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Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-28 11:19pm
by Karmic Knight
Force Lord wrote:Then it's time to be indirect....
Here we go Datton, Here We Go! *Clap-Clap*
Here we go Datton, Here We Go! *Clap-Clap*

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 11:32am
by Skywalker_T-65
Arcadian: Did you see something? I think someone's watching our new station...

Furling: Oh really...

Arcadian: Yeah! Someone must want to take it!

Furling: *facepalm*

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 11:42am
by Simon_Jester
If it's Datton, things are gonna get interesting.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:07pm
by OmegaChief
It is the Datton hah, sneaking around that close to the Authorties homeworld too, this gets better and better.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:12pm
by Skywalker_T-65
I wonder what it is about this Station that attracts so many people?

Its probably nothing! :P

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:19pm
by OmegaChief
It's the snowball effect, you put a new miltiary base on the doorstep of a couple of nations, so they send thier ships there to keep you honest as it was.

The next nearest people notice a lot of activty about it so send thier own people to poke it, while at the same time the active rivalries between the various people you're next to result in them bringing in allies too.

So yea, it all adds up, though we are waiting on you to get the ball rolling here :P

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:21pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Yeah I know. I should have the beginning of the chapter up in a couple hours. I'll have to improvise for the Chamarrans and BEES but that's no big deal.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:30pm
by OmegaChief
I'll give Vanas and Dark a poke once the ball gets rolling, so they should be able to contribute then, but work with what we have until then.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 01:33pm
by Vanas
Bees are mostly there to keep an eye on Bee assets. After all, they don't want their ships getting shot up in the inevitable crossfire.

They're sending a lot of ships. Mostly beacuse half of them are just there out of curiosity and will putter back to Bee space when they're bored. The actual composition of any stationed Bee fleet is essentially random, depending on which ships feel like heading all the way out there.

As for what they're planning on doing, well. They're setting up a banking area with their power suits and setting up their diplomatic quarters in an attractive horrifying beehive fashion.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:01pm
by Skywalker_T-65 its taking longer than I thought it would to get my first part done. I promise it will be done within the hour though, and I'll edit this post when I do manage to get it into the Google-doc...

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:03pm
by KlavoHunter
Clusterfuck Station seems to be a little -too- blatant of a ripoff of DS9 at the moment, if you ask me, the references were laid on thicker than frosting on a wedding cake.

Nonetheless, Klavostan will be in for a small piece of the action...

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:04pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Actually, I went back and edited some of the things (Namely the Furling and Hellene names). I'm working on fixing the prologue, and starting the first story one at the same time...hence why its taking so much time. They will both be up somewhat soon though (the new one, and the fixed old one)

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:11pm
by Simon_Jester
Also, who in their right mind would want a pet veldtchomper? They're ill-tempered, passive-aggressive, and their most lovable habit is hiding in the bushes until they randomly jump out and bite your leg off.

Then again, this is probably the best pet ever for Datton.
KlavoHunter wrote:Clusterfuck Station seems to be a little -too- blatant of a ripoff of DS9 at the moment, if you ask me, the references were laid on thicker than frosting on a wedding cake.
Whatever makes people happy. We'll straighten things out over time.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:23pm
by KlavoHunter
I'm not flipping the table and going "ARGH THROW IT ALL OUT", certainly. :)

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 04:48pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Okay, the first part is finally up in the google-doc. Anyone who has a stake in the station can start inserting their own parts now. Its going to be hectic...but that's what makes it so fun! :D

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 05:57pm
by KlavoHunter
Skywalker_T-65 wrote:Okay, the first part is finally up in the google-doc. Anyone who has a stake in the station can start inserting their own parts now. Its going to be hectic...but that's what makes it so fun! :D
Oops. Did I jump the gun by posting what I just did?

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-29 06:00pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Nah, we can just edit it in later easily enough. No big deal that you went ahead and posted something.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-30 09:59am
by TimothyC
Guys, I woke up this morning to find an SMS from Simon Jester, and he's going to be offline for at least a few days - something about no power.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-30 10:08am
by Skywalker_T-65
Ouch...hopefully its nothing worse than a power problem. Well, we can work without our resident almost-mod for a few days, right guys?

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-06-30 11:24am
by Simon_Jester
I live on the eastern seaboard of the US, and have been caught up in the general mass power outages caused by the recent storm which you may have heard of in the news. In my particular case it may be several days before power is restored and my Internet access becomes regular.

Also, starting this Monday I will be working during the day and will probably not be able to access then- but that's the normal course of business and won't stop me from at least checking in on what people are doing in the evenings.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-07-01 06:07am
by Esquire
I had the same problem, but mine came back on this morning. I hope things get back to normal quickly for you, Simon.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-07-02 02:06pm
by Vanas
Bleh, having a little problem in getting things together for that station post. Will try to get something sorted in the next couple of days.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-07-02 07:35pm
by Simon_Jester
Finally have power again- but there's that work stuff. I haven't got anything at the moment. :(

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-07-02 07:36pm
by Skywalker_T-65
Which isn't really any different than all of us working on the station apparently. At least its getting people involved though.

EDIT: Though I haven't helped that by my post being small...maybe I should write more? And I suppose that my fellow station writers may be working outside the google-doc.

Re: SDNW5 Discussion Thread I

Posted: 2012-07-02 08:32pm
by Simon_Jester

You need to spend less energy collaborating and more on doing stuff. Eight-way collaborations don't really work unless there are clear lines of responsibility that divide the work into solo or few-way pieces. So what you should do is (for instance) write a post talking about the construction work, or about prefab modules being flown in, or an existing station being appropriated or whatever. Someone writes that. Someone else writes about their guys showing up and finding out that nobody installed Space Toilets in their hab module yet or whatever. Someone else writes about, you get the idea.

And just POST these things, so they're out there in the public eye, instead of trying to store it all up in a Googledoc. Having all your creativity pent up in this isolated place is bad. Having it out in the open is good. You don't need massive 5000-word 10-way-collaboration monster posts to do this. Short and silly is probably better because it encourages back-and-froth.

(That was meant as back-and-forth, but I think it works this way too).