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Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 01:11pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

Messages to Armed Forces

All ships at full alert. Shore leave cancelled....


Legio ... to Legio ... mobilized for shipment via rail to Greece...

Legio ... to Carthage, Sardinia, and S. Italy...


... Air Units to S. Italy and Carthage and Sardinia and Greece...

... Alert Level 2....


-General movement of 70% troops in Persia to Greece
-General Mobilization of army troops
-Navy on high alert
-Air Force on high alert
-Army on high alert

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 01:14pm
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Messages to Grand Dominion and Shepistan


This notification is to serve that the Byzantine Imperial Armed Forces is moving troops and raising its alert level largely in response to the Western European Coalition's ultimatum issued to the British Empire. The raising of the alert level is not directed to you.

Thank you.

Exarch Ignatius Korolev

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 01:15pm
by Thanas
Alright, some NPC movements done after checking with Steve:

August 9th, 1927

Florence, Tuscany

The orders for mobilization had gone through and all over the Tuscan kingdom men were mobilizing. Unlike as in the previous crisis, this time there would be no relocation to Hungary and Austria for the Army. After all, the Tuscan king had decided not to join the allied forces in the ultimatum against Britain. Tuscany would stay neutral for the time being and safeguard its trade routes. As such, a message was sent to the Grand Dominion.
From the Tuscan Kingdom to the Grand Dominion of the Indies
Your excellency,

with regards to your recent threat against the German and French possessions in the Indian Ocean, the Kingdom of Tuscany feels it is its duty to remind your Excellency that the Kingdom of Tuscany has a base-sharing agreement with the German Empire. Thus, elements of the Tuscan fleet are stationed at the German Base in Berbera and our merchant ships pass through German ports. We also have a defensive alliance with the German Empire.

We would like your excellency to take notice of this.

His Majesty Francesco I, Re di Toscana, Granducato di Tasmania, Tanzania, New Guinea and New Caledonia, Marchese di Solomoni and Sovereign Protector of all his other Territories
The King sighed. There was much to lose for Tuscany - it's only ally in the region and the major trading partner of France. Still, he could not justify an aggressive war to his people. Especially when the delicate balance of power in the Mediterranean was not threatened.

For Portugal, the matter was a different one entirely. As in the previous war with the dutch, the Portugese Government saw this as an opportunity to replace the British presence in the mediterranean and at Gibraltar. Furthermore, the Portugese nation was allied with Spain and one could not abandon his ally in the time of need. There was also the opportunity for profit with Portugal having been promised the British colony of Ghana if it should decide to join in.

However, as there had been no declaration of war yet and despite the threats, no other nation had declared war on its allies yet, the Portugese Government decided to stay neutral for the time being, although it too issued orders for mobilization and trains were readied to carry supplies and troops into Spain if needed.

Thus, the Portugese Government issued a cautious declaration:
From the Portugese Government to all Nations

Your Excellencies.

The Portugese Government recognizes the valid claim of her Ally, the Kingdom of Spain, but will stay benevolently neutral in any upcoming conflict. Both British and Allied ships may use the Portugese Harbors and bases for resupply and to offload cargo. Portugal will allow those nations to use its infrastructure for transit.

However, Portugal also views this as a conflict purely between the nations of Spain, Britain, France and Germany. Any attempt of another power interfering in an internal European mother shall have consequences, as dictated by the treaty of alliance with the Kingdom of Spain.

The Council of Portugal

The Emperor of China thought of the news from Europe as a bad omen. He had a defensive alliance with Germany, an alliance he would honor. Especially when the Germans had absorbed over 6 million Chinese immigrants over the past years and were also largely responsible for the training of his army as well as rail development. His new Navy was almost entirely being built in Germany, though if it came to war it was expected Germany would lease them for the time being as had been negotiated back then. The Germans had also promised him that in this case, the port of Shenzhen, now British held, were to become Chinese property in the event of a German victory.

But first and foremost, he had to prevent any port in China becoming anything other than Chinese property.
From the Empire of China to all nations

Your Excellencies:

The Empire of China views this conflict as an internal matter of Europe and shall in no way participate in this conflict. Any attempt to turn Chinese waters in a war zone will be met with resistance.

Shall any nation attempt to seize the British-held port of Shenzhen, China shall consider herself at war with that nation.

China will honor her defensive alliance with Germany. Shall any nation attempt to intrude upon the German ports in China or the Chinese Sea, China shall consider herself at war with that nation.

The Chinese Empire also announces hereby that it will not honor any treaty that causes any port now not held by China to become property of any other power than China. In that case, the Chinese Empire shall seize the port itself.

The Emperor of China
A mobilization of China was not deemed necessary for the time being. The sheer size of the country alone was enough to lend its words weight on the world stage. Meanwhile, the combined Chinese-German corps near Tsingtao was continuing its exercises.

Nordic Union & Poland
Excerpt from "European History of the 20th century", Vol. II, by Dr. Alexander Sänger, University of Cambridge, publ. 1992.

For the first part of the century, the Commonwealth of Lithuania and Poland had been constrained by its geopolitical situation. With Germany looming in the west and Russia/the Soviet Union looming in the east, Poland had little opportunity to fulfill its ambition of gaining a territory that would stretch from the Baltic to the Black Sea. It was believed that gaining the Ukraine from the Soviet Union would turn Poland into the most important power in Eastern Europe..... August 1927, this nation did not only have the highest percentage of soldiers among the nations of Europe, it also had more than doubled the size of its armed forces since 1925. Of course, more than a third of them had not yet reached maximum efficiency, but with the German Empire seemingly preoccupied with Great Britain, Poland believed its time had come....

...For the Nordic Union, the same geopolitical situation had constrained its power. It too harbored ambitions towards Soviet territory - the recovery of Finland in the name of Pan-Scandinavianism being the most important one. So with Germany being occupied in the west and with the recent political course of reconciliation with Germany being announced a success, it was decided to seize the moment together with the Ally of Poland....

The probability of war with Germany had been briefly discussed, but quickly discarded. Due to the nature of the demobilized Polish border with Germany it would have meant that Polish troops would have had nothing to defend its with, while Germany could rely on a series of border forts and well-stocked supply depots in case of an invasion. The Nordic Union also feared quick retaliation with regards to Denmark, knowing all too well the wargames with regards to mining the Kattegatt Germany had run. There was also the question of terror reprisals. With Hugenberg manning the helm of the German ship of state, it was not though unlikely German artillery or ships might bombard the cities of Copenhagen or the swedish coast. The Nordic Union also knew that thanks to the Kiel canal, significant elements of the German Navy could cross over to the Baltic at will and wreak havoc. The German Air superiority and the advantage in numbers to the Polish air force was not a minor factor on the decision not to persue war with Germany.

The argument for invading the Soviet Union were twofold - first, the Soviet Union was still reeling from the loss of the Manchurian War and Polish intelligence had managed to secure a number of infiltrators and guerrillas to cause rebellions in the territory of the Soviet Union. However, as archives show, what contributed most to the decision was the argument that even should Germany decide to intervene in the conflict, the same demobilized border would halt any such advance for over three months at least, giving the two nations ample time to respond. Meanwhile, Germany was also at least in part depending on Swedish ore. And any successful attack on the Ukraine would put Germany at the perceived mercy of Poland, as Germany derived much of its oil from the Soviet Union, with the only German-soviet double railroad running through the Ukraine. Thus, while an attack on Germany was guaranteed to invite an attack from the Soviet Union, the opposite was deemed unlikely, especially in regards of the Aegean threat.

Thus, on August 9th, 1927, both the Nations of Poland and the Nordic Union started mobilizing, under the pretense of making sure they had the means to avoid getting drawn in. In reality, however, in Poland untrained divisions replaced the veterans of the German-Polish border, with more and more forces massing on the eastern border of that nation, while the Union forces in the Northeast of Sweden and Norway started quietly preparing for an assault on Murmansk and into Finland....
Joint message from the Nordic Union and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to all Nations


both the Nordic Union and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth declare their neutrality in the current dispute. However, to protect ourselves from any surprise attack, our nations have decided to call for a general mobilization.

[signature snipped]

Soviet Union
Excerpt from "European History of the 20th century", Vol. II, by Dr. Alexander Sänger, University of Cambridge, publ. 1992.

The Soviet Union had, through hard work and many sacrifices, by then nearly completed the process of recovering from the manchurian war. The Economy and Infrastructure had been improved, no small thanks due to the partnership with Germany and the influx of communists from the Netherlands and Belgium. This partnership was both the cause of success and trouble for the Soviet Union, which found it increasingly difficult to justify its Non-aggression pact and good relations with the German Empire, a nation that not only had housed the Russian exiles but which also had invaded a communist country.

It was thus not a partnership of love, but of necessity. Germany needed the grain, ore and the oil of the Soviet Union in case of war, whereas the Soviet Union needed a continued influx of German machinery, products and currency to maintain its modernization. It had thus been an unstated mutual assumption that in the case of war with Poland or the Nordic Union, the other state would help the beleaguered state ...

However, with Hugenberg at the helm, the German Empire had blundered into a diplomatic conflict and a looming war with Great Britain and many other nations...

...and Polish intelligence had used its skill to great effect with the 300.000 former dutch soldiers now guarding its border with the Soviet Union...
In a statement, the Chilatine Government announced that it would uphold its defensive alliance treaty with Spain and France and would stay neutral unless any power would interfere in the dispute between Spain, France, Germany and Britain.

August 10th, 1927

Chicherin was awoken by an early emergency. After he had arrived at the command center, still drowsy and craving sleep, he found the Soviet Army staff already relocating divisions. "Comrade Chicherin. The dutch are revolting. They are claiming we are traitors to true communism." After an emergency session of the council, the Soviet Union mobilized its forces to crush the rebellious Dutch, little aware that the border revolt perfectly masked the deployment of Polish forces.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 01:34pm
by Akhlut
Khan Angarag listened to the foreign minister.

"And, so, sir, the situation in Europe is looking like a powder keg."

"And the fuse on it?"

"Lit and fast burning."

"Well, let them deal with their own. I hear the Soviets are dealing with Dutch uprisings?"

"Indeed, sir."

"Well, that might work out for us. We can start shipping more weapons and machinery to them."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 02:18pm
by Siege

... that day, after a year of relative calm, the troop trains started moving again. But this time, they moved in different directions: away from the Emirates, the Hejaz and Persia, back toward the Sinai and the Libyan territories, and in some cases to the north; to the Bosporus and beyond to faraway Sarajevo. All over the Sultanate troops were mobilized, as division after division was called to assemble and the mighty Egyptian war machine inexorably geared into action. Suddenly the threat of war was everywhere; the elderly discussed it in their coffee houses, likening it to the half-remembered Crisis of Horses. The Muezzins called it from their Minarets, likening it to the ancient wars written about in the Holy Qu'ran. And the generals plotted it in their concrete bunkers, knowing full well that if war were to come it would be a war unlike any the Sultanate had ever fought before. It would be a war of destruction on an unprecedented scale, a war that would soak entire continents in blood and would exact an unimaginable toll upon those who fought it.

It would be a World War. And there would be no quick victory.

And so the Sultanate prepared, even as its diplomats hoped to find a diplomatic solution. Egypt assembled its armies, and called to its allies--the Aegean partners, but also the Blue Sultanate of the Sudan. The skies filled with aircraft; the deserts with armed men; and the seas with steel warships. And in his great alabaster palace the Caliph of Cairo was waiting, simultaneously thrilled and terrified that he might be the first Caliph in over a hundred years to issue the call to Jihad, and unleash a holy war that would engulf all of Northern Africa...

Results: Egypt mobilizes. One assumes the Balkan Confederacy does the same.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 02:49pm
by Lonestar
To the Tuscan Kingom

Code: Select all

Your Highness:

If you choose to go to war in support of the German Aggressors, that is your affair.  The final decision of what action the Grand Dominion will be taking has yet to be made.  If you attempt to remain neutral. we will do our best to respect your neutrality.

However, I doubt that the Mohammedans in Egypt will allow easy passage of men, ships, and goods through the Suez canal considering your relationship with Germany. I find it unlikely you will maintain your neutrality for long.

Yours in Christ,

M.B. Bucher
Lord Fairfax
Lord Protector of the Grand Dominion of the Indies. 

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 02:55pm
by DarthShady
Belgrade, Balkan Confederacy


"That was a bit soon..." Shady Sirah said as he took another sip of his drink. "Greedy bastards. I expected more from the Germans. This is a great disappointment."

"I do hope they come to their senses and back off, before this whole thing blows up." Ivo Kosor, Confederate Secretary of Foreign Affairs, said. "We could have a goddamn World War on our hands."

"And we wouldn't want to see that happen." Sirah commented. "Still, we cannot stand by and do nothing. The situation is rather serious, and will probably only get worse. We must be ready."

"Our forces and those of our allies are already mobilizing, the question is, what now?" Kosor asked.

"Diplomatic solutions must be attempted, this may yet be resolved." Sirah answered.

"You don't sound to confident in diplomacy..." Kosor said. "What if that doesn't work?"

"We will join our allies, as we are sworn to do..." Sirah said. "And should the worst come to happen, may Allah have mercy on all our souls."

Result: One's assumption is correct. The Balkan Confederacy mobilizes and stands by its allies. :wink:

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 04:27pm
by Steve
Portland, Federal District
August 1927

Everything had been going right for President Garrett.

The Whig-Liberal coalition was getting legislation passed. Rafael had helped defuse the situation in California and the chance for reform there was strong. Peace reigned in Asia and across the Pacific. HIs wife Rachel was weeks away from having their fourth child.

Now this.

Now his friend, Johannes, was fighting for his life on a hospital bed. The German Empire, a nation Johannes Sänger had reformed and expanded to a position unrivaled in Europe since Charlemagne's time, a nation that had become a vital linchpin in peace, was under the command of a man who was prepared to throw that peace to the wind in a bid for further power. The German ultimatum, and the Aegean and Dominion responses to it, had turned the world on its head. It seemed that just as everything seemed quiet and peaceful, war was about to be snatched from the jaws of peace.

He and Rachel had quickly sent letters to Natasha expressing their support and best wishes for Johannes' recovery. As President Stephen had been forced to react in some way. He had by making the usual remarks: Cascadia could not tolerate the seizure of German islands in the Pacific as they were of importance to Cascadia; it would, however, remain neutral. While doing so he was enduring a battering in the press. Anti-German Conservatives still sore over Samoa and Liberals and Whigs who distrusted the German conservatives were accusing him of suborning Cascadian interest to Germany. Pro-German Conservatives, on the other hand, were urging him to mobilize and prepare to occupy Sydney.

He would endure such attacks for now. But if war broke out, the danger to his nation would be too great. This far removed from the issue, there was only one thing he could do, no matter how unlikely it was to succeed.

Text of a letter sent to the acting Reichkanzler Hugenburg and to His Majesty Wilhelm II

I bristle with indignation at the attack perpetrated on the German nation on the 6th of August and pray that these violent fanatics meet the justice they deserve for their act of terrorism. The Cascadian Nation will stand with Germany on seeing justice meted out to those responsible.

I also write to plead for justice of a different kind. As a loyal friend of the German Empire, I ask you, the leaders of Germany, to stay the hand of vengeance and to withdraw your ultimatum against the British Empire. The German Empire has been made the greatest state since Charlemagne's Empire in these past few years. To go to war with Britain in this matter, on these terms, would be to jeopardize Germany's place of honor amongst the nations of the world and to subject its accomplishments to great danger. Any war that results can only do harm to Germany and to her friends and allies. There is no shame in pulling back from the abyss, only further honor and glory for the German Emperor and his subjects as they demonstrate to the world the Christian virtues that have made Germany strong.

The world watches us all, hoping that the wisdom and virtue of the German Empire will preserve the peace we cherish so greatly.

Der Deutsch-Cascadische Bund, er lebe hoch.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 07:58pm
by Thanas
August 9th, evening

The Reichskanzler had been wheeled out of the operation room for the second time and had been laid into the Hospital bed. This time, the blood loss had been far fewer than the first time, or so Doctor Sauerbruch claimed. However, this was of small comfort to Natasha. Just the fact that her husband had needed a second operation was enough to drive her to the breaking point, a fact not helped by her pregnancy.

The list of the injuries alone was enough to make her nauseous. Kidney damage, massive blood lost, perforation of the abdomen...a few decades ago this would have been fatal.

The room itself did nothing to cheer her up. The small circle of friends and the Sänger family makes a bad picture these days, she mused. Her brothers were both serving in the military right now - Wanja as a Lieutenant in the Gardekorps, Piotr as ensign on Seiner Majestät Schiff Ziethen. She worried about them tremendously, especially now that Germany seemed poised to go to war. Sänger's own brother had just arrived in Bremen with his ship, but had been immediately drafted into the Kaiserliche Marine. Her circle of friends had stopped by, but had eventually been chased out by the Gardesoldaten on her order after their presence had became to overwhelming.

Now, there were only few people allowed in the room besides the Doktor, and most of them now lived more or less at the hospital. Sänger's parents had arrived, as had her father and her grand-aunt. Hans, the bodyguard, was up and walking again, albeit with a cast on both hands and bandages on his face. He already had apologized to her several times for failing to keep her husband safe, but she had not accepted any apology, as she had told him that no apology was necessary. After all, had Hans not shoved him, Sänger would most certainly have been among those killed.

Jakob Burchardt was there and tried his best to cheer everyone up, but after more than 48 hours and no change in the Chancellor's condition his efforts had become more and more hallow until he had finally stopped and now was content just to keep her company and deliver food and drink to her, making sure she was still eating.

He even had the good grace to bear her outburst, when the pressure had simply been too much after the doctors announced that her husband had to undergo surgery again. "Everything will be fine, everything's gonna be fine. When' this is over...", he had started to say when they had carried Johannes out of the room. That was the last straw. "Nothing is fine. There is no fine. There is my husband. And he's on a table with his stomach cut open. There is no fine. There is no when this is over. Not...not until he comes out of there and I know he's okay. You have no idea how hard this is. idea at all."

If Burchardt had been angry or surprised at her turning on him and savaging him with words, he had not shown it. Instead, he had taken her in his arms and let her sob into his chest. Now, there was nothing they could do but pray and hope that this time, the operation would manage to fix the problems.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-15 08:20pm
by CmdrWilkens
By Hand Courier from
Gracia Hernandez y Lanperon, Marquis de Juarez, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipointiary of His Imperial Majesty Phillip II Emperor of Mexico

To Her Majesty The Queen Marian I of Spain

Be it made known that the position of His Imperial Majesty and of His Government is that any claim made by Her Majesty to the lands of Gibraltar as ceded to Great Britain are such as to call in to question such secessions as have been made by treaty and writ within the lands under the Viceroyalty of New Spain and later. To wit His Majesty and His Government hold that Spain's right to enjoy ownership of Costa Rica holds equal validity as Great Britain's ownership of Gibraltar.

Be it made also known that His Majesty and His Government look with great disfavor upon the demands made by Spain upon Great Britain as to the size and comportment of her Navy. Such demands are a gross breach of sovereignty which cannot be allowed to pass unnoticed or unquestioned.

Therefore it has been resolved and His Majesty wishes it made known that such demands would require in response that Mexico demand a complete and unilateral withdraw of all Naval Forces of the Spanish Empire from ports within the Caribbean Sea and the retrocession of Costa Rica to Mexico.

Should it be fit for all to see that within the scope of law Great Britain holds true and clear title to Gibraltar and that she is free to pursue her Naval Policy as dictated only by her sovereign choice and that the claims made by France, Spain, and Germany are extinguished then we must consider out demands likewise extinguished.

By converse ways we must also relay that should such not be seen as fit within the scope of law then Mexico will take action to assert her rights as so declared.
Copies of the note were made available likewise to the missions to France and Germany but letters addressing those powers were not sent.

Ministry of Defense

"Is it worth it to call our reservists back to duty, they fought a war little over a year ago and we already took a disruption to our foreign trade balance when we began buying everything up to support the war effort."

"I don't trust that Cascadia will remain complacent, they have already intervened several times in California to thwart us and their Pacific based Navy outguns ours by a margin that is impossible to overcome."

"yet they still have most of their troops abroad and a fairly weak reserve system, now that our troops have mostly finished upgrading to motorized transport we could make use of the excellent highways they have built in the event of hostilities and...

"...and His Majesty trusts Garrett."


"His Majesty trusts Garrett, there will be no sneak attacks or sudden actions from Cascadia, if we do not impinge upon their rights and boundaries then they will stay true to their declaration of neutrality. Garrett has too much of a sense of principal for it to be otherwise. That is why the note addresses Spain alone."

"Ministers, let me enter likewise. Spain stabbed us in the back, promising aid and support against Colombia then running off to seize what territory they could in a hungry land grab from the Dutch. Their actions must then be called to account, Germany has no roots in this hemisphere aside from a few trade ties to Cascadia. Spain however is the meddler in our affairs and ever has been."

"It was Spain who helped us after the disasters of the 70s and it was we who helped her in turn, how can you say this?"

"I say this because it is true, our forefathers when they became truly independent knew well then that while reverence for the Holy Church and the rightful line of rule is necessary and pure we must never disillusion ourselves as to the vacillations of the court in Castile."

"So what is to be done then?"

"Alert the Navy in the Gulf and Caribbean to be ready to sortie on short notice, and send the preparatory warning to all officers for the Army. No need to cancel furloughs or leave for them just yet. With the broad expressions of distaste, particularly in Europe, I think we may be able to escape this without fighting a war...which never question would be His Majesty's wish as well.

*Priority Urgent*
*All Stations and Naval Units*

Units afloat return to port and lay on all material needed for possible immediate sortie and extended patrol in combat conditions.
Units in port are to recall all personnel and make preparations for possible immediate sortie and extended patrol in combat conditions.
Coastal defense units are alerted to "Increased Danger" status, all furlough and leave canceled, personnel to return to their posts within 48 hours.

*Priority Urgent*
*All Corps and Division commands*

All officers are hereby recalled, personnel to return to their posts within 48 hours
All units are alerted to "Increased Danger" status and no further furlough or leave requests shall be accepted. Existing furloughs and leave will remain in effect unless canceled by subsequent order.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 09:09am
by Thanas
August 10th

The Emperor, whose face and posture showed the stress he had been placed under over the past days, was not a happy man. "You assured me the Aegean axis would stay neutral. And now the Dominion is maneuvering against our colonies."

Hugenberg, the new chancellor, bowed deep to his enraged monarch. "Your Majesty, we have no choice but to proceed. The analysis -" he waved a folder around "- clearly shows the explosives used were of British design. If it costs the blood of millions, we shall not waver in this endeavor." Wilhelm snatched the file and looked at it, then nodded. "Very well. I do not like it, but you have my blessing."

When Hugenberg left, Wilhelm muttered to himself that "the arrogant socialist would not have messed this up so bad".

Diplomatic message to all nations

Your excellencies,
the findings of the Gardepioniere indicate that the explosives used in the cowardly attack was of British manufacture, while the design of the charge and explosion effect seems to correspond to British training procedures. Therefore, the German Empire feels confident in viewing any action it may take as justified.

Other nations are asked not to interfere.

From the Alliance to the Aegean Axis

Your excellencies,
the Alliance views your recent movements as a direct threat to national security and shall respond in kind.

Marian I.,
Alain Dupont
Missive from the Alliance to the Grand Dominion

Your excellencies,

the Alliance will gladly pay for any damage the Enrico Dandolo suffers due to her decision to place herself into harms way.

Marian I.,
Alain Dupont
Letter from the German Government to the Grand Dominion

Lord Fairfax,

I have to say that your recent threat puzzles me. I had thought you would welcome a government that would share more of your ideology. Apparently I was mistaken.

Any attempt to take the German fortresses in the Indian Ocean will be met with deadly force. The Garrisons have been alerted to that regard.

Your explosive experts are however more than welcome to review the findings by the German commission.

Letter to all nations

The German Empire is willing to let the findings be examined by a neutral party and is quite confident that they will stand up to scrutiny.

Please direct your requests for informations or Visa to examine the debris to the German embassies in your nations.


General Staff

"....and let us now turn to the resource situation. First off, oil...."

The assembled commanders, Field Marshal von Mackensen (Heer), Großadmiral von Scheer (Marine) and General Hermann von der Lieth-Thomsen (Luftstreitkräfte), flanked by the corresponding commanders and attacheés of the French and Spanish armed forces, had gathered to review the Status of the forces.

To this end, the large audience hall in the bunker beneath the General Staff building was filled to capacity. As the various department head announced their findings and plans, a clear picture of the probable German war effort came to pass. The findings were not to the liking of the German High Command.

The resource situation was the least troublesome, though it too prevented some problems. Germany depended, on the Nordic Union and on France for her ore to some part. The Spanish and the French had already taken measures to up their production, and the Soviet Union could deliver some more ore if needed, so this development was not viewed as threatening. Rare materials had also been stored in sufficient quantity, as had been rubber. However, the Grain situation was more troubling. If war with Britain happened and the Nordic Union or Poland shut off sea trade with the Soviet Union, the only way to import Grain from the Soviet Union would be over the single-double tracked railroad that connected it to Hungary. The problem was that this railroad was also used for the transport of oil to Germany and was already near maximum capacity. It was therefore up to the Navy to guarantee a supply of Grain from the USA. The Spanish Navy attacheé said that the Spanish Navy could secure up to four convoys to and from the USA simultaneously, provided the majority of the British fleet was tied up elsewhere. This, the Hochseeflotte could guarantee. The Oil situation was a bit more troublesome. Oil had largely come from the Aegean Axis, which was now threatening war. The second major supplier (besides domestic production) was the Soviet Union, from which more oil was ordered.

The Navy delivered a status report on its battlefleet:

"The combined allied forces consist of:
60 battleships, 22 battlecruisers, 12 aircraft carriers, 20 heavy cruisers, 84 light cruisers and 193 destroyers. We also have 326 submarines of varying sizes and over 600 fast attack crafts. Our yards currently have also 6 battleships and 6 battlecruisers as well as 4 aircraft carriers fitting out or on sea trials. Our designers have assured me that of these, 8 can be rushed into service. Work on that is commencing as we speak. Should our allies of Portugal and Tuscany also join in the fray, then we can expect another 40 heavy units to join our battleline. Now, most of the heavy units of France and Spain will be engaged in convoy protection, as will our own heavy forces. However, the Hochseeflotte will have available by the end of the week:
Hochseeflotte composition:

28 first rank battleships (2 seized export ships, 1 Spanish)
5 second rank battleships
12 battlecruisers or fast battleships (4 spanish, 2 french, 1 seized export ship)
2 heavy cruisers
7 aircraft carriers (2 french)
23 light cruisers (6 Spanish)
205 destroyers (24 french, 18 spanish)
This listing does not cover French forces assigned to the Atlantic Fleet. All other forces are assigned to blockade Gibraltar or to convoy protection. We also have currently the four Störtebeker-class cruisers having their final cruise in the North Atlantic, they have been ordered to prepare for commerce raiding. Needless to say, the Spanish have sent their Q-ships out. There is also a listing of our transport capacity:
Troop transports:
- 9 Barbarossa class liners, fully ready

Ocean liners:
SS Bismarck (56kt, 23.5 knots) - en route to Bremen, shall arrive tomorrow
SS Leviathan (54 kt, 26 knots) - has disembarked passengers in Cuba and has joined Spanish Caribbean fleet
SS Imperator (52kt, 24 knots) - Hamburg, ready
2 SS Columbus class (32 kt, 22 knots)
- SS Columbus - Bremen, ready
- SS Hindenburg - Amsterdam, ready
SS Kaiser Wilhelm II (25 kt, 23.5 knots) - in USA, to be interned
SS George Washington (25 kt, 19 knots) - in USA, to be interned
4 SS Deutschland class (21 kt, 20 knots)
- SS Deutschland - in transit from Stettin to Wilhelmshaven
- SS Albert Ballin - in transit from Danzig to Hamburg
- SS Hamburg - in Hamburg, ready
- SS New York - in Vigo
SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie (19kt, 24 knots) - in USA, to be interned
SS Hansa (16kt, 22 knots) - in Tsingtao, ready
SS Kronprinz Wilhelm (15kt, 23 knots) - in Brazil, to be interned

Passenger ships
NOTE: List incomplete and does not list ships smaller than 10kt, might also miss a few ships)
SS President Lincoln (32kt, 14,5 knots) - in Hamburg, ready
SS Amerika (22 kt, 18 knots) - in Portugese port
SS Zeppelin (21 kt, 15.5 knots) - in Portugese port
SS Großer Kurfürst (20kt, 15.5 knots) - in Bremen, ready
SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm (17 kt, 17 knots) - in Bremen, ready
SS Berlin (17kt, 16 knots) - in Amsterdam, ready
SS Cleveland (17kt, 16 knots) - in Amsterdam, ready
SS Cincinnati (17kt, 16 knots) - in Venice, ready
SS General von Steuben (15 kt, 16 knots) - in Transit to Flores
SS Prinz Eitel Friedrich (14 kt, 16 knots) - in Transit to Flores
SS Prinz Ludwig (10kt, 15 knots) - in Hamburg, ready
All passenger ships are prepared to undergo modification to troop transport. Troops are already embarking on some ships and the ships have been turned over to Brussels command. In short, Gentleman, the Navy is ready. We do however expect to lose control of the Mediterranean, at least until Gibraltar has fallen.

Our oversea fortresses are at high alert. We estimate that they can hold out up to six years from provisions, and up to two years under siege. However, as you all know, it has always been our position that any war would be decided in Europe and the fortresses may be sacrificed if need be.

Submarines have already dispersed.

Our Indian Ocean surface fleet save the minelayers has already been given orders to relocate to the base in Kenya and to prepare for long transit back to Europe."

"Thank you." Hugenberg clearly was satisfied. Next to report was the Air Force.

General von der Lieth Thomsen had the duty to do so. "Despite the demands placed upon us by Brussels command, we should be able to put 1000 fighters and at least 200 bombers in the field. This number will only increase once initial operations in Brussels have completed and the French airforce will have taken over that theater of operations. Meanwhile, the Spanish Airforce will concentrate on the Mediterranean coast. All in all, this is not nowhere near satisfactory, but it is the best we can do."

Hugenberg nodded. "Now, for the Army - von Mackensen?"

Field Marshal von Mackensen stood. He too had slept little. "The French and Spanish have announced that everything is ready on their part. Both are mobilizing and Siege Artillery is already in position to pound Gibraltar. Brussels command is stating that it is at full readiness."

Von Mackensen took a deep breath before continuing. "More worrying is the situation in Northern Africa. Our french allies state that they are willing to surrender territory there and logistics make a massive advance there impossible. Still, we will not be able to invest Carthago or be effective there until Gibraltar has fallen.

The decisive front however will be the Balkans. With the pledge of our french and Spanish friends, we shall have a total of 14 million men in place for an offensive by September. We estimate that due to our railway network, we shall be able to achieve local superiority in relevant theaters. We estimate that due to our industrial advantage and our higher manpower, we shall be able to have superiority throughout the conflict. But..."

"Yes?" "But we estimate it will cost us at least six to eight million men to conquer the Balkans. We can take and replace these losses, but it is questionable if we should."

Hugenberg's brow shot up. "You do not question the willingness of Germans to die for their country, Field Marshal?" Von Mackensen took a few moments to compose himself and not ram his field-marshal baton down Hugenberg's throat. "No, but I question the sense of it. What is in the Balkan territories that justifies this expense?"

"Oil. And Glory." Hugenberg looked at the Field Marshal, who after muttering something just nodded and sat back down.

"Alright, Gentlemen. I have every confidence in our victory. Three cheers for the Kaiser. Hip Hip - "
"Hip Hip-"
"Hip Hip-"

As the officers filed out, Mackensen was talking to Scheer. "I do not understand Hugenberg. What does he want with the Balkans?" Scheer shook his head. "I do not know. As Sänger once put it - the trouble with the Balkans is that either you attack them and lose, or you win and then you got the Balkans." Mackensen nodded. "Bismarck was right. These lands are not worth the bones of a single grenadier."

Alliance territories

All over the vast Alliance lands, trains were departing, carrying soldiers either to Gibraltar, to the Northern coast or to the east, where the largest Land army in the History of the World was assembling.

And at the naval bases distributed all over the world, sleek grey shapes were slipping into the waters. The grey wolfes were assembling.

And on August 11th, 4 am, Johannes Sänger opened his eyes.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 10:29am
by Siege
Thanas wrote:From the Alliance to the Aegean Axis

Your excellencies,
the Alliance views your recent movements as a direct threat to national security and shall respond in kind.

Marian I.,
Alain Dupont
From the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company to the Governments of France, Spain and Germany


We regret having to inform you that the stakeholders of the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company have unanimously decided to close the canal to any ships flying the flag of your nations at this time. This includes warships as well as merchant ships.

We strive to inform you the moment this situation is resolved.

On behalf of the board,

Daphne V. Sainte-Clair
From the Universal Suez Ship Canal Company to the Governments of Tuscany and Portugal


We regret having to inform you that the stakeholders of the Univesal Suez Ship Canal Company have unanimously decided to close the canal to any warships flying the flag of your nation at this time. Your merchant marine is free to continue using the canal as per usual arrangements.

On behalf of the board,

Daphne V. Sainte-Clair
From the Office of the Emir of Jerusalem to the Commander of the German Naval Base, Tel Aviv, Yishuv Autonomous Territory

As-Salamu Alaykum,

It is with great sorrow that I have to inform you that effective immediately the right of German base personnel to enter the Yishuv Autonomous territory is revoked. Your personnel is not to leave the premises of the base. Any personnel attempting to leave the base will be assumed to be engaging in espionage, and will be shot on sight. Any German vessels attempting to enter or leave the base will be assumed hostile and may be fired upon.

On behalf of the Emir,

Yusuf ibn-Ghazi
Qasr Benghazi


In the far distance the ancient walls and towers of Benghazi split the belly of the sky, barely visible through the clouds of choking dust and sand thrown up by the threads of tanks and the wheels of trucks and armored vehicles. Snaking columns of thousands of men each were moving away from the city and into positions along the border with France Outre-Mer, followed closely by supply convoys that ferried munitions and supplies. Flanking them were endless numbers of tanks--venerable Medium Mark Cs with their long six-pounder guns, now relegated entirely to infantry support roles; the light but sturdy Mark II medium tank; squadrons of the lumbering Imad ad-Din superheavies bristling with 75mm cannons and machine guns; and, in increasingly greater numbers, the Cruiser Tank Mk I, said to be the fastest tank in the world, the first of its kind capable of keeping up with armored trucks at high speed.

And deeper inland, far apart from the endless divisions now marching out of Egypt and into their positions along oftentimes ill-defined borders, a second army had begun to materialize. Warriors were boiling up from the desert sands themselves, men who compared with the high-tech armies assembling all around them seemed unstuck in time. They were fanatical Bedouins from the deep Arabian deserts, veiled Tuareg, and camel-riding Kababish from the northern Sudan. They were headstrong and hardy men, experts of desert warfare through centuries of experience, bound to the service of the House of ad-Din by ancient oaths and their faith in the Prophet and his Word. At a word from the Sultan, they would venture into the deep deserts, moving between hidden oases, and strike at the enemies of Egypt where they thought they were safe...

Balkan Confederacy

Among the hundreds of warplanes that were coming to the airfields surrounding the city, and the thousands of soldiers moving up toward the fortresses along the German border, it was entirely too easy to become lost. And so it could be that only a few had taken notice of the converted Abdullah V/2500 bombers that had landed near Zagreb, and none of those had thought twice about the men that dismounted in twos and threes. That suited the Feda'iyun just fine, and they slipped away into the night, disappaering into the confusion of the almost-war. The elite Hashshashin commandos were a very long way from their homes in the highest peaks of the Hejaz, but that was irrelevant. The only thing that mattered was their mission. As soon as the war started--and right now, it seemed all but inevitable that it would--they would slip between the lines and sow chaos and confusion in the attacker's hinterland. They would target supply convoys, companies of marching troops, bridges and rail spurs, high ranking officers and communications hubs, and destroy them. Their only goal was to wreak havoc behind enemy lines and, through the application of terror techniques perfected over centuries of shadow-wars, leave the enemy paralyzed, demoralized, and afraid of his own shadow. Such was the way of the Assassin Cult. With time the Crusaders might have forgotten the lessons of the Old Man on the Mountain, but he would be happy to remind them what it meant to be truly afraid.

* Suez Canal closed to all German, French and Spanish ships
* Also closed to Tuscan and Portugese warships
* Lots of troops mass in Libya
* Feda'iyun assassin commandos dispatched to the Balkans, along with hundreds of aircraft and thousands of troops

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 10:53am
by Thanas

The British fleet too was scrambling. Having to potentially face U-Boats and German convoy raiders at every turn while also having to protect the coast from a possible invasion, there had been a bitter dispute between the competing factions in the admiralty. Originally, only the oldest destroyers and cruisers, those too slow or too weak to stand in the line of battle anymore, had been considered for convoy defence. Upon the realization that none of them would be capable to stand up to one of the heavy German cruisers, one side demanded that older dreadnoughts were to be released from their battleline duties. However, this met with opposition from First Sea Lord Jellicoe and eventually Churchill stepped in and decided that all dreadnoughts would remain with the Grand Fleet.

Eventually, the dispositions as agreed on were:
a) The Grand Fleet would retire from the Channel due to the overwhelming threat of MTB and air attack on its bases, but keep station in Scotland in order to be ready to respond to any invasion attempt.
b) The 24 outdated Town class cruisers and the 80 outdated Aetos class cruisers together with the 16 Lightfoot-class destroyers would be the mainstay of British commerce defence. They would escort convoys that were in the process of forming at the ports of Liverpool and Bristol as well as trade to the Nordic Union ports of Bergen and Narvik.
c) A token force composed of six W class destroyers and 2 Danae class light cruisers would be on continuous patrol near the harbors of Cherbourg, with an equal sized force stationed at Portsmouth to relieve them after eight hours. This operation tempo was not sustainable for the long run, but thought necessary in order to not expose too many forces and still maintain enough of an early warning system.
d) The Air force was ordered to step up its patrol near the canal.
e) Light forces, composed of 12 destroyers and 6 light cruisers each would be stationed near the entrances to the channel in order to try to intercept any German troop ships.

The rest of the forces - a total of 28 Battleships, 12 Battlecruisers, 6 Aircraft carriers, 40 light cruisers and 164 destroyers formed the Grand Fleet, the largest battlefleet Britain had ever seen. Command of the Fleet was passed on to David Beatty.


Winston Churchill rose, to deliver a speech that would be studied by generations to come:
Mr. Speaker.

From the moment that the ultimatum reached her Majesty's Government, it was clear that the Hun, accompanied by his Spanish and French toadies, would have liked to add the country of Great Britain to their Dominion.

This however we will deny them, though the situation is grim.

The whole of the Channel ports are in the hands of the enemy, with all the tragic consequences that follow from that, and we must expect a blow to be struck against us. But the British people are a hardy one, well-accustomed to the thread of invasion. When Napoleon lay at Boulogne for a year with his flat-bottomed boats and his Grand Army, he was told by someone, "There are bitter weeds in England." And there are many more now and even more shall join them.

I would observe that there has never been a period in all these long centuries of which we boast when an absolute guarantee against invasion, still less against serious raids, could have been given to our people. In the days of Napoleon, of which I was speaking just now, the same wind which would have carried his transports across the Channel might have driven away the blockading fleet. There was always the chance, and it is that chance which has excited and befooled the imaginations of many Continental tyrants. Many are the tales that are told. We are assured that novel methods will be adopted, and we may certainly prepare ourselves for every kind of novel stratagem and every kind of brutal and treacherous manœuvre. But at the same time we must never forget the solid assurances of sea power and those which belong to air power if it can be locally exercised.

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone. At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government—every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation. The British Empire will defend to the death its native soil. Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen into the grip of the Allies, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end.

We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were cut off and starving, and all the cities were occupied, then we shall still fight them in the Hills until, in God's good time, other forces step forth to the rescue and the liberation of these Bleesed isles.

- Britain prepares for a fight

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 11:49am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Constantinople Times

Threat of War Arises

The threat of war between the Aegean Axis and Germany and her allies has sharply risen over the last week. The Imperial Armed Forces has been mobilizing and heading for the borders at Carthage, Sardinia, and S. Italy and the Balkan Confederacy. Tens of thousands of soldiers were mobilizing for the greatest movement of troops in decades. The Akritoi troops were also being recalled in the hundreds of thousands, and soon enough most of the fighting manpower of the Imperial Armed Forces will be ready for war.

Sharing of technologies between Aegean Axis allies bears fruit

The Aegean Axis allies have been sharing various technologies for years now, and among the many technologies shared, was cruiser tanks. As of now, the first cruiser tanks are rolling out of the factories, to outfit the Emperor's legions.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 12:09pm
by Lonestar
Message to German Empire

Code: Select all

To the Office of the Reichskanzler:

I wish your Emperor good health,

Unfortunately I must report that our large cruiser ENRICO DANDALO has suffered a mechnical breakdown and will be unable to leave Gibraltar for some time.

Second, I'm afraid I must order out the German Observation Group from Araby, pending a change in the international situation.  A specially flagged Liner will be made available to travel back to European waters, if so desired.

Thirdly, You have seriously misunderstood the Dominion's apprehension about Germany if you think it's a matter of ideology(something I doubt we have in common anyway).  Germany has over the past 15 years overseen the dismemberment of 3 major European nations, establishing itself as a Hagemon on the continent as well as expanding its presence into the Indian Ocean.  This expansion and destruction of the balance of power will not stand.  I beseech you, as a man of reason, to step away from this railroad track before a train runs you over.  Your allies the Spanish are looking at losing their Western Hemisphere possessions.  You, the Tuscans, and the French are looking at losing everything East of Suez.  Please, please, step away.

Yours in Christ,
M.B. Bucher
Lord Fairfax
Lord Protector of the Grand Dominion of the Indies

"Well there they are." Admiral Anders muttered as the 6 sets of caged masts appeared on the horizon. Just as many CLs were in front of, and around the 6 BCs. "Send my regards to Admiral Sims, make sure they're topped off, and off we go."

"I wonder how we came to this..." the captain of the Godfrey said. Wordlessly Anders handed the CO of his flagship the message.

Code: Select all





11 M1925 DD
6 M1920 DD
2 M1922 DL
6 M1919 DD
10 M1915 DE
3 M1918 DMS




Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 12:49pm
by Lonestar
Message to Aegean Axis

Code: Select all







Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 04:42pm
by Agent Sorchus

There were boats chugging up the brown water of the mighty Chari and Logone rivers. Diesel engines rumbled in old steel hulls, tended to by dedicated crews, and steered by captains who knew these waters like the palms of their hands. Atop their decks sat the soldiers of the Blue Sultanate of the Sudan, round-faced men who laughed and played cards and sang songs that reverbrated against the green wall of the jungle through which they passed. The relatively small riverine craft could hold a surprisingly large number of troops, and the Blue Sultanate used them to great effect to move sizeable forces up and down the rivers that it used as the highways of Central Africa.

For long years the Blue Sultanate had been content to focus its attention inward, building railways and canals, growing food and bettering life for its citizens the way the Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) had proscribed. Time moved languidly in the heart of Africa, and the Sudanese had been happy to let the matters of the world stay in the world.

But it would be a mistake to think the court of the Funj Sultan in Khartoum had remained ignorant of world affairs. And to think that it harbored no ambitions would be foolish.

In 1884 Douala had been lost to Germany; not much later large areas of Kenya, a region the Funj Sultan had always considered within its own sphere of influence, had been conquered and colonized by the Union of the Low Countries. When the Low Countries had fallen, its Kenyan colonies had passed into other hands without regard for Sudanese claims. The anger of the Sultan had been terrible to behold: once again the Europeans had cheated him out of his rightful possessions. Sultan Badr ibn Anass had sworn bloody revenge.

And it looked like now, the Blue Sultanate might get it. Urged on by the ambassadors of the Sultan of Egypt who as amir al-umara or Prince of Princes the Funj Sultan was beholden to (in theory, though not at all in practice), the Blue Sultanate was mobilizing its forces and massing troops on the borders of Djibouti and Kenya, Chad and Niger. And it very much remained to be seen if the small garrisons of German Kenya and the French fusilliers scattered throughout the immense territories of Northern Africa would be enough to hold them at bay.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 05:12pm
by Agent Sorchus
Message to The Aegean Axis, Shepistan and the Grand Dominion

Code: Select all

Dear Esteemed Gentlemen,
In the event of War the Sudanese Battle-fleet has been commissioned to intercept shipping by Spain Germany and France in both the Indian and Atlantic Ocean. It is in the best interests of all to be forewarned against the unexpected.

Sultan of the Blue Sudan, Badr ibn Anass
Indian Ocean
3 Ishmael class battle-cruisers
2 Muhsin class semi dreadnought
3 Afzal heavy cruisers
1 Shakir class Battleship
14 Ziyad class destroyers

1 Boundless class fast Battleship
6 Junayed class light cruisers
7 Hooda class destroyers

Red Seas fleet
12 Hooda class destroyers
3 Junayed class light cruisers
1 Radetzky class semidreadnought
1 Tegetthoff class Battleship
2 Deutschland class Battleship

Atlantic Fleet, remainder of ships

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-16 08:52pm
by CmdrWilkens
Ciudad de Mexico

"They continue to move towards war, the messages sent indicate that they intend to bully the world in to backing down as they take from Britain what is hers by right. If they succeed then every territorial claim losses meaning, while certainly that would provide more than sufficient legal justification for the return of Baja and Costa Rica it does not serve our interests at large."

"Continue to deal with the Spanish, if they blink then the Germans and French cannot continue as they lack the ability to truly besiege Gibraltar if Spain withdraws. His Majesty does not wish a war, least of all with Spain, but we cannot have sovereignty challenged simply because it makes the Germans feel better."
Ultimatum to the Kingdom of Spain from the Empire of Mexico
Regarding the Former's Ultimatum to Great Britain and the Status of Costa Rica and Spanish Possessions in the Caribbean

Whereas Spain has, by her ultimatum to Great Britain, declared that previously vacated territorial claims are such as to represent valid claim upon lands of another sovereign nation we send forth the following.

Spain must withdraw all Naval and Military forces from Costa Rica and possessions formerly in the domain of the Viceroyalty of New Spain within 72 hours of the expiration of this ultimatum.
By virtue of descent from the same the Mexican Empire restates its legal claim to all lands within the domain of the aforesaid Viceroyalty and Spain shall recognize such claims, surrendering civil administration of such territories to Mexico no later than one month from the transmission of this ultimatum.

Spain shall withdraw her ultimatum to Great Britain prior to the expirary of said note.

Failure to comply with one or the other of the above conditions shall mean war.

The Kingdom of Spain shall have until 0730 Greenwich Mean Time on 11 August 1927 to reply.

His Imperial Majesty Phillip II of Mexico


Private Note,
by Hand Courier
To: Stephen Garrett, President of Cascadia


What has been delivered in to your hand is known to none within my government and I hope that by such simple address you know I speak plainly and not to convey any hidden message. Cascadia must be made aware that the attempted invalidation of the Treaty of Utrecht by Spain in her attempt to seize Gibraltar will lead elements within the Mexican government to seize upon that not only to retake Costa Rica as they have publicly proclaimed they will do but also to reclaim Baja. His Majesty wishes neither action as the return of either will involve massive costs to rebuild and much greater costs to police the dissidents who are used to independent action.

Having said that Phillip is adamant that he cannot allow such an affront as the demand for a reduction in British Naval tonnage pass without a response and Costa Rica is the most handy and viable source. If you can please prepare your team to find a way to make clear that Baja's independence is different from and separate from the matter at hand else I fear this crisis will lead to another. I am using all the powers at my disposal to make sure what few centrists remain are aware of such differences but I wish you to be aware that this is coming so that you might prepare yourself and not be caught unprepared for the hotheads.



"They want to rush them through their trials? Christ these ships are the first time we've tried to actually handle this much tonnage at sea and they want to cut five weeks from the trials period?"

"The engines work, the guns work, the crews have had enough training to fully crew at least two and possibly three, the question as always is the little things, optics damage control and the thousand boring routines of the day...but I wouldn't worry about that. Undoubtedly this is related to the brouha over Gibraltar which means we won't be sailing further from port than Granada and refitting in Santo Domingo would be easy enough if we discover something short."

"Well then find the two best, two Heitor not three, Captains on the list for command and give them 48 hours to assemble a crew, then have them run drills from here to Santo Domingo. If...and only if, they make it there without breaking can we think about getting the third or fourth out to sea."

*Priority Operational Immediate*
*HIMS Majestuoso and Poderoso*

You are hereby declared operational as of receipt of this message and detached from Training Command to TF 27-1, RADM Julian Garcia Jintero, for service at sea.

TF 27-1 is tasked with transiting from current basing to rendezvous with the Gulf Fleet, Naval Base Santo Domingo, whereupon TF 27-1 will be disbanded and all units assigned to Gulf Fleet.

You are directed to make maximum revolutions consistent with coordinated transit and to bring crew to maximum efficiency levels prior to being attached to Gulf Fleet.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 12:25am
by RogueIce
Thanas wrote:
Letter to all nations

The German Empire is willing to let the findings be examined by a neutral party and is quite confident that they will stand up to scrutiny.

Please direct your requests for informations or Visa to examine the debris to the German embassies in your nations.

The White House
Washington, D.C.

As the world seemed to be on the brink of war, President James Raynor assessed his options. He wished to stay out of this war, but that may not be possible. After all, Mexico was threatening Spain, and if they came to blows, this Great War might get a little too close for comfort. Additionally, Cispilatina, a valued and long-time friend, could be brought into it per their defensive alliance with Spain, should Mexico attack Costa Rica. He could not stand this thought, and thus played the only card he had: neutrality.

The United States would offer to review the evidence allegedly implicating Britain.

Code: Select all


The United States of America has offered to review the evidence the German Empire has gathered regarding British complicity in the recent terrorist attack.  As a neutral party, we offer to not only review the evidence provided, but offer to mediate discussions between the German Empire and United Kingdom regarding reparations due, should the evidence warrant such.

It is our strongest desire that a Great War may yet be averted in this time of crisis.  The thought of a War upon such a scale as seems evident would be truely terrible, and it is our fervent hope that a diplomatic resolution may yet be found at this late hour.

James Raynor
President of the United States

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 05:20pm
by Thanas

August 11
4 AM

When Johannes Sänger came to, the first thing he noticed was pain. Blinding, excruciating pain, strong enough to make him groan. Sadly, that forced his dry throat to move, which brought on more pain. His eyes, which had opened and were now quickly watering, too sent signals of pain. Thankfully, the room was dark.

"Herr Kanzler." A whispering voice instantly recognizable to him, filled with gratitude and immense relief. He tried to call his secretary by his name, but what had started out as Elise came out as something like "wlze". Sänger had never seen Elise move that fast in the days of her working for him.

Within seconds - or it felt like seconds to him, for it was possible he had blacked out again - she had turned on the light and also gave him some water. Which was painful to drink, but eventually he managed to speak. He first wanted to ask what had happened - but quickly stopped because he could all too easy guess from the shove he remembered receiving and the fact that his eardrums were hurting. So there was only one thing left to ask: "Natasha?"

Elise indicated a bed next to him. Panicked, Sänger moved his head towards the bed. The pain that maneuver brought was insignificant next to his relief when he noted she was sleeping peacefully. "She refused to leave, Herr Kanzler." Sänger nodded and immediately made a promise to himself never ever to do that again until he was fully healed. "Shall I wake her?" "No. Let her sleep."

Before he could ask the next question, his secretary continued. "Hans suffered minor injuries, a piece of shrapnel lodged in his shoulder. The Crown prince broke his legs and is already planning execution methods for the attackers." A darkness threatened to overwhelm the Kanzler and he faintly heard Elise whispering "I'll get the doctor."

"No." Sänger whispered sharply. "The situation. I need to know." He closed his eyes for a second but forced them open again. Elise informed him as quickly as she could, noting that the Chancellor became more agitated with every word. "Thank you." His voice was tense, laden with pain and as disapproving as if she had just informed him that the Emperor had made him a Graf while he was sleeping.

"Burchardt." Else nodded and returned after half an hour with his friend in tow, who looked both sleep deprived and relieved. Without needing any further order, Elise squatted down next to the bed and prepared to write.

"I....hereby....announce...the...." Sänger paused a moment, gathering his strength. Elise started to finish his sentence, but Sänger glared at her, causing her to stop. "This will be done the proper way." After this quick outburst, the chancellor stayed silent for a moment, before continuing on. "First. I hereby announce that under Article 131 II of the constitution of the German Empire I resume my duties immediately. I thank Herrn Hugenberg for his service, which shall be properly...." Another pause. "...properly rewarded in the future. Second. According to Article 78 III of the German constitution I hereby appoint....appoint Herrn Dr. ing. Burchardt, Delegate of the free hanseatic city of Hamburg, a most dreadful and barbaric place...." the joke was a bad one, but it earned him a grin from his friend. " Vizekanzler to the German Empire. Doktor Burchardt will carry out....carry out my orders. He is empowered to use my office and name. All Government officials are ordered to render him their utmost assistance. Signed..."

Elise finished writing and read out the message, though leaving out the Hamburg part.
From the office of the Reichskanzler
August 11th, 4:30

1. I hereby announce that under Article 131 II of the constitution of the German Empire I resume my duties immediately. I thank Herrn Hugenberg for his service, which shall be properly rewarded in the future.

2. According to Article 78 III of the German constitution I hereby appoint Herrn Dr. ing. Burchardt, Reichstag Delegate of the free Hanseatic city of Hamburg as Vizekanzler to the German Empire.

3. Doktor Burchardt will carry out my orders. He is empowered to use my office and name. All Government officials are ordered to render him their utmost assistance.

Signed on the 11th August of the year of our Lord 1927,
Elsie finished reading the message and handed the pad to him. Gripping the pen, the Kanzler found it nearly impossible to sign due to his cramped hand muscles and the first signature turned out to be an intelligible scrawl. The next two tries were equally unsuccessful.

"I could forge your signature, Herr Kanzler." "What?" Elise had the good grace to look sheepish. "I am good with paintings, Herr Kanzler. I daresay I have your signature memorized." Sänger remembered that she had studied chinese caligraphy and art before working for him. Usually, an announcement like this would result in him demanding that every signed order of the last year would have been brought to him for review. But, being exhausted, tired and close to becoming unconscious again, Sänger merely whispered "Do it." and then looked at Burchardt. "You know-" "I do." Before Sänger could say anything more, unconsciousness claimed him once more.

Großer Generalstab,
05:30 AM

The huge map of Europe plastered at the back of the war room was constantly changing as orderlies were moving flags about, signifying the progress of units. The most movement was signified by a tight cluster of flags at the French and German coasts. These would be the 520.000 French and German Marines, now boarding their troop transports and landing crafts, while smaller flags represented the Hochseeflotte approaching the channel entrance. A larger cluster signified the supply convoys now preparing to move out of the German ports, while a second cluster signified the French Navy having taken position near the western Channel entrance. 600 MTBs were already prowling the waters, preparing for strikes against British patrols.

Subs reported on the position of the Grand Fleet, which had been earlier sighted moving to intercept the Hochseeflotte. And by the time the ultimatum would have ended, the skies over the channel would be darkened by over 1000 airplanes delivering their deadly load as well as the clout of the coastal batteries and over 200 siege artillery pieces bombarding Britain.

And in the middle of this, Generalfeldmarschall von Mackensen, General von der Lieth-Thomsen and Großadmiral Scheer were sitting, not intervening except to sign the odd order. Everything had been arranged and now it was up to the subordinate commanders to make the relevant decisions, as decreed by the doctrine of Auftragstaktik. Hugenberg meanwhile sat next to them and viewed the flags moving with an odd fascination.

It was in this solemn assembly that Jakob Burchardt walked with probably the most valuable scrap of paper in the History of the German Empire. Flanked by four men of the Gardekorps - from the half-regiment that had not joined the army in the field - he strode up to the table and was greeted by Hugenberg. "Ah, Burchardt. Come to enjoy the show?" Burchardt did not greet him in return. Instead, he handed the piece of paper Sänger had earlier "signed" over to von Mackensen, who studied it for a few seconds before handing it over to Scheer, who did the same before passing it on to von der Lieth-Thomsen. After looking at each other, Mackensen nodded at Burchardt.

"Herr Hugenberg, by order of Reichskanzler Sänger, you are relieved. These Gardesoldaten will escort you to your home, where you will remain under house arrest until told otherwise. You are not to have any communication or contact with anybody." Hugenberg's jaw dropped and he started to stammer out a response. This was cut short when the four 2 meter giants of the Garde almost picked him up and escorted him out of the room. Burchardt enjoyed the view for a minute or two before sitting down at the place Hugenberg had just vacated.

A few minutes later the room erupted once more in orderly chaos as messengers ran across the floor. A quarter hour later, the relavant details had been agreed upon and Mackensen escorted the Vizekanzler to a room where direct telephone lines to Madrid, Paris and Lisbon had been set up.

At 6:15, the powerful radio stations of the German Empire, the French Republic and the Kingdom of Spain started transmitting the same message in the clear.
From the Kingdom of Spain, the Empire of Germany and the French Republic


Our great nations have decided to accept the offer of mediation by the United States and accept said nation as a neutral third party and arbiter to the current dispute.

We also propose said nation be appointed arbiter of all other disputes and claims currently being raised by the relevant nations.

The Ultimatum to Great Britain shall be considered suspended pending judgement by the United States.

All armed forces have been instructed to hold. Deployment shall be ongoing, but no shots will be fired. The Fleets have been ordered not to engage.

Sänger, Reichskanzler
Alain Dupont, President of the French Republic
Marian I, Queen of Spain etc.
The same messages (with Elise once more providing the signatures) were sent to the relevant embassies while the German radio stations around the globe made sure there would be no mistakes.

The same message was sent in code to the various ships and commands. 10 minutes before the ultimatum would expire, all allied ships had acknowledged receipt of the message.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 05:51pm
by RogueIce
Thanas wrote:
From the Kingdom of Spain, the Empire of Germany and the French Republic


Our great nations have decided to accept the offer of mediation by the United States and accept said nation as a neutral third party and arbiter to the current dispute.

We also propose said nation be appointed arbiter of all other disputes and claims currently being raised by the relevant nations.

The Ultimatum to Great Britain shall be considered suspended pending judgement by the United States.

All armed forces have been instructed to hold. Deployment shall be ongoing, but no shots will be fired. The Fleets have been ordered not to engage.

Sänger, Reichskanzler
Alain Dupont, President of the French Republic
Marian I, Queen of Spain etc.
Through all available diplomatic and public channels, the United States indicated it's acceptance and willingness to serve as a neutral arbiter to the disputes arising from the Ultimatum and all related instances.

Additionally, a team of explosives and demolition experts from both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the United States Army's Ordnance Corps was in the process of traveling to Germany to examine the evidence regarding the recent terrorist attack against Germany's leadership. The State Department and German Foreign Ministry began to coordinate the travel and other necessary arrangements for the team.

President James Raynor, meanwhile, felt a sense of relief that a possibly global war was, for the moment, avoided. Nonetheless, it would be a very busy - and delicate - time ahead. So he began to make sure that his best people would be available for the arbitration.

Finally, the President made sure to send a message outlining his joy at the news that the Reichskanzler had survived, and was seemingly well enough to at least exert some of his influence.

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 06:27pm
by Thanas
From the British Empire

His Majesty's Government is confident that arbitration shall clear them from the unfounded German accusations as well as confirm her rightful claim to Gibraltar.

His Majesty's Forces shall continue to deploy to their positions, but shall not attack unless fired upon.


Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 06:41pm
by CmdrWilkens
From The Mexican Empire
To The Kingdom of Spain

Regarding the suspension of your ultimatum to Great Britain we find that this fulfills our ultimatum only in so far as extending the deadline for acceptance. Please be advised that until such time as the ultimatum is formally withdrawn we must hold that ours likewise continues save only its continued expiration at one half hour prior to the expiration of the aforesaid Ultimatum to Great Britain.

Furthermore be it known that should determination be made that Gibraltar is held as Spanish territory despite its cessesion by treaty then we must also hold that the ownership of Costa Rica remains with the Mexican Empire and will advise you upon our claim in such event.

*Priority Urgent*
*All Naval Units*

"Increased Danger" remains in effect however all preparations for "Emergency Sortie" are hereby canceled and status is ordered to "Sortie within 24 hours."

Re: SDN World 3 Story Thread I

Posted: 2010-05-17 07:55pm
by Lonestar
Admiralty Row

"What a load of," Lord Fairfax smiled briefly, then finished "Horseshit."

There were nods all around. Social Democrat Leader Ved was sulking. He had argued against throwing in with the Aegean Axis and bringing the Grand Dominion to the brink of war.

"I do not think anyone here really believes that the British staged the attack, no matter what the neutral arbitrator will determine." Fairfax continued. "Dr. Blitzschlag has a phrase for it that I feel has a nice ring to it. Dr. Blitzschlag?"

"'False Flag'." Blitzschlag from the SIG responded. "Unfortunately, giving the recent expansionist history of Germany, I do not feel we can rule out that the Germans have staged an incident. Or at least certain elements within the German state. I might add that, regardless how the commission finds it, we absolutely cannot allow the Germans to dismember the British Empire."

More nods around the table, except for Ved. Fairfax looked around. "Then we are in agreement that the British have our support, come what may?"

More nods.

"Very well. Minister Berman, please send a message to His Majesty's government informing them of our support, and messages to the Western Europeans that we will absolutely, positively, not allow any kind of territorial, military, or overly onerous economic concessions pulled out of Britain."

RESULTS: Regardless of how the neutral arbitrator rules, the Grand Dominion will not allow the Western Europeans to strangle the UK.