Page 1 of 1 Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-06-03 12:17am
by Zor
This is based off an earlier RAR! thread i did sometime ago with some sugnifigant changes.

The basic idea is a fantasy universe, but rather than the standard "Lets rip off JRR Tolkien" type, i decided to have something with the High Seas and Pirates and so forth. It is set on a world of island nations known as Pacifica. It is at a level of technological development comprable to that of 1750 to 1800 and pirates rule the waves. Each of us is given control of an island state

Each Island state is self sufficient in at least basic foodstuffs. Each of us is allowed Six thousand points for innitial customization and 20,000 Gold Marks (the Standard currency of Pacifica). The things we can by with said points are as below (if you want to propose your own critter catagory, run it by me)...


Cargo Galleon-(First one free, every other one 50 points) Three masted sailing ship, 500 tonnes, 4 150mm cannons, able to carry 300 men or 300 tonnes of cargo, crew of 30. Costs 500 gold marks (450 if unarmed) to build, takes 6 months to build and has an upkeep of 50 Gold Marks a year. Needs two Galleon loads of lumber to build.

Sloop-(You get one free of Charge, 75 points) two masted Sailing Ship, 200 tonnes, 10 150mm Bronze cannons, crew of 100. Costs 600 Gold marks to build, takes six months to build and has an yearly upkeep of 60 gold Marks. Needs one load of Lumber to build.

Frigate-(150 Points) three masted sailing ship, 500 tonnes 25 150mm Bronze cannons, Crew of 250. Has a cost of 600 Gold Marks, takes nine months to build and has a yearly upkeep of 60 Marks. Needs two loads of Lumber to build

Ship of the Line-(500 Points) Five masted sailing ship, 2,000 tonnes 80 150mm Bronze Cannons, 4 250mm Bronze cannons, crew of 750. Cost 3,000 Gold Marks, takes eighteen months to build, has an upkeep of 300 marks. Needs seven loads of Lumber to build

Galley-(100 points) Low Range oar driven with three masts, 500 Tonnes, 15 150 Bronze Cannons, 2 250mm Bronze Cannons, Crew of 150. Costs 500 Marks, takes six months to build and yearly upkeep of 25 Marks. Needs two loads of Lumber to build

Please note you either get 500 Corsairs or 250 marines FREE

Corsairs (5 points per hundred)-Buckaneers armed with Cutlass, hatchet, knife, Flintlock pistol and the odd musket, not the most disiplined fighting force but can be effective in large numbers. Costs 20 Gold Marks to train and equip one hundred corsairs and they have a pay of 5 Gold marks yearly. Don't and they (like most soldiers) are lible to rebel.

Marines (10 points per hundred)-Given spiffy uniforms, armed with Sabre/Katana/cutlass/whatever floats your boat swordwise and flintlock muskets comprable to the brown bess and a light breastplate. Much more disiplined and in general compitent than your average cosair. It takes 20 Marks to train a hundred marines and 10 marks a year to pay them.

Cavalry (40 Points per Hundred) Armed with Flintlock Pistol, Lance and equiped with breastplate and helmet and able to ride on horses. No more effective than Marines on Ships, they can be critical to winning battles on shores of Pacifica's Islands. 120 Marks for equiping 100 Cavalrymen, 40 marks for their yearly pay.

Medical Priestess-(20 points per hundred), to overcome the inherent crappyness of medicine of the 18th century, there are medical priestesses, which have the ability to provide medical aid to your soldiers from neutralizing infections to healing broken bones fairly quickly. 200 Marks to train medical 100 preistesses, 40 Marks for their pay.

Field Guns (5 Points) 150mm Bronze Napoleonic war era cannon plus crew, which are armed with daggers, flintlock pistols and a sabre for the gun team's leader. 40 Marks to pay for a feild gun and train it's crew, 5 Marks pay.

Shinobi-(50 points per hundred) For the simple Pirates vs Ninjas novelty. Shinobi are black clad spies/assasins/infiltrators/guerilla warriors, very good with swords as well as Shurikun, but also equiped with Ferguson Rifls and Flintlock Pistols. Naturally they are damn good sneakers. 200 marks to train 100 Shinobi, 50 marks yearly par for 100 of them.


Naga Warriors-(30 points per hundred), Nagas are humanlike to the 'hips' with a seven meterlong snakelike section in place of legs with a fair bit of dexterity in the last hald meter. Nagas are naturally good swimmers and can hold their breath for up to twenty minutes. Nagas come equiped with a musket (with crome bayonet), waterproff powder horn, a shield and a pair of swords. 100 Naga Warriors cost 120 points to train and they have an upkeep of 30 marks yearly per hundred.

Merfolk Warriors-(50 points per Hundred, Merfolk settlement required), A creature with a humanlike upper section (with a slightly more aquatic face (Mermaids still can look attractive and have hair (males are bald)), eyes well suited to under water and coloured blue, yellow, grey or green) with gills with a fishlike section from the waste down and can outswim even a naga. Merfolk can be transported out of water so long as they are kept moisened with Sea Water fairly regularly. Merfolk inhabit shallow waters and do not swim into the open ocean and require special accomidations for long distance transportation. Merfolk Warriors are equiped with cromium alloy steel spears and crossbows and hatchets. They can hack the underbelly of a boat apart, although using shockwaves from gunpowder explosives detonated in water can kill them. 1 mark to train a merfolk warrior and 50 marks upkeep a hundred of them.

Ursoid Warriors-(1 point each), Sapient talking Grizzly Bears with opposable thumbs that can stand upright, given full plate armor which offers decent protection against firearms fire and armed with upscaled pistols, muskets and swords, as well as claw and teeth. They can swim as well as a bear can. It costs 2 marks to train an Ursoid Warrior, and they each have an upkeep of 1 mark a year.

Salamander-(5 Points each) Envision a twelve meter long Bastard Child of a Komodo Dragon and an Ankylosaurus, now imagine it could Breathe Fire like the dragons from reign of fire with a range of 15 meters and you have a Salamander. Salamanders are commanded by keepers which guide these animals against their foes and while the bulk of their diet is shrubs, swamplants, rats and roots, the flame broiled flesh of invaders makes a welcome addition to their diet. Save for eggs and hatchlings less than 6 month old, no sane captain would let you bring a salamander on board for the obvious reasons of what happens if they get spooked. Salamanders swim slightly worse than most bricks. Each female salamander lays an egg annually and their keepers require 5 marks a year in payment, without them, they wander about and are a hazard to those they come across.

Tengu-(One point each) Odd looking Bird/ape things. Tengu have twice the upper body strength of a man and can fly for up to 5 kilometers with a maximum altitude of 250 meters at speeds of forty five kilometers per hour, they need to either run or jump from something more than 5 meters tall to get airborne and are susseptable to foul weather. Tengu are armed with a sword and a pair of flintlock pistols. It takes 2 marks to train a tengu and they need 0.5 in upkeep.

Dunkleosteus-(5 points each plus Merfolk Settlement) a 10 meter long giant armor plated fish with a massively strong bite that defends your homewaters from foreign invaders and can in numbers pose a threat to sea monsters. These creatures need to be tamed and monitered by Merfolk. Their keepers cost 5 marks a year.

Kraken-(300 points, plus monster Cove) a 75 meter long massive squid capable of handling the low pressure near the surface, equiped with with tenticles with 50 centimeter hooks. A Cargo galleon's load of Meat is required to feed this thing yearly.

Leviathan-(600 Points, plus monster Cove) 100 meter long creature which looks like a long necked mosasaur, has a 10 meter long head and the ability to spray fire like a Reign of Fire Dragon. Two cargo galleons' loads of meat is required to feed this thing yearly.

Home Island

Port Town (First Free, 50 points per additional town), a minor city of about 15,000 with your loving artisans, merchants and so forth were you can come in to have you ships replenished and such, were your island's farmers can sell their produce and where a sailor can spend his/her pay at the local district of negotiable affection. Port Towns offer you commerce. Unfortunately, the walls of the homes of the people living there, while useful for fending of bad weather are of little use against cannonade and the happy townsfolk have little to defend themselves with beyond pitch forks, Kitchen knives, a few hunting muskets and profanity.

Dedicated Shipyard (200 points, one per town)-While a basic port town can offer some repairs to a seagoing vessel, these amatures can only dream of being able to match the quality that a dedicated shipyard can do, namely build new ships one at a time. Requires a load of coal each year and wood to work.

Cannon Foundery-(50 Points) Cannon Founderies are hot, unpleasant places where bronze and Iron are cast to produce cannons. Can make up to a hundred 150mm and ten 250mm cannons a year. Requires two loads of coal and three of metal ore a year to work.

Merfolk Settlement (150 Points) an underwater settlement of Merfolk near your islands, provides you with aquaculture, Marine Salvage and allows you to have Merfolk Warriors and Dunkleosteii.

Light Port Foritifications-(75 points per port town) Ramped Earth behind wooden frames with about 25 cannons, this basic set of defensive bastions will offer some degree of defense to your towns as well as giving your residents a place to go in case of seige, if crampt and with limited stores good for at best three months.

Medium Port Fortifications-(150 Points per town), with some stone construction and improved batteries with 50 150mm cannons, you are now able to stand up against more determined attackers and weather longer seiges with supplies for six months.

Heavy Port Fortifications-(300 points per town), massive stone walls ten meters tall, massive stores and a hundred 150mm cannons and stocks to keep your people alive for a long seige for up to a year. The Heavy Port Fortification is able to stand up to anything short of an full armada attack.

Monster Cove-(250 Points, limit one) A monster Cove is were you keep pet monsters of yours when not in use, it can support two Krakens or one Leviathan.

Storm Engine-(1,500 Points, Limit One) A Storm Engine is an ancient Arcane device located in a tower created for defensive purposes long ago by the Ancients, A storm engine takes thirty days to charge (and it MUST be fully charged to work) but if activated, it can surround the Island in a typhoon which will last for a day and can send ships under or dash them against the coast, while not effecting the Island's land. Before you ask STORM ENGINES CAN NOT BE MOVED FROM THEIR TOWER WITHOUT RENDERING THEM PERMINANTLY INOPERABLE. They can also be destroyed via being blown up, cannonaded, smashed to a sufficent degree and so forth.

Misc. Things

Runestone-(100 Points) projects a sphere of 500 meters in which Krakens and Leviathans simply will not enter. You can put them on a ship or in a port city.

Hot Air Balloon(5 points)-A new and Novel invention developed a few years ago, the Hot Air Balloon has a maximum altitutude of 600 meters and is immensely useful for spotting troop movements and its crew, equiped with telescopes and note paper can send down dtaled notes to people on the ground. It costs 10 Marks to have a Hot Air Balloon

Communication Psychics-(5 points each) Psychics for long range communication, the channels are safe and can not be intercepted. It costs 10 Marks to find a replacement and 2.5 marks annually to pay each of these guys.

Psionic Powers-(50 Points), a basic set of psionic powers, which include...
-Mindblast, Able to launch a wave of Psionic thats circular and about a meter in diameter equivelent force of being hit by a SUV traveling at 30km/h, Range 30 meters
-Telepathy, Able to read people's minds and look through other's eyes, range 150 meters
-Psi-Shock, hit someone with a wave of Psionic 'noise' that causes dizziness, disorientation and vomiting, range 30 meters
-Psi-Barrier, Creates a two meter by three meter "wall" of psionic energy able to stop musket fire (but not cannon fire)
-Telekinetics, the Ability to lift any object under 30 kilograms and accelate them to 10km/h, range of manipulation 10 meters

Gills-(650 Points) has your entire population have gills, allowing them to spend an ulimited time underwater, although they must wet themselves in Salt Water about twice a week. Underwater mere men with gills can not match the speed or manuverability of Naga of Merfolk, but this still can be useful.

Stuff you buy with your innitial lump sum of points you don't have to pay to be built. However, for other stuff you need to pay in Gold Marks. To get marks, there are several routes...

-Taxes, From each Port City you have, you get 1,000 Marks in taxes, From each merfolk settlment you get 1,500 Marks.

-Trade, you are self sufficient in terms of basic foodstuffs, pottery and building materials for houses. However, Commerce is still an important
Trade Goods. You can produce about two shiploads of generic crap from your local artisans that gets you about 500 Marks per villiage and Merfolk settlement, as well as selling ships built in shipyards (in which case you can charge an additional 50% to earn a profit). Your Merchantmen are good at finding buyers. However, you have twenty resource points. A Cargo Galleon can make 3 runs from your islands to other islands a year to sell stuff. Each point you invest equals a load for cargo galleon export each year.

-Meat: Your island produces a sugnifigant surplus of salted beef or pork to be exported, required for keeping monsters. A Cargo Galleon's load of meat gets you 200 Marks
-Coal: Your island has coal deposits, Required for a Cannon Industry and shipbuilding. 200 Marks per load.
-Lumber: Not just trees, but the right kind of trees are required to make ships. Required for shipbuilding. 250 Marks per load
-Metal Ore: Substancial amounts of Metal are required for cannon making. 250 Marks per load
-Tea: Tea is a plant which has it's dried (and often cured) leaves used to produce a caffine rich beverage that is widely popular, from Nobles who have their sevents whip up a kettle of it for their breakfast to clerks who need the boost to get them through as they burn the midnight oil to commoners who enjoy a cup of it with their mates in Tea houses where they discuss current events. 500 marks per Load.

Please note that if you have a shipyard but don't have wood and coal, you need to buy wood and coal to build ships, driving up prices.

You can also sell ships (building them out of one of your shipyards and selling them at 50% mark up of production costs) and selling Cannons (10 marks per 150mm cannon, 30 marks for a 250mm cannon)

Piracy-Yes, thats right, you can go find Cargo Galleons of other nations and seize there materials (and the ships themselves) for either sale or your personnal use, while weakening rivals. If you do this, however, you risk war.

Conquest-Speaking of war, you can conquer other states and if sucssesful get their tax profits for your own bloody self.

Established (NPC) Factions

Other Nations-There are a good deal of non alligned kingdoms besides us in Pacifica and they are quite diverse. They can be valuable trading partners, but also as sources of stuff to raid if you are willing to take gambles.

Pirates-Renegade Pirates which just raid, pillage and plunder, mostly possessing with Sloops and frigates.

Raptor Marauders-Envision Feathered Jurassic Park velociraptors with longer arms and human level intellignece with sashes armed with swords and Pistols and you have a Raptor. Most Raptors live in an few isolationist island states which have the unpleasant habbit of handing over whatever convicts they produce to Raptor Marauder fleets, which are fleets of 2 to 5 Frigates or sloops based in small port towns which they subugated which they go to for repairs and matinence. Raptor Marauders occasionally raid undefended settlements. Raptor Marauders have claws and teeth as well as being faster than humans, though their feather do catch alight fairly easily and they have less upper body strength.

Sea Monsters-There are more than a few Leviathans, Behemoths (85 meter long sea turtles with six flippers and gills) and Krakens out there, but for the most part they stay out of the way of shipping and deep down underwater, although they will occasionally come up to feed of the carnage wrought by praticularly dangerous Naval battles.

Slayers-People who despise sea monsters, generally having lost family members to sea monsters in some way or another involving them. Slayers have ragtag fleets of armed Merchant Galleons, Sloops and occasionally the odd frigate, their goal is to kill Sea Monsters, which means they are libel to attack you if you have a monster. Infantrywise, they are like Corsairs and are notably fervorent against "abomination keepers" as they call them in combat. Not fond of ursoids, tengu, raptors, naga and merfolk.

Slavers-Assholes that even the majority of Pirates dislike, slavers capture people to be sold into chattel slavery to the few slavocratic states of Pacifica. Slavers generally use frigates and Slave Ships (comprable to Crgo Galleons). Slaver infantry are mainly comprable to corsairs.

Deep Ones-Created by the Ancients as marine laborers, Deep Ones are a species of fish people basically comprable appearencewise to the deep ones of Howard Philips Lovecraft's fiction. They sometimes attack land base settlements in bands of 50-200 armed with placoderm Plating knives and Spears to try to kidnap humans and bring them underwater. At best comprable to Corsairs in terms of combat preformance. Dunkleosteii find them delicious.

So what do you think?


Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-06-03 09:11am
by Master_Baerne
Zor, I sincerely doubt that anyone has the time for yet another SGOD at the moment, what with two already running.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-06-03 11:12am
by The Romulan Republic
If anyone else joins, I probably will.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-06-06 10:22am
by loomer
I'd be up for this, actually, though I'd probably just wind up with a horde of Deep Ones with a couple of Leviathan buddies - seriously, if I could do that, it'd be just fantastic on this end.

Either way, I'd be in for my first STGOD as a player (though I did used to be quite active in NationStates, so the base concept isn't too alien.)

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-06-10 02:14pm
by Vehrec
Consider my interest expressed. I've always sorta wanted to get in on a STGOD.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-05 12:24am
by The Yosemite Bear
I know this is a bit of a necro, but purhaps if we went steam punk and added zepplins and atomic submarines.....

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-06 11:10pm
by Zor
The Yosemite Bear wrote:I know this is a bit of a necro, but purhaps if we went steam punk and added zepplins and atomic submarines.....
Sounds like a decent idea to me, although we would have to upgrade from HMS Victory to HMS Warrior, as it were.


Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-07 12:37am
by The Yosemite Bear
lets not forget the artillery ship/ Bomb Ketch HMS THUNDERCHILDE any ship that can take on alien invaders and kill two and cripple a third before going down....

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-09 03:27am
by Brother-Captain Gaius
I just noticed this thread - a bit of a nitpick:

Period guns are not measured by their bore size, much less in millimeters, and it makes no sense to do so (even in an anachronistic sense). Guns are measured by the nominal weight of round shot they fire - a typical frigate could typically be armed with 16-pounders (abbreviation: pdr, not "lbs" or any variation thereof), for example, which would (theoretically) fire round shot weighing 16 pounds, although in practice it would be firing all manner of ammunition with different weight - everything from langridge to chain shot to canister shot.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-09 03:39am
by The Yosemite Bear
and whiff of the grape does not refer to wine fermentation.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-12 03:36pm
by Darkevilme
This sounds sufficiently loose and silly to be interesting. The dark and evil one expresses interest, and calls dibs on the heat rays.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-12 05:58pm
by The Yosemite Bear
I'm playing Empire Total war and reading girl genius three times a week, of course I love it.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-13 10:15am
by A-Wing_Slash
If this ever gets off the ground I'd definitely take part.

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-15 12:52am
by Zor
For said upgrade, lets look at how we are going to do stuff...


Cargo Galleon-Steam propelled Freighter
Sloop-Steam Sloop
Frigate-Either a steam powered frigate or destroyer, has a good anti-sub arsenal
Ship of the Line-I am thinkinga about something like Redoutable
Galley-Monitor (Something like USS Monito, very effective at costal defense and fairly cheap but not able to handle rough seas, probably with torpedoes)

New Ships

Torpedo Boat-El Cheapo defensive craft, a low range steam powered wooden boat carrying a pair of Torpedoes. Can do a fair amount of damage to a single ship at close range but a good cannon shot can easily obliterate it.
Submarines-Has a nice pointed section at front, armed with low torpedo tubes, stealthy but can only stay under water for a short amount of time and fragile


Corsairs-Simple enough, replace the arment of this rabble of soldiers flintlock pistols and muskets with revolvers and breach loading cartrige rifles
Marines-Again, upgrade to have Brech loading rifles
Cavalry-Something like that of the US Civil War, i am sure PeZook would love to have some Polish annalouge lancers on the same note.
Shinobi-Again upgrade them with Scoped Rifles and Revolvers, also give them some sticks of dynamite for demolition work.
Artillery-Some sort of early shell firing cannon, with some primitive anti armor shells for anti ship work
Medical priestesses-Because i want some fantasy elements in here and frankly Civil War era medicine was not pleasant.

New Stuff

Gatling guns-A complex and expensive weapon able of a high rate of fire
Land Ironclads-very expensive (say 25 points a peice) steam powered armored vehicle, slow but very durable and carrying a pair of side sponson cannons and a forward Gatling gun
Scout Airship-A small 50 meter long scouting airship with engines used for scouting
Airship Bomber-A 100 meter long airship carrying about ten tonnes of bombs, sugnifigantly slower than a scout airship

The creatures would have to be towned down, but i would still like to have Nagas, Ursoids, Tengu and merfolk.

As some ideas for NPC groups Bloody Luddites, doctor Frankenstein/Monroe types with forces of beastmen and (to borrow a girl genious term) constructs, people who are like Nemo and go about in really advanced submarines, possibly with some secret base hidden in a cave or underground and of course, tripedal fighting machines (these will be rare, but will kick all sorts of ass).

Give me some sugjestions here people and we can make this work.


Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-15 07:50am
by Darkevilme
You could just divide things into classes and let people price their kit how they please and add what they want to have.
So Baron Hindes spends 20 points on each of his land ironclads while Baron munchkin spends 80 points each on his steam walkers, within ther classification the steam walkers are better but the point is we're not limited to a set shopping list.

Admittedly we run into a lot of classifications and they'll be some looseness as to how they interact.

Possible classes
seagoing Warships
seagoing transports
-airborne versions of the above.
(We might want some multiplier of the final cost for say submarines or fast craft. so a submarine might cost 1.5x its base cost due to being a submarine)

Huge terrifying warbeasts and steam machines

Flying animals
Fixed defences
Anything else

What says everyone on this strange idea i have?
A possible extension of the multiplier idea is to have it so each special and extraordinary ability a unit has adds 0.5 to the multiplier of their base cost. Admittedly i can already hear someone asking 'what is a special ability and what's an assumed ability for the class'

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-15 08:03am
by TheLostVikings
Zor wrote: The creatures would have to be towned down, but i would still like to have Nagas, Ursoids, Tengu and merfolk.

Give me some sugjestions here people and we can make this work.
Imho you don't neccesary have to tone down the beasties just because you up the tech level, quite the contrary, just think of the possibilities. Bomber Zepperlins carrying Divebombing Tengu "Cavalry" that hang on for dear life on the back of bombs. Manipulating levers to steer the bombs toward their target with (relatively) pin point accuracy. Then jump off at the last moment! They could chose to hang around to harass any survivors, or might have to ditch early (losing accuracy in the process of course) if there is too much firepower on the ground.

Or how about submarines designed with merfolk in mind, imagine how much easier they would be to build since you don't have to worry about pressurizing anything outside the engines. And those early "homing" torpedoes they tried to use, which was basically some poor smuch riding towards his doom in a one-man sub? They could be much less of a failure with a merperson at the helm.

Hell, while man-portable Gatling guns would probably be a pipe dream thanks to the weight, Ursoid-portable Gatling guns might be a whole different story!

The possibilities are endless! :mrgreen:

Re: Pirate Lords (proposed STGOD)

Posted: 2009-07-17 01:27am
by Zor
Can i get some information on 19th century steam engine equiped freighters and frigates. My knowledge here is somewhat lacking.
