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Let's Play Oregon Trail. (Image Heavy, UPDATE 6/5/08)

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:07pm
by Instant Sunrise
Okay SDNetters, It's 1848 and we've got a head full of dreams and a pocket full of cash.

Now, for the uninitiated, a Let's Play thread is very similar to a TGOD/STGOD, only it is more relaxed and is told through screenshots of the game itself.

Darth Wong, an illustrious banker from Boston is leading an expedition to Oregon. To save time, our crew has already signed up and filled the wagon.


It's May 1st, 1848 and we are in Independence, MO, and we are almost ready to leave.


Before we can leave for Oregon, we need to pay a certain gentledude a visit.


We've got the wagon, but we still need food, ammo, spare parts, oxen and clothes.


That is our current bill at the store, as you can see we haven't bought anything yet. So this is where I shall open the floor to audience participation. What shall we buy for our journey to Oregon?

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:09pm
by MKSheppard

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:15pm
by Darksider
We should probably get some ammunition for those guns shep.

oh, and food. Food would be good. also, spare parts for the wagon, since IIRC the damn thing breaks every five seconds.

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:17pm
by Sea Skimmer
You can't buy guns, just a maximum of 99 boxes of bullets as I recall, Oregon Trail 2 introduced the ability to buy different guns. Go with 8 oxen, 3 of each spare part, 99 boxes of bullets and some tiny amount of food. The less food you carry the less likely breakdowns are, and you can easily shoot enough shit to have food for the whole trip.

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:33pm
by Uraniun235
do you have any idea how much ale and whores we can get for $1600 in 1848

i mean shit we could probably sleep with the queen for that much

EDIT: But seriously, Sea Skimmer sounds about right.

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:33pm
by Vohu Manah
My suggested purchases:
• 4 yoke of oxen
• 1000 lbs. of food
• 10 sets of clothing
• 40 boxes of ammo
• 3 of each spare part

Total should be $630.00

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:35pm
by Instant Sunrise

Ok, that is our bill so far at the store. As you can see, we are going to conquer this trail in the true pioneer spirit. Butt Naked.

EDIT: Okay, on Vohu Manah's suggestion I will add 10 sets of clothing to this, bringing our bill to this:


Any suggestions, changes? This is the last chance here dudes.

Posted: 2008-04-14 06:55pm
by Hawkwings
Pills to avoid dysentery every 10 seconds.

Extra oxen is always a good choice, because they die every few minutes as well. We should leave about $400-500 for misc expenses on the trail.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:02pm
by Instant Sunrise
What are these pills you speak of?

I'll give a current inventory of the Wagon:

-8 Oxen
-600 lbs of food
-10 sets of clothing
-99 boxes of bullets
-3 of each spare part

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:12pm
by Vehrec
Looks good. I don't know how good a hunter you are but 8 oxen and that many parts gives us a strong reserve. Save some cash for if we try to ford a 4 foot deep river and need to replace shit. Since this is a Let's Play, and Darth Wong knows shit all about rivers, this seems likely.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:14pm
by Instant Sunrise

On the First of May, Eighteen Hundred and Fourty Eight, Mike Wong and 4 companians set off from Independence Missouri.


The cool weather had helped keep everybody's spirits, and health up on the trail. In no particular hurry to reach Oregon, Wong had decided on a steady pace for the wagon, with filling rations from what little food supplies were brought. After all, they had abought enough guns and ammunition to secede from the union.


The trail ahead seemed daunting, so the party plowed on once step at a time. After a few days, Spanky the dolphin had found an apple tree growing naturally along the trail. Everybody grabbed as many apples as possible and added them to the wagon's weager stockpile of food.


With spirits so high, the rest of that trail leg passed by in an instant, and very soon, the party was first with the first major decision along the trail:


What should we do?

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:18pm
by Uraniun235

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:22pm
by Rogue 9
Four feet deep? Either caulk the wagon or take the ferry.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:23pm
by MKSheppard
ferry across.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:24pm
by Soontir C'boath
623 feet is more than two football fields wide! That's a damn wide ass river! :lol:

Ferry across!

This is going to be hilarious. I wonder who'll die first. :lol:

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:28pm
by Joviwan

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:33pm
by CmdrWilkens
Caulk or Ferry, I'm not paticular though ferry obviously would cost us.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:36pm
by Instant Sunrise
Current vote tallies.

Ford: 3
Caulk: 1
Ferry: 6
Wait: 0

Hurry up guys, it's still a pretty close decision here.

Edit: The pace of travel can be changed at any time, just FYI

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:37pm
by Ford Prefect
Catch a ferry. It's such a wide river.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:39pm
by Lonestar

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:39pm
by Vehrec
ferry or caulk.

Posted: 2008-04-14 07:42pm
by TimothyC

Posted: 2008-04-14 08:00pm
by Instant Sunrise

Mike Wong decided to play it safe with the river crossing and take the ferry. After all the funds were plentiful and he was in no real hurry to make to Oregon.


The river crossing was without incident.


Everything was going perfect. The first river crossing went swimmingly, and it seemed like nothing could go wrong. There were so many hoof prints in the ground that the path to Oregon was just a walk in the part. Most of the wagon party were left wondering why so many people were trying to warn them about the dangers of the trail. That was until it struck them. The hoof prints on the ground that they were following were gone. The realization had hit like a bolt of lighting, everybody had been so engrossed in other pursuits that nobody had noticed that they were now on the wrong trail.


A day of backtracking had gotten the wagon back to where it was supposed to be, but now we were only 3 miles from the Big Blue River. At least they had found more wild fruit.


Big Blue was in their reach, and it seemed like not even the fires of Hell and Damnation itself could stop Mike Wong from reaching Oregon.


You guys know the drill by now. Ford, Caulk, or Wait? There is no ferry this time.

Posted: 2008-04-14 08:05pm
by MKSheppard

Posted: 2008-04-14 08:08pm
by Lonestar