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Posted: 2004-04-08 01:27am
by Rogue 9
The main board's down for me. I'm using the alternate link from the main site, and its working fine, if encrypted. Anybody know what's up with this?

Posted: 2004-04-09 01:38am
by Rogue 9
Rogue 9 wrote:The main board's down for me. I'm using the alternate link from the main site, and its working fine, if encrypted. Anybody know what's up with this?
Same thing's happening, and at the same time as last night. This is really weird. :?

Posted: 2004-04-09 04:12am
by Frank Hipper
I'm not getting any pop up windows for PMs....

Posted: 2004-04-09 08:27am
by MarkIX
I don't know if you would call it a problem but I got five email messages about Private messages today and only four private message.

Posted: 2004-04-09 08:59pm
by Psycho Smiley
Connection to the board's been off and on all day. No specific error message, just the generic "connection cannot be established" crap.

Posted: 2004-04-09 09:12pm
by Rye
Psycho Smiley wrote:Connection to the board's been off and on all day. No specific error message, just the generic "connection cannot be established" crap.
I've been having that too, earlier it happened a few times in quick succession too (that is, working briefly, then soing it again), and just happened again.

Posted: 2004-04-09 09:38pm
by AdmiralKanos
The server is heavily overloaded. I'm not sure what to do about this at the moment, but I'll see if I can come up with something.

Posted: 2004-04-15 02:11pm
by Dartzap
I just tried to upload an avatar from a url it came up with this:

Debug Mode
Line : 157
File : /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/includes/usercp_avatar.php

Posted: 2004-04-15 02:19pm
by General Zod
you have to save the avatar to your machine/disk and upload them thataway. i asked someone about this when i first signed up and URL uploading isn't reliable.

Posted: 2004-04-15 02:30pm
by Dartzap
Ah, my av Works, thanks Darth Zod :)

Posted: 2004-04-15 09:57pm
by Executor32
This isn't really a problem, but it's annoying as hell. The BlackSoul theme is still using the subSilver scrollbars, and it's impossible to tell where the slider is positioned when I'm trying to find it to drag it. Any chance you could change the scrollbar part of BlackSoul.css to this?

Code: Select all

body {
	background-color: #000000;
	scrollbar-face-color: #2F2F4F;
	scrollbar-highlight-color: #0082C8;
	scrollbar-shadow-color: #005078;
	scrollbar-3dlight-color: #D1D7DC;
	scrollbar-arrow-color:  #2AAAA8;
	scrollbar-track-color: #006699;
	scrollbar-darkshadow-color: #98AAB1;
This would change the arrows and slider to the same color as the post background, the track to this color, the shadow around the arrows and slider to this color, the highlight around the arrows and slider to this color, and the arrow graphic in the middle of the arrow butons to this color. I think this would match the rest of the color scheme better, and would make it possible to see the slider's position on the track.

Posted: 2004-04-18 10:34am
by Sir Sirius
For some reason threads I've visited no longer get marked as having been read, not even quitting marks forums or threads as read. I have to hit the "Mark all forums read" button at the bottom of the index page to make the New Post Indicators go away.

Posted: 2004-04-18 11:11am
by Dalton
Sir Sirius wrote:For some reason threads I've visited no longer get marked as having been read, not even quitting marks forums or threads as read. I have to hit the "Mark all forums read" button at the bottom of the index page to make the New Post Indicators go away.
That's a problem with your cookies.

Posted: 2004-04-18 12:15pm
by Sir Sirius
Dalton wrote:That's a problem with your cookies.
Rebooting the computer appears to have corrected the problem.

Posted: 2004-05-02 03:10pm
by Sea Skimmer
I've been getting gotten a couple of the password change notification messages, warning me that I had merely about 3500 days until my password expires. It seems changing the expiration date to the next decade didn't fix everything..

Posted: 2004-05-13 01:58am
by Uraniun235
Ran into this the last couple of times I posted:
General Error

Ran into problems sending Mail. Response: 451 4.1.8 Domain of sender address does not resolve


Line : 142
File : /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/html/includes/smtp.php
The posts went through, but I wasn't automatically taken back to the thread.

Posted: 2004-05-15 04:38pm
by Darth Wong
The server was choking badly on some kind of Java/PostgreSQL double-team clusterfuck, so I moved it to my own server. I suppose time will tell whether this server and its connection are robust enough to handle the load.

PS. The time on this new server is resynchronized with networked NTP servers every hour, so it's generally accurate to within 1 second, whereas the time on the old server had drifted to the point that it was about an hour off, and some people had adjusted their timezone settings to compensate. If the time looks odd, check your timezone setting. Other changes related to the new server include the fact that it's using a different SMTP server, so it's possible that our PM notifications and other E-mails will begin getting through to AOL users again. And finally, you may need to delete your old cookies for things like recent-post icons to work.

Posted: 2004-05-15 04:50pm
by Dartzap
Aol is now now getting the reply notificaton emails :)

Posted: 2004-05-15 05:15pm
by Admiral Valdemar
Worst case scenario; what happens if your server is unable to take the load? Do we have any other options?

Posted: 2004-05-16 04:15am
by Uraniun235
How much bandwidth does this site take up? Will your ISP have a problem with it?

Posted: 2004-05-16 09:57pm
by Darth Wong
Admiral Valdemar wrote:Worst case scenario; what happens if your server is unable to take the load? Do we have any other options?
Upgrading the server, perhaps. It's a 1GHz Athlon with 512MB of RAM and a 20GB HD. Not exactly the most powerful machine in the world, but it seems to be dealing with the load fairly well so far.

The old 20GB HD is probably the biggest bottleneck; it could use a bigger, faster HD.

Posted: 2004-06-30 07:06pm
by Mitth`raw`nuruodo
When trying to post a message in Testing (which I ended up double-posting, 'cause I didn't know if it worked the first time):

Could not connect to smtp host : 111 : Connection refused


Line : 111
File : /var/www/html/includes/smtp.php

Posted: 2004-07-01 08:06pm
by The Morrigan
I hit the "View your posts" link, then clicked on two separate thread titles. In both cases the link took me not to the thread that I wanted to see, but to the "Explanation of why I'll be missing from the forum" thread. I couldn't have clicked on it by accident because it way nowhere near the titles that I clicked on. Wierd. :shock:

Posted: 2004-07-02 12:36am
by CmdrWilkens
Don't know why but for some reason attempts to go to got redirected to the Yahoo login screen.

Posted: 2004-07-02 12:38am
by Stravo
Every once in a while (today in particular) if I click on a thread I'll get a screen that tells me connection cannot be made. It goes away if I go to another web site and then go back to, even if I only pop into the other website for a moment. The wierdest part is that if I click on the same thread I get the same error message. Eventually there are simply some threads I stop visiting while I'm at work. (It only happens at work which may be firewall related.)