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Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 08:14am
by Broomstick
You know, I wonder how they handled that back in the old days when they really did have punitive indentured servitude?

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 08:36am
by Zaune
Badly, I expect.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 02:20pm
by PKRudeBoy
Beatings or time added to the indenture, I believe.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 03:35pm
by Borgholio
I think if you were an indentured servant in ancient Greece or Rome, you could very well be executed if you disobeyed your master. They didn't take kindly on rebellious slaves...even temporary ones.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 05:22pm
by Broomstick
I'm pretty sure that in Rome there were a very limited number of offenses for which an owner could legally execute a slave... but beatings certainly were an option.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-22 07:11pm
by Lolpah
Depends on the period. Originally owners were permitted to do as they wished with slaves, but during the Empire laws were made prohibiting arbitrary killing of slaves by their owners and IIRC few other laws concerning their treatment. Of course whether these were fully obeyed is another matter.

And during the later Imperial period the legal status of tenant farmers worsened considerably (not sure if into virtual serfdom, but certainly towards that direction), so there's that too.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-24 06:57am
by Oskuro
I remember when I read the Odyssey (admittedly many years ago) that at the end Odysseus has a bunch of slaves executed almost out of spite.

I'm not saying the poem is an accurate representation of the legal standing of slavery/servitude, but it might indicate that popular culture didn't look down on such things.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-24 11:35am
by Thanas
It is good to know how many of you long for torture and slavery as soon as a few dollars of yours are threatened.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-24 12:31pm
by Broomstick
I wouldn't really condone any such thing - that is, after all, why I took this to the courts rather than recruiting some thugs - but long-simmering anger does, occasionally, mean I entertain barbaric fantasies. I assure you that is all they are, or will ever be, mere fantasies.

I'd much rather have the money than anything else. That's all I've ever wanted out of this. I am very much playing by civilized rules here.

Now, what excuse the rest of these yahoos have I don't know...

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-24 05:54pm
by Melchior
People interested in the social structures of slavery in the classical world might want to read this.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-24 06:00pm
by Broomstick
And I respectfully request that that be the last word on indentured servitude, slavery, and the like in this thread. I am, after all, attempting to deal with this by means both legal and ethical.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 05:09pm
by Broomstick
A new tactic has opened in the on-going war.

The Pumpkin Harpy actually did send me a W2 this year. That's one of the official tax forms required by the US. She told the Federal and State revenue agencies that she paid me $11,114.90 last year.

Funny - when we went to court she was claiming she'd paid me $6,451.25. Still inaccurate, but substantially less that what she is now claiming.

She actually only paid me $5,569.25

How fucking stupid is this bitch? At least lie consistently, fuckstain.

I have a message in to both my lawyer and an accountant about this. Damn, and I was looking forward to a stress-free weekend...

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 05:37pm
by Purple
So wait, she paid you one amount, filled out tax forms for another and reported a third in court? And she had the foresight to send you the paperwork that proves she did it? I am getting the feeling that this person is not so smart.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 05:43pm
by Borgholio
If the IRS wasn't going to audit her in the beginning, they're pretty much guaranteed to do it now.

Edit - If the amount she filed in court is the incorrect amount, she could also potentially be charged with perjury and / or falsifying evidence.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 05:45pm
by Lord Revan
I think she'll get a "nice" visit from an IRS official at some point, as this might be an ought right tax fraud (I'm not familiar with the US laws on thus subject so I'm not certain but it would seem this would apply).

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 06:25pm
by Broomstick
Purple wrote:So wait, she paid you one amount, filled out tax forms for another and reported a third in court? And she had the foresight to send you the paperwork that proves she did it?
Yep, that's about it...

Really, if I was writing a piece of fiction this plot line would be rejected as implausible.
I am getting the feeling that this person is not so smart.
Not as smart as she thinks she is, certainly.
Lord Revan wrote:I think she'll get a "nice" visit from an IRS official at some point, as this might be an ought right tax fraud (I'm not familiar with the US laws on thus subject so I'm not certain but it would seem this would apply).
Knowingly mis-reporting wages? Yes, that's fraud.

My accountant is reviewing the procedure for disputing wage amounts with the IRS and will get back to me early next week. Obviously, since there IS a procedure, this is not the first time such a thing has occurred.

Upon reflection, I'm wondering if she added the court award to my wages to arrive at that amount? Except, of course, she hasn't fucking paid me so it's still wrong. Then again, it really could be her being just too fucking stupid to either ask a REAL accountant for help with her finances or bad on-line research or wishful thinking on her part.

For certain, the stupid is strong with this one. Every time she tries to fuck with me she gets slapped down again. Fuck with the IRS and she could be sitting in jail. In a Federal prison. For a long time.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 07:31pm
by bilateralrope
Broomstick wrote:My accountant is reviewing the procedure for disputing wage amounts with the IRS and will get back to me early next week. Obviously, since there IS a procedure, this is not the first time such a thing has occurred.
What are the chances that your accountant do most of the work, leaving you with very little to do in regards to contacting the IRS ?
Because tax fraud sounds like something your accountant would have a legal obligation to report.
Upon reflection, I'm wondering if she added the court award to my wages to arrive at that amount?
Are the numbers consistent with her doing that ?

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-27 08:04pm
by Broomstick
I haven't added them up exactly, but yeah, roughly it seems to fit. I'll have to investigate further. If so, it further illustrates that she does not comprehend that the court imposed a PENALTY, it's not about my wages anymore. The penalty is in addition to my wages. It's not up to HER to report anything other than the actual wages she paid me.

The motherfucking cunt better not try to W2 me NEXT year for what the court is forcing her to pay this year.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-02-28 03:06am
by Lord Revan
Broomstick wrote:
Lord Revan wrote:I think she'll get a "nice" visit from an IRS official at some point, as this might be an ought right tax fraud (I'm not familiar with the US laws on thus subject so I'm not certain but it would seem this would apply).
Knowingly mis-reporting wages? Yes, that's fraud.

My accountant is reviewing the procedure for disputing wage amounts with the IRS and will get back to me early next week. Obviously, since there IS a procedure, this is not the first time such a thing has occurred.

Upon reflection, I'm wondering if she added the court award to my wages to arrive at that amount? Except, of course, she hasn't fucking paid me so it's still wrong. Then again, it really could be her being just too fucking stupid to either ask a REAL accountant for help with her finances or bad on-line research or wishful thinking on her part.

For certain, the stupid is strong with this one. Every time she tries to fuck with me she gets slapped down again. Fuck with the IRS and she could be sitting in jail. In a Federal prison. For a long time.
I suspected it would be fraud but as I stated I'm not familiar with the laws applying to this case so I wasn't certain. Though I must wonder how intentional her misreporting was, as she seems like a person with a really strong "editor" in her mind so might have though to have reported the accurate amount from her POV, though that only shows how out of touch she is with reality.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-04 02:09pm
by phongn
Broomstick wrote:I haven't added them up exactly, but yeah, roughly it seems to fit. I'll have to investigate further. If so, it further illustrates that she does not comprehend that the court imposed a PENALTY, it's not about my wages anymore. The penalty is in addition to my wages. It's not up to HER to report anything other than the actual wages she paid me.
Actually, a judgement against an employer may be considered taxable and part of a W-2 or 1099. See this IRS document.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-04 03:58pm
by Broomstick
I didn't read the whole thing in detail, but it looks like that should be reported on a 1099-MISC, not a W-2

Even so, it still doesn't add up to the correct amount.

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-07 08:04pm
by Broomstick
And... it looks like the Great Pumpkin Harpy wasn't paying her unemployment tax (oh, I am shocked! :roll: ) which has thrown a wrench into getting unemployment. Fun with the bureaucracy - the lady on the phone kept saying "but she HAS TO pay her taxes! It's the LAW!" I finally got her to understand Pumpkin Harpy has broken the law on multiple occasions so, required or not, it may not have been done. She said oh, in that case I need to go, in person, to a "full service" office (there are two in the county so I can just pick one) along with my tax and payroll information, ID, and probably, yes, a copy of the court documents would also be good next week when the offices are open.

Well, this could be interesting...

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-08 01:45am
by StarSword
Remind me never to fuck with you, Broom. :mrgreen: Two things came to mind as I read this thread. The first is a quote from the Firefly pilot:
Malcolm Reynolds wrote:Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid.
And second, probably the one image on the Internet that accurately describes the Great Delinquent Pumpkin-Harpy's attempts to avoid paying you:

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-08 09:23pm
by Enigma
Nah, it deserves this:


Or even this:


:) :) :)

Re: She Only LOOKS Harmless...

Posted: 2014-03-10 08:18am
by Oskuro
Sad part of this story? You probably won't get to be there to see the Pumpkin's face when someone explains to her how much she has screwed up.

I mean, from a neurological standpoint, it'd be fascinating to hook her up to a neuroimaging device and see how her brain lights up when her ego has to face the massive narcissistic injury she is about to receive.