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Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-05-20 03:37pm
by Thanas
Rules for SDNWARS
Mods: Rogue Ice, Siege, Thanas
Economics mod: Thanas

You get 2000 points to start with. You use this to buy your Planets, which will be your resource base.

Homeworld- 600 pts.
Major----- 400 pts.
Average--- 200 pts.
Minor----- 100 pts.
Colony---- 50 pts.

"Homeworld" describes planets like Corellia or Coruscant (or of another major, space-faring species) is worth 600 points. (A "major, space-faring species" means a sentient species that has achieved faster-than-light travel on its own --so, for example, Ewoks or Jawas don't count since, though they may be intelligent species, they never developed space travel-- or much technology on their own at all).
Heavy Defense Package - Comes with Homeworlds
10x Wings Faction-Appropriate Fighters
Full Planetary Shield Network
-60x Surface-to-Space Weapons (Ion cannon or turbolaser)
-1 Heavy Division, 2 Heavy Infantry Divisions, and 6 Armies of Light Infantry.

"Major" worlds are worlds that may not be homeworlds to major species, but are large, high-population industrial giants. Your typical "city-world" will be like this, such as Eriadu or Druckenwell.
Medium Defense Package - Comes with Major Worlds
5x Wings Faction-Appropriate Fighters
Basic Planetary Shield Network*
-30x Surface-to-Space Weapons (Ion cannon or turbolaser)
-2 Heavy Infantry Divisions, 4 Armies of Light Infantry.

*Note: A Basic Shield Network provides coverage to the entire planet, but does not contain the backup generators and redundant shield layers that make Full Shield Networks so impenetrable. It will still withstand a raid or light bombardment, but once a part falls, it cannot be brought quickly back online.

"Average" worlds are worlds that have sizeable and respectable populations, but have not covered the surface of their worlds in population. They may be popular or important, but they're not giants on the Galactic scene. Naboo, for example, is an "Average" world.
Light Defense Package - Comes with Average Worlds
-3x Wings Faction-Appropriate Fighters
-Theater Shields Around Major Installations
-10x Surface-to-Space Weapon (Ion cannon or turbolaser)
-1x full Defense Army of Light Infantry

"Minor" worlds are worlds with self-sustaining population but very little real power or influence. Bespin would be like that.
Garrison Defense Package - Comes with Minor Worlds
-4x Squadrons Faction-Appropriate Fighters
-Theater Shields Around Major Installations
-3x Surface-to-Space Weapon (Ion cannon or turbolaser)
-1x full Defense Corps of Light Infantry

"Colony" is a small world or space station that relies on contact with another world to keep going, but, it also produces resources or trade to offset this cost and provide an advantage to your faction. Any large, industrial space station would be a Colony. Mining colonies like the one on Mustafar would fit in this category, or major space stations such as Silver Station, but something like a Golan Defense Station, which does not provide resources, would not.
Colonial Defense Package - Comes with Colonies
-1x Squadron Faction-Appropriate Fighters
-1x Theater Shield
-1x Surface-to-Space Weapon (Ion cannon or turbolaser)
-1x full Defense Division of Light Infantry


Basic economy:
- A yearly point budget (Example: Bob has 2000 points per annum to spend). He may not save more than 400 for harsh times in total. Once he has saved those points, he may not add any more in subsequent rounds.
- At the start of the game, the players get to invest the total point value in existing assets. They are then given another total point value for their first Fiscal Year. Spoiler
Player Bob has worlds totalling 2000 points. At the start of the game, he spends those on his worlds buying shipyards etc. as well as an existing fleet.
After doing so, he then has 2000 points to spare for the first fiscal year.

Trade deals:
- A player can make one general trade pact with another player. He can then use the trade deal in order to raise one world up to another level:

a) colony to minor world: 2 trade pacts
b) minor world to average world: 4 trade pacts
c) average world to major world: 8 trade pacts

This is of course a one-time use and not dependant on the existence of a trade pact.
You may not "spend" a trade pact, cancel it and then renew the trade agreement in order to get another use out of it.

Players may also raise a planet via a combination of trade pacts. The player can compensate for up to 4 missing trade pacts by spending 500 points for each missing trade pact. However, the player cannot raise up a world without any trade pact at all and is limited to spending a grand total of 2000 point in lieu of a trade pact.

General trade pacts also add 25 points per year to your economy. This effect is cumulative and dependant on the existence of a trade pact - if it gets cancelled, you are out of luck.

- If a player sells equipment worth points to another (e.g. Bob sells Brad two corvettes for 5 points total) those points are added to his and subtracted from Brad's account.

- Trade deals with NPCs are worthless and do not affect game economy. They are there for flash and show.

Shipyard construction (all factions):
200 m (50 points; 4 game months to build)
500 m (90 points; 6 game months to build, may only be built on a minor or above world)
800 m (110 points; 8 game months to build, may only be built on average or above world)
1000 m (130 points; 8 game months to build, may only be built on average or above world)
1200 m (150 points; 1 year to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
1600 m (260 points; 1 year to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
2200 m (400 points; 16 months to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
3600 m (600 points; 2 years to build, may only be built on major or above world)
8000 m (1200 points, 4 years to build, ma only be built on a homeworld)
19 km (2000 points; 8 years to build, may only be built on a homeworld)
Players may not construct more than 1 shipyard each of following categories:
3600m, 8000m and 19.000m.
Players may not construct more than 1 shipyard of 2200m length per major world controlled.
Players may not construct more than 2 shipyards of 1600m length per major world controlled.

Ship construction:
- Ships cost points to built as well as a certain number of time in order to be completed. Spoiler
: Bob has 24 points and a 1000m shipyard. He now decides to built corvettes. Taking a cost of 2 points, he can build 12 corvettes in total. Bob decides to built 150m long CR-90 corvettes, meaning he can built six of them in his 1000m shipyard at the same time. They also take 2 months to built, meaning he can construct a grand total of 12 corvettes in four months.
- Ships cost 1/3rd of their total point value to maintain. Spoiler
If Bob has a fleet totaling 600 points, he has to spend 200 points a year in just maintaining it. Thus, if Bob has a total of 2000 points, he has only 1800 points per year left to spend.
- Defense stations (such as Golan-III, QX-platforms, etc), resupply bases and other defense installations cost 1/4th to maintain.

- Ships may be mothballed, during which they cost 1/6th to maintain. Note however that re-activating will cost half the price of a new ship as well as 1 month for corvettes, 2 months for cruisers and three months for Star Destroyers and above. You may not start the game with a mothballed fleet. Spoiler
Bob has mothballed 2 Star Destroyers (complete point value 24 points), 4 Cruisers (complete point value 20 points) and 8 Corvettes (complete point value 16 points).
Total point value: 60 points
Normal upkeep: 20 points.
Mothballed upkeep: 10 points.
Cost to re-activate them: 30 points.
Re-activating time: 1 month for the corvettes, 2 months for the cruisers, 3 months for the SDs.
- infrastructure costs points to construct, but not to maintain.
- Planetary defenses that are not part of the standard defense package cost 1/6th to maintain.

Planetary improvement
Players may also raise a planet via a combination of trade pacts. The player can compensate for up to 4 missing trade pacts by spending 500 points for each missing trade pact. However, the player cannot raise up a world without any trade pact at all and is limited to spending a grand total of 2000 point in lieu of a trade pact. Furthermore, the following wait times have to be observed:

1 year for a colony
2 years for a minor world
4 years for an average world
8 years for a major world

No planet can be raised up to Homeworld status.
Planetary reconstruction:
Planetary reconstruction involves extensive rebuilding after a BDZ or heavy bombardment or any other major accident. Feeding a reconstructing planet and keeping the status quo will also take off points of your industrial strength.

No player may reconstruct more than two worlds simultaneously except in case of war. Mods may veto any choice made. If the player already has a homeworld, he may not take another homeworld for reconstruction.

Reconstructing worlds have to be fed in order to keep the status quo. This will take the following points:
Colony: -8 points
minor: - 25 points
average: - 50 points
major: - 100 points
homeworld: -150 points

The process of reconstructing a world does take the following number of trade pacts:
- Colony 1 trade pact
- Minor world 2 trade pacts
- Average world 4 trade pacts
- Major world 6 trade pacts
- homeworld 8 trade pacts

The player may compensate entirely with industrial points in order to do so. However, the penalty for doing so is far greater - he has to spend 500 points per missing trade pact as well as 500 points for every two trade pacts he replaces with points. Reconstruction also takes time, regardless of points spent:

1 year for a colony
2 years for a minor world
4 years for an average world
6 years for a major world
8 years for a homeworld

Without any investment, a ruined world will gradually pick itself back up, however this will take far longer.

Without reconstruction, a player will have to wait the following time:
6 years for a colony
12 years for a minor world
24 years for an average world
36 years for a major world
72 years for a homeworld
- Points that are not full amounts (example: 1.4 points) are still taken into account when totaling the amount of points one is able to spend. However, should there still be a number that is not complete (e.g. Bob has 185.2 points left to spend), these are then rounded up/down.

You may either improve upon existing designs or design new ships.

All research projects must be submitted to the mods for review (via PM if you do not want to make it public). Mods may veto any design, so better let them know beforehand. Do not complain about mods vetoing any design or letting it fail in a gigantic catastrophe if you did not inform them beforehand.

A) Improvement upon existing designs
There are three types of improvements. Research of this time takes 2x the build time for ships up to and including cruisers to complete as well as the cost of 4 ships of the type you are attempting to modify. For ships larger than cruisers this takes 1.5x the build time and 3x the cost of a ship.

1. Build time/cost ratio
Through research, it may be possible to lower the cost of ships to 80% of the existing costs in exchange for a 20% increase in build time or vice versa.

2. Efficiency
Through research, you may increase the efficiency of certain subsystems (e.g. faster rate of fire, faster shield recharge) etc. This will drive the cost up by 20% for each subsystem. You may not increase efficiency of any subsystem to a more than 20% increase.
You may not improve efficiency on more than three subsystems.

A ship has the following subsystems (if present):
- Engines
- Sensors
- Hangars
- Troop Capacity
- Turbolasers
- Concussion missiles/proton torpedo launchers
- Ion cannons
- Shield generators
- EW combat suites

3. Design changes.
You exchange an existing subsystem for another one. (Example: Turbolasers instead of ion cannons, shield generators instead of a hangar bay etc.) This will increase the cost of 30% for each subsystem changed, the built time stays the same.

You may not swap more than three subsystems total.

B) Designing new ships
- All proposals of new ship designs must be approved by the mods.
- Designing a new ship type may not results in anyship stronger/faster/cheaper than 20% of A comparable standard design.
- Designing a new ship costs 8x the worth of that shipclass. With ships smaller or cruiser-sized, the minimum design time is 2 years. With ships larger than cruiser class, the minimum design time is 2x the build time but at least 3 years. Treat Fighter designs or redesigns as 'smaller than cruiser sized'.

C) General research principles:
- Each player may built the maximum number of 1 research station for a major world or above.
- Research stations may be bundled together on a project, note however that due to the infighting by sientists, no more than two research stations may be bundled together. Also, this will result in the product proceeding at 1.5x the speed, not in 2x the speed.
- Each research station may only start one project.
- When redesigning old or designing new ships, a player may not choose to design a shipclass that he is currently unable to build.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-05-20 03:37pm
by Thanas
Note: Station prices are only listed in the Imperial price list in order to avoid confusion.

Please also take a look at the updated shiplist below.

Imperial Special & Support Items:

Imperial Enforcement Craft, Fighter & Bomber Scale:
Patrol Shuttle, Theta-class
Skipray Blastboat

Imperial Enforcement Craft, Corvette Scale: 2 points
SFS Guardian-344--------------- Length: 42 m (2 /month)
SFS IPV-1 class---------------- Length: 120 m (1 month)
RSD Light Corvette------------- Length: 180 m (1 month)

Imperial Support Special Craft: 8 points
Prison Ship, Lictor------------ Length: 764 m (12 mos)
Command Ship, Pathfinder------- Length: 38 m (6 mos)
Research Vessel, Pulsar class-- Length: 950 m (12 mos)

Imperial Special Units: 10 points
Dark Trooper Company------------ Amount: 100 troops (6 mos)--- 100,000,000+

Imperial-Specific Freighters: (Points: NA)
SFS Omega-class Transport--------- Length: 48 m (4 per month)--- 35,000

Imperial Passenger Tranports, Shuttles, Couriers and Liners: (Points: to be determined on a case by case basis.)
Courier, Starcourier class-------- Length: 27 m
Shuttle, KDY Lambda-class--------- Length: 20 m (10 /month)
Troop Transport, Katarn-class----- Length: 28 m (8 /month)
Troop Transport, SFS Sentinel----- Length: 35 m (8 /month)
Passenger Liner, Starcutter------- Length: 1150 m (6 months)

Enforcement Craft:
Koensayr Police Pursuer-class (2 pts)
Naboo N1/Police

Enforcement Craft:
Patrol Shuttle, Theta-class
Patrol Ship, FP-31 Firespray
Patrol Ship, Skipray Blastboat
Patrol Ship, IR-3F class---------- Length: 110 m (2 per month, 2 pts)

Republic Passenger Tranports, Shuttles, Couriers and Liners:
Nubian J-Type Royal--------------- Length: 76 meters (2 months)
Nubian H-Type Personal------------ Length: 47 meters (2 months)
Nubian W-Type Senatorial---------- Length: 39m x 91m (2 months)
Nubian I-Type Yacht--------------- Length: 25m x 120m (2 months)

Shuttle, KDY Lambda-class--------- Length: 20 meters
Troop Transport, Triumph-class---- Length: 31 meters
Troop Transport, SFS Sentinel----- Length: 35 meters
Passenger Liner, Corona-A--------- Length: 350 Meters

Older model starfighters: 1 points per wing (Z-95s, Eta-IIs, Cloakshapes, etc)
Standard starfighters: 2 points per wing (X-Wings, TIEs, etc)
Advanced/Specialized starfighters: 4 points per wing (TIE Avenger ["Advanced"], Scimitar, A-Wing)
Experimental: 6 points per squadron (TIE Defender, TIE Phantom, Missile Boat)
A "Wing" is 72 fighters.

The grand total of experimental and advanced fighters may not exceed a reasonable amount. Currently, the mods have agreed that experimental and advanced fighters may not form more than 25% of your ship-stationed fighter forces. Do not try to circumvent this by stationing experimental or advanced units planetside, they will still count as ship-stationed forces for the purpose of assessing that limit.

That limit will be reassessed in six years game time.

Fighter list:
Older models:
C-73 Tracker
Droid Vulture
Eta-2 Actis Interceptor
Delta-7 Aethersprite
V-19 Torrent
Alpha-3 Nimbus V-Wing
Z-95 Headhunter
Toscan 8-Q
KDY Cloakshape

Authority IRD

TIE Fighter
TIE Interceptor
TIE Bomber
Assault Gunboat

Droid Tri-Fighter
TL-118 Starhammer
I-7 Howlrunner
SoroSuub Planetary Defender
Tapani Cooperative Manta


V38 assault fighter
TIE Avenger ("Advanced")
TIE Hunter
TIE Aggressor
TIE Scimitar Assault Bomber
TIE Talon Capship Assault

A-9 Vigilance Interceptor

TIE Defender
TIE Phantom (cloak)


Planetary Shield-------------------- Amount: 1 shield (6 months, 20 pts)
Theater/City Shield----------------- Amount: 1 shield (4 months, 10 pts)
Planetary Defense Turbolasers------- Amount: 20 batteries (5 months, 10pts)
Planetary Defense Ion Cannons------- Amount: 20 cannons (4 months, 10pts)

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-05-20 03:38pm
by Thanas
ARMIES: Raising and Maintaining

Any planetary militia: 1 point to raise, 0 points to maintain. Can be raised on any world from Colony on up.
Planetary Militia is the citizenry, mobilized with what is available and using converted civilian vehicles for mobility. It cannot consist of more than 25% actual military personnel (current or former) or military vehicles. Militia will have no heavy assets (ie, AT-ATs, LAAT/i, etc).
Planetary Militia will scatter if confronted by any force that outmatches them by more than 3+ points.

Droid Infantry: 3 points to raise, 1 point to maintain. Can be raised on any world from Minor World on up.
Droid Infantry Reserve: 3 points to raise, 0 points to maintain, 1 week to activate to full cost.
Cheap and hardy, droids are also not too bright and have a number of exploitable flaws. You also have to have access to a Droid Factory to obtain them (or they have to be purchased); they cannot be raised from among the citizenry.

Light Infantry: 5 points to raise, 1.5 points to maintain. Can be raised on any world from Minor World on up.
Light Infantry Reserves: 3 points to raise, 1 point to maintain, 2 months to activate to full cost.
Organized, trained, equipped with man-portable gear & weapons, some vehicles for transport but no combat vehicles. Uniforms are typically cloth with some light armor. The Rebel Endor Commandos would be an example of Light Infantry.

Heavy Infantry: 6 points to raise, 2 points to maintain. Can be raised on any world from Average on up.
Heavy Infantry Reserves: 4 points to raise, 1 point to maintain, 3 months to activate to full cost.
Organized, trained, equipped with man-portable gear & weapons, some vehicles for transport but few combat vehicles.
These are your Stormtrooper, Clonetrooper, or other "Armored Trooper" combat groups.

Repuslorlift Divisions: 7 points to raise, 2 points to maintain. Can only be raised on Major and Home Worlds.
Repuslorlift Reserve: 5 points to raise, 1 point to maintain, 4 months to activate to full cost.
(Add +1 to both "raise" and "maintain" if embarked troops are Heavy Infantry)
Troops and vehicles kitted with Repulsorlift vehicles, including LAAT/i, MMT, MTT, T-47s, etc.
Unit Limit: 6 for Homeworlds; 4 for Major Worlds.

Heavy Divisions: 9 points to raise, 3 points to maintain. Can only be raised on Major and Home Worlds.
Heavy Reserves: 6 points to raise, 2 points to maintain, 4 months to activate to full cost.
(Add +1 to both "raise" and "maintain" if embarked troops are Heavy Infantry)
Heavy armored and troop-transport divisions. Vehicles are typically Walkers of various sorts.
Unit Limit: 3 for Homeworlds; 2 for Major Worlds.

A Battalion would be around 1,000 troops;
5 Battalions are 5,000 troops and form a Brigade/Regiment
4 Brigades are 20,000 troops and form a Division
(At least one of the four Brigades is of support troops)

4 Divisions is 80,000 troops and makes up a Corps.
5 Corps is 400,000 troops and forms an Army.

Defense Armies are free with each Defense Package.

Homeworld: 1 Heavy Division, 2 Heavy Infantry Divisions, and 6 Armies of Light Infantry.
Major World: 2 Heavy Infantry Divisions, 4 Armies of Light Infantry.
Average World: 1 Defense Army of Light Infantry.
Minor World: 1 Defense Corps of Light Infantry.
Colony: 1 Defense Division of Light Infantry.

Defense Armies cannot ever be deployed offworld, they are part of the world's defense forces. Removing them from the world they defend essentially means abandoning that world and removing it from your OOB.

Homeworld: 6 Armies +3 (optional) Reserve Armies
Major World: 6 Armies +3 (optional) Reserve Armies
Average World: 3 Armies +1 (optional) Reserve Armies
Minor World: 1 Army +3 (optional) Reserve Corps
Colony: 1 Division +1 (optional) Reserve Brigade
Bob has three worlds, 1 major, 1 average world and 1 colony. Therefore, he an build no more than 10 armies in total. He can also add up to 4 Reserve Armies and a Reserve Brigade as options. Of these, only two can be heavy ones.
A larger world could raise an Army and then post them on a smaller world. The world that raised the military forces would have to pay points for their upkeep as if the troops were still stationed on their home planet. Units stationed Offworld still count with regards to the size limits of the parent world.
Naboo, an Average World, raises an Army and posts two Divisions on the Colony moon of Tasia. Because Tasia is a Colony, it cannot support so many Divisions on it's own, so the cost to initially Raise and Maintain those Divisions are Naboo's responsibility, and still take up a slot on Naboo's maximum unit limit.

An "elite" unit (Army or Space) would be +5 to cost, +3 to maintain. This is on top of base costs.

Elite Unit examples:
501st Stormtroopers
181st TIE
Rogue Squadron
Wraith Squadron


What is Star Wars without the Force, and Jedi & Sith running around?

Padawan/Apprentice: 10 points
Knight: 15 points
Master: 20 points


Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-05-22 12:17pm
by Coyote
Total rules are posted. There are a lot of them, but they are mostly for starting up a faction. Once a faction is started, they should not come into play too much unless someone wants to buy something new.

Combat resolution is left off for now. It was felt among the Mods that we have enough rules already, and any more would make gameplay unwieldy. Combat resolution for now will be left up to role-playing and storytelling. If arguments erupt, then a combat resolution ruleset is already mostly hammered out and can be applied.

However, for quick, between-player resolutions, a fast (but imperfect!) way to resolve combat can simply be to add up the points of all the forces each side has committed to battle, and see who has committed the most points' worth of combat power to the fight and give the victory to that player. It doesn't take into account things like leadership, supply, attack or defense; and of course it has such flaws as allowing someone with 7 CR-90 Corvettes (14 points) to overwhelm someone with a Star Destroyer (12 points), so be aware that this quick-and-dirty method comes with a high :wtf: factor in some cases. For massed fleet battle resolutions without involving a Mod (or more rules) it can work if the payers are willing to accept it.

So now feel free to peruse the rules; let me know if anything is unclear or messed up, or if there are any errors. We can discuss things that come up, come to agreements, and if necessary I can go in and Edit parts of this once we reach agreement. I'd rather prefer to Edit the original post, and avoid having "the latest version" being posted in the middle of other pages deep in the thread.


Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-07-02 01:25pm
by Thanas

The player may not expand more than worlds worth 100 points a year. This either means you can colonize two colony worlds or annex one minor world by whatever means you like.

If the player wages a succesfull war of conquest against another faction or an NPC faction (remember, those are controlled by the mods), this does not apply. The spoils of war are to be determined on a case-by-case basis by the mods.

Every three to eight years gametime (exact time period to be decided on a case to case basis by the mods) the players will get 400 instead of 100 points of worlds. With these, the players can either:
a) Raise an average world to major world status and add another 200 points of worlds or
b) add 400 points of worlds.

EDIT: Please note that this does not affect the usual means of upgrading a planet via trade pacts.

Please note as well that these are extra points, not represented or taken out of your budget. However, the player may chose not to expand and then add those points to the budget.

EDIT2: In case it was not clear before: You cannot save expansion points. You have to use them to either upgrade or gain planets. No partial upgrades, no partial ownership.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-08-31 06:01pm
by Thanas
UPDATED Ship List.

The Grand Total of ships currently allowed in the game. This ship list also lists the standard fighter strength and assumed firepower of the ships as well as the factions which can use it. Much thanks go to Evillejedi and Fractalsponge for allowing us to use their images in the STGOD. Unless credited to the two, the models are from Wookiepedia. For the purpose of this game, the depictions used here are canon. Please note that the shiplist will be updated as soon as possible.

EDIT: Also, please be aware that there is no standard size turbolaser. So while some smaller designs may field - for example - a higher number of weapons than a larger one, this does not mean that the weapons have the same power as the larger ship will generally be able to generate more weapon power. In short, the larger a ship, the better, but this does not always apply.
Assault ships
Assault ships are the smallest ships available as single units. They are fast craft used for patrol or rapid strike craft purposes.
Name: VT-49 Decimator
Faction: Imperial only.
Length: 38 m
Building time: 1 month
Cost: 0.5 points
Armament: 2 Laser cannon turrets, 3 concussion missile launchers.
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 1 month.
Crew: 4
Role: long-range reconnaissance unit, picket, raiding unit.
The command of a Decimator is usually the start of a promising naval career for fleet officers.

Gun ships
Gunships are small ships used for screening and anti-starfighter duties. They are fast and heavily armed.

Name: DP20 Corellian frigate aka the Corellian Gunship.
Faction: All factions.
Length: 120 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 8 double LTL turrets, 6 quad laser cannons, 4 concussion missile launchers.
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 8 months.
Crew: 91
Role: Anti-starfighter unit, picket, screening unit.
The gunship sacrifices the cargo and troop carrier space of the corvette for speed and firepower. Engines take up half of the ship, making it fast and well-suited for its anti-starfighter role.

Corvettes are small vessels used for a variety of duties. They are the most versatile craft of all.

Name: CR90 Corvette aka the Corellian Corvette.
Faction: All factions.
Length: 150 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 2 dual LTL turrets, 4 single LTLs.
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 1 year.
Crew: 30-165
Role: Picket, screening unit, fast transport, special forces, reconnaissance.
The most common warship design in the galaxy, the CR90 corvette is the favorite of many forces. It can carry up to 3000 tons per cargo and up to 600 troops, making it ideal for covert ops as well as special transports.

Name: Assassin class corvette or Modified Corvette
Faction: All factions.
Length: 150 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 6 dual LTL turrets, 2 Quad laser cannons, 1 torpedo launcher (capship grade) Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 1 year.
Crew: 60-150
Role: Picket, screening unit, priority cargo transport, rapid strike craft, System patrol
The Assassin class is a militarized version of the CR-90 corvette, boosting stronger shields and far more firepower. It sacrifices cargo space for this, being "only" capable of carrying 60 troops and 2100 tons of cargo.

Name: Farstar class pocket carrier
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 150 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 2 dual LTL turrets, 4 laser cannon turrets
Fighter complement: 8 standard + 4 small starfighters
Consumables: 3 months.
Crew: 130 + 100 droids
Role: Pocket carrier, system patrol craft
A heavily modified version of the CR-90 corvette, this ship sacrifices firepower, shield strength and troop space in order to carry a squadron of starfighters. It is extremely fragile, but carries a potent starfighter punch.

Name: Hardcell class transport/corvette
Faction: CIS only
Length: 220 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 2 laser cannon batteries (24 laser cannons total), 2 concussion missile launchers
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 6 months.
Crew: 190
Role: Transport, picket ship
More of a transport than a real fighting ship, the Hardcell corvette has been a hallmark of CIS forces. It can carry a total of 1017 troops as well as 12.400 tons. (Note: the canon armament descriptions contradict each other. As "2 batteries" is not specified anywhere, I have used the traditional 19th century arrangement of 12 gun pieces=1 battery).

[no picture available]
Name: Y-Head or Geonosian corvette
Faction: All factions
Length: 165 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 3 dual LTL turrets, 1 concussion missile launcher
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 9 months.
Crew: 150
Role: Picket, screening unit, fast transport, special forces, reconnaissance
The Geonosian corvette has a usually bronze hull. It splits at the nose in two mandibles, hence the names. It is in all appearances the equal of the CR90 corvette, though less succesful when it comes to units sold.

[no picture available]
Name: Mon Calamari Corvette
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 200 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 4 dual LTL turrets
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 9 months.
Crew: 200
Role: Picket, screening unit, fast transport, special forces, reconnaissance
The Mon Cal corvette is the primary corvette of the Mon Calamari space forces.

Name: Marauder class corvette
Faction: All factions
Length: 195 m
Building time: 4 months
Cost: 2 points
Armament: 8 double LTL turrets (missile variant: 4 long-range missile launchers, capship grade)
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 3 months.
Crew: 177
Role: Fast transport, System patrol, rapid strike craft, anti-capship Carrying a total of 80 troops and armed with 8 double LTL turrets and carrying 12 fighters, the Marauder corvette is more of a light cruiser than a corvette. It is therefore oftentimes called a "pocket cruiser", though this is no official designation. The ship is a favorite among pirate forces and rich individuals as it is fast, well shielded and well armed.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-01 03:49pm
by Thanas
Frigates are small warships used mostly for escort and screening duties. In rare cases, they may also be flagships of smaller task forces.

Name: Lancer-class frigate
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 250 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 20xquad laser cannon
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 1 week.
Crew: 890
Role: Screening unit, anit-starfighter ship, convoy duty
An Imperial design that has only one role - to kill starfighters. The lancer has weak shielding for its size and is a bit slow, but this is more than made up by the ship bristling with laser cannon and sensors, allowing it to track and attack several squadrons of starfighters at once. It is best used protecting valuable fleet assets from enemy torpedo or starfighter attack.

Name: Nebulon B frigate
Faction: All factions
Length: 300 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 12 MTL, 12 Laser cannons
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 920 + 50 troops
Role: screening unit, convoy escort, reconnaissance, anti-starfighter
The most popular frigate in the Galaxy. The Nebulon B is a good compromise between speed, firepower and carrier capability. These well-built ships have one vulnerability - the midsection. During the Galactic civil war, these ships served well in all roles from convoy escort to command ship.

Name: Nebulon B frigate (medical variant)
Faction: All factions
Length: 300 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 6 MTL, 8 Laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 1000
Role: hospital ship, disaster relief ship
This variant of the Nebulon B frigate trades weaponry and fighter carrier space for 15 bacta tanks, 745 beds and several hospital suites. As such, it is ideal for a fleet that has suffered casualties or is about to.

Name: Nebulon B2 frigate
Faction: All factions
Length: 250 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 3 dual heavy MTL turrets, 7 MTL, 1 concussion missile launcher
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 1120 + 150 troops
Role: screening unit, convoy escort, capital ship
The heavily modified version of the Nebulon B frigate is 17% more faster and stronger shielded than its predecessor. Though the MTLs can still engage enemy starfighter, they are more designed for anti-corvette fighting. It is therefore not uncommon to see a Nebulon B2 as the command ship in convoys. It is strong enough to give a cruiser a run for its money and keep it occupied while the convoy escapes. The designers have also eliminated the connecting spar weakness.

Name: Corona class frigate
Faction: Republic only
Length: 275 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 10 MTL, 4 ion cannons, 10 laser cannons
Fighter complement: 36 fighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 838 + 80 troops
Role: screening unit, reconnaissance, anti-starfighter unit
The newest frigate from the Nebulon B design heritage, the Corona class frigate has better shields, a faster hyperdrive and carries more fighters. It is best used with large fleet formations.

Name: Interceptor-class frigate
Faction: All factions
Length: 150 m
Building time: 4 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 6 MTL, 3 proton torpedo launchers
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 500
Role: screening unit, reconnaissance, rapid strike craft
A favorite among pirates, the Interceptor frigate is the smallest of all frigates. It is comparatively shielded to the Nebulon B frigate, but carries less fighters. It does however have excellent speed and decent firepower, though it is hard pressed against the larger corvette designs like the marauder corvette.

Name: MC30 frigate
Faction: Mon-Cal only
Length: 200 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 2 proton torpedo launchers, 4 LTL, 1 cluster bomb array
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 500
Role: Anti-starfighter unit
The MC30 is best known for its cluster bomb array, which allows it to pepper an area of space with the aforementioned bombs. The shrapnel dispersed by them is particularly deadly to unshielded starfighters.
General introduction: Dreadnoughts are slow, old, outdated ships that were in use during the clone wars. Due to their old age, the empire mainly relegated them to second class assigments like convoy duty or prisoner transport. The New Republic however has largely modified their dreadnoughts. While still using old spaceframes, those ships have been redesigned into two new ship classes.

Name: Dreadnought class heavy cruiser
Faction: Imperial or New Republic only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 10 Turbolasers, 20 quad laser cannons, 10 laser cannons
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 16.133 + 3000 troops
Role: Space superiority, convoy escort
Slow, sturdy and with a ridiculous high crew demand, the Dreadnought is both a good ship and a logistical nightmare.

Name: Dreadnought class heavy cruiser (Katana Modification)
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 9 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 15 Turbolaser batteries, 15 single Turbolasers, 1 missile launcher (capship grade)
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 2200 + 3000 troops
Role: Space superiority
This version of the Dreadnought has not only more firepower but also eliminates the high crew demand. It is still slow and an aging spaceframe, but it has proved itself in the Thrawn campaign.

Name: Assault Frigate Mk I
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 700 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 15 Turbolaser batteries, 15 quad laser cannons, 15 laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1.5 years
Crew: 5000 + 100 troops
Role: Space superiority, close assault ship
The Assault Frigate is best employed in close assault. It's turbolasers are best used at short range, where their heavy punch proves to be most effective. Despite the Katana class dreadnought having a heavier armament on paper, the Assault Frigate is superior due to having more powerful HTLs and stronger shielding. Three Assualt frigates can defeat an ISD under opportune circumstances.

Name: Assault Frigate Mk II
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 700 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 15 Turbolaser batteries, 20 quad laser cannons, 15 laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1.5 years
Crew: 5000 + 100 troops
Role: Space superiority, close assault ship
The Assault Frigate MKII production line failed, however the design still exists. It has more shield redundancy and an additional 5 quad laser cannons than the MK I. However, most governments have voted against reopening this production line as newer cruiser designs proved themselves to be superior.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-03 04:37am
by Thanas
Light Cruisers
Light cruiser is a category encompassing corvette-sized to cruiser-sized ships. The main difference between them and frigates are heavier weaponry, a higher built quality and stronger shielding. Light cruisers are generally stronger than frigates, but there are a lot of exceptions.

Name: Vibre class assault cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 100 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 4 LTL, 4 ion cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 5 months
Crew: 45 + 60 spacetroopers
Role: commerce raiding, fast strike craft
The vibre class assault cruiser is more of a supercharged corvette than a real cruiser. It is weak shielded, but is faster than any other cruiser or frigate while being heavily armed enough to take on corvettes. It therefore is the ideal craft for commerce raiding.

(image credit to Evillejedi)
Name: Bayonet-class light cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 200 m
Building time: 4 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 8 MTLs, 6 Laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 150 + 48 troops
Role: Patrol, survey vessel
The bayonet light cruiser was considered outdated in 0 ABY as the advent of new, heavy corvettes and frigates meant it would not be able to easily fulfill its intended mission profile as frigate killer. Still, it is a sturdy and heavily armed design that is still able to outfight every corvette. It is mainly used in the outer rim as patrol and survey vessel.

Name: Republic light assault cruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 115 m
Building time: 2 months
Cost: 3 points
Armament: 6 MTLs, 2 concussion missile launchers.
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 90
Role: light cruiser
A derivative of the diplomatic passenger ship, it is now considered outdated.

Name: class 1000 cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 300 m
Building time: 4 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 28 MTL, 12 laser cannons
Fighter complement: 12 fighter
Consumables: 4 months
Crew: 660+200 troops
Role: cruiser, screening vessel
A competing design that lost out to the Carrack Cruiser, the class 1000cruiser is still a good design. Overall, it has less firepower, shielding and durability than the carrack, but carries more troops and more fighters.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Carrack-class light cruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 350 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 10 HTL, 20 ion cannons/laser cannons
Fighter complement: 4-5 recon TIE fighter
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 1092+142 troops
Role: cruiser, screening vessel, long-range patrol
The Carrack cruiser has become a synonym for durability. This ship boosts heavy firepower, heavy shielding and can outaccelerate an X-wing while having a good maneuverability. But it is most known for its extremely strong crew survivability protection, which consists of independen life-support systems, reinforced bulkheads and a very compartmentalized design. Even if a ship breaks apart, it is not unusual to find survivors.

Name: Tartan class patrol cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 20 laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 70+50 troops
Role: screening vessel, long-range patrol
The Tartan class patrol cruiser is an Imperial anti-starfighter weapon that has become obsolete by the arrival of the Nebulon-B frigate and the lancer frigate. It is in fact more costly than the latter, although being outfought and outclassed in every aspect by them. Only the sheer size of the ship has prevented it from being reclassified as a corvette or frigate.
Medium Cruisers
Medium cruisers are the workhorses of the fleets. They fulfill a wide range of duties and are oftentimes the flagships of smaller Task Forces. In the line of battle, they oftentimes screen the larger capital ships.

Name: Strike-class medium cruiser
Faction: All factions.
Length: 450 m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 10 Turbolaser batteries, 10 Turbolaser cannons, 10 ion cannons.
Fighter complement: 12-36 fighters
Consumables: 1,5 years
Crew: 2112 + 340 troops
Role: Space superiority, screening vessel, carrier (depending on configuration).
The Strike cruiser is a modular design which can be quickly built but has some structural weaknesses. Nevertheless, it is a good all-around ship that has proven its worth in many battles and that has become one of the most common Imperial designs all around.
The strike cruiser is available in two configurations - the standard version or the carrier version, which sacrifices firepower and shield strength in order to handle two extra fighter squadrons. Needless to say, this severely handicaps its ability to stay in the line of battle.

Name: MC40a light cruiser
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 14 Turbolaser turrets, 18 ion cannons, 2 warhead launchers (capship grade)
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 3758 + 650 troops
Role: Space superiority, screening vessel, rapid strike craft
A versatile craft, the MC40a is like most Mon-Calamari vessels very strong shielded.

Name: Gladiator class cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 500 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 6 double HTL turrets, 2 missile launchers (capship grade)
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 1255+1200 troops
Role: capital ship escort, long range patrol vessel, pursuit destroyer
Originally designed as an escort ship for the VSD line, this ship was redesigned as a long range patrol vessel. It carries enough firepower and troops to deal with most pirates. Due to the advent of the NR, this ship has been increasingly outmatched when confronted with NR forces. However, it still is a favorite for pirate-hunters.

Name: Broadside class cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 500 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 40 warhead launchers (capship grade), 2 LTL
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 800
Role: Long-range missile bombardement
Weakly shielded, this variant of the Gladiator class cruiser exists for one purpose only - to saturate an enemy or a planetary shield with missiles until it is destroyed. It is extremely inaccurate against moving targets, but may be used for area denial. Its missiles are of course completely useless against anything stronger than theater shields, thereby prompting the empire to develop the Torpedo Sphere.

Name: Majestic class cruiser
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 700 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 30 turbolasers, 20 laser cannons, 20 ion cannons, 8 missile launchers (capship grade)
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 5 months
Crew: 4182+640 troops
Role: space superiority, screening vessel
The Majestic class cruiser is the newest New Republic cruiser design. It was originally designed to defeat Imperial star destroyers with better gunnery. This it failed to do due to the huge difference in firepower. Still, it is a good space superiority vessel, capable of defeating many smaller craft.

Name: Interdictor cruiser, Immobilizer 418 cruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 600 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 20 rapid-fire light turbolasers
Fighter complement: 24 starfighters
Consumables: 1.2 years
Crew: 2807+80 troops
Role: Interdiction
The Immobilizer 418 was an original Imperial design that has become common throughout the galaxy. It is the primary interdiction vessel of choice for many navies. In battle however, its light armament mean that it should be kept well out of the line of battle and under heavy escort.

[no picture available]
Name: Vindicator class cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 25 Turbolasers, 20 quad LTL turrets, 10 laser cannons, 10 light ion cannons
Fighter complement: 24 -72 fighters (depending on configuration)
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 2551+400 troops
Role: Space superiority, long-range patrol, capship escort, carrier (depending on configuration)
The Vindicator class cruiser is the standard Imperial cruiser design. It is fast, heavily armed and highly versatile. It's hull was used to built the Immobilizer 418 class from. As with the strike cruiser, it is available in the standard and in a carrier configuration, sacrificing firepower and shielding for more fighters.

[no picture available]
Name: Enforcer class cruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 600 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 10 HTL, 10 quad laser cannons, 6 ion cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 3060 +300 troops
Role: Space superiority, long-range patrol, capship escort
The Enforcer class is a modified Immobilizer-418 class cruiser. It sacrifices the gravity well generator for more speed, weaponry and firepower. It is the tector variant to the Vindicator's ISD. Strategists however note that this severely limits it in its cruiser role.

Name: Class-II frigate
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 700 m
Building time: 9 months
Cost: 6 points
Armament: 4 Turbolasers, 4 ion cannons, 4 point-defence laser cannons
Fighter complement: 72 starfighters
Consumables: 6 years
Crew: 19899+4400 troops
Role: Commerce raiding, long range patrol, pursuit destroyer
The Imperial class II frigate is a design that maximizes starfighter operations to the detriment of shielding and armament. Its high crew demand has made sure that it has not become a favorite vessel among Imperial admirals.

Name: CC-7700 frigate
Faction: New Republic
Length: 500 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 10 laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 5 months
Crew: 700
Role: Interdiction
The CC-7700 is a fast interdictor craft that has won favor with many NR admirals despite being thin-shielded and lightly armed. Like its Imperial counterpart, it should be kept well out of the line of battle.

Name: Bulk cruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 600 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 30 quad laser cannons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 2050 + 200 troops
Role: capship escort
Outdated and outgunned by most new designs, the Neuron Star Bulk cruiser suffers from high fuel consumption. Still, it boasts an impressive array of 120 laser cannons in total, making it a capable craft at capship escort. Due to its cargo space of 5000 tons, it can also be used as a high-value transport.

Name: Munificent class star frigate
Faction: CIS only
Length: 825 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 2 HTL, 2 heavy ion cannons, 26 twin turbolaser cannons, 20 LTL, 38 laser cannons
Fighter complement: 12 starfighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 200 (space for carrying 150.000 battle droids)
Role: capship escort, space superiority, command ship
If it were judged only due to its size and armament, the Munificent star frigate is more of a heavy than a medium cruiser. However, due to its low power output it needs at least four of them to defeat one VSD-I. Still, it is a good escort design, if unnecessarily large for such a role.
Heavy Cruisers
Heavy cruisers are the standard capital ships. They are the heavy hitters who can go toe to toe with their counterparts. The destruction of them usually ensures victory or defeat. As such, they are a source of pride for many nations.

Note: There is no difference between the roles of Heavy cruiser and Star Destroyer. However, due to their unique design and classification, they have their seperate category. Due to this, the Empire is underrepresented in this category.

Name: CC-9600 Frigate
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 850 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 6 points
Armament: The CC-9600 frigate is heavily armed and can stand up to a VSDI, but not to a VSDII due to space used for troop transport.
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 6000 + 10000 troops
Role: Space superiority, troop transport
The CC-9600 "Frigate" is the smallest heavy cruiser in the alliance arsenal. It is a fast ship designed to serve as both a fast troop transport and a space superiority ship.

[no image available]
Name: Bulwark class Battlecruiser MK I
Faction: CIS or New Republic only
Length: 1000 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 6 points
Armament: The Bulwark class battlecruiser has 2/3 the firepower of a VSDI.
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 5000 + 200 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship
The Bulwark MKI is an outdated design that is still in use in many navies due to its reliability.

Name: Modular Taskforce cruiser
Faction: Imperial only.
Length: 1150 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: 15 MTL
Fighter complement: 0-12 fighters
Consumables: 6 months
Crew: 600 + depending on mission module
Role: Hospital / Special forces / espionage / SAR / science vessel
The modular taskforce cruiser is the main Imperial support ship. It can carry one mission modules suited to the task at hand. Each module can be swapped out within a day at a shipyard. Each purchased ship comes with one module of every kind. This ship is not a combat ship and should be kept away from enenmy forces.

Name: Recusant class light destroyer
Faction: CIS only.
Length: 1187 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: 1 HTL turret at the prow, 4 HTL cannons, 5 HTL turrets, 5 MTL, 30 dual laser cannons, 12 dual-light laser cannons, 60 point defence laser cannons
Fighter complement: 240 droid fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 300 + droids
Role: space superiority, screening vessel, rapid strike craft
The Recusant class light destroyer is a well-proven CIS design that suffers from a insufficient reactor to power the heavy armament, thus resulting in needing three of them to stand up to a VSD. . However, its large fighter complement makes sure that the battle is more even. This ship is based on a stolen Mon Calamari design.

Name: Providence class destroyer/carrier
Faction: CIS only.
Length: 1088 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: 14 turret-mounted quad HTL, 34 dual laser cannons, 2 ion cannons, 12 point-defence ion cannons, 102 torpedo tubes/1 Quad HTL battery, 3 dual laser cannon batteries, several heavy ion cannons, 1 point defence ion cannon battery, 8 torpedo launchers (carrier version)
Fighter complement: 0/240 droid fighters (carrier version)
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 22350
Role: space superiority/carrier/capital ship
The providence class destroyer/carrier comes in two configuration. The space superiority version is the equal of an VSD, the carrier version is more of a well-protected carrier that can defend itself. These CIS ships have proven themselves in battle.

Name: Dauntless class cruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 1500 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: Heavy
Fighter complement: 36 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 18.000
Role: space superiority, capital ship
The Dauntless class cruiser is a sleek, battle-proven weapons platform that has become a favorite of NR captains. It's strong array of weaponry makes sure it can go toe to toe with the ISD-I. It is a great ship design.

Name: MC80 Star Cruiser
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 1200-1500 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: Heavy
Fighter complement: 36 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 5411 + 1200 troops
Role: space superiority, capital ship
The MC80 star cruiser is slightly less armed than the ISD-I, but has heavier shields with more redundancy in systems. This makes it nearly immune against a Ion cannon strike. Vessels of this type were the most important capital ships of the Rebellion and continued to play a major role in every important battle.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: MC90 Star Cruiser
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 1255 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: Heavy
Fighter complement: 72 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 6465 + 1700 troops
Role: space superiority, capital ship
The MC90 class Star Cruiser is capable of going toe to toe with the ISD-II. It is the successor to the MC80 star cruiser and a testament to the greatness of Mon Calamari shipbuilding.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-03 04:43am
by Thanas
Star Destroyers
Star Destroyers are capital ships, the symbol of Imperial power. The command or the destruction of a ISD may be the pinnacle of a Naval career.

(image credit to: Evillejedi)
Name: Victory I class Star Destroyer
Faction: all factions
Length: 900 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: 80 concussion missile tubes, several TLs
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 5200 + 2040 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship, orbital bombardment
The VSDI was designed during the clone wars. It is an old design, but still one of the best bombardment ships around. It can enter a planetary atmosphere.

Name: Victory II class Star Destroyer
Faction: all factions
Length: 900 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: heavy
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 6107 + 1600 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship, pursuit destroyer
The VSDII is among the fastest spaceships there are. It is a variant of the VSDI which has sacrificed atmospheric capability along with the concussion missiles for more HTLs and speed. These ships are often the flagships of small navies and in battle are best used in surprise attacks and flanking maneuvers.

(image credit to: Evillejedi)
Name: Republic class Star Destroyer
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 1250 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: heavy
Fighter complement: 36 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 8428 + 3200 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship
This VSD-derivative ship sacrifices cargo space, endurance and speed in order to match the Imperial I for firepower. Allegedly it is capable of outmatching an ISD-I, but significant power generation problems made this unlikely and were the reason why the NR soon switched to the Nebula class destroyer.

Name: Nebula class Star Destroyer
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 1040 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 10 points
Armament: 26 HTL, heavy
Fighter complement: 60 small starfighters, 36 normal-sized fighters
Consumables: 6 months
Crew: 7039 + 1600 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship
Labelled a "pocket star destroyer", the Nebula class sacrifices troop space, hangar space and cargo space for one giant trade off: More firepower and stronger shields. This ship is capable of going toe to toe with an ISDII despite its diminuitive size.

Name: Imperial I class Star Destroyer
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 1600 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: 6 dual HTL batteries (2040 teraton total), 2 dual heavy Ion cannons (800 teraton), several smaller weapons
Fighter complement: 72 fighters
Consumables: 6 years
Crew: 37360 + 9700 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship
The Imperial Star Destroyer is the embodiment of the empire. It is the standard to which all other ships are measured against.

Name: Imperial II class Star Destroyer
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 1600 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: 8 octuple HTL batteries (2560 teraton total), several smaller weapons
Fighter complement: 72 fighters
Consumables: 6 years
Crew: 37085 + 9700 troops
Role: Space superiority, capital ship
The ISD II class Star Destroyer is a space-combat version than the ISDI. It boosts stronger shields and a higher rate of fire (though less firepower) than the ISDI. It also has superior targeting systems than its predecessor, allowing it to engage several targets at once. In a space battle, this ship is capable of engaging any ship its size.

[no image available]
Name: Tector class Star Destroyer
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 1600 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: 10 dual HTL batteries (3400 teraton total, 4 dual heavy Ion cannons (1600 teraton), 20 warhead launchers (capship grade), several smaller weapons
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 39000
Role: Space superiority
The Tector class Star Destroyer is a hangarless version of the ISD line. It sacrifices troop space, hangars, cargo space and other luxury items in order to fulfil one purpose - to engage and destroy enemy starships. It's severely enlarged reactor, heavy shielding and armor makes it ideal for that role. It can engage and destroy any ship its size, but is vulnerable against starfighter attacks.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Dominator class interdictor Star Destroyer
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 1600 m
Building time: 14 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: 4 octuple HTL batteries (1024 teratons), 2 dual heavy Ion cannons (800 teratons)
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 32000 + 3000 troops
Role: Battle line interdiction
The Dominator was created due to the need of having an interdictor vessel that can stand in the line of battle. The Dominator fulfilled that role, but it had to sacrifice firepower in order to power the gravity well generators.

(image credit: fractalsponge)
Name: Allegiance class command ship
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 2200 m
Building time: 14 months
Cost: 15 points
Armament: 3 superheavy single HTL ball Turrets (2160 teratons), 12 quad HTL turrets (8160 teratons), 6 triple heavy Ion cannons (3600 teratons), numerous smaller armaments
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 48.000 + 6000 troops
Role: command ship
The Allegiance class is the command ship for large Imperial fleets and the largest Star Destroyer class short of a dreadnought. Like its smaller cousin, the Tector, it carries no fighter and no troops, instead focusing on firepower and shields. It is slightly slower than the ISD, but makes more than up for it due to its enormous reactor, which generates 6x the power of an ISD. The Allegiance class is the flagship of choice for navies that cannot built Star Dreadnoughts.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-03 04:45am
by Thanas
Assault Carriers
Assault carriers have one job - to carry troops and provide cover for them during combat landings in contested areas. They are necessary for assaults on heavily shielded worlds. Usually a combined strike would try to blast a temporary hole in the shield which the assault carriers would then charge through. As the forces were then trapped under the shield and face withering fire, the command of an assault carrier is reserved for the most daring, nay crazy, officers in the fleet. Note that this tactic does not work on homeworlds and that it requires several Star Dreadnoughts to punch a hole in an enemy planetary shield.

Name: Acclamator class assault ship
Faction: All factions
Length: 752 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 6 points
Armament: 12 quad turbolaser cannon, 24 point defence laser cannons, 4 warhead launchers (capship grade)
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 700 + 1 division of troops
Role: Assault carrier
The Acclamator is fast, well shielded and therefore good suited for the job. However, it still has to land in order to deliver the majority of troops, something that has proven deadly to more than one division.

Name: Doomgiver class assault carrier
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 1800 m
Building time: 16 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: medium
Fighter complement: 24 Starfighters (ground attack variants), 24 Space superiority fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 3000 + 1 corps of troops (no heavy divisions)
Role: Assault carrier
The Doomgiver is an improvement upon the previous assault carriers. Instead of entering the atmosphere itself, it will instead launch specially built droppods through the shield, thereby decreasing the risk of complete loss of troops. The downside is that with this method, no heavy divisions can be landed.
Starfighter carriers
Starfighter carriers provide the fleet with additional fighter forces. Some of them are also employed as fast raiding units. This category is a specialty of New Republic forces.

Name: Quasar Fire class escort carrier/Alliance escort carrier
Faction: All factions except Imperial
Length: 340 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 12 twin point defence laser cannon
Fighter complement: 72 starfighters
Consumables: 6 months
Crew: 1200
Role: Escort carrier
The Quasar Fire escort carrier has thin shielding and a thin hull that is unable to withstand fire from a Carrack class cruiser. Nevertheless, their starfighter carrying capability and speed is legendary. They are a good addition for convoy defence or convoy raiding, but cannot stand in the line of battle.

Name: Imperial Escort carrier
Faction: All factions
Length: 500 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 5 points
Armament: 10 twin point defence laser cannon, 1 concussion missile launcher
Fighter complement: 72 starfighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 3868 + 500 troops
Role: Escort carrier
The Imperial escort carrier is - like its alliance counterpart - very fast and very thin shielded. It fulfills the same role as its alliance counterpart, but has longer endurance.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Liberator class cruiser
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 500 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 10 points
Armament: Several heavy turbolaser batteries and ion cannons
Fighter complement: 72 starfighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 2200
Role: carrier
The Liberator class cruiser is one of the most advanced carrier designs out there. It can theoretically stand in the line of battle, however this is ill advised due to its diminuitive size and reactor.

Name: Venator class star destroyer
Faction: All factions
Length: 1137 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 10 points
Armament: 8 dual HTL turrets, 2 medium TL cannons, 24 turbolaser cannons, 52 point defence laser cannons, 4 torpedo launchers (capship grade)
Fighter complement: 456 starfighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 7400 + 2000 troops
Role: carrier
The Venator class Star Destroyer is one of the oldes warship designs still in existence. It has however proved its worth time and time again. Due to its armament, shield strength and speed it can stand in the line of battle, but it is preffered not to do so as it is outmatched by almost every large SD or heavy cruiser design.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Endurance class fleet carrier
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 1040 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 10 points
Armament: 12 Turbolaser cannons, 8 ion cannons, 20 laser cannons (capship grade)
Fighter complement: 144 starfighters
Consumables: 5 months
Crew: 6870 + 1600 troops
Role: carrier
The Endurance class carrier is the newest carrier design of the NR. It reputedly can stand in the line of battle, but it is not advised to actually test that theory. The commander who does so might find himself bereft of his starfighter reserve.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-03 02:57pm
by Thanas
Star Dreadnoughts, standard
Star Dreadnoughts are the pride of each Navy. They are ships whose use usually decides major battles. One might even say, they are the ships on whose performance nations fall or rise.

To built them, a player must control at least 5 worlds on major or homeworld level. He can built no more than 8 standard Star Dreadnoughts in total. Captured SDs do not count towards meeting that limit, however the player has to place them (or one of his own ships) in reserve if his total number of standard SDs exceeds 8.

Name: Lucrehulk - class battleship
Faction: CIS only
Length: 3170 m
Building time: 16 months
Cost: 18 points
Armament: 51 HTL, 520 assault laser cannons, 185 quad laser point defence cannons
Fighter complement: 1500 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 350 + 329600 troops
Role: Battle carrier, command ship
The Lucrehulk has only 2x the firepower of an ISD, but that is not its role. Its role is to carry an enormous amount of fighters and troops into battle. It can carry 4 corps of battle droids (almost an entire army) and 125 fighter squadrons. It is heavily shielded, therefore ensuring it can stand in the line of battle and serve as a command ship. Lucrehulks form the centerpiece of CIS battle strategy.

Name: Home One class heavily modified MC80 cruiser
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 3200 m
Building time: 18 months
Cost: 18 points
Armament: 36 HTL (6120 teratons) , 36 Ion cannons (7200 teratons)
Fighter complement: 120 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 5480 + 1200 troops
Role: Command ship
The Home One is a Mon-Calamari design capable of standing up to the Allegiance class and Titan classes of warships. It carries 120 fighters and is heavily shielded with numerous redundancy systems, therefore being immune against ion strikes.

Name: Titan class command ship
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 3600 m
Building time: 16 months
Cost: 20 points
Armament: 6 superheavy double HTL Turrets (4320 teratons), 16 quad HTL turrets (10880 teratons), 6 triple heavy Ion cannons (3600 teratons), 24 warhead launchers (capship grade), numerous smaller armaments
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 64.0000 + 40000 troops
Role: Battleship
Having 10x the firepower of a standard ISD, the Titan was the subject on an unusual design choice. It's turrets are covered under armored hatches and normally recessed into the hull. This makes the ship immune to surprise ion attacks. After trials, however the Imperial Navy did decide not to incorporate this design feature as the ships would still be vulnerable to ion cannons after the turrets were run out. Still, the Titan is a worthy opponent, feared on nearly every battlefield. It carries two fighter wings and two divisions of troops.

Name: Bulwark Battlecruiser MKII
Faction: New Republic only
Length: 3600 m
Building time: 16 months
Cost: 20 points
Armament: 12x the firepower of an ISD
Fighter complement: 96 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 70.000 + 20000 troops
Role: Battleship
The Bulwark class Battlecruiser MKII is a heavy battleship. Of all ships it size, it has the most excessive firepower. However, this advantage is often lost as it also has the most unreliable sensors, targeting systems and electronics of all dreadnoughts. This has lead to more than one emberassing defeat in the past at the hands of nominally inferior ships.

Name: Overlord class battlecruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 3900 m
Building time: 18 months
Cost: 22 points
Armament: 12x ISD
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 92.0000
Role: Battlecruiser
The Overlord class battlecruiser sacrifices troop space for a higher speed. It was designed to surprise and destroy enemy Star Dreadnoughts its size or smaller.

(Image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Procurator class battlecruiser
Faction: All factions
Length: 7000 m
Building time: 20 months
Cost: 45 points
Armament: 18x ISD
Fighter complement: 288 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 210.000
Role: Battlecruiser
The Procurator class battlecruiser is a KDY design from before the clone wars. It is still fielded by many nations and, although possessing outdated sensors, targeting systems and shields, should never be underestimated in battle.

(Image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Implacable class battlecruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 6900 m
Building time: 18 months
Cost: 45 points
Armament: 20x ISD
Fighter complement: 288 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 130.000
Role: Battlecruiser
The Implacable class battlecruiser is renowned throughout the galaxy for its speed, firepower and durability. A single Implacable can surprise and destroy an entire enemy fleet, if used well.

Name: Subjugator class heavy cruiser
Faction: CIS only.
Length: 7200 m
Building time: 24 months
Cost: 70 points
Armament: 2 giant ion cannons, 500 twin turbolaser batteries, 5 twin point defence laser turrets
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 20000
Role: Battleship
This battleship uses most of its energy to fire two slow-charging ion cannons, who can disable an ISD instantly upon impact. However, due to the slow charge it has trouble against other star dreadnoughts and fighter attacks.

Name: Super class Star Dreadnought
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 8 km
Building time: 24 months
Cost: 60 points
Armament: 24x ISD
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 4 years
Crew: 150000 + 2 divisions of troops
Role: Battleship
Originally invented as a design to confuse Rebel analyst that was never supposed to be built, this design found favor with many warlords during the reign of Isard. These Ships proved themselves excellent battleships and today no serious military analyst would dare laugh at their design history.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Mediator class battlecruiser
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 8 km
Building time: 24 months
Cost: 70 points
Armament: 24x ISD
Fighter complement: 192 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 75000
Role: Battlecruiser
The Mediator class battlecruiser is one of the newest Mon Calamari designs. As usual, it has numerous redundant shields and subsystems, making it nearly invulnerable to ion cannon attack. It has excellent damage control, but carries no troops. Still, it is in every way the equal of the super class.
Star Dreadnoughts, Heavy
Heavy Star Dreadnoughts are the non-plus-ultra of every galactic fleet. Even large nations have trouble fielding several of them at once and only the Galactic Empire ever fully incorporated them in its battle doctrine.

To built them, a player must control at least 10 worlds on major or homeworld level. He can built no more than 4 heavy Star Dreadnoughts in total. Captured SDs do not count towards meeting that limit, however the player has to place them (or one of his own ships) in reserve if his total number of heavy SDs exceeds 4.

Name: Vengeance class battlecruiser
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 19km
Building time: 24 months
Cost: 100 points
Armament: 26x ISD
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 68000 + 1 division of troops
Role: Battlecruiser
The Vengeance class battlecruiser is an odd design. It has the length of an Executor class, but is more narrow than standard Star Destroyers. It is only 150 meters high. The design of this ship was supposed to strike terror into the hearts of enemies. Critics however rightfully point out that such a narrow ship is a huge target while being ridiculously underpowered. It has however become the ship of choice for more than one prominent sith lord as the design reputedly helps darksiders concentrate.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Mandator II class Star Dreadnought
Faction: All factions
Length: 15km
Building time: 24 months
Cost: 180 points
Armament: 100xISD
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 1 year
Crew: 450000 + 1 division of troops
Role: Battleship
The Mandator II class Star Dreadnought was a favorite among Old Republic admirals. Although it has been surpassed by its successor design, the Executor class command ship. It lags behind the Executor class in shield strength, firepower and speed, but it still is one of the more powerful warship classes around and no ship to fool around with.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Executor class Star Dreadnought
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 19km
Building time: 36 months
Cost: 200 points
Armament:2000 heavy turbolaser cannons, 2000 turbolaser cannons, 250 warhead launchers (capship grade), 250 heavy ion cannons, 500 point defence laser cannons (total firepower: 120xISD)
Fighter complement: 144-1200 fighters (if paid extra)
Consumables: 6 years
Crew: 280734 + 2 divisions of troops
Role: Battleship, moving capital world
The Executor class Star Dreadnought is not only the most terrifying symbol of Imperial power, it is also a moving capital world, capable of housing entire sector governments. In Battle, it can unleash the full weight of its impressive array of weaponry against multiple targets. It is however vulnerable to close range assaults as it cannot use HTLs at that range and (under very rare circumstances) to concentrated starfighter attacks. It is fast enough to catch up to any fleeing starship.

Name: Viscount class Star Defender
Faction: Mon Calamari only
Length: 17km
Building time: 48 months
Cost: 210 points
Armament:Equal to the executor
Fighter complement: 144 fighters
Consumables: 2 years
Crew: 120.000 + 3 divisions of troops
Role: Battleship
The Viscount class Star Defender was designed to engage Executor class Star Dreadnoughts. Like every Mon Calamari ship, it has redundant shield systems, making it almost invulnerable to ion cannon strikes. It is the pride of every NR navy.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Sovereign class Star Dreadnought
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 15km
Building time: 48 months
Cost: 250 points
Armament:175x ISD + 1 axial superlaser capable of delivering 50x ISD firepower
Fighter complement: 1200 fighters
Consumables: 5 years
Crew: 609820 + 130100 of troops
Role: Battleship
The Sovereign is the most dangerous shipkiller there is.

(image credit: Evillejedi)
Name: Eclipse class Star Dreadnought
Faction: Imperial only
Length: 17,5km
Building time: 60 months
Cost: 300 points
Armament:100x ISD + 1 axial superlaser capable of delivering 150x ISD firepower
Fighter complement: 696 fighters
Consumables: 10 years
Crew: 712645 + 150000 of troops
Role: Battleship
In terms of raw firepower, nothing beats an Eclipse class Star Dreadnought. It is a moving capital world and an almost undefeatable obstacle in the path of an enemy fleet. Well-placed shots from its superlaser can destroy enemy dreadnoughts. However, it does suffer from the slowest acceleration of any warship and therefore is seldom employed in offensive operations. It is however the best defensive warship there is and a great planetary shield killer.

Re: Star Wars: A Galaxy Divided RULESETS

Posted: 2009-09-21 08:40am
by Thanas
Space stations

There are several space stations available. Note that all of the following can be built by all factions in the game.

Planetary Assault Platforms
Players must control 10 major or homeworlds and cannot built more than two of these.

Name: Loronar's Torpedo Sphere Dedicated Siege Platform aka Torpedo Sphere
Length: 3600m
Building time: 36 months
Cost: 150 points
Armament: 10 dual HTL (3400 teratons), 500 Capship grade torpedo launchers (10 Reloads each)
Fighter complement: None
Consumables: 6 months
Crew: 63275 + 8540 troops
Role: Planetary assault platform
The Torpedo Sphere has one of the slowest hyperdrives installed and takes therefore a very long time to deploy. However, once deployed, it can utilise its extensive sensor arrays to scan for weaknesses in a planetary shield network. Once the scans are finished, it will collapse the shield with a swarm of torpedoes, thereby opening the planet to orbital bombardment or invasion. It can even collapse planetary shield networks and therefore is the weapon of choice for nations looking to expand via military means.
Defence stations
These stations are used to defend worlds or other points of interests. They are heavily shielded and armed. Some nations prefer to focus on building these as they cost less upkeep and can defeat ships their size due to not having to "waste" space on engine sections.

Defence stations cost 1/4th upkeep.

Name: XQ Platform
Length: 936x1001m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 4 points
Armament: 6 HTL batteries, 6 laser cannons (firepower comparable to one Vindicator class cruiser)
Fighter complement: 36 fighters
Consumables: 3 years
Crew: 3109 + 120 troops
Role: Customs installation, defence platform, micro-resupply base
The XQ platform is a standard space installation. It can defend itself against frigate-sized attacks and carries a decent amount of fighters. It's shields are comparable to a cruiser. It is often used as a custom platform and can deter most pirates from attacking a spacelane. It can also refuel up to four Corvette-sized ships.

Name: Gravity well platform
Length: 200m
Building time: 6 months
Cost: 8 points
Armament: none, 1 Gravity generator
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: none
Crew: Fully automated
Role: Interdiction field generator
The Gravity well station houses a larger version of the gravity well generators on an Interdictor class cruiser. It can protect a large area of space from surprise hyperspace attacks and frees up Interdictors for offensive maneuvers.

Name: Golan I defence platform
Length: 1231m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 10 points
Armament: 28 Turbolaser batteries of varying sizes, 5 capship grade warhead launchers (16 reloads)
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 325 + 140 troops
Role: Customs installation, defence platform
The Golan I is a heavily automated defence platform, capable of defeating any ship up to and including VSD firepower. It has been in use since the clone wars.

Name: Golan II defence platform
Length: 2158 m
Building time: 10 months
Cost: 12 points
Armament: 35 Turbolaser batteries of varying sizes, 10 capship grade warhead launchers (16 reloads each)
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 699 + 220 troops
Role: Customs installation, defence platform
The Golan II is the successor to the Golan I platform. It is larger, more heavily shielded and carries almost double the firepower. It can defeat an Imperial-class stardestroyer in one-to-one combat.

Name: Golan III defence platform
Length: 2600 m
Building time: 12 months
Cost: 14 points
Armament: 50 Turbolaser batteries of varying sizes, 24 capship grade warhead launchers (16 reloads each)
Fighter complement: 12 fighters
Consumables: 3 months
Crew: 1108 + 300 troops
Role: Customs installation, defence platform
The Golan III is the newest and largest iteration of the Golan defence platform. It can defeat even specialized ISD-sized ships like the Tector class and can stand up to an Allegiance class Command ship. It is the best defence platform there is.
Other stations
Note: Resupply stations cost 1/4th upkeep, Research stations do not cost any upkeep.

Name: Research station
Length:757 m
Building time: 8 months
Cost: 20 points
Armament: none
Fighter complement: none
Consumables: 12 months
Crew: 200 + 1500 scientists
Role: Research station
The primary station for starship and starfighter research, the Research station is best coupled with a shipyard. It has the shields of a VSD, but carries no armament and no fighters.

Name: Resupply base
Length:200x1500 m
Building time: 4 months
Cost: 6 points
Armament: 20 double LTL turrets
Fighter complement: 24 fighters
Consumables: unlimited
Crew: 436 + 608 troops
Role: Resupply base
A Resupply base is capable of resupplying entire sector fleets. Every nation should at least have one. They are the most valuable space stations in terms of strategic usefulness. Without them, a fleet will literally starve.
Repair Yards
Repair yards are large docks that can repair, but not built ships. The cost of repairs to a ship is to be determined by the players (and if necessary, can be modified by the mods). Repair yards do not cost any upkeep.

Repair Yard------------------------- Length: 1,300 meters (12 months, 40 pts)
Orbiting Repair Yard Type II-------- Length: 2500 meters (8 months, 80 pts)
Space Dock class I----------------length: 5000m (16 months, 160 points)
Space Dock class II---------------Length: 12km (24 months, 240 points
Orbital Space Dock class III-------- Length: 19km meters (36 months, 320 pts)
Like Repair Yards, shipyards are huge orbital docks. They can built and repair ships. A shipyard that has enough space can built several ships of the same design at the same time, but not ships of different designs. Shipyards have many sizes and many different configuration.

200 m (50 points; 4 game months to build)
500 m (90 points; 6 game months to build, may only be built on a minor or above world)
800 m (110 points; 8 game months to build, may only be built on average or above world)
1000 m (130 points; 8 game months to build, may only be built on average or above world)
1200 m (150 points; 1 year to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
1600 m (260 points; 1 year to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
2200 m (400 points; 16 months to build, may only be built on a major or above world)
3600 m (600 points; 2 years to build, may only be built on major or above world)
8000 m (1200 points, 4 years to build, ma only be built on a homeworld)
19 km (2000 points; 8 years to build, may only be built on a homeworld)
Players may not construct more than 1 shipyard each of following categories:
3600m, 8000m and 19.000m.
Players may not construct more than 1 shipyard of 2200m length per major world controlled.
Players may not construct more than 2 shipyards of 1600m length per major world controlled.
Station shielding
It is assumed that all shipyards and stations have some form of shielding in order to prevent stuff like "2 corvettes destroy all shipyards".

- Orbital stations that are not defence stations have shielding equivalent to ships their size (with the exception of the 8km and 19km yards/docks - these have the shieldstrength of 12 ISDs each and no more).
- However, it takes supply bases and shipyards five minutes to activate them. Research stations/defence stations have no such trouble.