New Member Introductions

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Metahive »

Hello there, long-time lurker, first-time poster from the banking capitol of Germany, Frankfurt am Main. Been following the various debates here with interest but never quite had the time or energy to participate myself. Well, now I do. I hope at least.
As for my username, that's something out of a silly little idea of mine that's currently floating in my head. Something about a fictionalized insect-hive like society. Let's see if I can turn that right now rather half-baked concept into something presentable.

So long then!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by EvilPie »

Hey, I'm a lurker who was too lazy to register up until recently. I'd occasionally see a thread that I'd have something to add to but by the time I had the effort/time to register someone had beaten me to it. I try to avoid speaking up unless I have something worthwhile to say, which is infrequent.

I came up with the name "UltraEvilPie" years ago based on a webcomic I used to read, (google "evil" and "pie" and you easily see which one). I like it because I never need to tack on numbers to the end, I hate doing that. Anyway,I use variants of in on the interwebs, if you play TF2 say hello if you see me.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Rabid »


My name is Nicolas, I'm French, I'm 20, and I'm another one of those who discovered this board thanks to The Salvation War.
I was lurking since almost a year, now (not that I remember exactly, but it's not as if it mattered much...), and I thought it would be interesting to join, just for the fun of it.
I'll probably take part in some of the conversations in this board, and maybe, from time to time I'll launch my owns. One of my motivation to join here is to improve my English, so feel free to correct me if it seems to you that I'm making an error. You''l probably see me more around the Science-Fiction part of the site, speculating about uninteresting things.
Concerning my username, you can consider it's just totally random. It can also describe my character/temper, usually unseen, as I try to be Stoic.

Well... Now, like they say : “Let the good time roll !”

(And, to translate a french saying, if I ever seem to have “a broomstick stuck in the ass”, it may be because I'm not very fluent in English, and am pondering every word I say. Just to let you know... *smile*)
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Admiral Thrawn »

Hi there,

here's another newbie from good ol' Germany. I am 31 years old, had studied mechatronics technician and am a semi-professional modelkit builder since I was about 7 years old. I have build a lot of modelkits reaching from planes over to Star Wars models. Actually, I am scratchbuilding a Lambda-class imperial shuttle out of polystyrene. I love the designs of the Star Wars universe, which includes of course the symbol of the Imperial Navy, the Star Destroyer.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by TOSDOC »

Hello! My name's chris, a veterinarian from long island, and both a TOS and SW (first 3 movies) fan. Long time reader, first time poster, first found this site while reading up on a comparison somewhere about how the latest ST film was so similar to SW. Loved Mike's essays, especially how the Galaxy is a death trap and Brahms' lawsuits. Looking forward to reading more.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by PLR2 »

Long time lurker here. I'm a newbie from Illinois. My username comes from playing the game Red Faction on the PlayStation 2 as the second player. I shorthanded it to PLR2 for other video game and internet names because I'm not very creative. I like Sci-fi and fantasy and I'm here to engage in some discussion. I hope not to look like a complete idiotic ass. I'm not sure how I found this site all those years ago. I was probably searching Star Wars into google or something.
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Post by ChromodynamicGirl »

Hi, everyone. I was first made aware of this site while looking around for hard science fiction, and coming across this awesome thread:
It sums up my own cranky elitist approach to fiction in general :P.
I'm interested in physics, economics, philosophy and history. I collect comic books and radioactive metals.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Lamora »

I'm Lamora. I'd rather not go into stalker specifics, so I'll keep my name and address out of it.

I'm a high school/college student in the United States northeast. I came across this forum looking for intelligence and debate. From what I've seen over the last few hours lurking, I think I have come to the right spot.

I'm somewhat concerned over my own non-expertise regarding some of the topics discussed here, but then again, I think that of a lot of subjects. I hope that in the event of a debating error that someone will see fit to correct me, as I assure you it is in ignorance.

Now, is there a forum or thread regarding colleges and career paths and the like around here? I'm seventeen, so it's naturally a big concern for me.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Shinjai »

Greetings everyone.

I recently came across this board after reading a couple of fanfiction pieces written by Academia Nut and wanting to see more. A quick browse through some of the board sections seems to indicate that I'll be contentedly lurking around, listening to the debates and discussions with interest. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in threads that touch upon my areas of interest and knowledge.

My username is one I use for most things online and I came up with it my putting together Shinji from Evangelion and Ninjai from the web series of the same name, reasoning that the combination of the two characters would result in a teenage angsting ninja who would nonetheless be very very deadly under certain conditions, which tickled my sense of the absurd at the time. Nowadays I simply use it as it is familiar to me and I haven't been able to muster the necessary motivation to come up with another online name to use.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by LadyLazor »

Hello, another lurker now registered. Not much to say other than I'm a sci-fi girl at :luv: !
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Kyler »

My name is Kyler, yes my user name is the same are my real name since the common user name I use was already taken.

I have currently employed at a small community bank for the past 3 years. I am happily married with two crazy dogs. I have a BS in History. For most of my life I have been a passionate lover of aviation especially military aviation. While not current, I do have a private pilots license and I am certified SCUBA diver. I do enjoy art especially drawing & sculpting. Recently I have taken up pipe making since I am a big pipe smoker and cigar smoker cause I used to work in a cigar shop. Big heavy metal fan with my some of favorite bands being COLD, In Flames, and the Offspring. My wife & I enjoy traveling, and I have been fortunate to visit Europe 3 times. Favorite movie is Return of the Jedi, since it is the first move I can ever remember watching.

Look forward to posting more in the future.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Andehtron »

So hey Im Andy,

I actually joined about 8 months ago but sort of drifted off but have drifted back it would seem.

Andehtron is according to my dear friends my alter ego when drunk...I apparently move very slowly and robotically after a significant amount of beer.

Im engaged to a wonderful woman and in order to pay the bills and keep my crappy Peugeot running Im a bed salesman.
Im suprisingly normal apart from a mild Forza 3 addiction.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Talhe »

Hello. My name is Talhe, and I've decided to make a belated introduction on this thread. I'm a student at the U of Minnesota, and came across the site through the Star Wars vs. Star Trek site (Star Wars FTW!). I love Star Wars, good literature, and history. I'm... not sure where am I going in life, and I appreciate rational, open-minded people.
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Post by kavin »

Hello to all! i'm newbie here, I like to watch sci-fi shows and movies. I'm here to find more interesting story about sci-fi shows. Star trek is a wonderful sci fi movie. My favorite is Star trek Enterprise.

Post moved to appropriate thread. Welcome to SDNet!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by darkwolf29a »

Greetings from Green Bay, hone of the world famous Packers. :)

I'm trying this post again, since my first one did not go through. Apparently, my company's IP address is in Wichita, which makes sense, since that's where we're headquartered out of. but alas...I do live in Green Bay. ;)

I am into art, science fiction, and anything Star Wars. :) I saw Star Wars for the first time in 1977, and Darth Vader invited me to the dark's okay, I brought my own flashlight. LOL

I hope to get to know you all and get involved around here. :)


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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by espatier »

Greetings and salutations to all...

Im a big fan of apocs, world building and semi-hard sci-fi. Looking forward to meeting you all and establishing new friendship around the globe here.

If you like apoc settings, zombies and natural disaster themes then shoot me a line and ask me to join. Maybe you want someone to assit and help you co-G.M. let me know.

interests are"Military, Medicine ( OB/GYN, Trauma and Mental heath) Lic as a mid-wife as well, rail trains, history, re-enactments and former MD state sport participant (Jousting)

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Doc Ninja »

Hey there. I'm a fan of sci-fi and anything else I think has an interesting plot behind it. I enjoy writing but I'm a little to scatterbrained and impatient to finish anything of substance. I found the sight via TVtropes when I read the description for The Salvation war and instantly fell in love with the concept.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Todeswind »

I just noticed that this existed so... hey! I like scifi a lot. I look forward to discussing any number of things with you. Cheers.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Tomzilla »


I'm Tomzilla. I've been a lurker here for the past several months. I decided there was no point in lurking anymore without contributing much. So here I am. I'm a big fan of Godzilla and other science fiction series. I also like to debate, especially in topics that will demand me to research more. I have a strong thirst for knowledge, so I'm studying new topics every other month. I'm also a writer, screen writer, and filmmaker. Thank you for your time!
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by superskippy »

Hey everyone, I've been a long time lurker but finally registered and made a few posts. I didn't see this thread at first but I'm happy to have joined.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Iroscato »

Hey, my rl name is Rorie, I discovered this site after having a furious Star Trek vs Star Wars debate with my dad. :lol:

Suffice to say Mike Wong smashed the ever-loving shit out of my pro-Trek thoughts, and after reading the excellent Conquest I discovered the forum link, which I lurked on for about a month before joining.

I enjoy SciFi writing and reading a lot, so you may find me haunting the fanfic section.

I look forward to talking to you all.
Yeah, I've always taken the subtext of the Birther movement to be, "The rules don't count here! This is different! HE'S BLACK! BLACK, I SAY! ARE YOU ALL BLIND!?

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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Pebkio »

Hello, I'm Pebkio...

...and I'm really not sure about this whole "Moderator Approved" system. It's lucky that my initial interests are in slower topics, because elsewise all of my posts would be appearing in back-pages. My very first post took one hour and 17 minutes to be printed. Another post had already appeared and my post was slotted in behind it because of the time stamp. Subsequent posts are taking even longer than that. If I was just getting in on a hot new topic, I might-as-well not even post anything because no-one is going to see it by the time they're on page three. This is a Thursday, right? This feels like a Thursday, All in the span of when I've been posting, Lunch in four different time-zones have come and gone (except maybe in one because it's Lunch right now). Shouldn't there, I don't know, be more moderators be around? Especially in a system that makes newer people wait for moderators to post a goddam comm

I don't have a job right now, if that weren't already obvious. I also like the color of purple and the concept of magic.

Seriously though, I'm the type of guy who'll make sure the post is just perfect before I send it out. I also slip very easily into the area of tl;dr, but who cares, this a geek forum. Haven't slept, getting a bit light-headed. Today is going to suck...

Also: Thinly veiled message to which-ever moderator evaluates this message.

Oh yeah, just to get it out of the way: I'm fat, unshaven, and I think George Lucas ruined my childhood... concept of Star Wars. Before that though, I've read many many EU books (possibly all of them) that take place after RotJ. Aside from Star Wars, if I'm discussing something on a forum, it's a safe bet to assume that I've delved pretty deeply into the subject AND am fact-checking myself as I construct an argument (hooray for Google).
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Dalton »

Most of us have other, more pressing obligations to which to attend, so please forgive us if we're not immediately available to instantly approve your posts, o wise one. You'll be glad to know that once you reach ten posts you'll be able to post unapproved and won't have your precious time and energy wasted by our lackadaisical manner.
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Pebkio »

Hey now

I, in my wisdom, thought I was being nice. Yes, a nice way to draw the attention of a moderator. Thanks, btw, for firing all of my long-winded posts through the cannon. That's right! I slipped in several TOS violations in the second and third

Seriously though, thanks. I will endeavor, still, with the knowledge that four more inane posts (like, and after, this one) will have me type-yelling like a champ in no time. I've noticed that "moron" and "idiot" are the popular insults so I think I'll stick with those. "Never upset the status quo" has me written all over it.

Incidentally, you are now my "go to" moderator for when anyone offends my sensibilities. I'll also ask for fifty favors a day (from you and only you), including being made a moderator as well. Within this week, I hope. *crosses fingers*
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Re: New Member Introductions

Post by Dalton »

Pebkio wrote:Hey now

I, in my wisdom, thought I was being nice. Yes, a nice way to draw the attention of a moderator. Thanks, btw, for firing all of my long-winded posts through the cannon. That's right! I slipped in several TOS violations in the second and third

Seriously though, thanks. I will endeavor, still, with the knowledge that four more inane posts (like, and after, this one) will have me type-yelling like a champ in no time. I've noticed that "moron" and "idiot" are the popular insults so I think I'll stick with those. "Never upset the status quo" has me written all over it.

Incidentally, you are now my "go to" moderator Administrator for when anyone offends my sensibilities. I'll also ask for fifty favors a day (from you and only you), including being made a moderator as well. Within this week, I hope. *crosses fingers*
Fixed that for you.

Watch your step. And your mouth.
To Absent Friends
Dalton | Admin Smash | Knight of the Order of SDN

"y = mx + bro" - Surlethe
"You try THAT shit again, kid, and I will mod you. I will
mod you so hard, you'll wish I were Dalton." - Lagmonster

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