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Looking for a good biography of Caesar Augustus and

Posted: 2012-05-04 01:40pm
by Chirios
Julius Caesar for a story I'm writing. Does anybody have any recommendations?

Re: Looking for a good biography of Caesar Augustus and

Posted: 2012-05-04 10:17pm
by Fenreer
De Bello Gallico

History of Julius Caesar

The Lives of the Twelve Caesars

Augustus: The Life of Rome's First Emperor

You wouldn't happen to speak Italian, German, or Latin? Better sources are available in those languages. For all the Rome fetish experienced by Brits and Americans over the centuries, our historian tend to drop the ball with actual Roman history.

Re: Looking for a good biography of Caesar Augustus and

Posted: 2012-05-05 08:27am
by Thanas
^2 of your sources are primary ones (Sueton and Caesar). Not sure that is what he is looking for?

Werner Eck's fantastic book about Augustus has been translated into English. ... 0631229582

as has Christian Meier's good book about Caesar as well: ... 046500895X

Re: Looking for a good biography of Caesar Augustus and

Posted: 2012-05-05 08:45am
by TC Pilot
I've read Maier's biography on Julius Caesar too and found it to be pretty good. One of the parts that I didn't like especially, but which might be more what you're looking for, is what I'd describe like a psychological analysis of him.

Re: Looking for a good biography of Caesar Augustus and

Posted: 2012-05-05 09:05am
by Thanas
Yeah, not a huge fan of that part either, but it is the best biography translated into english. Haven't been able to find Dahlheim's or Christ's work in translation....