Work Question

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Work Question

Post by ArmorPierce »

Hey guys I have a question that I am hoping that some of you can help me with.

I have started working somewhere as a temp back in January and it's going pretty well there. One other temp that I knew somewhat from school and I had a job and he started annoying me. At one point he called me a name, I told him to cut the shit, and about an hour later we were cool.

Past few weeks, I've been having trouble with another co-worker. He has been doing non-ending insults, some racially motivated (calling me a gypsy and I can or can't or do certain things because I'm a Gypsy (I'm not a gypsy)). He is a bit of a awkward, older (most of the temps who got hired age is around 23-24, he's 27 turning 28), nerdy kind of guy that several people have been insulted by him and don't like him and some of the girls think he's creepy. He's an all around socially awkward guys and I get the feeling he's trying to deflect some of this view by trying to point towards me. Also I am an all around better worker than him. Just today and yesterday I completed my work and moved on to completing his since he had no idea what he was doing staying late to finish it all, but he's constantly pointing out my flaws to our little group of temps and complained that I tried to make him look bad. I have told him once or twice to cut the shit and he will for a bit and be apologetic and have improved somewhat but then started doing it more most lately.

Today I had the opportunity to go into the department and train several people on a new application. I saw this as a good opporunity to meet some people, network, and hopefully make a good impression. I went with him and started giving the presentation.
In the middle of it, out of no where, he blurts out that I said "[He] hates old people and think's that they are a leech on society."
I just sat there in disbelief and didn't say anything because I did not want to make a scene of no I didn't, yes you did.
One of the girls looked at me and said "Don't you have old people in your family?"
I sat there and still did not say anything, but he was quick enough to respond for me saying "No he doesn't." He continued stating "We have interesting conversations back there."
Afterward I was mad. He offered to go back and apologize to them.

What do you guys think? Should I make a complaint? Would I have a leg to stand on based purely on him telling people that I said something I did not making me look bad? I'd rather not bring in the personal insults since I'm not so mad about that since it affects no one but me whereas what he did today affects how others look at me and quite possibly, my future.

EDIT: Oh yeah, let me add that in the past he has been cool, buying me a donut in the morning, splitting his coffee or giving me a ride home from work.
Last edited by ArmorPierce on 2010-03-16 08:33pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Work Question

Post by Phantasee »

He sounds like a fucking nutter. Make a complaint, if you have any witnesses ask them if they're willing to go to bat for you. You don't want to do nothing, not as a temp. Be proactive and you'll make out okay.

It's either that, or take him out back and explain to him very clearly that if he doesn't knock it off, you're going to ruin his shit. This is a less desirable solution for obvious reasons.
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Re: Work Question

Post by Sinewmire »

Sounds like he's trying to be friendly and make jokes, but doesn't quite have the social skills to pull it off.

Of course, so much in these things comes down to context, so I could be completely wrong.
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Re: Work Question

Post by aerius »

Get your witnesses together, book an appointment with your boss, and try to get his ass fired. People like him are good at gaming the system and fucking over the workplace for everyone, they won't stop until they're stepped on hard or fired.
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Re: Work Question

Post by ArmorPierce »

Sinewmire wrote:Sounds like he's trying to be friendly and make jokes, but doesn't quite have the social skills to pull it off.

Of course, so much in these things comes down to context, so I could be completely wrong.
I think that may be at least part of it. I would bad about getting him to lose the job but now it has passed the point of being merely personally insulted and to the point where it is seriously affecting my future prospects.

Please continue with responses and advice.

Let me add that when we got back he eventually was saying that he shouldn't have done that under his breath whilst sitting at his desk. Also added his age don't know if that matters.
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To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Re: Work Question

Post by Falkenhorst »

Get on record as soon as you can with your supervisor or whoever will handle the situation. The longer you wait the worse it will be for you. I put up with alot of petty shit from a coworker at a high school job and when I finally got sick of it and went to the manager their reply was "How long has this been going on?" and when I said for a couple weeks, they said "and you're only just saying something about it now?" So my advice is to make a move to resolve your problem as quick as possible.

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Re: Work Question

Post by ArmorPierce »

Falkenhorst wrote:Get on record as soon as you can with your supervisor or whoever will handle the situation. The longer you wait the worse it will be for you. I put up with alot of petty shit from a coworker at a high school job and when I finally got sick of it and went to the manager their reply was "How long has this been going on?" and when I said for a couple weeks, they said "and you're only just saying something about it now?" So my advice is to make a move to resolve your problem as quick as possible.
I recall I actually lost a job like that in high school. I was working at a warehouse part time after school. I had 3 main co-workers there, one mentally challenged guy, and two slightly older (on year or older) high school drop out guys. They were constantly ragging on me going as far as some minor male-on-male sexual harassment (actually pretty common in the contact I've had with Mexicans/Northern Central Americans, don't know if it's a cultural thing). I had one day stated that I hated working there (mostly due to them). They went and told boss I said that and I lost my job.
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift. ~Steve Prefontaine
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Re: Work Question

Post by Edi »

aerius wrote:Get your witnesses together, book an appointment with your boss, and try to get his ass fired. People like him are good at gaming the system and fucking over the workplace for everyone, they won't stop until they're stepped on hard or fired.
This. The only way to deal with that kind of cockroach is to squish them until there is not even a stain left on the floor. If your boss has his shit together, the motherfucker should be out the door very soon.
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Re: Work Question

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Thirding what aerius said, with an additional admonishment of "you've waited this long to consider action against him? What were you thinking?" He's been going out of his way, for weeks, to create a hostile work environment for you. Just because he's been "cool" once or twice doesn't make him any less of a douchebag. And, by all means, you should bring up the personal insults. You may think they're only impacting you, but that'd be wrong . . . they are symptomatic of this work environment that he's creating where you're not going to be as productive as you could be, and that does affect more than just you.
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Re: Work Question

Post by Kanastrous »

He's interfering in your work, sabotaging your working relationship with your peers and being a real asshole about it, too, from your description.

Where I come from, that's War. Whatever you can do to get him dismissed at minimal hazard to yourself: DO. IT.
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