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Posted: 2002-12-15 04:42pm
by Darth Yoshi
Hyperion wrote:i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout, may as well make it so they don't have the chance)

(and if you think i'm kidding, i'm not)
Bombing an ally is a great way to win back the prestige we've pissed away over the years :roll: . Dumbfuck. It's asses like you that make the world hate the US.

Posted: 2002-12-15 04:44pm
by Colonel Olrik
Darth Yoshi wrote:It's asses like you that make the world hate the US.
Don't worry. Most of the World knows better. And we have idiots in Europe, too.

Posted: 2002-12-15 05:27pm
by Gandalf
i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout, may as well make it so they don't have the chance)
Or we could just bomb your house to the ground?, after all you have expressed sentiment that disagrees with US policy, they should take you out soon. SK is much nicer, and so are the people.

So to sum up, Fuck you

Posted: 2002-12-15 06:41pm
by phongn
Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote:With one bomb, NK could take aout as many people as there are in their entire country.
That's a mighty large bomb they're throwing.

Posted: 2002-12-15 06:42pm
by phongn
Ted wrote:
HemlockGrey wrote:
And to say the North Korea's threat is bullshit is a major mistake. They have missile's capable of reaching the US, load a nuke in them and oh my, there goes a Yankee city.
Highly unlikely. Standard US policy in case of nuclear attack is a full retaliation. North Korea would be a smoking, radioactive crater.
That may be so, but you'd already have several million US citizens dead.
Or none, since by the time they'd have an operation ICBM capable of hitting CONUS we'd have an NMD system more than capable of handling anything they can hope to throw at us.

Posted: 2002-12-15 06:43pm
by Raptor 597
Acclamator wrote:
Hyperion wrote:i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout, may as well make it so they don't have the chance)

(and if you think i'm kidding, i'm not)
Suck my cock you sick fuck bastard pedophile murderer cannibal satanist nazi monster!
Look everyone! It's the Deimos troll! anyways, Hyperios comment was stupid that really wasn't nessecary.

Posted: 2002-12-15 06:43pm
by phongn
Dalton wrote:Bad nation! Go stand in the corner! Weapons of Mass Destruction are for US only!
Well, nuclear weapons are supposed to be limited to five nations. Non proliferation appears to be going down the tubes, though.

Posted: 2002-12-15 06:56pm
by Ted
phongn wrote:
Dalton wrote:Bad nation! Go stand in the corner! Weapons of Mass Destruction are for US only!
Well, nuclear weapons are supposed to be limited to five nations. Non proliferation appears to be going down the tubes, though.
Only a few countries signed the non-proliferation treaty, and what gives anyone the right to limit what other countries can have?

Then lets say all countries get food except for the US, so we can all watch and laugh as they starve to death.

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:03pm
by phongn
Ted wrote:
phongn wrote:
Dalton wrote:Bad nation! Go stand in the corner! Weapons of Mass Destruction are for US only!
Well, nuclear weapons are supposed to be limited to five nations. Non proliferation appears to be going down the tubes, though.
Only a few countries signed the non-proliferation treaty, and what gives anyone the right to limit what other countries can have?
I suppose you consider 188 signatories only a few then.

And you're right, we can't force them to stop developing nuclear weaponry. It is within their perogative, especially as the DPRK did not sign the NPT. It is also the USA's right to express their displeasure at it and act thusly.
Then lets say all countries get food except for the US, so we can all watch and laugh as they starve to death.
I might take you more seriously if you cease with the stupid, inane and frankly trollish posts you make. Of course, I've just risen to the bait, but oh well.

Foodstuffs and weaponry are hardly analogous to each other, so stop making that comparison.

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:14pm
by MKSheppard
Acclamator wrote: Suck my cock you sick fuck bastard pedophile murderer cannibal satanist nazi monster!


Posted: 2002-12-15 07:19pm
by MKSheppard
Hyperion wrote:i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout)
Sick as it may sound, Hyperion DOES have a point. No matter what we
do concerning North Korea, a large, vocal minority of South Korea
is going to protest, no matter what....

Blame it on the fucking college students over there with too much fucking
time on their hands during break....except riot against the government
and the evil USA...

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:24pm
by Colonel Olrik
MKSheppard wrote:
Hyperion wrote:i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout)
Sick as it may sound, Hyperion DOES have a point. No matter what we
do concerning North Korea, a large, vocal minority of South Korea
is going to protest, no matter what....
I'm betting that, if Mexico was like NK, the southern U.S population would object a nuclear strike. Just to be safe, nuke them as well!

Kill everybody, God will know the innocents!

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:26pm
by Ted
Colonel Olrik wrote:
MKSheppard wrote:
Hyperion wrote:i say we bomb'em back to hell, and for good measure level south korea for the sake of it. (they're just gonna bitch about the fallout)
Sick as it may sound, Hyperion DOES have a point. No matter what we
do concerning North Korea, a large, vocal minority of South Korea
is going to protest, no matter what....
I'm betting that, if Mexico was like NK, the southern U.S population would object a nuclear strike. Just to be safe, nuke them as well!

Kill everybody, God will know the innocents!
No, no, no, you got the quote wrong, it's "Kill them all, let God sort them out" During the Cathar(?) Heresy, when the French army was gonna attack a town, they didn't know who was who, so the pope said that.

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:26pm
by MKSheppard
Colonel Olrik wrote: I'm betting that, if Mexico was like NK, the southern U.S population would object a nuclear strike. Just to be safe, nuke them as well!
Actually, the southern US population wouldn't mind a slightly elevated
radiation level if all the fucking greasers in Mexico got turned into
crispy critters.....

As for South Korea...every time the US does something, literally COUGHS,
the students of South Korea go out and protest gets fucking
annoying after a while...

Posted: 2002-12-15 07:46pm
by XPViking
Hyperion and MKSheppard,

You're both idiots. Remember, only a vocal minority want the US to leave. The current anti-American sentiment is just the latest in a series of protests. The US won't be leaving anytime soon because of a big country called China, remember? Nice to hear both of you wanting a war with North Korea safe and secure in your own fucking house.


Posted: 2002-12-15 08:00pm
by MKSheppard
XPViking wrote:The US won't be leaving anytime soon because of a big country called China, remember?
Actually, it's because of a country called NORTH KOREA that has a bigass
army, WMD, and wants to reunify the country under a stalinist dictatorship

Posted: 2002-12-15 09:51pm
by XPViking

So why would the US care about North Korea? Certainly you seem to be advocating US troop withdrawl because they seem to be underappreciated by a vocal minority in South Korea. No skin off the US's nose is it if North Korea launches an attack, right? After all, friendship, even those paid in blood, can change. How can you explain the 60 000+ troops in Japan? Is it due to some kind of military wisdom in case North Korea attacks the US has some troops only about an hour away? Or again, could it be because the US wants to maintain a presence in North East Asia and keep China (with its expansionist ambitions) in check? I wonder why the US has bases scattered all over this region. Hmmmmm.

Again, I'm not so eager to rush into war because, unlike many of you, if it does happen it'll happen on my doorstep. Try to keep that in mind you stupid warmongers.


Posted: 2002-12-15 10:00pm
by Dalton
Acclamator: Any more flamage like that and y'all are bundled off to the Hall of Shame.

Posted: 2002-12-15 10:04pm
by Einhander Sn0m4n
Dalton wrote:Acclamator: Any more flamage like that and y'all are bundled off to the Hall of Shame.
H o S! H o S! H o S! H o S! H o S!!!!!! I wanted to see Deimos get assraped by the Four Horsemen for a LONG TIME After I read your FUQ!