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Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 10:18am
by Raw Shark
InsaneTD wrote:They won't, a guy who has a kid with leukaemia, is the perfect person to throw in with the usual douchebags and such this show would draw. It adds a loveable character we all want to see win while adding drama. The producers would love that.
Okay, yeah, they might include one guy like that, but I'd predict a vast majority of "love-to-hate" characters. And when that one "good" guy gets stabbed and is on the ropes or, better yet, stabs somebody... holy shit, the ratings...

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 11:00am
by NeoGoomba
The Vortex Empire wrote:
Flagg wrote:Oh, something set in the Mass Effect universe. Maybe the First Contact War.
Man, there's a bunch of stuff you could do in the ME universe. C-Sec cop show, Band of Brothers style show about a squad of Krogan in the Rachni War, some sort of show following a Spectre, pretty much anything.
I'll take a Blasto C-Sec show please.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 11:13am
by Flagg
Raw Shark wrote:
InsaneTD wrote:They won't, a guy who has a kid with leukaemia, is the perfect person to throw in with the usual douchebags and such this show would draw. It adds a loveable character we all want to see win while adding drama. The producers would love that.
Okay, yeah, they might include one guy like that, but I'd predict a vast majority of "love-to-hate" characters. And when that one "good" guy gets stabbed and is on the ropes or, better yet, stabs somebody... holy shit, the ratings...
Can you stop posting this psychopath shit before a mod locks this thread? I happen to like it because I keep thinking of new things I'd like to see and some douchebag like you ruining it would be the cherry on top of the current week of shit. So kindly shut the fuck up.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 11:54am
by FaxModem1
I'd like to see an anthology show of the same group of people(played by the same actors), where each week, we see how different their lives are due to small differences. I guess Sliders, but with more of a personal touch.

EDIT: To further extend on this, imagine you have this girl named Sally, and in episode 1, she's in this loving relationship with Jack, but they have to deal with their neighbors, Frank and Nora, whom they hate passionately, because Nora and Jack are business rivals, and are doing everything they can to get a promotion from the other.

Then, in episode 2, Frank and Sally are the ones who decided to work, while the others decided to be stay at home, and with their same personalities, we see how much different that is from episode 1. The key thing being that Sally, Jack, Nora and Frank all have the same basic core personalities, but might be rougher or happier or angrier due to the situation, and we see how something as simple as one person getting a job over another or deciding to work right out of high school, or to never get married, etc. affected them.

The only big problem would be how to conclude seasons, maybe show the worst possible world, but them making things better and livable for them.

It'd make an interesting season, if nothing else.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 01:29pm
by Civil War Man
I would have a show set in Boston in the World of Darkness. It would switch between different supernatural creatures trying to live their lives. You might have episodes following an overzealous cop who becomes a Hunter, others that follow high society Vampires hanging out at the Harvard club, others that follow a group of Southie Changelings, and so on. Something like if Underworld had a baby with The Wire.

The theme song would be Bastards on Parade by the Dropkick Murphys.
NeoGoomba wrote:
The Vortex Empire wrote:
Flagg wrote:Oh, something set in the Mass Effect universe. Maybe the First Contact War.
Man, there's a bunch of stuff you could do in the ME universe. C-Sec cop show, Band of Brothers style show about a squad of Krogan in the Rachni War, some sort of show following a Spectre, pretty much anything.
I'll take a Blasto C-Sec show please.
This one would watch that.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 01:59pm
by Thanas
Let's keep the revenge fantasies out of this thread, guys.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 02:34pm
by J
I think I'd do a reality show.

I'm thinking A Day at Work with _______ wherein the camera crew spends a few days (or longer) at work with various people in a variety of jobs and then distills it down to a representative day in each episode. One episode may follow the stock boys at the local grocery store as they make juvenile jokes and slap each other with wet fishes, the next one could be the executive officers of a corporation plotting evil schemes, or maybe an overworked nurse at a hospital watching her patients die. Every episode will be something new. Sometimes it will be slapstick humour, other times rage inducing, and yes I'll make people cry.

For the most part it will be real, but as with other reality shows I'll bring in actors and script things as needed to get the results I want.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 06:59pm
by Enigma
J wrote:I think I'd do a reality show.

I'm thinking A Day at Work with _______ wherein the camera crew spends a few days (or longer) at work with various people in a variety of jobs and then distills it down to a representative day in each episode. One episode may follow the stock boys at the local grocery store as they make juvenile jokes and slap each other with wet fishes, the next one could be the executive officers of a corporation plotting evil schemes, or maybe an overworked nurse at a hospital watching her patients die. Every episode will be something new. Sometimes it will be slapstick humour, other times rage inducing, and yes I'll make people cry.

For the most part it will be real, but as with other reality shows I'll bring in actors and script things as needed to get the results I want.
Like "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe"?

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 07:17pm
by Flagg
Enigma wrote:
J wrote:I think I'd do a reality show.

I'm thinking A Day at Work with _______ wherein the camera crew spends a few days (or longer) at work with various people in a variety of jobs and then distills it down to a representative day in each episode. One episode may follow the stock boys at the local grocery store as they make juvenile jokes and slap each other with wet fishes, the next one could be the executive officers of a corporation plotting evil schemes, or maybe an overworked nurse at a hospital watching her patients die. Every episode will be something new. Sometimes it will be slapstick humour, other times rage inducing, and yes I'll make people cry.

For the most part it will be real, but as with other reality shows I'll bring in actors and script things as needed to get the results I want.
Like "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe"?
You bastard. Beat me to it. :lol:

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 07:23pm
by J
Enigma wrote:Like "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe"?
I suppose, though without the emphasis on gross out humour and fumbling badly on the job.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 08:54pm
by Imperial Overlord
I would love to see the Prince of Nothing. What is the nature of good when damnation appears to be arbitrarily dispensed by gods with bronze age values? Hell is a fact but each of the major religions has a different opinion on how to achieve salvation and the hope for the survival of the human race may rest on the shoulders of a ruthless overman whose greatest weapon is the ability to tell men the lie they want to hear.

It'll have discussions of truth, philosophy, and religion and some spectacular battles and visuals. Deceiving men and yet leading them to truth. The power of belief. False prophecies becoming real. Revelation in a world where gods and damnation are real, but salvation uncertain. The Fifth Battle of Mangedda. The Scarlet Spires attack on Shimeh. Hordes of Scranc so vast that they stretch as far as the eye can see. The power of the Gnosis and Anagonic Dragonheads. "There are no more Nations!"

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-12 09:20pm
by Enigma
J wrote:
Enigma wrote:Like "Dirty Jobs with Mike Rowe"?
I suppose, though without the emphasis on gross out humour and fumbling badly on the job.
Then it would be like "Dirt Jobs with Mike Rowe" but without Mike Rowe. Strike that, it would be more like "Undercover Boss" without actually using an undercover boss. :)

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 06:54am
by Raw Shark
Flagg wrote:Can you stop posting this psychopath shit before a mod locks this thread? I happen to like it because I keep thinking of new things I'd like to see and some douchebag like you ruining it would be the cherry on top of the current week of shit. So kindly shut the fuck up.
I'm also enjoying this thread and don't particularly want to shit it up with an argument, but I will opine that you seem to be acting the part of the sanctimonious dick-bag for its own sake, considering for example the sort of pure and, I might re-emphasize, non-voluntary evil being voiced over in the "Ring that mind-controls controls anybody" thread without consequences.
Civil War Man wrote:I would have a show set in Boston in the World of Darkness. It would switch between different supernatural creatures trying to live their lives. You might have episodes following an overzealous cop who becomes a Hunter, others that follow high society Vampires hanging out at the Harvard club, others that follow a group of Southie Changelings, and so on. Something like if Underworld had a baby with The Wire.

The theme song would be Bastards on Parade by the Dropkick Murphys.
I'd totally watch this. It burns my ass to this day that Aaron Spelling of all people got a shot at bringing WoD to the mainstream audience on prime-time network and dropped the fucking ball in eight episodes. A Wire-like treatment, with every faction getting its own full cast with heroes, villains, victims, etc would kick ass.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:02am
by tim31
I'd bring back Baywatch.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:31am
by Flagg
tim31 wrote:I'd bring back Baywatch.
If it were on HBO and was a total reboot I'd watch it. And I mean late at night on HBO. Just make softcore porn Baywatch damnit! Without the Hoff. Ever since the hamburger incident...

I'd love to see a Lost sequel series that was from the POV of Spoiler
Hurly as nuJacob leading the surviving Others with a reformed Ben Linus at his side along with Walt
. I couldn't care less about the plot especially, as long as they had the same level of compelling characters. But I doubt it will ever happen because Michael Emerson has his own show now and everything. But I'd love to see occasional cameos from the survivors who Spoiler
escaped in the finale
because I'd make it more globe trotting and less focused on the island.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:47am
by Lagmonster
I'm somewhat convinced that people who are nostalgic for Baywatch are people who haven't been taught that the internet contains porno.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 12:36pm
by Wing Commander MAD
If it were on HBO and was a total reboot I'd watch it. And I mean late at night on HBO. Just make softcore porn Baywatch damnit!
I could've swore SkineMax did that already. Visits Wikipedia and looks through lists of original programming.... I was wrong it was probably Showtime. Beach Heat:Miami (Wikipedia link so SFW) at least sound right.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 02:17pm
by Flagg
Lagmonster wrote:I'm somewhat convinced that people who are nostalgic for Baywatch are people who haven't been taught that the internet contains porno.
Yeah I never liked it TBH. I was like 9 or 10 when it came on and never watched it unless I was at the babysitters and she was watching it.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 02:23pm
by Flagg
I totally spaced it, but Robert Kirkman's (as in The Walking Dead) Invincible. It would probably have to be CGI animated just due to the levels of destruction and I doubt they would do an M rated Superhero cartoon even if it's start is a brilliant subversion of the Spoiler
origin and mythology. And that's just the beginning, it gets better as time goes on. Unfortunately due to my almost dying in 2012 I missed several issues and just never caught back up but from what I hear it's still going strong.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 03:19pm
by JLTucker
I'd create a Jack the Ripper miniseries that is 100% not Ripper Street. It would be a procedural in the vein of Fincher's Zodiac. This means that the protocol that was followed back in Ripper's time would be followed to a T in the show. There can be some creative liberties for character drama, but it stays a procedural first and foremost. Facts about the case will not be altered.

Adam Arkapaw will be the cinematographer and Cary Fukunaga will direct.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 03:37pm
by Lagmonster
There's a story I read years ago, can't remember the name, about a highly technologically advanced and thoroughly hedonistic earth where robots basically did everything. Then somewhere in South America a cadre of anti-tech cultists discover that, oops, fantasy-style magic was actually real all along (provided by extra-dimensional gods with an allergy to technology) and had been suppressed for tens of thousands of years. The whole book was about a war between two earthly factions - one with highly advanced tech and the other with nuclear-fireball-tossing evil wizards and demon-summoning necromancers and so forth.

Ten-year-old me thought it was awesome. I would watch at LEAST a movie about that, if I could ever remember its name.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 05:35pm
by Thanas
Also, fund a couple of shows that were cancelled way too soon, like Ripper Street....

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:41pm
by Flagg
Id love to see an American version of Doctor Who just for the lols.

I can see the tagline for it now: "If you think the original English version is up its own ass and has lost it's way, just wait until Americas take on the decades old British Franchise!"

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:53pm
by Thanas
Go watch sliders. It has everything you want except silly British gadgetry.

And yes, it is pretty bad.

Re: If you could make any TV show...

Posted: 2014-02-13 08:59pm
by Eternal_Freedom
Flagg wrote:Id love to see an American version of Doctor Who just for the lols.

I can see the tagline for it now: "If you think the original English version is up its own ass and has lost it's way, just wait until Americas take on the decades old British Franchise!"
For the love of God please don't do this :)