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Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-03 03:39pm
by Akhlut
Thanas wrote:Even more ludicrous? The picture shown here looks indeed more like a hulk abomination than a real sumerian ship.
If you're talking about the picture in this thread: it was a boat built for the comedy "Evan Almighty" starring Steve Carell, so I'm going to guess historical accuracy of ancient Middle Eastern ships was low on the list of priorities. :P

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-03 07:20pm
by LadyTevar
Akhlut wrote:
Thanas wrote:Even more ludicrous? The picture shown here looks indeed more like a hulk abomination than a real sumerian ship.
If you're talking about the picture in this thread: it was a boat built for the comedy "Evan Almighty" starring Steve Carell, so I'm going to guess historical accuracy of ancient Middle Eastern ships was low on the list of priorities. :P
Actually, that image is based on countless paintings and stained glass images from Medieval Age churches. It's the image that most Christians have grown up with, a great rounded-bottom boat with a small cabin on the closed top deck. The animals enter through a door on the side.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-03 07:57pm
by Thanas
Yeah, based on christian ships of that time. Ludicrous.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 07:21am
by wautd
Thanas wrote: Ludicrous.
Not to rape history completely in the ass, at least there'll be dinosaurs on the ark. :P

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 08:54am
by The Spartan
Have the mentioned how they're going to wedge in all the species on Earth yet?

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 09:11am
by wautd
The Spartan wrote:Have the mentioned how they're going to wedge in all the species on Earth yet?
Nonono, species is the work of satan. Kinds...
because being vague is good

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 11:15am
by Eternal_Freedom
Ah, so two birds, two fish, two reptiles, two amphibins, two mammals, two insects and two bacteria.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 03:44pm
by Malagar
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Ah, so two birds, two fish, two reptiles, two amphibins, two mammals, two insects and two bacteria.
And there is the explanation as to how such a small vessel could have enough room. :roll:

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 05:14pm
by fgalkin
The Answers in Genesis article is hilarious (and gives clues as to their intended shape.

It's hilarious, but I especially love this bit:
At first historians dismissed ancient Greek claims that the Tessarakonteres was 425 feet (130 m) long. But as more information was learned, the reputation of these early shipbuilders grew markedly. One of the greatest challenges to the construction of large wooden ships is finding a way to lay planks around the outside in a way that will ensure little or no leaking, which is caused when there is too much movement between the planks. Apparently, the Greeks had access to an extraordinary method of planking that was lost for centuries, and only recently brought to light by marine archaeology.

It is not known when or where this technique originated. Perhaps they used a method that began with the Ark. After all, if the Greeks could do it, why not Noah?
Why not, indeed.

Have a very nice day.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 05:24pm
by Simon_Jester
I want them to explain how it's done. The builders of the SS Wyoming would no doubt have maimed to get their hands on a method for building a ship the size of Noah's Ark that would actually be seaworthy.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 06:23pm
by The Spartan
Malagar wrote:
Eternal_Freedom wrote:Ah, so two birds, two fish, two reptiles, two amphibins, two mammals, two insects and two bacteria.
And there is the explanation as to how such a small vessel could have enough room. :roll:
"Two mammals" doesn't work (nor the others) since we always see more than one in the ark depicted in related art work. Lions and giraffes and elephants for example.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 06:51pm
by Ghost Rider
Or to expand upon Spartan's point and to answer his bit rather then being fucking dumber then the idiots trying to build said ark...there is google.

1 The LORD then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. 4 Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.”

So seven pairs of clean, one pair of unclean and then seven pairs of every kind of bird. That is a fuckload of animals.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 07:42pm
by Srelex
Out of curiousity, what would be the extent of all these 'clean' and 'unclean' animals to people living in the sands of the Middle East thousands of years ago?

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 08:15pm
by LadyTevar
"Clean" animals have been assumed to be the same as what's considered Kosher to eat: cows, goats, sheep, etc. Pigs and other 'unclean' animals would be two pairs only. Dinosaurs would be Right Out.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-04 11:08pm
by Jawawithagun
Frank Hipper wrote:Why does Ken Ham have to make MY backyard his base of operations?
Don't think of it as a ship, think of it as a nice bonfire waiting to happen.

Also, anyone notice that they will have it constructed by some guys who erected a building? Not by actual shipbuilders?
It's a big ugly prop. Any delusions it has of being an actual ocean-going vessel are in the minds of its woodworms.

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-07 04:18am
by Metahive
Lady Tevar wrote:"Clean" animals have been assumed to be the same as what's considered Kosher to eat: cows, goats, sheep, etc. Pigs and other 'unclean' animals would be two pairs only. Dinosaurs would be Right Out.
What I like is that the concept of clean animals is introduced in the Noah story, but it's only in the next book that God bothers to explain what makes an animal clean. So...had Noah magical foreknowledge of the future? Did they simply forget about it or is this a bona fide continuity error?

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-07 06:29am
by Norade
Metahive wrote:
Lady Tevar wrote:"Clean" animals have been assumed to be the same as what's considered Kosher to eat: cows, goats, sheep, etc. Pigs and other 'unclean' animals would be two pairs only. Dinosaurs would be Right Out.
What I like is that the concept of clean animals is introduced in the Noah story, but it's only in the next book that God bothers to explain what makes an animal clean. So...had Noah magical foreknowledge of the future? Did they simply forget about it or is this a bona fide continuity error?
Maybe Noah was expected to get lazy and only hose a few species off? :lol:

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-07 06:34am
by eyl
Metahive wrote:
Lady Tevar wrote:"Clean" animals have been assumed to be the same as what's considered Kosher to eat: cows, goats, sheep, etc. Pigs and other 'unclean' animals would be two pairs only. Dinosaurs would be Right Out.
What I like is that the concept of clean animals is introduced in the Noah story, but it's only in the next book that God bothers to explain what makes an animal clean. So...had Noah magical foreknowledge of the future? Did they simply forget about it or is this a bona fide continuity error?
He got the ARC, obviously :)

Re: Full-Scale Replica Of Noah's Ark Planned for outside Cin

Posted: 2010-12-07 07:43am
by wautd
A bit more. Seems like the state is chipping in (and by that, their tax payers)

The state has promised generous tax incentives to a group of entrepreneurs who plan to construct a full-size replica of Noah’s ark, load it with animals and actors, and make it the centerpiece of a Bible-based tourist attraction called Ark Encounter.

Since Gov. Steven L. Beshear announced the plan on Wednesday, some constitutional experts have raised alarms over whether government backing for an enterprise that promotes religion violates the First Amendment’s requirement of separation of church and state. But Mr. Beshear, a Democrat, said the arrangement posed no constitutional problem, and brushed off questions about his stand on creationism.

“The people of Kentucky didn’t elect me governor to debate religion,” he said at a news conference. “They elected me governor to create jobs.”

The theme park was conceived by the same Christian ministry that built the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Ky., where dioramas designed to debunk evolution show humans and dinosaurs coexisting peacefully on an earth created by God in six days. The ministry, Answers in Genesis, believes that the earth is only 6,000 years old — a controversial assertion even among many Bible-believing Christians.

Although the Creation Museum has been a target of ridicule by some, it has drawn 1.2 million visitors in its first three years — proving that there is a sizable paying audience for entertainment rooted in a literal interpretation of the Bible.

On Friday, The Lexington Herald-Leader, Kentucky’s second-largest newspaper, criticized Mr. Beshear in an editorial for a plan that it said would result in low-wage jobs and a poor image for the state.

“Anyone who wants to believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible has that right,” the editorial said. “However, the way the Beshear administration handled this makes it appear Kentucky either embraces such thinking or is desperate to take advantage of those who do.”

The developers of Ark Encounter, who have incorporated as a profit-making company, say they expect to spend $150 million, employ 900 people and attract 1.6 million visitors from around the world in the first year. With the Creation Museum only 45 miles away, they envision a Christian tourism corridor that would draw busloads from churches and Christian schools for two- and three-day visits.

“It’s our opportunity to present accurate, factual biblical information to people about a subject that they’re really interested in,” said Mike Zovath, a senior vice president of Answers in Genesis.

In the interest of verisimilitude, the ark is to be built with wooden pegs and timber framing by Amish builders, Mr. Zovath said. Animals including giraffes — but only small, young giraffes — will be kept in pens on board.

“We think that God would probably have sent healthy juvenile-sized animals that weren’t fully grown yet, so there would be plenty of room,” said Mr. Zovath, a retired Army lieutenant colonel heading the ark project. “We want to show how Noah would have taken care of them, taken care of waste management, taken care of water needs and food needs.”

Ark Encounter is designed to be a model of environmentally sensitive development, Mr. Zovath said, to minimize its carbon footprint. “I don’t believe in global warming,” he said, “but I do believe we’ve got to be good stewards of everything God’s given us.”

The park will include a 100-foot Tower of Babel, a first-century Middle Eastern village and a journey through the Old Testament, with special effects depicting Moses, the 10 plagues and the parting of the Red Sea. For children, there will be a petting zoo, live bird and animal shows and a play area with ziplines and climbing nets — all Bible-themed. Even the trainer, Dan Breeding, will present animal acts with a Gospel message about creation.

Under Kentucky’s Tourism Development Act, tourist attractions can get back up to 25 percent of their development costs over 10 years from sales tax generated at the facility. Ark Encounter stands to receive $37.5 million — a quarter of its investment.

The entry fee for adults would be somewhere in the middle- to upper-$30 range, said Cary Summers, the lead consultant, who has run large entertainment attractions in Branson, Mo., and helped expand the Bass Pro Shops into shopping and entertainment complexes.

Mr. Summers said the developers had options on 800 acres of land in Grant County, Ky. If all the approvals are granted, they expect to break ground next year and finish by 2014.

He said they had been offering the proposal quietly for two years, and also showed it to officials in Ohio and Indiana. But Kentucky was by far the most receptive and offered the most generous financial incentives, he said, because it sees tourism as a promising means of economic development.

Officials in Kentucky’s Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet said in a telephone interview that they examined the constitutional issues carefully before proceeding. They said that Ark Encounter is unlike the Creation Museum, which is run by the Answers in Genesis ministry and received no tax incentives.

Ark Encounter is owned by a profit-making company, of which Answers in Genesis is a part owner. The ministry will manage the park’s day-to-day operations.

William Dexter, general counsel for the tourism cabinet, said the most applicable precedent was American Atheists Inc. v. the City of Detroit Downtown Development Authority. A federal Court of Appeals found that Detroit could give grants to churches as well as businesses to encourage urban renewal.

“Our facts are quite similar, except that in our case it’s a tourism development by a for-profit corporation,” Mr. Dexter said.

But some advocates of separation of church and state say that by providing tax incentives to an explicitly Christian enterprise, Kentucky is violating the constitutional prohibition on government establishment of religion.

Erwin Chemerinsky, a constitutional scholar and founding dean of the School of Law at the University of California, Irvine, said: “If this is about bringing the Bible to life, and it’s the Bible’s account of history that they’re presenting, then the government is paying for the advancement of religion. And the Supreme Court has said that the government can’t advance religion.”

He added, “The fact that it’s an economic development plan doesn’t excuse it.”
I loved this part
Ark Encounter is designed to be a model of environmentally sensitive development, Mr. Zovath said, to minimize its carbon footprint. “I don’t believe in global warming,” he said, “but I do believe we’ve got to be good stewards of everything God’s given us.”
I'm sorry, but looking at the picture that seems like a lot of trees that will have to be chopped down for this eyesore :lol: