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STGOD 2K8 Quick Reference

Posted: 2008-01-20 02:15am
by Hawkwings

Posted: 2008-01-21 01:13pm
by Hawkwings

Posted: 2008-01-21 03:39pm
by Academia Nut
Here shall the great sagas of the Konige tours be recorded:

Battle of Tour Security vs. the Snoopers Who Refused to Pay for a Backstage Pass

The Dragonstrike, Dragonquest and Nyl Maymin gloriously engaged two interdictor frigates and a picket ship from the Syndicalist Internationale, blowing them out of the void in short order.

Code: Select all

Konige forces:

Syndicalist forces:
1*1C3 pt picket
2*2+1D+1C3 frigate

All Syndicalist ships destroyed, no damage to Konige forces

0.2 points recovered

Posted: 2008-01-23 07:03pm
by Hawkwings
The Corona Stars Commonwealth Wall of Honor:

First Contact with the Quaros Anomaly
Full Report

Summary: Scout Fleet Two detected an interdiction field and dropped out of hyperspace in investigate. They encountered a strange ship graveyard, which attacked as preliminary scans were run. As Scout Fleet Two retreated, an derelict Imperial Navy ship fired on the frigate Sky Blue and completely destroyed it. Other damage was minimal, and the surviving ships safely escaped into hyperspace.

Forces Lost:
1 x 5-pt Frigate, Sky Blue

Posted: 2008-01-24 08:55pm
by Rogue 9
Nashtari force dispositions and engagement records

Fleet compositions

First Fleet: Deployed to the Helios system

One Dauntless class battleship (NRS Dauntless)
One Intrepid class fleet carrier
Three Kensington class heavy cruisers
Two Guardian class light cruisers
One Binder class interdiction cruiser
Five Polaris class destroyers
Four Bandit class frigates
Two Shadow class frigates

Second Fleet: Deployed to the Oro system

One Dauntless class battleship (NRS Courageous)
One Intrepid class fleet carrier
Three Kensington class heavy cruisers
Two Guardian class light cruisers
One Binder class interdiction cruiser
Five Polaris class destroyers
Four Bandit class frigates
Two Shadow class frigates

Third Fleet: Deployed to Ronogho

One Dauntless class battleship (NRS Indomitable)
One Intrepid class fleet carrier
Three Kensington class heavy cruisers
Two Guardian class light cruisers
One Binder class interdiction cruiser
Five Polaris class destroyers
Four Bandit class frigates
Two Shadow class frigates

Fourth Fleet: Deployed to Pinnacle

One Dauntless class battleship (NRS Fearless)
One Intrepid class fleet carrier
Three Kensington class heavy cruisers
Two Guardian class light cruisers
One Binder class interdiction cruiser
Five Polaris class destroyers
Four Bandit class frigates
Two Shadow class frigates

Fifth Fleet: Headquartered at Joyous Gard; patrols range throughout the colonies

Four Guardian class cruisers
Five Polaris class destroyers
Five Bandit class frigates
Two Shadow class frigates

Battles and Combat Losses

Posted: 2008-03-13 03:16pm
by Dark Hellion
Current Molochi Fleet deployment

Moloch System:

2nd Molochi Heavy Fleet
IToM/HC-4 Seraphim Class Heavy Cruiser Odysseus
IToM/CV-11 Valkyrie Class Command Vessel Gorgon
IToM/HD-7,11,14,17 Gargoyle Class Heavy Cruisers Arthur, Lancelot, Nobunaga, Murasame
IToM/MC-78 Gorgon Class Carrier Leonidas
IToM/LD-45,54,56,76,77,79,87,88 Erynies Class Light Destroyers Patton, Mcarthur, Yamamoto, Churchill, R.Lee Ermie, Scwartzkopf, Addleback, Chenvaultd
IToM/DE-110,111,113,117,121,129,131,133,134,135 Incubus Class Destroyer Escorts
ItoM/IP-67 Succubus Class Interdictor Picket Viola

The Second, Fifth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Fifteenth and twentieth Heavy Aerospace Fighter Wings. respectively the "Flying Weasels","Armoured Lightning","Wobble Boys","Fiendish Fish", and "Blindstrikers"

The Eight, Eleventh, and Twenty-first Heavy Logistical Wing

The Seventh Fleet Support Group

Behemoth System:

To be completed