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Posted: 2008-04-30 03:38pm
by Superman
Darth Ruinus wrote:You were caught having sex or something? That must have been emberassing.
Are you kidding? The only embarrassment he suffered was from people seeing the bruises on the palms of his hands... from high fiving other guys for the next several weeks.

Posted: 2008-04-30 03:47pm
by Havok
Superman wrote:
Darth Ruinus wrote:You were caught having sex or something? That must have been emberassing.
Are you kidding? The only embarrassment he suffered was from people seeing the bruises on the palms of his hands... from high fiving other guys for the next several weeks.
LOL! Yeah. It was more embarrassing for the girl. Luckily she didn't go to the same high school. It was funny when the teacher that caught us was trying to get her to go with him and she kept telling him to fuck off. Then she just kept talking shit. I was laughing my ass off.

My only regret was not having something more witty to say then "Oh shit!" when he walked in the bathroom. :lol:

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:15pm
by Superman
Before I get into actual suspensions, I had a couple of close calls. The first that comes to mind was in my high school typing class. I got bored one day, popped all the keys off of the computer keyboard, then stuck them back on... except in alphabetical order. The teacher called me in early the next day and told me I was being suspended. I must have pulled a hell of an acting job because I was able to convince her that I wasn't responsible for that... even though the desk was vacant from the time I sat there until she found it.

The next close call was in a high school drama class. One night we were doing some lame play, and we had to wait in the wood shop in between scenes. To this day I'm not exactly sure why, but I took a permanent black marker and wrote "butt munker" (I think it was some kind of inside joke at the time) all over the walls, students' wood projects that were lying around, the floor, etc., and didn't think much of it. For the next few days, some of my friends in that class came up to me and said that the vice principle had called them into his office to get more information about the butt munker incident. He even mentioned my name to one of them. In the end, I guess nobody ended up ratting me out because he never called me in, and I never got into trouble, although he told one of them that I would get suspended if I was the one who did it. I guess he just couldn't prove it.

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:16pm
by NomAnor15
havokeff wrote: My only regret was not having something more witty to say then "Oh shit!" when he walked in the bathroom. :lol:
"Excuse me, I'm trying to get some work done here." :P

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:40pm
by Master of Cards
I had inschool suspenisons for an entire year in 2rd grade.

In middle school every May I had 3 days in the inschool room.

And I had a closed lunch/detention sheet a mile long.

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:40pm
by Superman
INschool suspension?! What the crap?

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:46pm
by Master of Cards
Superman wrote:INschool suspension?! What the crap?
I spent all day in a white walled room doing my schoolwork.

Posted: 2008-04-30 04:56pm
by Fleet Admiral JD
I'm less than a month away from graduating and haven't had so much as a detention. . . cool. 8)

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:01pm
by Masami von Weizegger
Superman wrote:INschool suspension?! What the crap?
You think that's bad? I was once suspended for the weekend. Wow, not allowed in school on Saturday or Sunday?! :roll:

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:04pm
by Superman
Master of Cards wrote:I spent all day in a white walled room doing my schoolwork.
So you were suspended while in school? Holy crap, what kind of diabolical and evil genius was in charge of that place? So when you were suspended, they essentially turned your school into a jail?

It does seem kind of funny though that your school was one of the few to figure out that a temporary vacation isn't exactly a punishment.

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:04pm
by aerius
Got suspended for fighting a few times and another time for starting a fire. I also got a whole bunch of in-school suspensions in middle school for not doing my homework. I didn't give a shit since I hated my classes and classmates anyway, and I didn't mind sitting around in the VP or guidance office where I could just read and listen to my walkman for a few hours. Middle school and the first 3 years of high school were without a doubt the shittiest years in my life. I honestly say I hated every single day except weekends and vacations.

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:08pm
by Master of Cards
Superman wrote:
Master of Cards wrote:I spent all day in a white walled room doing my schoolwork.
So you were suspended while in school? Holy crap, what kind of diabolical and evil genius was in charge of that place? So when you were suspended, they essentially turned your school into a jail?

It does seem kind of funny though that your school was one of the few to figure out that a temporary vacation isn't exactly a punishment.
All schools have in schools, out of schools are for the evil kids.

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:12pm
by Superman
Master of Cards wrote:All schools have in schools, out of schools are for the evil kids.
That's news to me, and I was no stranger to the school's attempts at discipline. Had I known about inschool suspensions, I would have made sure to do something extra bad every time. There was no way I was about to sit and do homework in some rat hole classroom for the entire day.

Are the schools really this stupid? They dole out a harsher punishment for a lesser offense? Do they really think that any student would find an inschool suspension preferable to going home, watching TV and beating off? No wonder schools are in such shitty shape, they have retards running them.
Fleet Admiral JD wrote:I'm less than a month away from graduating and haven't had so much as a detention. . . cool. 8)
Pfff. Wuss.

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:21pm
by Havok
Master of Cards wrote:
Superman wrote:
Master of Cards wrote:I spent all day in a white walled room doing my schoolwork.
So you were suspended while in school? Holy crap, what kind of diabolical and evil genius was in charge of that place? So when you were suspended, they essentially turned your school into a jail?

It does seem kind of funny though that your school was one of the few to figure out that a temporary vacation isn't exactly a punishment.
All schools have in schools, out of schools are for the evil kids.
Not when I was in school. the closest thing to that I could think of would have been Saturday school, which, seriously, only retards go to as the school can't force you to do anything on Saturday.

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:30pm
by Starglider
I was suspended once, for a single day. I don't remember exactly what for but I think it was getting into a fight at the wrong moment (i.e. when a teacher happened to walk by). Ah, teenage stupidity.

I received numerous detentions, mostly for not doing homework but quite a few for the constant lip I gave my French and Religion teachers.

Naturally I broke the security on the school LAN (installed when I was 16), rooted the servers and installed keyloggers (which I wrote myself) on all the RISC PCs. I discovered that the teacher in charge of IT was downloading pornography on the school's internet connection, which at age 16 seemed like a huge scandal. Of course I couldn't tell any of the staff without revealing that I'd been wiping my ass with the 'computer usage rules' (though it did get a few laughs out of my classmates). I did list all the admin passwords on my yearbook page, and I still remember the colour that the IT teacher's face turned when he saw that.

Happy times. I got a lot more mature in my first year at university. :)

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:36pm
by Enforcer Talen
I was expelled in 10th grade. Carrying a blade, some other stuff that was misconstrued as hostile intent towards the Admin.

Ended up joining the USMC Infantry, so I guess I focused my abilities :D

Posted: 2008-04-30 05:37pm
by aerius
Starglider wrote:Naturally I broke the security on the school LAN (installed when I was 16), rooted the servers and installed keyloggers (which I wrote myself) on all the RISC PCs. I discovered that the teacher in charge of IT was downloading pornography on the school's internet connection, which at age 16 seemed like a huge scandal. Of course I couldn't tell any of the staff without revealing that I'd been wiping my ass with the 'computer usage rules'. I did list all the passwords on my yearbook page, and I still remember the colour that the IT teacher's face turned after he saw that.
Reminds me of when I my high school was paying me to maintain the library computers. They had a nice ISDN line while the rest of the world was still on 14.4 or 28k, so needless to say I downloaded a ton of stuff every day. I didn't really do much maintenance beyond defragging the HDs and running virus checks, my school was pretty much paying me to play on their computers. Great times.

Posted: 2008-04-30 06:32pm
by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi
Surlethe wrote:Never, though I do seem to recall getting detention a couple of times for too many tardies.

Edit: Tardies. Tardies, not absences.
The same thing happened to me once. Except in my case, "tardy" meant "one minute late for homeroom, and only because the bus kept getting in late". They must have assumed I was smoking crack behind the building or something.

Posted: 2008-04-30 06:38pm
by Schuyler Colfax
Middle School.

The school declares an official fight as one person hit someone and the other person retaliating. The two don't even have to hit each other again after that.

So that is what I got in trouble for 3 times in the 7th grade. 1st 2 were in school last one was out of school. 1st one was 1 day. 2nd one 3 days. 3rd 3 days. Then one more time in the 8th for calling a girl a name. 3 days for that.
I also got 2 detentions in the 8th grade one for talking and one for passing notes. I'm currently in the process of erasing all my memories from middle school.

But, ever since coming to high school I've only gotten one detention and that was earlier this year, I overslept and got to school late.

Posted: 2008-04-30 07:22pm
by Simplicius
I was suspended once, for a day, in junior high. I got bullied a lot, and after years of that I started to get...angry.

On the whole, though, I think it was for the best. The act that got me suspended made most of the bullies more afraid to push me towards my limit, while getting in trouble apparently instantaneously granted me much greater control of my temper.

Posted: 2008-04-30 08:31pm
by Archaic`
Never actually got suspended, thankfully. I was bullied quite a lot during both primary and secondary school, but the teachers there did seem to understand the fact that a person has a right to defend themselves. Did have a close shave though after one time when the guy who jumped me got the worst of it. Must have been embarrassing for him to have got the suspension after he was the one who got the broken nose. Never did get bullied after that incident.

I did get a number of detentions, mainly for being "disrespectful" or "disruptive", which in the minds of our teachers seemed to include correcting their mistakes, or not appearing to be busy with my work (when I'd already finished the classwork they'd given 10 minutes ago).

Posted: 2008-04-30 08:44pm
by Havok
Simplicius wrote:I was suspended once, for a day, in junior high. I got bullied a lot, and after years of that I started to get...angry.

On the whole, though, I think it was for the best. The act that got me suspended made most of the bullies more afraid to push me towards my limit, while getting in trouble apparently instantaneously granted me much greater control of my temper.
This was how it, the fighting, started for me as well. It's always funny to pick on the fat kid. However the desired effects wore off after I went from elementary school to middle school and then to high school, so i had to keep beating the shit out of people to make it stick. Then after a while, I became a bully bully, beating the shit out of people that picked on other people. Lots of fun and guilt free. :D

Posted: 2008-04-30 09:05pm
by Rogue 9
Oh, I didn't get in trouble much, but when I did, it was trouble with a capital T. :lol: Let's see. Three days in third grade for daring to be holding a pair of scissors when assaulted by one of the class bullies. A day of in-school suspension as a high school junior for telling the student teacher running the gym class that he was a goddamned liar after he kept insisting that, since Jessica had fallen down when I was in the general vicinity, I must have hit her with my hockey stick. There's a few more, but it's late; I'll recount the longer stories later.

Posted: 2008-04-30 10:00pm
by J
A couple times, once in middle school when we were having a school wide snowball fight and some guy hit me with an ice ball. I chased him around the field, tackled him into the snow and gave him a snowjob, which is to say I shoved his face into the snow and punched him around a bit. One of the teachers saw the entire incident and we both got a trip to the VP's office where he gave us a stern talking to and suspended us.

The other time was in high school where I kicked some dickhead's ass after he groped my breasts. He was one of those shit-disturbers you find in every high school classroom, the guy who mouths off at the teacher and pesters other students, and otherwise causes trouble to look "cool". One day he decided that copping a feel of my breasts would be the "cool" thing to do for the day, he did, so I punched his face in. I was suspended since we had a zero tolerance policy at our school, and he served his suspension after they let him out of the hospital. Sometimes I feel I should've hit him a bit harder since they were sending me home anyway under the zero tolerance policy.

Posted: 2008-04-30 10:06pm
by White Haven
I didn't run into any...administrative entanglements until my senior year of high school, where I was nailed with in-school twice for various computer-related shenanigans. If they'd known everything ELSE I did to their poor, poor 'one laptop per student' program, it would have been far, far worse. After all, I was the one with enough upgraded RAM on my county-issue iBook to run the Quake 3 server, among other things.

I had enough of a sheltered upbringing that, while I loathed and resented the shit-terrible administration in the public schools I was in, I was Afraid of the Big Bad Authority Figure and as such never got nailed for anything. Could have, had a few minor scuffles, but didn't.