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Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:13am
by apocolypse
Coyote wrote:Now, a Black man stands as the President not of some backwater African nation, but the leader of the most powerful democracy in history. Up until now, the most powerful Black leaders led nations like South Africa and Egypt.
You know, I never thought about that. I thought there would have been someone in one of the European nations, but I can't recall anybody.
havokeff wrote:No one believes this will stay on the books for long. That isn't the point. The point is that a State... California is saying Gay people are SUB STANDARD. Yes the Courts will overturn it. Great. There are 100 people that don't have some sort of hatred towards gay people. I'm sure that makes a lot of my friends feel great. It is just another reminder of how far we really have to go as a society and a race, black President or no.
I personally thought they would have found a way to make it stick myself. As far as the latter point, there's still a measurable amount of animosity even in more liberal states such as CA. The cities are usually pretty good, but there are still the big ass stretches of valleys that have nothing but cows and farms.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:13am
by Sriad
The Romulan Republic wrote:I am very glad that my state of Colorado did not embarrass itself too badly. Went for Obama, and I believe someone posted regarding the failliur of the "life begins at conception" prop? I certainly hope so.

Anyone know how the Senate race turned out? I voted for the Dem for Senator, and for the Congressional rep for Boulder Co. I'll have to go run a google search to see if they won.
Udall (D) got into the Senate pretty solidly.

Betsy Markey (D) managed to finally get rid of Marilyn Musgrave, a long-time cockroach of a Rep who crawled out from under her refrigerator every year or two to bash gays or co-sponsor a ban-flag-burning bill.

The anti-affirmative action amendment and anti-union amendment both appear to have been narrowly defeated, but they're close enough that you should wait for all results.

The oil-tax (severance) was defeated, but since oil is down so sharply that might not be so terrible for now.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:14am
by JME2
And because it's still hitting me that Obama's won and because I can't resist:


Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:15am
by Havok
And even if California rights the ship... There is still Arizona, Florida and Arkansas telling Gay people that they are not equal to anyone else. It really just isn't fucking fair.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:16am
by Havok
JME2 wrote:And because it's still hitting me that Obama's won and because I can't resist:

You notice Ross signed the HELL out of that painting! :D

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:17am
by CaptainChewbacca
Wicked Pilot wrote:What a kickass night. And to think that a little over three months ago I got to shake the hand of the future commander and chief. That's right, who wants to touch me now?

Well it's late and I gotta get to bed. But before I do I shall celebrate this joyous and historic night with the ceremonial adding of chocolate to milk.
Does your hand that touched him now heal blindness and leprosy?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:24am
by mr friendly guy
Earlier in the year (or was it last year) Australia's prime minister (at that time) John Howard took a swipe at Obama with some bullshit line that Al Quaida were just waiting for an Obama presidency. Now that Howard has not only lost the election, and his seat, and been mocked by a "leftist" comedy show and slammed by his former backstabbing treasurer, all we need now is for Obama to fire back at Howard now that he won.

And I want that Alex Ross picture of Obama in a superhero pose. :P

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:26am
by Lord Poe
Coyote wrote:In living memory, we have seen Black people go from NO VOTE to the Presidency. When Barack Obama was born, his very existence, as a product of an inter-racial relationship was illegal in some states. In a couple of instances (one of which he mentioned on stage), we have the 100+ year-old daughters of men who were slaves, men who were owned as property, see a Black man running the country.

Now, a Black man stands as the President not of some backwater African nation, but the leader of the most powerful democracy in history. Up until now, the most powerful Black leaders led nations like South Africa and Egypt.

He came from a single mother household, not born into wealth or power, but from simple, humble beginnings. Yes, you can, become President.
It's also important to note that Obama wasn't elected because whitey wanted to give a black guy a chance. He was elected because he is the best man for the job. And before the party crashers barge into this thread, no one is saying America has eliminated racism. But we're the only first world democracy that has elected a man of color to run a country, and it only took us 232 years.
Masami von Weizegger wrote:Just like the election of Kennedy was supposed to show liberty and justice for all with the election of a Catholic while black people had to sit at the back of the bus and drink from the coloured fountains, the election of Obama shows the notion of liberty and justice for all while homosexuals have their rights continually attacked and eroded.
Homosexual rights aren't going anywhere. As noted above, give us a little time. Hate and prejudice will never be eliminated altogether, but it can be beat back and relegated to a dark little corner. Homosexuality is a hard subject for religious zealots to accept, even above a black man being President. That kind of bigotry supercedes the color barrier, so it's going to take longer to defeat.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:26am
by JME2
havokeff wrote:
JME2 wrote:And because it's still hitting me that Obama's won and because I can't resist:

You notice Ross signed the HELL out of that painting! :D
Not too surprising given that this is the man who gave us these classic gems:



Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:26am
by Patrick Degan
Well, right now, I am settling back and enjoying a snifter of E&J Brandy (pity it can't be the what-would-have-been 16 yr. old scotch I lost to the New Orleans flood), and watching the massive celebrations on the streets of Washington D.C. —where nearly eight years ago nearly broke out in ugly riots along the motorcade path as His Fradulency, George Bush, was driven toward Capitol Hill to claim the office that Daddy's friends on the Supreme Court stole for him.

I am celebrating the fact that, for only the second time since I cast my first vote in a national election, I had someone I could genuinely, positively vote for and not simply out of defence or fear of the alternative or for a protest. I voted Obama proudly, with full confidence that he would be the right man for this time, and now see history unfold in ways a lot of people thought they'd never see in their lifetime. I have seen the man who is the true heir of Lincoln take the stage as president-elect, who —facing massive challenges at home and abroad— is determined to be equal to the task before him.

So I take my first drink to toast the man who rightly, richly deserves to have won this election, and toast the fact that, after eight long years, there is at last a president I can respect and even be proud of.

The brandy has a fine scent. The scent of victory.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:28am
by CaptainChewbacca
I'm drinking bacon vodka. I do it during all important occasions.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:28am
by JME2
I'm saving my celebratory drink and dinner for the weekend; 'tis a school night, after all and I've no liquor left in the pantry... :wink: 8)

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:31am
by Darth Yoshi
JME2 wrote:*snip images*
So that's who did that image of Bush and Cheney. I always wondered.

As for victory drinks, drink up, me hearties, yo ho!

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:31am
by JME2
JME2 wrote:I'm saving my celebratory drink and dinner for the weekend; 'tis a school night, after all and I've no liquor left in the pantry... :wink: 8)
Ammendum -- I've no alcohol, but I'm kicking back and playing "The Raiders' March" at full blast on my stereo in celebration whilst anxiously awaiting the results of prop 8.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:33am
by The Romulan Republic
Its late here, and I have classes tomorrow, so I may not be able to stay up to see prop. 8 come to its conclusion. Hope it works out once the more liberal cities have been counted. Just one more defeat to pile on the shattered wreakage of Bush era politics.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:33am
by Duckie
60% of San Fran is reported, 30% of the state, and it's still at 53-47. Can we be worried yet for Prop 8?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:33am
by Broomstick
I will have a victory drink when I can afford to buy alcohol again. When morning comes I'll still need more income, but the difference is that now I'm a hell of a lot more hopeful about getting it.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:35am
by Vympel
McCain's crowd were ugly, weren't they?

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:36am
by Havok
MRDOD wrote:60% of San Fran is reported, 30% of the state, and it's still at 53-47. Can we be worried yet for Prop 8?
About the prop? No. It isn't going to stick. About what it says about our state and how it effects people we care about? Yes.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:37am
by The Romulan Republic
Vympel wrote:McCain's crowd were ugly, weren't they?
Their behavior was a predictable response, I believe, for a group of people raised in ignorance, result in fear, nutured by politicians who will do anything to win.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:37am
by Lord Poe
Vympel wrote:McCain's crowd were ugly, weren't they?
I'm so holding out hope Alaska goes blue. 8)

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:39am
by Pint0 Xtreme
I'm sorry folks. I cannot join you all in celebration. Or at least yet. While Obama winning is certainly good news indeed, slowly watching my civil right being taken away is too heart breaking for me to bear.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:39am
by Havok
Vympel wrote:McCain's crowd were ugly, weren't they?
Pretty bad. A few people think that they heard the N word from crowd members. They booed every time they heard Obama's name.

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:40am
by JME2
Well, I'm calling it a night -- here's to hoping I wake up to find Prop 8 has failed..

Re: US Election 2008 Results Thread

Posted: 2008-11-05 01:40am
by The Romulan Republic
Pint0 Xtreme wrote:I'm sorry folks. I cannot join you all in celebration. Or at least yet. While Obama winning is certainly good news indeed, slowly watching my civil right being taken away is too heart breaking for me to bear.
At least with Obama in, we'll be assured of a Supreme Court which won't interperate such issues along Biblical guidelines.