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Posted: 2008-09-30 06:52am
by loomer
Fifteen dollars will be on the way tomorrow, Tev, if you send me your paypal account. I'm afraid it's all I can spare.

I've not interacted much with him, but tell Nitram that were I a religious man, I would pray for his swift recovery.

Posted: 2008-09-30 06:55am
by The Yosemite Bear
right now I wish I had money and could help, however my own need for insulin appears to overriding my desire to assist you. dammit.

Posted: 2008-09-30 07:53am
by Broomstick
I, too, wish I could offer money to the laptop fund, but alas, I am still officially poor and I, too, have a spouse with chronic health problems.

You have my best wishes, as always. Lady Tev, don't forget to take care of yourself, too - eat proper, get sleep, don't over do. (I never have appetite when a loved one is in the hospital, I have to force myself to eat)

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-01 12:18am
by CaptainChewbacca
I could spare some cash. Are we really taking a laptop collection?

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-01 08:05am
by Soontir C'boath
I have an old (think perhaps eight years) Dell laptop that my bro wouldn't mind giving away. All it needs is a wifi card and he'll be on-line.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-02 06:14pm
by LadyTevar
Nitram had surgery today to repair the ruptured hernia. It went nearly exactly as planned, just a couple hours late. He is now resting, and they've given him morphine for the pain.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-02 06:16pm
by LadyTevar
If there is a "Get Nit a Laptop Fund", I was not informed. :wink:

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-02 07:57pm
by Broomstick
I think it was more a spontaneous outpouring of affection and sympathy rather than a formal fund raiser.

But seriously, if Nit is having these problems a laptop fund might be a worthwhile gesture for those of us able to contribute.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-02 10:16pm
by loomer
Oh no, the jig is up! I was going to post my paypal and have you send the money to 'Tev'!

I'm kidding. It's good to hear the surgery went well, and the happy fun of the morphine should keep his mind occupied.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-03 12:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
just glad he's not in the basement. Good luck Tev and Nit.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-03 12:37am
by Nephtys
Do keep us informed! And tell Nit that Spirry wishes him well, much mewing, and less-than-threes.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 11:55am
by LadyTevar
If his fever's down, he -may- be allowed out today. Since I've yet to be called and told "GET ME OUTTA HERE", I kinda doubt it.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 12:37pm
by LadyTevar
And he just called -- he's being released :)

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 01:37pm
by Kanastrous
Good news.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 03:05pm
by White Haven
The question is, is his fever down, or are the staff just tired of patching up the holes he keeps chewing in the walls? :mrgreen:

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 03:33pm
by Sidewinder
Glad to hear Nitram is recovering and has been released from the hospital (and hopefully, the release is because he's actually recovering, and not because the doctors overlooked a health problem that just became asymptomatic or stopped hurting, and which will return with interest afterwards; these things can happen, I know from personal experience).

Get well soon, Mr. Martin.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 08:45pm
by The Yosemite Bear
good luck Martin, now oppress some masses once you get back to a computer.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 10:43pm
by SirNitram
I live.

The infection was Staph, non-Mercer. I'm fighting it with the proper targetted antibiotics. Nausea and constant sleep stage over.

The hernia is repaired, as is the point of rupture. I have subdermal mesh now, bitches!

Sanity was preserved via House, NCIS, and L&O marathons, as well as finding out Gargoyles plays at 4:30 every night. Also, my mother brought her little Asus laptop which held my attention when all there was was infomercials and bad TV.

And no. Not a necro. That's fucking sad, that it could be considered one. But very true.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 11:03pm
by Mr Bean
Once again the powers of SCIENCE triumph over the natural world.
Be glad you live in the time you do, most of which we take for granted would be impossible even one hundred years ago.

Do what preventives you can Nitram, the smurfs* have gotten uppity again while you were gone.

*Yes I do know the difference between medieval serfs and an 80's cartoon show. However when I think of the users of this board in a collective, I picture a bunch of smurfs. I dunno, I think it's the blue.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-06 11:20pm
by The Yosemite Bear
some one just call me and hipper once the cyber pancreas is available.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-07 02:51am
by Broomstick
SirNitram wrote:The infection was Staph, non-Mercer. I'm fighting it with the proper targetted antibiotics. Nausea and constant sleep stage over.
Well, be sure to take those antibiotics properly! Even non-MRSA staph can be vicious.
And no. Not a necro. That's fucking sad, that it could be considered one. But very true.
I'm hoping this is the last "Nitram hospitalized" thread we'll see - I am wishing you vastly improved health, sir!

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-07 04:19am
by PainRack
SirNitram wrote:I live.

The infection was Staph, non-Mercer. I'm fighting it with the proper targetted antibiotics. Nausea and constant sleep stage over.

The hernia is repaired, as is the point of rupture. I have subdermal mesh now, bitches!

Sanity was preserved via House, NCIS, and L&O marathons, as well as finding out Gargoyles plays at 4:30 every night. Also, my mother brought her little Asus laptop which held my attention when all there was was infomercials and bad TV.

And no. Not a necro. That's fucking sad, that it could be considered one. But very true.
Is it too early to test your recuperative powers by offering you a beer?:D :lol:

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-07 05:16am
by The Grim Squeaker
Damn, couldn't you read (getting books from a library, or hospital "collection") or write?
Glad to hear thet you're recovering (again) and getting better (again). Keep well! (And get well!).

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-07 04:43pm
by Ford Prefect
SirNitram wrote:I live.
Damn! Foiled again!

More seriously, it's good to see you well and back in action.

Re: Sir Nitram Has Been Hospitalized

Posted: 2008-10-07 07:11pm
by Darth Servo
Glad things turned out OK. Hope you're not back there any time soon.