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Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-05 10:10pm
by AMT
Rain Man and Airborne

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-06 10:15am
by rapidsquirrel
The only movie that was shot in a place where I've lived as Baby Boom (IMDB) and given the fact that I grew up in a town of 400, one movie is pretty impressive.

Fun trivia: I know most of the extras in that movie.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-07 03:35am
by Glocksman
MariusRoi wrote:
Gandalf wrote:... what the hell has been set in Sydney?
Parts of Finding Nemo?

I live in Ohio. Southwest Ohio even. Who would set a movie here?
It's not a movie, but what about WKRP in Cincinnati?

My hometown (Evansville, IN) wasn't featured in any film under its own name, but our local minor league baseball stadium was used in A League of their Own and most the the 'exterior' shots in Roseanne were of Evansville locations because the producer grew up here.

The local paper said that the 'BOWL' outdoor sign seen on the show was that of Meadow Lanes.
I hated the show, so I can't tell you if it's true or not.

If it is, there's a good chance that you'll spot my 1978 Monza, 1975 Caprice, or 1974 Nova in the parking lot, as I worked at the restaurant attached to the bowling alley from 1986-1996.

If you watch a rerun and see a fat guy in the parking lot ambling towards a 1974 gold Nova, that'd be me. :lol:

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-07 05:39am
by DaveJB
No film has ever been shot or set in my hometown of York so far as I know (although plenty of television has); however, they did use Lincoln Cathedral as a stand-in for Westminster Abbey in The Da Vinci Code, and I personally thought the film was okay, so it gets my vote by default really.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-07 11:52am
by Shroom Man 777
Apocalypse Now was shot in the Philippines, so I guess it's cool.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-07 10:54pm
by The Romulan Republic
I know a lot of movies have been shot in Toronto, but I can't think of any set here. Come to think of it, I can't specifically recall any shot here either.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-08 04:11pm
by Kanastrous
I think the Friday the 13th tv series was shot in Toronto.

When I was in school we'd drive up to Toronto all the time for lab services, and usually saw some shooting for one project or another in progress out on the streets.

No Way Out was shot around Washington, DC where I grew up. They butchered the geography of the city beyond recognition.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-08 05:53pm
by Darth Nostril
The Browning Version the exteriors of the school were shot in Milton Abbas, the rest was in the town of my birth Sherborne.
And that's pretty much it.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-08 11:58pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Erm, here in Yosemite we have been host to Mavrick, Small Soldiers and quite a few others, now as to movies actually SET in Yosemite, none that I can think of.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 12:15am
by Kanastrous
Wasn't Cliffhanger set in Yosemite?

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 12:19am
by The Yosemite Bear
No but the vacation scene in StarTrek kills god was set in Yosemite, I've been trying to blot that one from my brain. Cliffhanger was set in the painted deserts of Utah/New Mexico.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 12:25am
by Kanastrous
Rocket Boots.

I'm sorry. I know I'm a bastard, for reminding you.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 02:12am
by Cal Wright
Constellation starring Billy D Williams took place in downtown Huntsville, AL.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 03:48am
by Bob the Gunslinger
Living in Southern California, I have too many movies to choose. Heck, I'm even an extra in the background of Wag the Dog (filmed at my HS) and Starship Troopers (many, many scenes filmed locally, especially the weird-ass space football and training camp scenes). But the ones that really stand out for me are the pornos filmed on locations I recognize.

"Hey, I used to play soccer on that field!"

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 01:06pm
by Kanastrous
You were at CSULB and Mile-Square Park?


Did they put you in armor for the Camp Curry scenes?

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 03:08pm
by Solauren
The X-Mansion scences from X-men #1 were filmed here at Colonel Sam's old place.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 06:28pm
by andrewgpaul
Nothing happens in Rutherglen*, but it's close enough to Glasgow to count; Doomsday, Small Faces and Red Road are three.

The beach in Local Hero is up the road from the caravan park where I used to go on Holiday - and it's on the opposite side of the country from the rest of the village. :)

*I'm pretty sure I've seen scenes from Taggart being shot here, but I don't know if that's where they're set.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-09 06:54pm
by Bob the Gunslinger
Kanastrous wrote:You were at CSULB and Mile-Square Park?


Did they put you in armor for the Camp Curry scenes?
No, no armor. Actually, I might have only been in the football scene (which sucked and took forever), but I only lived about a block away from Mile Square Park at the time and definitely watched some of the filming even if I wasn't in it. It happened so long ago that it's all kind of fuzzy.

Oh yeah, and I was in Berkeley when they filmed the Hulk (the bad one) at Lawrence Livermore and some Jason Biggs romantic comedy on campus near Sproull and VLSB. Fortunately, I missed the filming of Junior.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-10 01:49pm
by Ziggy Stardust
I grew up in Rhode Island, which gives me a surprisingly good range of choices: Dumb and Dumber, Me, Myself, and Irene, There's Something About Mary, Rain Man, Amistad, True Lies, Meet Joe Black, and ... well, I could go on. Rhode Island has a pretty good track record.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-11 06:36am
by JointStrikeFighter
Inspector Gadget 2 :(

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-14 05:29pm
by Omeros
Trainspotting is mainly set in Edinburgh, although quite a lot of the external scenes were shot in Glasgow as the producers couldn't find Edinburgh locations which were run-down enough.

Re: Favorite Movies Set Where You Live

Posted: 2009-03-15 09:31am
by Aaron
I can't think of one movie that is set in my current location. The Sixth Day however was largely shot in Stanley Park and areas around Vancouver (where I grew up).