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Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-06-22 03:31pm
by [R_H]
Scale said I was 81kg this morning...which I can scarcely believe.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-06-26 02:38pm
by Dillon
Weighed in at 190.5 lbs this morning. Down from the 200 lbs that I was two weeks ago which is when I resumed my exercise routine after a three week break due to joint pains. Target is 180-185 lbs by July 1st.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-06-26 04:27pm
by Chardok
180! I MADE IT! I FINALLY MADE IT! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! TARGET ACHIEVED! SUCK IT, FAT CHARDS! I'm NEVER going back to that horrible nastiness again! Man, I'm friggin' HOT, now!

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-06 11:27am
by Pulp Hero
177.4 lbs.

Way short of my goal, but I am charting a definate downward (if slow) weight trend since I really started trying to lose the pounds. Hoping for a more modest goal of 175 by Aug 1 and 170 Sep 1.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-14 01:16pm
by Kodiak
I lost 4 lbs this week. I'm enjoying the "Smart Ones" desserts during the 3pm stretch at my office.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-17 08:06pm
by Terralthra
Under 160. Huzzah.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-20 07:27pm
by CaptainChewbacca
I'm going to the gym alot since I can't teach during the summer. My weight dropped from 278 to 260, and my body fat dropped from 33% to 28%.

Its kinda cool to be turning into a gym-rat. I'll watch for excessive douche-baggy-ness.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-21 08:33pm
by Master of Cards
I'm 18 and I'm almost 225 pounds (100 kilos abouts) at the height of 6'3. I need to lose weight.

I don't have a goal for my weight, I just want to lose a lot of flab and instead replace it with muscle. With this goal in mind I'm going to want by the end of 2 years be able to do.

75 crunches in 2 minutes
Be able to run 3 miles in under 25 minutes.
Be able to do pull ups for the first time in 10 years.

Hopefully I can use College as a way to break out of my shell and start something good for my life.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-07-25 04:04pm
by [R_H]
81.9kg as of this morning. The last time I weighed this much was around February. I'm hoping to be about 78 or less by September.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-08-04 06:22am
by [R_H]
I was 81.3kg this morning.
Master of Cards wrote:I'm 18 and I'm almost 225 pounds (100 kilos abouts) at the height of 6'3. I need to lose weight.

I don't have a goal for my weight, I just want to lose a lot of flab and instead replace it with muscle. With this goal in mind I'm going to want by the end of 2 years be able to do.
Try FitDay or TheDailyPlate to track what you're eating, it really helps.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-09-02 12:14am
by The Spartan
Well, I've put 20 pounds on since last August. I won't make excuses, I'll only say that I'm buckling back down and getting back to busting my ass. It'll be more difficult in some respects because I've developed tendinitis in my right shoulder, but I can still do this.

I did a 3 mile interval run today. Which I'm proud of; that I can still do that.

Currently my goal is to be able to run a Sprint or Super Sprint level triathlon. Not to necessarily be competitive, just to be able to complete it on a semi-regular basis. That's my cardio goal anyhow. My goal for weights is to just rehab my shoulder per my Doctor's instructions and try to maintain my physique as best I can. As for my weight, well, I want to get back down to around 215. A year ago I weighed in at 212, now I'm more like 235, so...


Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-09-15 02:13pm
by [R_H]
I was 81.2kg this morning. Which is strange, because I haven't been working at that much (pretty irregularily actually). I even managed about 7 pullups after getting home today, and I was fucking tired.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-09-23 09:41pm
by Zwinmar
As of 19 Sept. I started my workout program...weighed in at a fat american at 238.4 lbs (height of 6 feet)

*edit to clarify lbs, not kg

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-10-16 08:51am
by Pulp Hero
181 lbs this morning. *Shake fist!*

However I also got taped and have a 34.5in stomach and a 17% BMI, and I was able to wear my small ACU pants today. Something is working for me then.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-10-26 09:08am
by FireNexus
While I haven't participated in this thread, I have happily reached 175lbs since my May weigh-in (right before I started cycling and eating sensibly) for a total loss of 30 lbs. I think that weight is about right for my 5'8" mesomorph frame. Now I just need to start a good strength training routine so I can get the muscle mass I need to look really hot. My upper body needs to catch up to my scary-muscular legs. :-)

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-10-31 04:36pm
by [R_H]
80.8kg (178lb) as of this morning.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-10-31 04:41pm
by The Spartan
Still stalled out around 235. *sigh*

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-11-09 11:57am
by Kodiak
I weighed in at 276, which is the lowest I've been in about a year. I also hit my 5% mark :)

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-11-30 12:26pm
by Master of Cards
I'm pinging around from 210 to almost 220 but I'm hearing ecerytime I go home you're thinner! So I just hope I can stick to it

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-11-30 02:14pm
by Dillon
Getting back on the boat after a few months of stagnation. I'm still in better shape than the average joe, but I can see the slight foundations of a belly forming. I'm currently weighing in at around 200 lbs. My goal weight is 185-190 lbs before 2010. I'm starting today by resuming my normal diet, cutting out the junk and resuming my exercise regimen.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-12-07 05:16am
by Terralthra
Hit ~70 kg before I was satisfied that I'd lost all the flab I could lose without getting into the unhealthy range (I'm 1.87m tall, for reference; ~154 lbs at 6'2"). Now going on an anabolic diet; roughly 2200 kcals daily with between 170 and 220g protein per day (30-40% calories from protein), and stepping up my lifting.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-12-15 02:32am
by Kodiak
I hit my 10% goal today. I now weigh as much as I did 4 years ago :)

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2009-12-21 07:29pm
by Shaun
On Saturday I was 77kg according to the gym scales. Goal is to get to 100kg as soon as possible. Probably the opposite of most of your goals.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2010-01-03 12:58pm
by Pulp Hero
Totally wearing my 30in waist jeans right now. Awesome. Just awesome.

Will weigh in on monday.

Re: SDN Weight Watchers, Thread the Second

Posted: 2010-01-06 01:43pm
by The Grim Squeaker
In the past 3.5 months i've stopped exercising, stopped eating fruits and salads like I did at home, and stopped going to the gym.
From about 78 kilos a few months ago, (and probably a bit more than that while in the USA) i'm now 71.8 kilos.

Dammit, all my pants keep falling off me!