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Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-06-30 01:20am
by NecronLord
Carinthium wrote:Joining the forum. BTW, why do mods have to approve some posts?
So that we can tell if someone's just out to spam the place up from the start.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-06-30 02:32am
by Thanas
Carinthium wrote:Joining the forum. BTW, why do mods have to approve some posts?

I am quite intrigued by your username - you are not from Kärnten, are you?

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-06-30 09:28pm
by eion

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-01 04:08pm
by Iflassman
After lurking intermittently since 2006 I have decided to try joining this forum because you people enjoy the Star Wars and I am a pretty Star Wars guy myself.

I'm a British expatriate living in the United States, and at present I am a stereotypical privileged slacker college student (Political Science, possibly minoring in Russian) shielded from the harsh realities of life. I enjoy history, science fiction, politics, and forums about history, science fiction and politics. Also computer games!

My username is an homage to G.M. Fraser's Flashman series. It is different from the usernames I use on other forums because most of those I made up in the 7th grade and seem kind of stupid now. (they also may or may not be associated with too many porn sites. I decline to comment) I may decide at some point that I hate it.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-02 06:06pm
by Ryu
Well, I'm a long-time reader, and this will be the first post for me. I never actually intended on registering an account, but after my fiancee, who first found this site nearly three years after I did, managed to register, make a hell of a mess, break (by my count) 6 different rules and get us BOTH IP-banned, (figure that one out) I figured it was about time I stopped stalling and register.

My name is Kaori. (I know my Email says Kira, but pay it no heed.) I'm 17 years old, have a penchant for long comments and obscure references. (Figured I'd annoy the hell out of you, likely why I didn't register until today.) Thankfully, I outgrew smilies already, so that's one less annoyance.

And, I thought I'd mention that I am part of both the writing and editing "staff" (as if 2 people really qualifies as a "staff") my fiancee might of mentioned. Any questions regarding the writing, feel free to ask. Any questions regarding the editing, make them quick. Any questions regarding our relationship, particularly after the brief debacle he got into here, go fuck yourself.

NOTE: While I am Japanese and do speak the language fluently, I will refuse to do so online and will not translate for you. (Partially because my spelling is bad enough in english, which I use much more often, and partially because the characters baffle me. As for translating, I'm just lazy in that regard, ask someone else.)

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-02 09:03pm
by DaZergRock54444
Another lurking madman, I am cowriter of StarCraft: Perseus.
The origins of my username are primarily from when I preferred to play Zerg on StarCraft, but I will probably sign any comment I have the time to as DZR, except on, which can be a pain to my eyes.
I do know Xenophon13 personally, which makes writing Perseus significantly easier.
Any remarks as to how Perseus is sounding are much appreciated in advance, as I need any critique I can get.

Thank you for your time,

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-04 06:58pm
by Boogyondown
Sup dudes?

Star Wars kicks ass it's on Spike TV today

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-10 03:02pm
by Ronsu
Hello, might as well finally sound off here. :)

I lurked the board for an embarrasing number of years before even thinking about joining. I´m propably going to be pretty 'silent' even now, due to not feeling confident in mouthing off about areas I haven´t much knowledge of. Which is a lot.

I don´t have much of a scientific background, though I love reading and listening all about that shit, like technology, human behaviour and social changes, AI and robotics, the doom and gloom at News & Politics and, of course, space and the cosmos! If I spout any ignorance, please feel free to correct me: living is learning. :P

This is going to sound like a load of brown-nosing, but has kind of gradually changed my life, by introducing me to rationality, scientific method, humanism and argumentative fallacies and so gently steering me toward what is, in my opinion, a more balanced state of mind and way to view the world (or something like that). Yeah, I was a right rotter about six or seven years back.

I´m still a bit of a slacker, my hobbies include movies, drawing, painting and I like biking. And yeah, I love giant super robots but don´t hold that against me, HAB.

Well, that came out a bit longer than I intended. Anyhoo, nice to be here. :)

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-12 09:25pm
by Arachnidus
Hey all, I'm brand new to the forums and I dislike introductions greatly, as on the forums I browse they tend to end badly. However, you guys seem like a nice bunch so I figured, to hell with it. I've been an active forum member on at least 4 forums since 2005, and a post on my home-forum Facepunch introduced me to TSW, which brought me to SDN. I've been lurking since late last year, and think this place kinda rocks. So yeah. :D

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-14 08:57pm
by Wild Zontargs
Hi, all. Another long-time reader delurking here. (Actually, I was a poster years ago, but my account got munched in one of the software upgrades, and that email had expired, etc.) Finally decided to re-register.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-19 05:09am
by Manthor
Manthor over at Comic Book Rumbles and same here.Joined after reading the Salvation War.Been a lurker for at least 5 years on this forum.Psychology undergrad,former soldier,etc.Good to meet you

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-07-25 11:47pm
by SushiMaster
Greetings to SDnet from your local 3rd world shithole! I've been lurking in this site since like 2003, and good thing I never signed up because I would have gotten my ass banned from stupidity. :D

I'm an electronics engineering student, with a love of all technological things (thanks to Star Wars, actually) and anything which informs you of this big world we live in. So it's a pleasure being in this sort of place where knowledge is shared thanks to some kick ass people, and hopefully I can make some contributions. I'm bilingual, anyone needing help with Spanish can ask all you want. I know some French, but my skills are pathetic. I'm also a decent rythym guitar player.

Hobbies: cinema, video games, guitar, excercising, girls. Usual stuff, really.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-04 07:26pm
by Eddie Van Helsing
Oops. I didn't see this at first; I was too busy reading Pantheocide. I'm Eddie Van Helsing. I'm not actually a vampire-killing rock musician; I just came up with the handle one night a few years back when joining FARK. I was drunk at the time, listening to old Van Halen while reading Dracula.

I used to work as a developer focusing on .NET and SQL, but I got tired of working sixty hours a week and getting paid for forty, so I now work as a butcher in a supermarket. It's a union job, I get paid by the hour, I get time and a half for overtime, and my job is a bit harder to outsource to India or China. This gives me time to work on my own writing; I'm working on the second draft of a science fantasy novel.

I used to be a musician, but put it aside when I realized that there was no market in the US for metalheads who play an electric violin. I've been married for six years, and I have a couple of kittens named Dante and Virgil. Dante's helping me type right now.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 10:24am
by Lizzie
Hi. I've kept an eye on this place due to a friend of mine who goes by "SilverWingedSeraph" regularly linking threads from this site. He became more active recently so I figured I should join in as well.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 12:06pm
by Eddie Van Helsing
Lizzie wrote:Hi. I've kept an eye on this place due to a friend of mine who goes by "SilverWingedSeraph" regularly linking threads from this site. He became more active recently so I figured I should join in as well.
Hi, Lizzie. Have you checked out The Salvation War yet? So far it's my favorite part of SDN.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 02:27pm
by Lizzie
Eddie Van Helsing wrote:
Lizzie wrote:Hi. I've kept an eye on this place due to a friend of mine who goes by "SilverWingedSeraph" regularly linking threads from this site. He became more active recently so I figured I should join in as well.
Hi, Lizzie. Have you checked out The Salvation War yet? So far it's my favorite part of SDN.
I have not, what do you mean by "part" of SDN? I know very little but I've heard of it before and I thought it was a book.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 02:42pm
by Eddie Van Helsing
Lizzie wrote:I have not, what do you mean by "part" of SDN? I know very little but I've heard of it before and I thought it was a book.
It's a series of novels that its author, Stuart Slade, has been posting here on SDN. It's in the Fanfic section.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 05:35pm
by Lizzie
Eddie Van Helsing wrote:
Lizzie wrote:I have not, what do you mean by "part" of SDN? I know very little but I've heard of it before and I thought it was a book.
It's a series of novels that its author, Stuart Slade, has been posting here on SDN. It's in the Fanfic section.
Ah thanks. I'll check it out at some point.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-05 06:29pm
by IvanTih
Hello,new to this site joined because I was bored with lurking.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-06 11:55am
by Lord_Of_Change 9
Hi. I joined this site recently, but have been lurking a long time before.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-13 12:38pm
by Zaune
Greetings from rural Dorset. I'm originally from a small town you've probably never heard of unless you're a hardcore Radiohead fanboy, which managed the astonishing feat of making Luton look like an attractive place to settle down. I found through the Salvation War series, but only set up an account after belatedly thinking to check out the rest of the site.
My hobbies include reading and writing both fanfic and original fiction, arguing about current affairs, and drinking Real Ale. Often simultaneously.

And I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce my username, which is an inside joke that a grand total of one forum member might actually get, but my real name (Jake) was already taken.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-24 07:25pm
by ChrisWWII
Well, just found this thread and figured I might as well say something.

My name's Chris, and my username is a reference to back in 8th grade I was considered a major World War 2 geek, and when I made my first IM account I needed a way to make sure my friends knew exactly who it was. I liked the name, and I've been using it ever since.

I'm going off to college in a few weeks, and will be going to the University of St. Andrew's in Scotland with a probable major in International Relations.

I like SW, ST: TNG, ST: Voy, and Warhammer 40k. I play Imperial Guard, and am slowly getting better. I prob won't be posting too much, simply because I'm not as knowledgeable as most people on her, and don't want to try and dumb up any threads. As such, I'll be sticking to writing Fanfic and Original Fic like I enjoy. Hopefully I can get better at it.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-25 02:01am
by Psawhn

Yet another lurker, deciding I should sign up. I'd originally found this site a few years back, but re-found it via Stuart's Armageddon??? and I've been coming back since.

I'm currently working on gaining my B.Sc in Geomatics Engineering.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-26 08:03am
by supercar14
Hi all, my name’s Wes. This topic actually solved my problem on what my first post would be. Ha-ha. Anyway my username comes from a profile that I made years ago on a website for Radioshack’s RC car line call Xmods, (of which I have a small collection of that now serve as paper weights because they are crap and I don’t even know if they work anymore…), and I use it for most of, if not all of my usernames because I am to lazy to make different ones. I guess it also helps my online friends keep track of me through all of the different websites and forums I’m in to, but I like the laziness excuse better. And yes, I’ve been a lurker here for some time and finally decided to join.

Re: New Member Introductions

Posted: 2010-08-28 07:00pm
by Dartz
So, I'm nobody special. I registered to post in a thread, but decided that I didn't have anything intelligent to add when I went back, so decided not to bother. One or two handles here's I've recognised, but that's about it I don't know if any of you will know who I am.

So.. anyway, clearing one thing up. My handle is *not* a reference to Yu-Gi-Oh, but to a type of train. The spelling is just a coincidence.
