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Re: Laconia incident

Posted: 2011-07-15 01:37pm
by K. A. Pital
Well, on one account he didn't lie, the submarine war never came close to "strangling" Britain supply-wise, at least as far as Clay Blair's statistics allow me to infer.

Re: Laconia incident

Posted: 2011-07-15 01:41pm
by HMS Sophia
Stas Bush wrote:Well, on one account he didn't lie, the submarine war never came close to "strangling" Britain supply-wise, at least as far as Clay Blair's statistics allow me to infer.
Well yes, there were two specific points on which i said he was lying. We we're never strangled particularly hard, but had certain things not occurred/ had certain things not been developed, then things could have got much worse than they did. However, the US's entry, the mass building of corvettes, the recognition of how useful coastal command could be and other things really did turn the tide.

Re: Laconia incident

Posted: 2011-07-18 04:29pm
by HMS Sophia
Little beggar ran away without answering my points. That's a concession.
Thanks ComradeClaus :D