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Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 03:32pm
by salm
Well, i doubt that but it´s quite difficult do be sure since we can´t ask them.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 05:14pm
by The Vortex Empire
Additionally, don't forget that outdoor cats are a major invasive species responsible for killing hundreds of millions of small mammals, birds and lizards every year and are a primary threat to many endangered species. They're no different than any other invasive species that we try to contain, and adding to the problem by keeping an outdoor cat is irresponsible.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 05:43pm
by Executor32
salm wrote:Well, i doubt that but it´s quite difficult do be sure since we can´t ask them.
Why do you doubt it, though? You keep asserting that they need to be able to go outside, or raise doubts about their happiness indoors, but you have yet to explain your reasoning.

Also, to address something you said earlier, a cat is actually one of the best pets to have in the city, since they never have to leave your house or apartment to relieve themselves or to get their exercise.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 06:42pm
by salm
If they have the possibility to leave the house they do it, so obviously the want to leave the house.

Outside they can do a whole lot of stuff they can not do inside, their senses are stimulated more intensively, they can move more freely and further so they have a larger variety of places they can be, they can catch animals, fight and generally do cat stuff.

It´s not like they can not do these things inside at all but to a lesser degree.
I imagine it´s better for a cat to chase a mouse than a ping pong ball. It seems better to climb one of a gazillion trees than a single fake tree inside the house.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 07:08pm
by Executor32
It's not that they 'want' to leave, implying that they're just biding their time until the right moment then ZOOM they're gone because fuck that indoors place. Rather, they see a new place through the doorway or window or whatever that they're unfamiliar with, they're curious about it, so they go investigate. That's it. You're projecting your human thoughts about the matter onto an animal that really doesn't think much like a human. A cat doesn't care what it's chasing or playing with, as long as it has something to chase or play with. A cat doesn't care what it's climbing, as long as it has something to climb.

Too, as others have said, killing the local wildlife is something that should be discouraged and avoided, not celebrated as an example of the cat's outdoor freedom.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 09:57pm
by Losonti Tokash
Seriously, you're putting human thoughts behaviors onto things that aren't human. Gues what my cats do if I leave the door open? They just look at it and go further into the apartment. Sometimes I take them onto the balcony with me and they look around and sniff the air, but if I put them down immediately go back inside. And then tunnel into the laundry pile, because cats are weird.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 10:04pm
by Dominus Atheos

So if that's true, you two shouldn't have a problem with him having a cat door since his cat won't use it.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 10:06pm
by Dominus Atheos
The Vortex Empire wrote:Additionally, don't forget that outdoor Humans are a major invasive species responsible for killing hundreds of millions of small mammals, birds and lizards every year and are a primary threat to many endangered species. They're no different than any other invasive species that we try to contain, and adding to the problem by ever going outside is irresponsible.
Fixed that for you.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-16 11:26pm
by Losonti Tokash
Do you have anything constructive to say or do you just feel like being rude for no apparent reason? I'm not saying my cats are representative of all cats everywhere, because that would be stupid. I was just pointing out that cats do not necessarily have some massive innate desire to go explore the great outdoors and can be quite content just hanging out and exploring your home.

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-17 01:59am
by Executor32
Indeed, instead of smarmy 'fixed' quotes, how about you make an actual point? Tell me, why do you think all cats need to be let outside, regardless of the dangers posed to both themselves, other cats, and especially wildlife? Do you think someone with a pet snake should let it roam free outside, consequences be damned?

Re: Cat Problem

Posted: 2013-01-17 04:31am
by Stark
salm wrote:If they have the possibility to leave the house they do it, so obviously the want to leave the house.
Being outside freaks my cat the fuck out. Wanting to go somewhere new that you can see out a window (possibly full of things to chase) is a bit different than some magical yearning for inalienable freedom.

I mean, if my cat is bad and I demand she go into the cage for time out, she does. Does this mean all cats want to live in cages?