucked something up.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-05 12:47am
by Dalton them back...let's try this again.

Right...that did it. Huh.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-10-10 01:55am
by RogueIce
OK, so I had the "broken code" thing happen again. It's pretty rare, so I wasn't gonna bother reporting it. But I found this along with it, which I thought was interesting:

Long Image

That's only part of it, as trying to screencap and merge the several seperate images it would take was too difficult.

I am at a complete loss as to what that would possibly mean.

EDIT: Some more details.

The broken code had the usual messed up formatting at the point the code went and broke. And then it had a long stretch of nothing but black background, which is where the weird image thingy was at. After that another stretch of black, and then some more broken code and messed up post boxes and such.

Also, while I have no idea what it was, it sure was pretty. :)

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-11-16 10:57pm
by Dominus Atheos
Have there been any changes to the board or it's hardware? The site seems to be working a lot faster for me in the past day or two.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-12-09 06:08pm
by Dalton
Mike did a point upgrade recently. Please post here if you notice any issues.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2010-12-17 02:25pm
by Ace Pace
Using Opera 11 (problem also exists in 10), I am unable to click on the "keep me logged in" field in the login form.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2011-02-02 08:43pm
by RogueIce
So um, is BlackSoul-SDN supposed to look like this now (ie: a change) or is there something wonky going on with either me or the board?

Nevermind, deleting my browsing history/temporary files/cookies/everything seems to have fixed that. So apparently the problem was me.

I'll leave the link though. It looks kinda cool, except for the boxes around image links bit.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2011-02-19 03:41pm
by Sriad
I'm currently going through a redirect page associated with when I click on a thread that prevents the back button from working, for example:
Spoiler ... [linebreak]
aclk%3Fsa%3Dl%26ai%3DB-rgdtCZgTeu-K6TyjASr7KGTC5Wiuc8B_Z2--xin5syuOwAQARgBIAA4AVCAx-HEBGDJtouHzKPAF4IBF2Nh [linebreak] LXB1Yi04OTgzNDU1NTMyNzQwMjQ4sgEVYmJzLnN0YXJkZXN0cm95ZXIubmV0ugEJNzI4eDkwX2FzyAEJ2gE5aHR0cHM6Ly9iYnMuc3 [linebreak] RhcmRlc3Ryb3llci5uZXQvdmlld3RvcGljLnBocD9mPTMyJnQ9MTE4MTgwmAKgAcACBcgCrcPTC6gDAfUDAAEAxA%26num%3D1%26sig [linebreak] %3DAGiWqtzVu1I5jk2kWxcOTuSQMGtTsLJCXg%26client%3Dca-pub-8983455532740248%26adurl%3D&dclkid=TWAmtAAK32sKgzkksmh [linebreak] 2Kw==&dclkp=TWAmtAAK32sKgzkksmh2K2GZtos47jeROje8QQ&as=rt&ut=9kKnTyjahAHXQ0oFCbU70Q==&bm=gMIVXPOjHwOK&fc [linebreak] =true&__cmbGU=ABJeb18pH105pjXDJgl8VmwRHIiFGPkCUysX2Q8ej1nHTj4d2xrlAUjBwICteeWpOIH488QdLrXF8ZXUVHLDEiGdfFP2j [linebreak] MET7A&drapt=ABJeb1-SWNCR2edPfH2T-bs6BLyqSKSgyVUDd0GUJS17cJTjlS_3ckn8bSpzrRdX0nHbFEr2Hu9gE09GD9_XMiod3p7tizcfU [linebreak] _9h8xZYiSCOq_w82TixXVsNeE1IRZaJc-xsrGxy7RAp1iFdjSdp8Drn9CVhUnb2rZ7t-PSH66qkxpxUDmPpL-5C-M2cERUhYDSyQVqQ- [linebreak] NH8j8DQXD-cXbMG0p-gqeymjly6oj3y2IGepY0gfEpsqMHHX_w5Y4CAPoE1rtz6GCrsJdxqEoyWNiO2jub_RrhlOBbnekcnZKHSGLWSftLv [linebreak] Re27Qpsek_tCkYvQtNqYJ9objxvmaCHjAV0z-arJyN9yYO6xeEYWiG4C27SnME2DBhlbLLR6yHZtf0uVBGEXLQjBdsGBigBq [linebreak] H8CL7xLSUPIyATxuMW7MuYpDrd84xZczH5nHpNIKAgyvDJfIqTkaqHY2LbHWbtwcKIAWkGDeyV9yeJPwtASogKsjZ_HGJAjN7Lk15m [linebreak] Q039HAxEFf4ijsMc08tJ3j7rnywDdwv1GvcZ5zw8fxZQT3aXQc61VBKJ2v5PhHnnUUfBaLGO2z5xWNjXUL76uL1Q1Pmn88-PjBz80DHuEuCdTtLCG2JUKkPBSAMaeuiOV8-pOMrGmYHzQou9evIkPmQQp42RIyGca9r1-GqL8zNNamooo_nEUA6lOwIpmcKm-SDl7rk7MUKy8cDLxJTZCvAEsEgrrWg6XsJHgGCLME3c7JwHLMm8IyGcInXXCoZzEAxy7HPmCN0qB5Ct7C2FTNSY0xQlx21djOSfC6nw
The issue seems to have stopped after a few minutes of browsing and it isn't a use-destroying experience, but I'd like to know what's going on.

If it isn't a board revenue thing I've probably picked up some spyware so it would be good to know either way. If it makes a difference I'm browsing on Safari.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2011-02-26 10:58am
by J
Slow, very slow, but on & off, usually on. When trying to browse the board I get "waiting for" for half a minute or so about 8 or 9 times out of 10 before the page finally loads. All other internet pages are loading fine so I guess it must be the board.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2011-02-26 02:23pm
by Scottish Ninja
I'm experiencing the same problem.

Re: Report board software problems here

Posted: 2011-02-26 02:24pm
by fgalkin
Same here.

Have a very nice day.