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Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:29am
by The Yosemite Bear
Anything but Sue.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:43am
by Duckie
Suggested Names: Quetzalcoatl Kodiak, Achcauhtli Kodiak, Ngujhoumungo Kodiak, Steve Dore Kodiak, Ekenedilichukwu Kodiak (pronounced Eh-keh-neh-dee-leek-[click]-kwu), Cetewayo Kodiak (pronounced [click]-etewayo).

What you really want though is a Latin name.

Imagine Luke Cecil Kodiak. Does that man sound like a man who will conquer Asia?

Instead, LUCIUS MAN(L)IUS CÆCILIUS MAXIMUS CODIACUS. Imagine how proud you would be every time you scolded him with his full name.

Now that is a name.
(Gaius, Marcus, Publius, Quintus, Titus, Tiberius, Sextus, Aulus, Deci(m)us, Lucius, Gnaeus, Spurius, Manius, Servius, Appius, Numerius, and Vibius are the most common Roman Prænomina. But Caelus, Faustus, Flavius, Caeso, Mamercus, Mettius, Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quartus, Septi(mu)s, Octus, and Nonus are also possible.)

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:44am
by Simplicius
If you have an antecedent you (or your wife) wish to honor, you could give your son his name. This lets you avoid the frankly uninspiring names which are popular these days while having a very legitimate reason for doing so.

(Or just cherry-pick any name that sounds good off the family tree.)

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 03:03am
by Raesene
Congratulations - I wish you and your wife (especially your wife) an easy pregnancy.

btw, how about Barack ;-) ?

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 03:29am
by Zablorg
Raesene wrote:Congratulations - I wish you and your wife (especially your wife) an easy pregnancy.

btw, how about Barack ;-) ?
I strongly disagree with this suggestion.

If you were to pick a presidential name, I would pick Schuyler (Sky-ler). Sounds smooth.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 03:46am
by Duckie
Even the mispronunciation, ʃu:ləɹ, sounds pretty cool

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 04:40am
by Ford Prefect
I would suggest Llewellyn, primarily because the shortened version of it is the utterly badass Lau. However, it is a rather unconventional name which very few people would spell correctly and which no one you ever met would ever pronounce correctly. That first double L is actually supposed to be a noise fromt he back of the throat. :)

Marcus and Nathan are more traditional and considerably more solid names, which even come with built in nicknames. Jacob is also pretty good as well.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 08:19am
by Companion Cube
You can't go wrong with "James".

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 08:34am
by salm
Give him something with less syllables than your last name or his first name will never be used in highschool.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 09:10am
by tim31
Just remember that he might have to give his name to someone over the phone someday. It's nice to have a name where nobody ever has to ask twice.
It's bad enough when it's the surname and there's no choice. I have a friend who uses his mother's maiden name when ordering cabs or pizzas because it's easier than spelling out Eijdenberg.
My name is Michael. I was self-aggrandizing, not brown-nosing.
So we're on the same page then :D

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 09:26am
by Chardok
If you don't name your kick Rock Slabmeat, you don't have a hair on your ass.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 11:23am
by Kodiak
Ford Prefect wrote: Marcus and Nathan are more traditional and considerably more solid names, which even come with built in nicknames. Jacob is also pretty good as well.
Jacob is actually a favorite of both of ours, but there's already a couple Jacobs floating around the family plus my wife's best friend has a husband and son named Jacob. :( Last night I thought Garret might be good, but I'm still searching for the right one. Oh, the Mrs. squashed all hopes of a little Aragorn running around.

Edit: I actually suggested the name Barack last night, since it's a strong name and a well respected one at the moment. My wife was reticent, however. She wants to see how he does first as President so we don't have a son named after someone who royally screwed over the nation.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:39pm
by Akhlut
Alp Arslan, after the Seljuk Turk sultan
Romanus, after the Byzantine emperor who got defeated by Alp, but only after the nobles in the army deserted him because they were fuckers.
Gavrillo Princip

Also, congrats. My own boy is tons of fun, though it takes a few months for them to get beyond just sitting there, eating, and shitting. :D

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:42pm
by Coyote
Beef Ironstag!
Splint Chestahir!
Rip Steakface!
Bold Bigflank!
Big McLargehuge!

or "Bob".

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:49pm
by The Yosemite Bear
Mordred :twisted:
Nicollo (Nick)
CuCulain (hey it's a sond Irish name)

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 01:51pm
by ArcturusMengsk
No, no. You need a heavy, Germanic name to be taken seriously in this world. When I have a son, I intend to name him Friedrich Wilhelm (after the philosopher, not the Kaiser) Ingram. Other fine German names are Walther, Konrad, Matthias, etc.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-19 03:02pm
by Joviwan
Darth Wong wrote:Just remember that he might have to give his name to someone over the phone someday. It's nice to have a name where nobody ever has to ask twice.
I can't second this enough. The number of people that can fuck up "Jovi" and "Jovan" is stupendous.

Sure beats "Charles," though. You want a healthy blend of cool/unique and easy-to-communicate. It's a fine line.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 01:46am
by spaceviking
Personally I'd avoid anything to exotic, a name like Tiberius may seem cool as an adult, but probably not so much in the 4th grade. Also try to avoid fad names, always having someone with the same name in your class can be a pain.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 01:59am
by Raesene
Akhlut wrote:Gavrillo Princip
Fortunately we are out of real archdukes to assassinate... ;-)

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 03:46am
by The Yosemite Bear
Waiting for Tevar to put her foot down on this. :mrgreen:

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 01:05pm
by andrewgpaul
MRDOD wrote:(Gaius, Marcus, Publius, Quintus, Titus, Tiberius, Sextus, Aulus, Deci(m)us, Lucius, Gnaeus, Spurius, Manius, Servius, Appius, Numerius, and Vibius are the most common Roman Prænomina. But Caelus, Faustus, Flavius, Caeso, Mamercus, Mettius, Primus, Secundus, Tertius, Quartus, Septi(mu)s, Octus, and Nonus are also possible.)
I wonder why calling your son "fifth", "sixth" or "tenth" was more popular than "first" through "ninth"?

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 01:11pm
by Duckie
andrewgpaul wrote: I wonder why calling your son "fifth", "sixth" or "tenth" was more popular than "first" through "ninth"?
I believe it's because they were named after the birth month or the birth order, but later on Quintus, Sextus, and Decius/Decimus just sounded cooler than silly names like Nonus or the like.

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 01:42pm
by Mayabird
On a serious note, remember that you're naming a human being and not a new pet, and he's going to have his name yelled at him multiple times a day for his entire life. Also it sucks to have a name that everybody's always mispronouncing when they read it and misspelling it when they hear it.

Unless you have some sentimental value attached to a particular name (if I have a son, his name will be Jerry; this is non-negotiable) I'd say pick something simple and commonish like Jason or Peter or something that can be shortened into a common, simple nickname (I had a friend named Bradford who always went by Brad).

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 02:05pm
by Solauren
Samuel. (and no, that's not my first name, or middle name, or the name of anyone in my family).

Re: Just got the ultrasound results....

Posted: 2008-11-20 02:25pm
by Kodiak
MRDOD wrote:
andrewgpaul wrote: I wonder why calling your son "fifth", "sixth" or "tenth" was more popular than "first" through "ninth"?
I believe it's because they were named after the birth month or the birth order, but later on Quintus, Sextus, and Decius/Decimus just sounded cooler than silly names like Nonus or the like.
I thought it was a reference to Stardust. I didn't know those were actually used as names