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Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-09 09:56pm
by Czechmate
The Scandinavian Union's point distributions are as follows.

Population: 3
Home Territory: 4 (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Gotland, Aland, Bornholm)
Colonial Territory: 3 (Iceland, Svalbardia, the Faroe Islands, Labrador, Greenland*)
Industry: 5
Economy: 4
Infrastructure: 4
SML: 3
Naval Focus: 4
Army Focus: 0+3 ( bonus from Industry)
Air Focus: 1

*Approved by Steve as they're a traditional Danish holding.

EDIT: Took a point from the army and put it in SML.

EDIT2: After another talk with Steve, I've been offered Labrador. I accepted it. Yay Vinland! Took a point from the Air Force and put it in CT.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-10 12:58pm
by Thanas
Greenland alone should put you way over the 2 colonial points listing. You should be at least a four, probably a five.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-10 01:04pm
by Steve
I gave him special dispensation because, frankly, someone has to own Greenland and nobody's going to spend 4-5 points of CT for a continent of freakin' ice.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-10 01:06pm
by Raesene
Thanas wrote:Greenland alone should put you way over the 2 colonial points listing. You should be at least a four, probably a five.
But how much of it is useful ? Heaps of snow and ice will not help maintaining infrastructure or population, and reaching any natural resources will be complicated.

I might annex Antarctica if we go just for territory ;-)

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-10 01:23pm
by Thanas
Steve wrote:I gave him special dispensation because, frankly, someone has to own Greenland and nobody's going to spend 4-5 points of CT for a continent of freakin' ice.
Alright then, consider my objection withdrawn.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-12 04:31pm
by MKSheppard
3+2 population The population of the Shepistani Federation is massive. Despite the large numbers, a good portion of the population remains disenfranchised (and thus barred from military and political service in anything above "Cannon fodder" level).

3 Home Rules Modern day Pakistan, some of Afghanistan, etc etc etc.

2 Colonies

4 Industry The Sheppos are industrious, because industry is needed to survive against the threats of the Grand Dominion and China.

3 economy The Brutal oppression of the natives and routine insurrections have made the Sheppo Economy not as stable as it should be. The immense sums of money spent on maintaining the army and navy don't help.

4 Infrastructure

3 Standing military

5+2 Naval focus The Sheppo Battleline continues it's expansion since the victory at the Battle of the Northern Arabian Sea.

3 Army Focus

3 Air focus We could overcome our traditional army weaknesses with fleets of bombardment aeroplanes dropping gas on the goddamns!

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 06:26am
by DarthShady
My finalized points distribution(provided I understood all the new rules correctly), presented for Steve's approval. Sorry I'm a bit late. Will get to work on my OOB now, perhaps even get an introduction post up.

Anyway, here it is:

The Balkan Confederacy

Points Distribution:

Population: 3 (The Confederacy has 75M people.)
Home Territory: 2 (National Land Area of approximatly 500,000 sq. Kms)
Colonial Territory: 1 (Colonial Land Area of <200,000 sq. kms – African Colony: : Tangyanika)
Industry: 4 (The Confederacy has a massive industrial base)
Economy: 4 ( Due to the ever expanding trade with neighbours and a powerful industrial base, the Confederacy's Economy is quite robust and stable.)
Infrastructure: 4 (Railways and roads connect parts of the homeland with each other. Development and construction is an ongoing process in the colonies.)
Standing Military Limit: 3 ( The Balkan Confederacy maintains an well supplied active army to protect itself from external threats.)
Naval Focus: 2 ( The Navy has a lot of work to do, in order to catch up with other naval powers, but for now it is efficiently preforming it's duties – in protecting the mainland and securing trade routes with the colonies.)
Army Focus: 5 ( The confederacy has a massive modern army to protect it's borders.)
-[Army Tech Level: 4]
Air Focus: 4(2 + 2 Focus) – ( The Confederacy maintains a respectable air force with around 480 aircraft of various types.)
-[Air Force Tech Level: 4]

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 07:18am
by Thanas
MKSheppard wrote:3+2 population The population of the Shepistani Federation is massive. Despite the large numbers, a good portion of the population remains disenfranchised (and thus barred from military and political service in anything above "Cannon fodder" level).

3 Home Rules Modern day Pakistan, some of Afghanistan, etc etc etc.

2 Colonies

4 Industry The Sheppos are industrious, because industry is needed to survive against the threats of the Grand Dominion and China.

3 economy The Brutal oppression of the natives and routine insurrections have made the Sheppo Economy not as stable as it should be. The immense sums of money spent on maintaining the army and navy don't help.

4 Infrastructure

3 Standing military

5+2 Naval focus The Sheppo Battleline continues it's expansion since the victory at the Battle of the Northern Arabian Sea.

3 Army Focus

3 Air focus We could overcome our traditional army weaknesses with fleets of bombardment aeroplanes dropping gas on the goddamns!

Shep, this point spread does not work.

For one, you do not get a +2 bonus to population from colonies level 2. So your true pop score would be 3. Even substracting that, your point spread has 31 spent points, so it does not work either.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 09:05am
by Steve
I told him on IM already.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 09:29am
by Akhlut
How do you get more then a 5 on anything, anyway?

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 09:38am
by Steve
You don't.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 05:38pm
by CmdrWilkens
Thanas wrote: Shep, this point spread does not work.

For one, you do not get a +2 bonus to population from colonies level 2. So your true pop score would be 3. Even substracting that, your point spread has 31 spent points, so it does not work either.
If the +2 is noted as afterwards then he would only be spending 1 on population (which won't work but meh) so his total expenditure would only be 29 (1,3,2,4,3,4,3,3,3,3). He could afford to have a 2 in population but I'm not sure what than does to his eligibility for Industry and Economy.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 05:39pm
by Thanas
Well, if he only has a 1 in population, I don't think he could hold out for long against Lonestar.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 07:21pm
by MKSheppard
Thanas wrote:So your true pop score would be 3. Even substracting that, your point spread has 31 spent points, so it does not work either.
Lonestar's point spread is like 33; so see me care? No.


3 population The population of the Shepistani Federation is massive. Despite the large numbers, a good portion of the population remains disenfranchised (and thus barred from military and political service in anything above "Cannon fodder" level).

3 Home Rules Modern day Pakistan, some of Afghanistan, etc etc etc.

2 Colonies

4 Industry The Sheppos are industrious, because industry is needed to survive against the threats of the Grand Dominion and China.

3 economy The Brutal oppression of the natives and routine insurrections have made the Sheppo Economy not as stable as it should be. The immense sums of money spent on maintaining the army and navy don't help.

4 Infrastructure

3 Standing military

5 Naval focus The Sheppo Battleline continues it's expansion since the victory at the Battle of the Northern Arabian Sea.

3 Army Focus

3 Air focus We could overcome our traditional army weaknesses with fleets of bombardment aeroplanes dropping gas on the goddamns!

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 07:24pm
by Steve
Um, it's not anymore, I had him fix it, Shep.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 07:26pm
by MKSheppard
Steve wrote:Um, it's not anymore, I had him fix it, Shep.
Yes it is. Go back one page.
Lonestar wrote:3 +2 population The population of the Grand Dominion is massive, as befitting the rulers of India and Burma. Despite the large numbers, a good portion of the population remains disenfranchised(and thus barred form military and political service).

3 Home Rules much of India

4 Colonies Burma, Bhutan, Aden, Nicobar Islands, Maldives, Sri Lanka, and the Chagos. Large portions of India are treated as a "semi-colonial" state.

4 Industry The Grand Dominionites are industrious, because industry is needed to survive against the threats of Shepistan and China.

3 economy The Brutal oppression of the natives and routine insurrections have made the Dominion Economy not as stable as it should be. The immense sums of money spent on maintaining the army and navy don't help.

4 Infrastructure Trains planes and...well, mostly trains and boats. In the wilderness areas there is virtually no infastruction, but between the cities and along the sprawling fort systems...

3 Standing military The standing military of the Dominion is rapidly mobilized in time of war.

4 Naval focus The GDN is a pale shadow of it's former self, when, a decade ago, the Battle Fleet of 34 Pre-dreadnoughts and 10 Dreadnoughts engaged the Shepistani Navy in the cataclysmic Battle of The Northern Arabian Sea. The humiliating result, and the subsequent victory over Shepistan on land, has led to the House of Burgesses to ruthlessly cut the size of the Grand Dominion Navy. One CV, 12 Dreadnoughts(none of which are less than 8 years old), and 8 pre-dreadnoughts rebuilt as coastal defense battleships are all that remains...although 2 new BBs are under construction, spurred on by the recent Shepistani expansion.

3 +2 Army Focus The Citizen-army of the Grand Dominion has defended the Dominion since the time of Ronaldus Magnus. Much of the military remains in the Grand Dominion proper, although significant forces are stationed in Burma and Aden.

2 Air focus What the Christ is a aeroplane.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-13 07:47pm
by Steve
I told him to fix it.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 12:19am
by loomer
The People's Republic of Afghanistan (initial, temporary plan):
Alright, here we go then. Completely subject to change depending on input and only raw numbers at the present time, though I have fluff kicking about in my head already to explain it.

Home Territory: 3
The PRA claims dominion over 647,500 kilometres of land, much of it extremely arid and mountainous.
Colonial Territory: 0
As a land-locked, previously impoverished nation, the PRA has no colonies.
Population: 2
Irrigation and modernization projects early on in the 20th century have caused a population boom of maturing adults over the last few years, along with refugees and exiles from neighbouring countries flooding in. The PRA currently numbers nearly 50 million people, many of them living in and around Helmand, Kandahar, and Nimruz provinces.
Industry: 2
Despite abundant natural deposits of oil, gas, iron, coal, and even gold, little effort was put into developing industry and infrastructure in the xenophobic PRA's past - it was only at the turn of the century that Abdurashid bin Omar bin Khalid Al-Meleke began his Great Program and established a steadily growing industrial sector.
Economy: 3
Despite a newly growing industry, the PRA's economy is far from struggling thanks to its abundant gemstone and gold deposits, as well as the growth of the poppy industry. The Great Program sought to, in addition, attract foreign economic interests and create desire for traditional Afghani products, such as wool, cotton, and fine rugs.
Infrastructure: 3
Perhaps the greatest achievement of Abdurashid bin Omar bin Khalid Al-Meleke was the construction of a strong rail network linking the major cities of the PRA, the irrigation program that has turned several otherwise barren areas into farmable land, and the new Kabul al-Meleke Memorial Airport.
SMT: 2
Despite the great advances in economic, industrial, and infrastructure related areas, the capacity of the PRA to field a standing army is limited thanks to the traditional militia-centric approach to warfare in the region.
With no major coastline, the PRA sees no need to maintain a navy.
The PRA is capable of mobilizing, in wartime, approximately 12% of its population.
AF: 1
With the Great Program came several small airfields in remote areas of the PRA, to service the rural populations. These airfields are also home to a modest air force, albeit one that is poorly maintained.
AT: 2
Similarly, the Great Program resulted in the purchase of modern weaponry and the adoption of professional military trainers. Much of the purchased equipment was sourced from other nations in the aftermath of the various wars and when such equipment became obsolete.
AFT: 2
Much like the equipment and trainers for the army, the Air Force saw much of its supplies purchased from foreign interests and is currently trained by freelancing foreigners who are handsomely paid in raw gold and diamonds.

The PRA is proud to boast several airships in its fleet.

I had an initial thought to go with a less modernized, shitstain of a country and have it claw its way up in the modern era, so if there's objections to this I can always go back to it. Also, I am slightly unclear - do you pay to purchase the initial 120 aircraft from AF:1 or do those come free?

Thanks for the clarification, and yep Stas, just about. It's just a fair bit more populous and industrialized thanks to the (capitalist-led) Great Program, and had a shortlived communist government (1901-1903) after a civil war and then followed by another brief civil war that lead to the instatement of capitalist-ideology up until the present.


Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 12:28am
by Minister of Pigeonry
I had an initial thought to go with a less modernized, shitstain of a country and have it claw its way up in the modern era, so if there's objections to this I can always go back to it. Also, I am slightly unclear - do you pay to purchase the initial 120 aircraft from AF:1 or do those come free?
Those are free, they're your starting air force total for combat aircraft. I think you're allowed a number of Auxiliary aircraft as well (trainers, patrol planes, spotters) as long as the number is reasonable.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 01:12am
by K. A. Pital
So it's the more or less historical, Soviet-allied PRA?

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 01:24am
by Norseman
PRA might want to drop population by one and invest the point somewhere else, since Afghanistan doesn't even have 75 million today, it'd make it seem more realistic etc etc. Just a thought mind.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 12:26pm
by Akhlut
It could be a more fertile Afghanistan, just as Mongolia is a lot more fertile then in OTL.

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 02:05pm
by Czechmate
Afghanistan is roughly a 2 in population at best, but it would very much be in-character to put the spare point from a lower population into a higher SML.

Why, you ask?

Because Mudjahideen. ;)

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 02:08pm
by Norseman
Czechmate wrote:Afghanistan is roughly a 2 in population at best, but it would very much be in-character to put the spare point from a lower population into a higher SML.

Why, you ask?

Because Mudjahideen. ;)

Re: SDN World 3 Points Listings

Posted: 2009-11-18 03:05pm
by Beowulf
Akhlut wrote:It could be a more fertile Afghanistan, just as Mongolia is a lot more fertile then in OTL.
We had to create the world's second largest inland sea to be able to do that.