Have you ever been suspended from school? What did you do?

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Post by Karza »

The standard punishment in finnish schools is detention, you really have to put your back into it to get suspended, so I never got suspended. My troubles were limited to a few cases of detention for taking part in snowball fights. The school had a zero-tolerance policy on those for some reason, but fighting, general bullying and assorted asslholery was rarely if ever punished at all. Way to go, fuckers.

There were two or three cases of getting an hour or so of detention or a chewing out by the principal or some teacher for fighting, but quite rarely considering that I spent something like the first 4 years of school fighting during almost all free periods. I used to have a really short temper, on which the bullies and assorted assholes zeroed in on. Trouble was, I wasn't ruthless enough to really fuck someone up, so the bullies never really got the message. After my nemesis transferred to a different school during 4th grade, and with that his hangarounds gave up bothering me, I pretty much became a goody-two-shoes. That together with starting to get straight As from most subjects meant that later I usually had the teachers on my side if there was some sort of trouble :P .

The exception to the rule happened on 8th grade when I ended up in a fight, and in the tussle accidentally* punched a teacher's glasses off her nose when she intervened. That one landed me in a bit more trouble, though no more than some sort of a detention again.

*believe it or not, it was a honest mistake. I swung a ridiculous hook at my opponent's head, and it only half-connected, causing my fist to kinda ricochet off his head and straight into the teacher's face :D
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Post by Zadius »

Col. Crackpot wrote:My proudest moment was being suspended for installing Wolfenstien 3d on the computer lab network drive in 1993. Serves you right for using your maiden name as a password.
That reminds me of all the computer related mischief I got into in high school, although I never got caught doing any of this. These are the main things I did:

-My school used a program called Fortres 101 to secure it's computers, but the administrators stupidly left autoexec.bat and config.sys open, so it was easy to disable.

-Every student was given their own username and password to log onto the network. I attempted to crack the encryption on many .pwl files found in the local windows folder and started collecting passwords of staff, including the principal. These got me into just about every folder on the network drive.

-To top that all off, the physics teacher had set his computer up to share his entire C drive over the network!
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Post by Lonestar »

I *almost* got suspended.

Some relative died(I can't even remember who, it was some great aunt I never saw) and we went to Texas for the funeral. We came back late(this was when I lived in San Francisco, I was a sophomore or junior, can't remember), I got up and went to school the next day, wearing this old-ass Texas A&M Tee-shirt that had a bunch of college mascots on the back with a Texas Aggie grinning, holding a rifle, and having the others in his sights.

Problem? Day before was the Columbine shooting.

It got all the way up to the Principal before he someone said "I'm not going to suspend a kid for wearing a college T-shirt."

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Post by Dracofrost »

I got in school suspension once for defending myself from a bully on the bus. He would sit behind me and shove me forward so my head hit the seat in front of me, or to the side so it hit the metal wall of the bus. After a couple days (and bruises) from this, I just turned around and slugged the fucker in the face. Naturally he started crying, I was the one that got in trouble, and he got off scott free. Never messed with me afterwards though.

And that was just in elementary school... I probably would have gotten into more shit later if I hadn't been homeschooled from the 6th grade on.
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Post by Phantasee »

Oh fuck, suspensions? I spent most of Grade 7 in detention, every day after school, almost. Loads of in-school suspensions, as well, mostly for fighting (God, I got into a lot of fights, every other day at least, and those are the ones that I got busted for).

After a near expulsion at the beginning of Grade 8, I kind of quieted down. Until of course, someone else started shit with me again, so a few more "incidents" as my VP liked to call them (the racist balding cuntrag horsefucker), and a few more in-school suspensions. Me and the guy who got into the most trouble with me, we both got an in-school after fucking each other up in the cafeteria (black eye on him, busted lips on me), and they sent us into the same fucking room. I think they figured we'd either fuck each other up or learn to live with each other...or he'd kick my ass and they wouldn't have to deal with it anymore.

Of course, this was the nice big room that was actually a lounge before the school shut down and reopened. So we did our work the first day, glaring at each other as much as possible. Near the end of the day, after a check-up, the door was closed accidentally by the VP. We immediately started slacking off, and got to talking. Next day, we closed the door ourself, and ended up chilling, ended up being friends by lunch time. Third day, shenanigans. We started poking around the room, and we got him up onto a ledge just above the door area (he was lighter), and we found a stack of cash, paper airplanes, and a used condom, amongst the other litter. Split the cash, then we snuck out of the room and went roaming about the neighbourhood (this wasn't easy, since the room was directly across the hallway from the office, which had windows all along it, and a hawk-eyed old secretary). Best day of my life in all of the hell that was Junior High. Never had a problem after that.

Until Grade 9. The cuntrag VP was gone, new principal and VP, who was a bit of a hardass, but generally okay. Of course, my record looked like shit, with a couple dozen in-school suspensions, 5 or 6 out-of-school suspensions, and one attempted expulsion (which was bullshit, BTW, since I was set-up by admin for an incident the other student lied about through and through). So when I got into a fight on the very last day of classes, before the provincial final exams (worth 25% of the grade), I got an instant 5-day out of school suspension (served it in-school to write my exams), and an expulsion hearing right after the last day of classes. So I was expelled from junior high after I finished it, heh. :)

I stayed out of trouble all through high school, on account of getting in trouble then would have gotten me expelled where others would get in-school suspensions. Which is to say, I didn't get caught :wink: High school was one of the best times of my life, learned a lot about having fun and getting away with it.
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Post by Big Phil »

You people have some serious problems, don't you? Other than a couple of short detentions for being late to class in high school, I never got into any trouble in high school. I skipped classes a few times in high school, and was always able to BS my way out of it (I had to take the dog to the vet, I had to take my brother to the doctor, etc.) since I never got into any trouble.
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Post by Schuyler Colfax »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:You people have some serious problems, don't you? Other than a couple of short detentions for being late to class in high school, I never got into any trouble in high school. I skipped classes a few times in high school, and was always able to BS my way out of it (I had to take the dog to the vet, I had to take my brother to the doctor, etc.) since I never got into any trouble.
Is there a reason you said "in high school"? I haven't gotten in trouble "in high school", yet.
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Post by Big Phil »

Schuyler Colfax wrote:
SancheztheWhaler wrote:You people have some serious problems, don't you? Other than a couple of short detentions for being late to class in high school, I never got into any trouble in high school. I skipped classes a few times in high school, and was always able to BS my way out of it (I had to take the dog to the vet, I had to take my brother to the doctor, etc.) since I never got into any trouble.
Is there a reason you said "in high school"? I haven't gotten in trouble "in high school", yet.
Sure there's a reason. I never got in any sort of trouble in elementary or middle school, and you don't get detention in college for showing up late or missing class. I did get written up my Sophomore year by the dorm for throwing a party with (GASP!) alcohol...
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Post by Superman »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:Sure there's a reason. I never got in any sort of trouble in elementary or middle school, and you don't get detention in college for showing up late or missing class. I did get written up by Sophomore year by the dorm for throwing a party with (GASP!) alcohol...
Looks like you're hanging out with a bunch of delinquents then...
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Post by Big Phil »

Superman wrote:
SancheztheWhaler wrote:Sure there's a reason. I never got in any sort of trouble in elementary or middle school, and you don't get detention in college for showing up late or missing class. I did get written up by Sophomore year by the dorm for throwing a party with (GASP!) alcohol...
Looks like you're hanging out with a bunch of delinquents then...
Yeah, thirteen years ago... we were a bunch of hooligans, I tell you what... :wink:
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Post by KlavoHunter »

Suspensions? Hell, I'm damned familiar with them.

During first grade, I was a disturbed little boy. Not a big surprise, my parents were getting divorced at the time. And my teachers and I had a serious problem over respect.

They had some funny flex-time scheduling for my first grade class - we actually had two teachers for the same class, one who was there until noon, and one who took over from noon til the end of the day.

They both had some sort of problem with children, it seemed. I don't remember a lot of it really - it was some issue with lack of mutual respect. They didn't respect me, so I didn't respect them. And I suppose my chosen method of showing my lack of respect was hitting them.

The elementary school made a SPECIAL rule JUST FOR ME - that striking a teacher instantly resulted in 3 days of out of school suspension.

As you can probably guess, I ended up spending more time out of school than in, so I ended up following my dad around to work, which fortunately wasn't a big problem, due to the nature of his job, which involved being out and about, fixing timeclocks at businesses, rather than being office-bound, where children wouldn't be welcome. It's arguable I learned more out of school than in.

This continued for the first three quarters of that school year, until, tired of dealing with me, they shipped me over to the other first grade teacher, who happened to be a guy - I don't know if gender was the problem here at all, but he showed me some respect, so I returned that respect, and we got along fine.

I've been in trouble other times, but it's not really been that memorable.
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Post by Dark Flame »

SancheztheWhaler wrote:You people have some serious problems, don't you? Other than a couple of short detentions for being late to class in high school, I never got into any trouble in high school. I skipped classes a few times in high school, and was always able to BS my way out of it (I had to take the dog to the vet, I had to take my brother to the doctor, etc.) since I never got into any trouble.
That crossed my mind too.

I never had a problem with fighting, for several reasons. I'm undersized and basically went through middle school as the bitch of whoever wanted to start something. That didn't happen much, but I never really fought back, just bottled it up. Once I got to high school I started wrestling and vented it all on my drill partners, especially because my best friend/ drill partner was usually the one to piss me off. :P

Now that I feel I have some confidence in being able to hold my own, I don't take as much shit. But it usually doesn't go past a shove or a quick punch, at my school almost everybody generally gets along.

Also, Spartan, what the fuck kind of football team were you on? Even though we dicked around and had some fun, nothing was ever that serious. Anyone that had any ideas like intentionally injuring someone always found a way off of the team.
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Post by The Spartan »

Dark Flame wrote:Also, Spartan, what the fuck kind of football team were you on? Even though we dicked around and had some fun, nothing was ever that serious. Anyone that had any ideas like intentionally injuring someone always found a way off of the team.
Oh it's not as bad as all that. I'm talking about these guys in particular. If I had gone after one of them in the way Chardok suggested, the only way I would have been able to do so is by going after a little one (we'll leave aside that there wasn't one for a moment) the others would have seen it as me picking on him and would have come after me. They weren't trying to hurt me then but afterwards they sure as hell would have.

As for the rest of my teammates, they wouldn't have deliberately tried to hurt me but I likely would have had the other members of the team berating me or ignoring me more than usual.

And if I cheap shotted one of them, well, even if I got away with it, they'd know and that would be their new focus point for verbal abuse. Then everyone would know and I'd be further ridiculed, etc.

My junior year of high school was a waking nightmare.
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Post by Icehawk »

Never got suspended or expelled, I did get a couple of random detentions for minor crap throughout my public and hightschool school years but that was it. Biggest trouble I got into in Highschool was when I messed with a computer and I got called to the office about it later in the day and they made a big fuss of it, afterwords I was forced to do menial tasks for the school's network admin after classes for a week.
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Post by Grog »

No I was never suspended I'm not sure what one has to do to be suspended from public schools in Sweden, I was in some fights but I can't remember that I was punished because of it. I remember that someone kicked someone in the head and the victim blacked out or something. The police got involved and the suspects were absent from school for some time but I'm not sure if it was because they were arrested or if the school had suspended them.
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Post by Dooey Jo »

I remember that a guy punched a girl in the face so her jaw dislocated or something, but even he wasn't suspended (but it was mostly an accident, and he was really sorry). In fact, I don't think I've ever heard of anyone getting suspended here. Even detention was rare.

As for me... uhm... oh yes! The teacher once told me to shut up. It wasn't even me doing the talking, it was the guy next to me, I just chimed in with my opinion. Hilarious though, that they were always telling me to talk more...
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Post by Rye »

Never got suspended, though I spent much of year 11 going in for morning registration and then coming home because I was horribly depressed.

We had some true arseholes in our school, though, some of them really should've been expelled (like the one that broke another guy's legs, or the one who put his fist through a window). They were suspended for a couple of weeks, but it was sickening how little the school seemed to give a shit about the rest of the students that had to interact with these fuckers that were forever getting into fights, stabbing people with compasses or using deodrant cans as flamethrowers on other students.
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Post by defanatic »

Wait... So, being forced not to come into school is a punishment? Bizarre. I got forced to stay in school late a couple of times. How about that, huh?

Every single detention I got in high school was for not doing homework. And I still was good at maths. Clearly, the value of doing extra work at home was drubbed into me even at that early age.
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