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Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:35pm
by Guardsman Bass
RedImperator wrote:EDIT: Left out the Utah governor's race, such as it is.
There's no point in even mentioning it. Huntsman is going to glide into re-election with something like 60-70% of voters casting their votes for him (I heard from my pollster/teacher that he's trying to reach 75+%, which would be a new Utah record for gubernatorial victory). Springmeyer (the local Democratic Sacrifice) was polling at something like 18% a few days ago; the same pollster/teacher told me that breaking 40% would be considered a "win" for them.

One thing you Californians should really keep an eye on is the Proposition that would change California's re-districting system, taking it away from the state legislature and giving it to a bipartisan committee. It's gotten almost no attention since Proposition 8 has been sucking up all of the political oxygen, but if it passes, it will have an enormous effect on the Californian political system (California's state legislature is insanely gerrymandered).

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:36pm
by Bounty
The Romulan Republic wrote:So far I've only heard Kentucky called. Have any others been called clearly for one or the other?
Vermont for Obama, no numbers.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:36pm
by Saxtonite
Bounty wrote: Is CNN's coverage tolerable?
yes it is.
Holograms are way cooler than reports on schools.
ditto man.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:37pm
by Bounty
2% counted in Florida, 55 Obama.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:39pm
by Duckie
Race in Georgia.

54% Chambliss
43% Martin
3% Libertarian Guy

"Too Close To Call", MSNBC

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:39pm
by Strider
The vote in Pasco county FL is apparently 52% Obama, 0% McCain, with 0% (assumed round down) precincts. This is probably causing the weird ghost 3rd party effect in Florida. MSNBC and CNN both seem confused.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:39pm
by Duckie
Bounty wrote:2% counted in Florida, 55 Obama.
That's because 20% of Orlando just thunked into play, which went for Obama by +19.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:40pm
by Bounty
I'll shut up now.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:41pm
by Duckie
Strider wrote:The vote in Pasco county FL is apparently 52% Obama, 0% McCain, with 0% (assumed round down) precincts. This is probably causing the weird ghost 3rd party effect in Florida. MSNBC and CNN both seem confused.
Check the detailed tab on CNN, it's fixed. It appears to be a typo.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:42pm
by Duckie
Bounty wrote:I'll shut up now.
Why? I'm just adding details as to why Florida is wildly fluctuating, since living here I know what the heck is going on with the votes. It's a very divided state, between the cubans and the white liberal cities in the middle and the northern alabama sections. So which section is counted first will cause distortions with what side seems to be winning.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:44pm
by CmdrWilkens
Bounty wrote:I'll shut up now.
Honestly don't.

Kinda in the way that yes we've jumped Tribun relentlessly about the polling but at the same time if he never asked the questions or spouted the ridiculous notions then it woudl have been hard to get a hook for folks like Red or I to provide some context to others. The big thing here is that Tribun kept doing it for weeks, for one night its understandable that anxiety runs high and crazy questions are going to come out there. If you stay quiet then its gonna have to be someone else asking the questions.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think any of us should censor ourselves because hell I've already recognized my own craziness in early optimism for Lunsford in what is likely gonna be an all night battle so tonight is the kind of night that detached judgement requires putting everythign out on the board so we can all process together.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:46pm
by Bounty
Grant Park looks crazy. Blitzer can't even get a word in over the cheers.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:46pm
by The Romulan Republic
Bloody fucking hell. I know they've not done counting, but 70 % McCain in Georgia is not encouraging.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:48pm
by Duckie
A few hundred thousand cuban votes in Miami just entered into the florida count- Obama 56 McCain 43. Obama's now leading by 150,000.

MSNBC just called South Carolina for McCain with only 15,000 votes in (less than 1% of the state), with 53% of them for Obama and 46% on McCain. I think they're going too fast, relying on polls. I'm not an expert on the areas that have been polled, if it's a statistical fluctuation due to counting a lot of African Americans first by random chance, but it might be pretty close.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:49pm
by JLTucker
The Romulan Republic wrote:Bloody fucking hell. I know they've not done counting, but 70 % McCain in Georgia is not encouraging.
It's the south. What do you expect?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:49pm
by Bounty
The Romulan Republic wrote:Bloody fucking hell. I know they've not done counting, but 70 % McCain in Georgia is not encouraging.
It's Georgia. I'm pretty sure it's been red forever.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:50pm
by The Romulan Republic
MSNBC just called South Carolina for McCain with only 15,000 votes in (less than 1% of the state), with 53% of them for Obama and 46% on McCain. I think they're going too fast, relying on polls. I'm not an expert on the areas that have been polled, if it's a statistical fluctuation due to counting a lot of African Americans first by random chance, but it might be pretty close.
What. The. Bloody. Fuck? :shock:

Obama's leading by a wide margin, with one percent in, and they call it for McCain? :evil:

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:51pm
by Bounty
T-10 minutes to ten polls closing. Interesting times ahead. And CNN, is this really the right time for Seattle travel ads?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:51pm
by The Romulan Republic
It's Georgia. I'm pretty sure it's been red forever.
I was under the impression that Georgia was closer this year. Perhaps I was mistaken.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:53pm
by Bounty
MSNBC has SC for McCain when he's 12% behind? The hell?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:53pm
by Duckie
9% of Florida is in. Obama is leading by 180,000. Obama has reached 1,000,000 votes. 55% Obama, 45% McCain. Third Party Negligible.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:53pm
by ArcturusMengsk
350,000 vote lead in Florida for Obama with 10% reporting in; NOVA just beginning to trickle in.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:55pm
by Strider
The Romulan Republic wrote:
MSNBC just called South Carolina for McCain with only 15,000 votes in (less than 1% of the state), with 53% of them for Obama and 46% on McCain. I think they're going too fast, relying on polls. I'm not an expert on the areas that have been polled, if it's a statistical fluctuation due to counting a lot of African Americans first by random chance, but it might be pretty close.
What. The. Bloody. Fuck? :shock:

Obama's leading by a wide margin, with one percent in, and they call it for McCain? :evil:
They're calling it for McCain probably based on where those votes are coming from in SC. Those are probably some of the most democratic counties in the state, and using comparison estimation those totals make it clear that SC will go republican. Or, incidentally, they could just be blindly trusting a huge divide in the pre-election polls.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:56pm
by The Romulan Republic
Just read on another forum that Virginia's been called for McCain. Is this true?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-04 07:57pm
by D.Turtle
The Romulan Republic wrote:Bloody fucking hell. I know they've not done counting, but 70 % McCain in Georgia is not encouraging.
You have to remember that only 1% of the vote is in.

When you get into the region of maybe 10-20% in you can start looking for a trend. When you get up to 50% or so then you can start predicting stuff from it.

Obviously the news organisations call earlier where possible through exit polling and the like, especially in states like Kentucky, Vermont, etc that were already extremely obviously going for McCain or Obama.

The fact that they had to wait before now calling South Carolina for McCain is extremely bad for McCain.
Bounty wrote:MSNBC has SC for McCain when he's 12% behind?The hell?
I guess that they got in more polling. Or something ;)