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Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-01-29 10:47pm
by Mew
Hi everyone.

I am Mew/Zerodius/Zerophex. Been lurking on the site for a while and finally registered.

I'm a member of the development team for a freeware game called "Mushroom Kingdom Fusion" and the author of many stories on many sites, including I've also been drawing sketches, which I've been submitting on various sites.

From what I've seen of this board, I liked what I've read overall. I hope to bring a pleasant contribution to the board as a whole.

Have a nice day people!

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-04 07:34am
by Blayne
Hi, I'm also kinda new registered only a few weeks ago and already pissed off several people.

Hopefully I can fit right in and figure out how to interact without ticking people off.

Am a student of Political science aiming to switch to a Bachelors in Computer Sciences and currently an artist using vector graphics in my spare time.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-05 01:40am
Hi my name Is blacksun2000.

I like writing short stories and drawing. A few of you know that already. :mrgreen:

I have been lurking here for a LONG time. Now I hope to contribute positively to the board.

I vehemently hate trolls. :evil:

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-05 10:42am
by Tiwaz

My nick you can see on the left... It is something I picked from comig ages ago. Apparently one of the earliest gods in Norse mythology.

As for me... Software engineer by trade and education, live in land of low taxes and warm sandy beaches known as Finland. (neither of those claims is true)

Very long time lurker but decided to register and see how much mayhem I can cause.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-05 02:06pm
by d'Artagnan
Hey, everybody.

My name (as you can probably see from the handy infobox on the left) is d'Artagnan, chosen for the fact that I like Dumas and because he's the mascot of my university (Xavier) where I am a freshman history major.

I've lurked here for quite a while, but have only recently (today) decided to get off my ass and try to contribute something useful.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-16 09:25pm
by hunter5
Yo my name is Chris I am in the US navy learning how to operate Nuclear reactors, but at the moment a volunteer tax preparer. I used to post as chr335 but lost that email so now I am hunter5. Got drag into here by the SW vs ST debates and never really left.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-18 02:03am
by ShadowDragon8685

My name is Nathan. I've been lurking SDN for longer than I can remember, I'd guess about two years now. I pretty much never stray out of the News & Politics forum, which I basically use as my distilled news outlet with a heavy dollop of hot sauce and entertainment on the side.

I've tried registering in the past, but it's always never worked until now. Mainly I tried pressing the "register" button out of pique as I'd seen a post in N&P which I thought I could comment on usefully, and was completely shocked to see that it worked. I do hope I haven't accidently earned myself a black mark, as my email is a gmail account, because I have no access to any other.

So, uh hello.

Posted: 2010-02-21 05:37pm
by Krisnack
After a lot of lurking, I decided to join up. I hope to have a productive stay here.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-22 11:07pm
by SapphireFox
Hello, I have been lurking here off and on since Wong-Sama was updateing his empire site. I hope my time here will continue to be enjoyable and fruitful. :mrgreen:

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-02-28 01:22pm
by Einzige
Good afternoon to you. I'm Einzige, and my usertitle is derived from the rough transliteration of the German word for "ego" or "self" and taken from the title of the German philosopher Max Stirner's work Der Einzige und sein Eigentum, or The Ego And Its Own.

Other than that, I've been lurking here for many years - at least since 2003, and likely well before; in point of fact, I really can't remember when I first noticed this community, but it's been a source of information and entertainment to me for many years and, I hope, many more to come.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-02 03:32pm
by Iosef Cross
Hi. I have been lurking for about 7 years. Always been a healthy source of information regarding sci fi and pop culture in general.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-03 09:14am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
Your avatar is most agreeable. Welcome!

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-03 11:28am
by Benedick-Arnold
Hi, My name is Mathew, i'm 35, and live in Texas. It's been awhile since i've seriously played any Role Playing Games, but I really like what i've been reading here, so I had to register. I'm a US Army vet. Studied PolySci at University of Houston, currently a TV camera operator.

Some of my favorite Sci-Fi writers include Robert Heinlein, William Gibson, and the guy that wrote The C.A.D.S. series.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-10 04:39pm
by Iosef Cross
Brother-Captain Gaius wrote:Your avatar is most agreeable. Welcome!
Thanks. Your's too!

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-12 04:41am
by Prannon
I've been around. I got introduced to this site a few years ago by a friend of mine in college, and I've been lurking ever since. I majored in political science and completed a relatively poorly written bachelor's thesis on the NATO intervention into Bosnia-Herzegovina. Then, I found a job teaching English in Korea and I've been here for about a year. I plan to remain for at least one more year before I go back home and study something computer or engineering related for a second bachelor's.

A hearty welcome to all new posters. :) I use this site for a lot of political commentary on things and it's been a real eye opener as far as thinking goes. It also gives me plenty of laughs at times.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-15 09:39pm
by Midnight Hope

After some interest I've decided to finally set up a profile. I chose this particular user name because I was born at night (Not until 2am - but figured 2am hope doesn't have such a nice ring to it!) and Hope because that's what my real name means.

So here I am, midnight hope.

I love keeping my mind active, my time productive and my life fulfilling and peaceful.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-15 10:02pm
by Lord Pounder
Welcome to the board my sweet midnight. Glad to have you here. Mind the Monkeys, they bite. Just give them beer and porn and you'll be grand. Also don't mind Stark, he hates everything on principal.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-15 10:11pm
by Midnight Hope
Thank you pounder, love! Teh monkeys, they will bite! I will give away my beer but I will never give away my porn! I'll mind myself against stark... *has a fear*

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-20 12:03am
by The Yosemite Bear
remember the first rule of monkey fight club

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-22 04:43pm
by Lord Pounder
The Yosemite Bear wrote:remember the first rule of monkey fight club
Fight dirty, cover your balls?

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-23 03:45pm
by Spoonist
Lord Pounder wrote:
The Yosemite Bear wrote:remember the first rule of monkey fight club
Fight dirty, cover your balls?
Why go into close combat when you can fling from a distance? ... re=related

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-30 06:42pm
by Temujin
Well, now that I’ve finally gotten around to joining, I guess I should get my first post in and introduce myself.

Greetings everybody, my name is Temujin.

Like many, I’ve been a long time lurker here, pretty much since Mike started the board, and a visitor to his and the other related sites since long before then.

I’ve been planning to join for some time, just never got around to it as I’ve generally been more of a spectator when it comes to the internet. Hopefully that will change now! :)

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-03-31 06:07pm
by Eudoxia
Heya all,

The name Eudoxia is something I came up while playing this interactive fiction game, Emily Short's Galatea. 'EUDOXIA' was Spoiler
the deactivation code for the statue (In the end I didn't know whether it was a robot or some statue brought to life by PLOT. I still don't :banghead: )
And what else can I say... Well I enjoy browsing the internet, reading, writing, movies, etc etc.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-04-02 02:25am
by Invader Taz
Hello everyone. The name Invader Taz is from a Invader Zim fanfic
I'm working on, but currently I'm having a bit of writers block so I
haven't gotten the first chapter after the prologue up yet.

Expect to see mostly in the SF, Game and History forums.


That will be all for know.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-04-03 05:21pm
by Malagar

My name (as can be seen on the left) is Malagar.

I came here for The Salvation War, and have so far found the rest of the forum to be entertaining enough to join, though I don’t think I’m going to post much. (a combination of a lurker mentality and not being on enough)