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Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-20 03:03pm
by Lord Revan
All this was really symptom of greater issue which the Japanese Emperor called "victory disease" where in you become so convinced of your superior military might that you ignore potential issues with your plans.

For example the thing that ultimately cost the Japanese the battle at Midway was not some unknown cunning plan the Japanese could have never predicted a junior Japanese officer predicted just that could happen, but he was punished for deviating from what the Japanese thought/wished the Americans would behave.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-20 09:01pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
Lord Revan wrote: 2023-09-20 03:03pm All this was really symptom of greater issue which the Japanese Emperor called "victory disease" where in you become so convinced of your superior military might that you ignore potential issues with your plans.

For example the thing that ultimately cost the Japanese the battle at Midway was not some unknown cunning plan the Japanese could have never predicted a junior Japanese officer predicted just that could happen, but he was punished for deviating from what the Japanese thought/wished the Americans would behave.
Hitler had a similar affliction. This extract sums it up:
Adolf Hitler initiated Operation Barbarossa against the Soviet Union on the 22nd of June 1941 ultimately because he really, really hated Communism. And Slavs. And Jews. Which was a really unfortunate combination of prejudices for the Soviet Union, because it contained more than 2 million people who were all three, 160 million people who were two out of three (Slavic Commies), and another 40 million Central Asians who were at the very least quite unarguably Commies. Which was bad. Given that Germany had a population of fewer than 80 million people, industrial production almost certainly lesser than that of the Soviet Union, war industries dependent upon Soviet resources (tungsten, rubber, petrol) to continue functioning, and that Germany was (politically) unwilling to initiate a total mobilisation of her already lesser aforementioned manpower and industrial resources, there was absolutely no way that this was not a very, very bad idea even given the data available to them at the time. Unless, of course, one assumed that Soviet resistance would be crushed within four weeks and the entire country occupied within six. Or maybe eight, if there was a bit of rain and mud or something.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-21 03:46am
by His Divine Shadow
TIL a third grocery store will open up in this tiny-ass place of less than 6000 people. And it's a grocery store based on selling b-grade produce and the like. As in stuff that isn't perfect looking and gets rejected from the regular stores. Maybe stuff that's nearing expiration date.

So it's stuff that will be sold cheaply. That's great, we'll need this to survive the governments incoming austerity measures.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 09:27am
by Crazedwraith
Today I learnt Commander Chakotay's rank insignia was that of a provisional Lieutenant Commander rather than that a full Commander throughout Voyager.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 10:10am
by Raw Shark
TIL that some people find the song "Escape" (aka: The Piña Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes even vaguely romantic, and that I am still garbage at picking my battles.

Seriously though, we only know the following about these two characters:

1: They are both actively plotting infidelity.
2: They both hold healthy lifestyles in contempt.
3: They sure do drink a lot.

They catch each other stepping out when they connect via newspaper personal ad, and this somehow rekindles their relationship. Which I guess is a good thing, because these two shitbirds deserve each other.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 11:02am
by LadyTevar
TIL (ok, last night) I learned I probably need to get Mom a powerstrip that she can't reach and accidently kick the plugs loose as she's sitting at her desk.
Problem, putting the strip where she can't reach it but we can.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 11:29am
by EnterpriseSovereign
Crazedwraith wrote: 2023-09-28 09:27am Today I learnt Commander Chakotay's rank insignia was that of a provisional Lieutenant Commander rather than that a full Commander throughout Voyager.
TIL that Chakotay didn't wear individual pips on his collar like the rest of the Voyager crew but instead had a single band. Though the file name for this image says commander (provisional).

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 12:40pm
by Crazedwraith
EnterpriseSovereign wrote: 2023-09-28 11:29am
Crazedwraith wrote: 2023-09-28 09:27am Today I learnt Commander Chakotay's rank insignia was that of a provisional Lieutenant Commander rather than that a full Commander throughout Voyager.
TIL that Chakotay didn't wear individual pips on his collar like the rest of the Voyager crew but instead had a single band. Though the file name for this image says commander (provisional).
All the Marquis did. To other them. (T'Lyn on Lower Decks also has provisional ranks, because she's from the Vulcan Fleet not Starfleet)

The file name is wrong. You can see the black bar that corresponds to the hollow pip of an LTC.

Memory Alpha has a section in it

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 03:04pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
Crazedwraith wrote: 2023-09-28 12:40pm
EnterpriseSovereign wrote: 2023-09-28 11:29am
Crazedwraith wrote: 2023-09-28 09:27am Today I learnt Commander Chakotay's rank insignia was that of a provisional Lieutenant Commander rather than that a full Commander throughout Voyager.
TIL that Chakotay didn't wear individual pips on his collar like the rest of the Voyager crew but instead had a single band. Though the file name for this image says commander (provisional).
All the Marquis did. To other them. (T'Lyn on Lower Decks also has provisional ranks, because she's from the Vulcan Fleet not Starfleet)

The file name is wrong. You can see the black bar that corresponds to the hollow pip of an LTC.

Memory Alpha has a section in it
Can't believe I didn't notice that section in the Chakotay article when I perused it! :oops: :banghead: :mrgreen:

TIL that the finale of The Expanse sucks, feeling incredibly rushed and anticlimactic and leaves too many questions unanswered.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-28 08:45pm
by The_Saint
TIL that someone quite a few km away in* Jersey City has spent money on my credit card for some fantasy football.

At least last time this kind of thing happened they had the decency to actually physically steal my card and then go and use it in a store where I was known (the idiocy of theft in a small community)

*probably not in Jersey City.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-29 01:02am
by His Divine Shadow
In Finland and probably other countries, they have something known as a virtual credit card. You can create one online for a one time transaction only and after it's used it's destroyed. You can create and destroy them as needed.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-09-30 01:37pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
TIL what a 'pawl' is. :mrgreen:

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-03 09:52am
by Raw Shark
Today (okay, actually over the last couple months) I Learned that Generation Z has no idea what the fuck a roach clip is, let alone how to improvise one.

"When I was your age, we didn't have these sissy rolling papers that come with a dainty little handle built in! We made due with paper clips! Bobby pins! Nail clippers! And that's when we had papers at all! My first bong hit was out of a Dr. Pepper bottle full of green swamp water goddamnit, you wouldn't know a swamp water binger if it was doing the Macarena on your dick. Get offa my grow patch."

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-03 10:15am
by Zaune
Could be worse. For the longest time I didn't know you could smoke weed on its own because everyone I knew who smoked it mixed theirs with tobacco in a roll-up.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-03 10:49am
by EnterpriseSovereign
I didn't know people mixed the two, I assumed they just smoked either one or the other.

TIL That the film I'd seen once and been tying to find out the name of was actually a miniseries, which explains why I couldn't find it until my Dad told me today- Storm of the Century, by Stephen King.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-03 11:10am
by Raw Shark
Zaune wrote: 2023-10-03 10:15am Could be worse. For the longest time I didn't know you could smoke weed on its own because everyone I knew who smoked it mixed theirs with tobacco in a roll-up.
In my experience that appears to mostly be a thing in the UK and India, unless you literally don't have enough weed for a joint but want to roll something.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-04 06:04pm
by LadyTevar
TIL that if the washer doesn't drain, it won't move onto the rinse/spin cycle. Which means you have your whites sitting in dingy soapy washer the whole two hours it takes to realize your Mother forgot she put a load of whites in.

I hope I got the stuff hand-rinsed out. I'll find out when the dryer's done. If not... Fuck it.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-04 11:32pm
by aerius
Raw Shark wrote: 2023-10-03 09:52am Today (okay, actually over the last couple months) I Learned that Generation Z has no idea what the fuck a roach clip is, let alone how to improvise one.

"When I was your age, we didn't have these sissy rolling papers that come with a dainty little handle built in! We made due with paper clips! Bobby pins! Nail clippers! And that's when we had papers at all! My first bong hit was out of a Dr. Pepper bottle full of green swamp water goddamnit, you wouldn't know a swamp water binger if it was doing the Macarena on your dick. Get offa my grow patch."
I did learn about roach clips in my youth, but all the stoners I knew just made the roach big enough so that we could just use our fingers and not need a roach clip. We'd just cut a strip of notebook paper or something similar and roll it up into a roach/mouthpiece along with the rolling papers.
Zaune wrote: 2023-10-03 10:15amCould be worse. For the longest time I didn't know you could smoke weed on its own because everyone I knew who smoked it mixed theirs with tobacco in a roll-up.
I didn't even know people mixed weed & tobacco until my 3rd or 4th year of university, and I'd been hanging around potheads since I was 14 or 15 (I didn't start using until I was about 20).

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-09 06:03pm
by Surlethe
TIL that on a simply connected planar Lipschitz domain the eigenvalues (including multiplicity) of the quadratic form on vector fields obtained by integrating the sum of the energies of the divergence and vorticity over the domain coincide exactly with the union of nonzero Neumann and Dirichlet eigenvalues (including multiplicity).

Also that not specifying a version for opencv-python gets me off the hook for upgrading it to a libwebp-safe version.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-09 07:01pm
by LadyTevar
I was coming on here to brag on my eldest brother for using a Youtube video to get the washer working.

then he broke the drain pipe off.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-09 08:36pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
Surlethe wrote: 2023-10-09 06:03pm TIL that on a simply connected planar Lipschitz domain the eigenvalues (including multiplicity) of the quadratic form on vector fields obtained by integrating the sum of the energies of the divergence and vorticity over the domain coincide exactly with the union of nonzero Neumann and Dirichlet eigenvalues (including multiplicity).

Also that not specifying a version for opencv-python gets me off the hook for upgrading it to a libwebp-safe version.
I didn't understand a single word of that! :lol:

Tev, how did he manage to break the drain pipe?

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-10 09:20pm
by LadyTevar
EnterpriseSovereign wrote: 2023-10-09 08:36pm
Surlethe wrote: 2023-10-09 06:03pm TIL that on a simply connected planar Lipschitz domain the eigenvalues (including multiplicity) of the quadratic form on vector fields obtained by integrating the sum of the energies of the divergence and vorticity over the domain coincide exactly with the union of nonzero Neumann and Dirichlet eigenvalues (including multiplicity).

Also that not specifying a version for opencv-python gets me off the hook for upgrading it to a libwebp-safe version.
I didn't understand a single word of that! :lol:

Tev, how did he manage to break the drain pipe?
I wasn't in the room when he did it, but here's what I can tell you:
1. Drain pipe from washer curved up and slid into a roughly 3ft tall PVC pipe, that connected to a second pipe below the floor that joined to the waste-water pipe in the basement. The drain pipe did not completely fill the PVC pipe, there was room for "burping air". The PVC pipe stood roughly the same height as the washer lid.
2. PVC Pipe had been there since the 1970s when my grandpa installed it that way. Far as I know it'd never gotten any maintenaince, because far as I know it'd done it's job without trouble. I do know it'd not had a problem in the 6years I've lived here.
3. Brother had finished repairs on the washer and was using a vacuum cleaner to remove decades of cobwebs/dust from behind the washer and around the pipe. I don't know what hit the pipe, but it broke at the bottom, pulling out of the connector joint so cleanly you could still see the pink stain around the bottom from the ancient glue.

Brother managed to get the washer's drain pipe to go down inside the connector, so water *should* still go into the waste-water pipe. We're to watch for signs of water backing up and bleching out

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-12 08:54am
by His Divine Shadow
Checked folksam car insurance stats where they compile accidents and injuries for car models. TIL that my 2007 yaris has the same safety classification as my Saab 900 (2 of 5). And a 1980s Saab 9000 is considered a safer car than both of those (scored 3 of 5).

I am impressed the 9000 scores so high still, also surprised the 900 measures up with a much more modern car. Disappointed the yaris scored so low however, but it's a small car.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-12 01:01pm
by LadyTevar
TIL that grandpa wasn't so stupid after all, having that drain pipe elevated that high.

Because when the drain pipe is low, the water runs into the drum, and RUNS RIGHT DOWN THE DRAIN PIPE before it can fill the drum and start the wash cycle.

At least it was just a length of linen I wanted to pre-wash before turning it into a dress.

Re: TIL: Today I Learned... (Join in!)

Posted: 2023-10-12 09:35pm
by EnterpriseSovereign
LadyTevar wrote: 2023-10-12 01:01pm TIL that grandpa wasn't so stupid after all, having that drain pipe elevated that high.

Because when the drain pipe is low, the water runs into the drum, and RUNS RIGHT DOWN THE DRAIN PIPE before it can fill the drum and start the wash cycle.

At least it was just a length of linen I wanted to pre-wash before turning it into a dress.
TIL why washing machines are connected to elevated standpipes :mrgreen: We discovered a similar setup when my parents had the kitchen and utility room remodelled and needed to use the washing machine, and found it wouldn't work unless the drain hose was hooked up to said standpipe.