[VOTE] Rules Update

Moderator: CmdrWilkens


Shall the motion pass?

Poll ended at 2008-12-19 11:39pm

Yes, enact the changes
No, keep things as they are
Total votes: 36

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[VOTE] Rules Update

Post by CmdrWilkens »

The following vote is in three segmentsthat will be voted on as one.

The proposal is that:
1) The "Rules" section be updated to read as follows:
  1. Ethics – This is designed as a forum for experienced and thoughtful members, as such you should represent yourself at all times with a higher standard. These aren’t rules but guidelines as to how you should conduct yourself in the public eye…and you are in the public eye.
    1. As Senators you can edit your own posts in any General Forum however should you ever be found to be abusing that power you lose your Senator-ship as a minimum! Any punishment in excess of this is at the discretion of the Emperor and his Executors.
    2. Yes you can say what you like in here, and any non-Senators can’t reply or defend themselves. However, members need to behave themselves. You got in here on good conduct, don't change now. The same goes for behavior on the board at large, don't flaunt it or you'll lose it.
    3. Complaints against Senators will be taken seriously. You got voted in because somebody thought you contribute to the board, don’t let it go to your head. If you have a complaint about a fellow Senator or a constituent (see 5.A thru 5.C) has a complaint send it up to the Whip or Chancellor, if you have a complaint about the Whip or Chancellor send it up to an Executor or bring it up in a [Discussion] thread.
  2. Membership – Membership in the Senate is contingent upon previous evidence of quality contributions to the board and a continuance of that once elevated to membership.
    1. Procedure for Nominating - Beginning on the 2nd of every month the House of Commons shall be placed open for the nomination of prospective Senators. Nominations shall close on the 24th of each month (excepting February when it will close on the 21st).
      1. All board members are granted the right to nominate for entry into the Senate excepting the Chancellor. Any member may start the thread provided only that it carries the [Member] tag and is on or after the 2nd of the month.
      2. Each member has the right to nominate one person per month. If someone has nominated the person you wanted already, then you can second that nomination. If someone has nominated and seconded the person you want then wait for the vote. A second does not count as a nomination thus a Member may both nominate one candidate and second any additional candidates they deem worthy of consideration.
      3. All nominations that have been made and seconded shall be considered.
    2. Other nomination rules
      1. Only nominations and comments on the nominee's may be put in a [Member] thread, if you don't agree on a nomination, then don't vote for that person. Any flames or arguments in that thread will be deleted - no exceptions!
      2. Any board member may begin a nomination thread so long as it is prefaced with the [Member] tag. The nominees who have been seconded shall be placed into a poll by the Chancellor or the Whip at the conclusion of the nomination period.
      3. The vote for entry into the Senate shall be conducted according to the rules for Category C vote (see 3.A.III. below).
    3. Removal of a Senator: There are three cases for removal of a senator, two by cause and one by request:
      1. Removal by request: If a Senator conveys to both the Chancellor and the Whip a statement of intention to resign from the Senate they shall be removed from membership effective on the date of request. Afterwards the member may only be returned to the Senate by nomination as a member of the general board
      2. Removal for cause:
        1. In cases where conduct of a Senator has been called into question any member may call motion for a vote to expel. If the motion is seconded a Category A vote will be held. If the measure passes the member will be removed from the Senate and barred from re-entry.
        2. In cases of inactivity (see 3.C.III. below) of more than 1 calendar year the Whip or Chancellor may call for a vote to remove. The vote will be held according to the rules of a Category A vote. If the measure passes the member will be removed from the Senate but may return subject to nomination as a member of the general board.
  3. One Senator, one vote - Aside from discussion on policy and the usual debauchery of the Senate the vast majority of duties fall under votes within the context of voting. All votes and the rules for undertaking them are as follows:
    1. Categories of votes:
      1. Category A:
        • Board Policies
        • Senate Rules
        • User-group creation or deletion
        • Permanent Bans
        • Removal from the Senate
      2. Category B:
        • Temporary Bans
        • Custom Titling
        • Lesser Offenses
        • Resolutions
        • Election to the office of Chancellor
        • Continuation of Office for the Chancellor and Whip
      3. Category C:
        • Election to the Senate
        • Election to office of Whip
    2. Special note for Permanent Ban votes
      1. When a user, for violation of the Board Rules, is the subject of a permanent ban poll in the Senate, that user MAY be temporarily banned for the duration of the poll at the discretion of any Executor, or upon request by any two Senators other than the Senators who motioned for, and seconded, the ban poll.
      2. Should the Senate impose a temporary ban as punishment for violation of the Board Rules after considering a permanent ban, the Senate may elect to count the time spent banned during the poll towards the user's sentence. This determination will be made by the Chancellor in consultation with the Senate.
      3. Nothing in these rules shall be construed as to limit the authority granted to the Executors and the Emperor to summarily ban or otherwise punish disruptive members of the board. While the Senate is granted authority to enact punishment it is not the sole source.
    3. Quorum for votes
      1. Category A votes required a quorum of 50% of eligible voters. Category B and C require a quorum of 40% of eligible votes.
      2. Eligible voters are all members of the Senate, except the Chancellor, who are currently active. A member may be declared inactive when they have missed 10 consecutive votes or when they have notified the Chancellor or the Whip of their intention to be absent for a specified period of time. The decision to declare a member inactive after having missed the requisite number of votes is at the discretion of the Whip and the Chancellor.
      3. Votes for abstention shall count towards meeting quorum but will not count either for or against any measure or member being voted on.
    4. Majorities for passage
      1. Category A votes will require a 60% majority voting in favor for the resolution to pass. Category B requires a simple majority of votes in favor. Category C requires a plurality of votes.
      2. By example with 50 total votes (not counting abstentions) Category A would require 30 members in favor, Category B 26 members, and Category C the greatest number amongst all votes not for abstention.
      3. The Chancellor may exercise the power to cast deciding votes in any case where one additional vote would reach the passing threshold for any category.
    5. Voting administration
      1. Only the Whip, the Chancellor, the Emperor, or an Executor may begin Category A votes or any votes relating to membership. All other votes may be started by any member subject to the remaining provisions of 3.E below.
      2. The Whip should be notified when any vote is begun so that notice may be given to all Senate Members. Upon being notified or in cases where the Whip begins the thread all active members of the Senate shall be sent a PM and given a URL link to the thread. In cases where the Whip is absent the Chancellor shall be notified.
      3. From the point of opening a vote thread there shall be a time limit of 7 days during which to conduct voting. All votes will be final at the end of this period.
      4. In all votes the option shall be given to abstain for members to register for quorum but not count towards any verdict.
    6. Unforeseen Circumstances: In any voting situation not covered by the rules above, for any reason, judgments regarding the validity, procedure, and administration of the vote shall be at the sole discretion of the Chancellor. If the Chancellor is not present they shall be at the sole discretion of the Whip.
  4. Constituency - Part of your job as Senators is to discuss that which is bothering the board at large. As such bringing matters to the Senate attention should be done quickly and coherently.
    1. If board member wants to make private suggestions then you can pass them along, however you should make it plain that it is on behalf of someone else (you don't have to give names) and the person(s) that asked you should know that it's not automatic that their suggestions will get approved.
    2. Should you get harassed by someone to push a point for you, or getting angry because they think you let them down then report them either to the Whip, Chancellor, or any one of the Executors.
    3. It is the responsibility of all Senators to monitor the House of Commons. This is the forum for commentary on Senate Discussions and a place for the board at large to recommend policy changes. When bringing points from the House of Commons into the Senate be sure to provide a URL link to the relevant post(s).
  5. Officers
    1. The Chancellor
      1. In any vote, the Chancellor can only vote to break a tie. The Chancellor may not vote at any other time, nor show favoritism to a particular choice during the Poll’s duration. See the voting rules if you need clarification.
      2. When the Chancellor is away for a protracted period, his duties shall devolve to the Whip. This does not, however, include restriction to the Chancellor's voting limitation.
      3. The Chancellor shall be elected from amongst the membership of the Senate according to the rules of a Category B vote. If there are more than two candidates and no candidate achieves a majority at the conclusion of the vote a runoff will be held. Any candidate approved by the Senate is subject to confirmation by the Emperor.
      4. The duties of the Chancellor shall be to serve as moderator of the forum and to enact such resolutions as are passed by the Senate and as are within the powers granted by the Emperor.
      5. The Chancellor shall serve a term of one year unless resigning with due notice to the Emperor and the Senate at large. At the end of each term the Chancellor shall be subject to a vote of confidence. This vote shall be for continuing the Chancellor's term or subjecting the post to a general election. It shall be conducted as a Category B vote. If the motion passes the Chancellor shall continue to serve. There is no limit to the number of terms a Chancellor may serve.
      6. In the event of a vacancy caused by resignation, recall, or vote of no confidence the post shall be open to a new election subject to the rules of 6.A.III above.
    2. The Whip
      1. The Whip shall be elected from amongst the membership of the Senate according to the rules of a Category C vote, the members nominating and seconding those persons they feel worthy of holding the post.
      2. The Whip shall serve a term of one year unless resigning with due notice to the Chancellor and the Senate. At the end of each term the Whip shall be subject to a vote of confidence. This vote shall be for continuing the Whip's term or subjecting the post to a general election. It shall be conducted as a Category B vote. If the motion passes the Whip shall continue to serve. There is no limit to the number of terms a Whip may serve.
      3. The Duties of the Whip shall be as follows:
        • Notify all active members of the Senate when any vote is occurring.
        • In absence of the Chancellor open all votes for membership commencing on the 24th (21st in February) of the month.
        • Maintain a current list of all active senators and hold count against quorum for all votes before the Senate.
        • Ensure all votes are conducted according to the rules of the Senate
        • Perform all other such duties as shall be assigned by the Chancellor, the Emperor, or the Executors.
      4. In the event of a vacancy caused by resignation, recall, or vote of no confidence the post shall be open to a new election subject to the rules of 6.B.II above.
    3. Other Rules Regarding Officers
      1. Recall of officers: In the event that the Senate feels an officer is no longer able to continue in office may open a petition for recall. If the motion is seconded a vote shall be held according to the rules of a Category A vote.
      2. Date of elections: The vote for the Chancellor or for continuation of office shall be opened on January 1st. The vote for the Whip or for continuation of office shall be opened on June 1st.

2) The "Perks" section be deleted in its entirety

3) The "Threads" section be deleted in its entirety.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Ghost Rider »


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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Coyote »

My will is done.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Eleas »

Behold, I vote.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Chris OFarrell »

Less Red Tape = My vote.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Publius »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Surlethe »

May I get back to boozing and whoring now?
A Government founded upon justice, and recognizing the equal rights of all men; claiming higher authority for existence, or sanction for its laws, that nature, reason, and the regularly ascertained will of the people; steadily refusing to put its sword and purse in the service of any religious creed or family is a standing offense to most of the Governments of the world, and to some narrow and bigoted people among ourselves.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by seanrobertson »

"I'm not that great at life, but I'm pretty good at voting!" -- Niko B. Robertson
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Simplicius »

Vote cast.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Gil Hamilton »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by LadyTevar »

Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Edi »

Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Halfdome has voted.

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Frank Hipper »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Mr Bean »

Voted against, I don't like lumping all three sections togther. I don't think there's a need to exaim every single rule but I'd like to vote on them section by section.

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Spyder »

I clicked a button and it made people happy.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Kuja »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Noble Ire »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Mad »

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Seven days have now passed and the vote is closed. There are 36 votes out of 49 active Senators, we have a quorum to do business. The motion requires a 60% majority for passage. There are 25 votes for the measure and 4 against with 7 abstentions, the measure passes.

If the appropriate Admin could update the relevant thread.

Within that note December nomnation period is still opened and a permanent nomination thread is now open in the HoC.

Also with January approaching I would like to solicit everyone's thoughts on the Chancellor election. Do we want to have a vote to keep Rob in office or does everyone want to move directly to nomnating repalcements? I honestly wouldl prefer to do the former but I understand if everybody is against having more votes on this matter.
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"I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. "
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

I favour going directly to nominating replacements.
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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by Edi »

I'd go directly to nominating replacements. This does not mean that the replacement would be precluded from stepping down in Rob's favor should he come back to the board from wherever his RL commitments have taken him. And given that you're going to be the most likely replacement, Greg, I for some mysterious reason cannot see that being a problem at all.
Warwolf Urban Combat Specialist

Why is it so goddamned hard to get little assholes like you to admit it when you fuck up? Is it pride? What gives you the right to have any pride?
–Darth Wong to vivftp

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Re: [VOTE] Rules Update

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Edi wrote:I'd go directly to nominating replacements. This does not mean that the replacement would be precluded from stepping down in Rob's favor should he come back to the board from wherever his RL commitments have taken him. And given that you're going to be the most likely replacement, Greg, I for some mysterious reason cannot see that being a problem at all.
Well part of the reason that I wanted to see what the consensus opinion is that, above and beyond everything else, I don't want to be the prohibitive favorite OR been seen in any way as gaming the system to take Rob's seat. I mean I will happily campaign for the poisiton but at the same time I want to be very open about the process...so I don't want to go straight to nominating replacements without some form of consensus.
SDNet World Nation: Wilkonia
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"I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the will of god. I have seen too much religion in the eyes of too many murderers. Holiness is in right action, and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. "
-Kingdom of Heaven