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Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 04:09pm
by Garlak
MRDOD wrote:An interesting light on McCain supporters:

Mediacurves mesures peoples' reactions to commercials in real time. Watch this video of a Pro-Obama ad talking about visionaries who want to change the world.

Pictures of Einstein and other famous people cause the credibility of the ad to rise. But when Republicans (red line) see Martin Luther King, it stops rising when Independents and Democrats do. It drops at two other times: Seeing another black man, and seeing Bill Clinton. It rises hugely after seeing Ghandi from its Clinton low.


It's almost like they react negatively to even seeing black men.
Wait... I'm not sure I understand... Why did Democrat's reactions DROP when seeing Obama at the end? I can understand Republicans and Independents' opinions/expressions being negative... but why would Democrats' views change? Did I horribly misread the chart, or something? Am I missing something?

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 04:21pm
by Duckie
Garlak wrote:
MRDOD wrote:An interesting light on McCain supporters:

Mediacurves mesures peoples' reactions to commercials in real time. Watch this video of a Pro-Obama ad talking about visionaries who want to change the world.

Pictures of Einstein and other famous people cause the credibility of the ad to rise. But when Republicans (red line) see Martin Luther King, it stops rising when Independents and Democrats do. It drops at two other times: Seeing another black man, and seeing Bill Clinton. It rises hugely after seeing Ghandi from its Clinton low.


It's almost like they react negatively to even seeing black men.
Wait... I'm not sure I understand... Why did Democrat's reactions DROP when seeing Obama at the end? I can understand Republicans and Independents' opinions/expressions being negative... but why would Democrats' views change? Did I horribly misread the chart, or something? Am I missing something?
It appears to be some kind of reflex- everybody drops during politicizing if it originally didn't seem a very politicized ad. Further weirdness- everybody always goes up a little if a candidate approves a message personally at the end.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 04:44pm
by The Kernel looks like McCain thinks the media is being unfair to him!
Yahoo News wrote:John McCain campaign manager Rick Davis expressed frustration Thursday that negative ads run by Barack Obama’s campaign do not prompt the same press outrage as ads attacking the Democratic presidential nominee.

A new Obama ad released Thursday repeatedly links McCain to President Bush’s economic policies, showing the two Republicans in the rearview mirror as the car drives past McCain’s tax proposals.

“The most amazingly bankrupt line I’ve seen in this campaign is Barack Obama campaign’s repeated attempt to link John McCain to President Bush,” Davis said on a conference call with reporters. “John McCain held the Bush administrations feet the fire more than anyone else for the first four years of the administration.”

Davis said that the Republican campaign has been given its “share of press criticism” for its negative attacks, but complained that Obama has received a free pass in his attacks against McCain.

“Barack Obama hasn’t been held accountable time and time again,” Davis said. “In the last two weeks, he has attacked Sarah Palin and thrown the George Bush card back on the table.”

“If you bring up his association with William Ayers or Rashid Khalidi it’s, ‘Oh boy, that’s off limits; you can’t do that,’ but they can prosecute a campaign with hundreds of millions of dollars with no accountability.”

Davis insisted that Obama has yet to be fully scrutinized because every person who has offered criticism of the candidate has not been fully heard before coming under fire from the campaign.

“You have to wonder what his version of America is going to look like when people who disagree with him get attacked over and over again,” Davis said.
Cry me a fucking river. I feel so bad that a Democrat candidate for president has actually decided to fight back for a change.

It's interesting the mentality here that the McCain campaign is screaming media bias without realizing that it is the public that are fed up with the tone of McCain's attacks. Also note that they can't seem to comprehend that all negative ads are not created equal and that people find Obama's ads tying Bush and McCain's ideologies a lot more compelling than the guilt by association with terrorists crap that McCain's team has been pushing.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 04:47pm
by SirNitram
McCain complaining about the media is absolutely farcical. He kissed up to them for so long they naturally became quite spoiled. When you invite people to your BBQ's and so forth to the point they will bring you donuts on live TV, perhaps they will feel slighted when you simply shut down all media contact and blame them.

Yet, sadly, there's still the loyal tire-swingers who will praise McCain as a REAL AMERICAN HERO.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 05:02pm
by Duckie
An example of the 'I'm X and I approve this message' bounce: Sex Education Ad [Notice, however, it wasn't enough to save the ad from actually dealing more damage to McCain than Obama]

another weird one- Supporters of McCain hated this one until they finally realised it wasn't pro-Obama after all (they must be lacking irony meters). Meanwhile both democrats and independents got what it was at the beginning, while it took Republicans till the end to figure it out (witness the huge bounce). The One

here's a fun one- Key phrases independents agree with cause them to rate the ad higher along with Democrats, but once McCain shows up the support tanks. The Original Maverick

If you go through mediacurves, you'll see that almost every one of McCain's national ad buys did nothing at best, hurt him at worst. Most of Obama's seem to have been neutral or good for independents.

Other things you'll notice- people hate ads that start negative on the opponent and then talk about their candidate- the jarring change seems to throw the credibility rating off a cliff.

On McCain created ads, independents tend to mirror the democrats but with less amplitude, while the republicans just go off and do a photo negative of the democrats. There's definitely a very pro-Obama sentiment among independents.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 08:51pm
by Junghalli
Garlak wrote:How the hell do they get away with this shit? How do they get away with boasting about "Joe Plumber" and "small towns" and all that crap, while they screw over those same people in favor of the really rich??? And how can they cloud up the economic issue to he point that their "folksy" supporters don't realize they're being robbed, and believe that "spreading the wealth around a little bit" would be a BAD thing?
Easy, you just whip those people up into a frothing storm of bigotry and xenophobia over issues like gay marriage, or by implying stuff like Obama's a commie who probably has a shrines to Stalin and bin Laden. They'll be so busy panicking about teh gayz and teh evil commies they won't even notice when you come up and fuck them in the ass (the irony), in fact they'll cheer you on the whole time. Xenophobic terror is a great way to inspire people to overlook the faults of their leaders.

Check out Thomas Frank's What's the Matter With Kansas?

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 09:09pm
by The Yosemite Bear
hmm, I always thought of Kansas as being the home of John Brown, and some of the worst massacares on both sides of the civil war....

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 10:36pm
by Duckie
Obama is Anti-Semitic allegation smacked down on CNN

Just when I thought the McCain Campaign can't fail any harder, they have to go and make me laugh.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 10:43pm
by Patrick Degan
Goldfarb looked like a complete imbecile. There are times when it seems the McCain campaign are the best assets Barack Obama has to ensure his election to the presidency.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 10:44pm
by CarsonPalmer
"I think we both know who we're talking about, Rick."

What the hell? He made it clear he had no idea what he was talking about, and managed to look like a smug asshole. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and slap him across the face.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 11:08pm
by rhoenix
CarsonPalmer wrote:"I think we both know who we're talking about, Rick."

What the hell? He made it clear he had no idea what he was talking about, and managed to look like a smug asshole. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and slap him across the face.
When I first saw it, I thought he was trying to imply the president of Iran with that; however, others have suggested that Goldfarb was implying Rev. Wright. Either way, he's being a *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* jackass on national television.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 11:33pm
by RedImperator
CarsonPalmer wrote:"I think we both know who we're talking about, Rick."

What the hell? He made it clear he had no idea what he was talking about, and managed to look like a smug asshole. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and slap him across the face.
Two possible explanations: either the campaign spokesmen are under orders to imply Reverend Wright without outright naming him, and Goldfarb sucks at it, or it's another case of "I didn't do my summer reading". Either way, he obviously wasn't expecting a follow-up question, which, to be fair, isn't an entirely unwarranted assumption on CNN.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-30 11:51pm
by Big Phil
Has Jeremiah Wright actually made anti-Semitic comments?

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:10am
by RedImperator
SancheztheWhaler wrote:Has Jeremiah Wright actually made anti-Semitic comments?
I think he might have criticized Israel, which is exactly the same thing. Or they're just lying. I suppose it could be that Wright never said anything that even by wingnut standards could be called anti-Semitic, but McSame figures most people don't know that (hell, I'm a political junkie and I don't even know for sure), so the idea is to imply Wright is anti-Semitic and dodge the question if anyone asks for specifics. Whatever the intent, Goldfarb totally fucked everything up, and it was hilarious.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:36am
by Samuel
I think he might have criticized Israel, which is exactly the same thing.
No it isn't. I think you misspoke. It is often considered the same thing in some circles, but criticizing the state of Israel or implying there is a Jewish lobby that nearly controls policy towards said state isn't anti-semetic.

It takes quite a bit more to be anti-semetic. You have to think the Jews control the world, that Jews are inherently evil, that all Jews are money grubbing capitalists or revolutionary communists (not as contradictory as it sounds!), etc.

Hatred of Israel is correlated with anti-semitism... but not entirely. Evangelicals can be anti-semetic and support the state of Israel for example.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:42am
by Gil Hamilton
I think even alot of Republican pundits are throwing in the towel. Bill Kristol couldn't even keep a straight face when he claimed McCain was going to make a comeback, Ben Stein was not only saying that it was pretty grim, but was finding silver linings in McCain losing*, and even the true believers practically evoking miracles in order to McCain to take it.

(*he argument was that the Republican's NEED a firm decisive loss in order to get their shit together... and when you hear Ben Stein call Bush the most socialist president in US history and an Obama president can allow Republicans to roll their party all the way back to Eisenhower [ie. civil rights, no foreign adventures, distrust of corporations, et cetera] ... damn, though he still thinks McCain deserves to win because the Vietnamese spent a few years kicking his ass and that qualifies him to be president)

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:50am
by SirNitram
Gil Hamilton wrote:I think even alot of Republican pundits are throwing in the towel. Bill Kristol couldn't even keep a straight face when he claimed McCain was going to make a comeback, Ben Stein was not only saying that it was pretty grim, but was finding silver linings in McCain losing*, and even the true believers practically evoking miracles in order to McCain to take it.

(*he argument was that the Republican's NEED a firm decisive loss in order to get their shit together... and when you hear Ben Stein call Bush the most socialist president in US history and an Obama president can allow Republicans to roll their party all the way back to Eisenhower [ie. civil rights, no foreign adventures, distrust of corporations, et cetera] ... damn, though he still thinks McCain deserves to win because the Vietnamese spent a few years kicking his ass and that qualifies him to be president)
The conservative movement will do what it did the last time this happened: Retreat into a position of decreeing the presidency to not be quite legitimate, searching for any criminal charge they can make stick, obstructing every instant they can, and constantly villifying government. The change in mindsets will be so fast you'll wonder why they don't get whiplash. Hell, I even expect a return to the violent militias.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:52am
by RedImperator
Samuel wrote:
I think he might have criticized Israel, which is exactly the same thing.
No it isn't. I think you misspoke.
And I think your sarcasm detector needs a tune-up.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 12:57am
by Davis 51
Samuel wrote:
I think he might have criticized Israel, which is exactly the same thing.
No it isn't. I think you misspoke. It is often considered the same thing in some circles, but criticizing the state of Israel or implying there is a Jewish lobby that nearly controls policy towards said state isn't anti-semetic.
Yes it is. It isn't just in some circles, but for most in America, bashing Israel is identical to being anti-semetic. That's what he meant, I think.

On that note, if memory serves me correctly, Wright did criticize Israeli policies with regards to Palestine. However, I still had no idea who the fuck that pundit was talking about.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 01:12am
by Justforfun000
And I think your sarcasm detector needs a tune-up.
I missed it myself. You are very good at it sometimes, :P

Posted: 2008-10-31 01:15am
by Patrick Degan
RedImperator wrote:
CarsonPalmer wrote:"I think we both know who we're talking about, Rick."

What the hell? He made it clear he had no idea what he was talking about, and managed to look like a smug asshole. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and slap him across the face.
Two possible explanations: either the campaign spokesmen are under orders to imply Reverend Wright without outright naming him, and Goldfarb sucks at it, or it's another case of "I didn't do my summer reading". Either way, he obviously wasn't expecting a follow-up question, which, to be fair, isn't an entirely unwarranted assumption on CNN.
If I had to guess, Goldfarb might have been trying to hint at the tired Obama/Farrakhan saw which got disposed of a long time ago, and he bungled that one badly.

The poor Gimp. He might have avoided a lot of this if he had simply thought for a moment or two that winning the White House might be difficult if you surround yourself with stupid people on your campaign staff.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 01:22am
by RedImperator
Justforfun000 wrote:
And I think your sarcasm detector needs a tune-up.
I missed it myself. You are very good at it sometimes, :P
I'm good at it nearly all the time, actually. Still, you'd think that someone would say, "Hey, wait a minute. If this guy thinks criticizing Israel is automatically antisemitic and is happy to flatly state it in N&P, how'd he manage to stick around for six years and get promoted to supermod? This is still Mike Wong's board, isn't it?" I mean, Jesus Christ.
Patrick Degan wrote:If I had to guess, Goldfarb might have been trying to hint at the tired Obama/Farrakhan saw which got disposed of a long time ago, and he bungled that one badly.
I hadn't thought of that one. I suppose we could unravel this mystery by checking out the wingnut blogs; they probably know which dog whistle Goldfarb was trying to blow.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 01:48am
by Justforfun000
[bRedImperator Wrote:][/b]
I'm good at it nearly all the time, actually. Still, you'd think that someone would say, "Hey, wait a minute. If this guy thinks criticizing Israel is automatically antisemitic and is happy to flatly state it in N&P, how'd he manage to stick around for six years and get promoted to supermod? This is still Mike Wong's board, isn't it?" I mean, Jesus Christ.
True enough. I guess I have to grudgingly admit that bullshit baffles brains. Sometimes the internet is so prone to information overload that you slide over the context you should know better about and take things at face value too quickly. If I had thought about it more carefully, I would have picked up the sarcasm I'm sure. *sigh*. It'd be nice to have an era where plain speaking was the expected..but in these times where double-talk and politicallly correct leanings reign supreme, I expect I will be mislead many times to come...


Posted: 2008-10-31 03:17am
by Darth Wong
Patrick Degan wrote:The poor Gimp. He might have avoided a lot of this if he had simply thought for a moment or two that winning the White House might be difficult if you surround yourself with stupid people on your campaign staff.
After some of the things I've seen during this campaign, I seriously doubt McCain himself is any smarter than any of the incompetents you're referring to.

Re: Has McCain actually already LOST?

Posted: 2008-10-31 09:53am
by Surlethe
That's another reason why McCain would be a shitty president: he doesn't know how to surround himself with competent people. Obama, on the other hand, does.