SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »


Fortuna Belli Proving Grounds, South Velarian Sea

The hypersonic projectile streaked down through the clouds on a tail of fire, missing its objective by slightly less than two hundred meters as it crashed into the ground, transforming into a short-lived fireball as the excess rocket fuel burned up.

In the control bunker two kilometres away doctor Gerald Hastly lowered his binoculars. “That’s the sixth confirmed hit.” He took up his PDA and scribbled down some notes. “I just think we might have gotten this thing to work, you know.”

Gregor Zelinsky grumbled something under his breath. “About time, too”, he then added. “Ladybird should’ve worked months ago.”

“Relax. Anyone can send something down from orbit. Our missile can manoeuvre and find its target”, Hastly leered. “And deliver a nuclear warhead to it. I think it’s time for one final test, don’t you think so?”

Zelinsky grinned despite himself. His colleague’s attitude toward things that went boom was rather infectious. “I’ll call the Special Ordinance Section.”

[OOC: This takes place after the whole chopper crash business.]
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

CATO Defence Journal

Portable Cold Atom Interferometer demonstrated

Physicists at JILA demonstrated today a portable Cold Atom Interferometer. "The unit is ruggidised and durable, with obvious applications in high precision inertial guidance applications. The unit measures 2m by 1m by 1m, including electronics and vaccuum system. We aim to shrink this further, but this is a big step towards a system that could possibly be used in various military applications. Accuracy is a few orders of magnitude greater than conventional systems," says a JILA spokesman. The project was funded by the Defence Research Institute, and the Defence Procurement Bureau.

Recent Developments in MEMS

The excitement in MEMS technology has not died down ever since its inception. Billions of dollars of funds have been poured in from all corners to push the technology into greater heights. One of its uses is involved in high precision sensors such as accelerometers, heat sensors, air flow sensors etc. Recently, engineers at BAM have been demonstrating a highly controllable jet engine where the engine operation can be optimised thanks to the use of sensors throughout the engine. Tachibana Byzantine Pharmaceuticals has also demonstrated a number of MEMS sensors with applications that include on the spot blood tests and tests of the surrounding air. Kontos Munitions also say that MEMS sensors also promise greater precision control over missile flights, especially MEMS based inertial guidance systems.

CATO details Zenit rocket program

CATO began its indigenous rocket program for many years. A new modern rocket is finally emerging from the secretive labs, namely the Zenit. The Zenit-1 rocket began launches as early as the start of this year, with general success, excepting one failed launch. The Zenit-1 will be followed by a Zenit-2, which is outwardly similar to the MESS' Delta IV rocket program. It will consist of a main core vehicle with RD-171 as the first stage engine, RD-0120 or RD-57 or RD-58 for second stage, depending on mission requirements. Up to 8 cores can be attached to the rocket, allowing it to propel at least 200 tonnes into LEO. The rocket system is extremely similar to the proposed Energia Vulkan system that is running parallel and will use many technologies and components from the Zenit program. The Zenit-2 rocket will begin launching next year and it will take over 2-3 years to complete testing. It is also revealed that a heavily up-rated derivative of the RD-0120 is being designed along with a LOX/LH version of the RD-170 series which will feature regenerative cooling and other modern features.

(OOC: I never did the calculations, and the above payload is only a rough guess. Considering of course, the RD-170 is a monstrous engine by any parts, and apparently, PeZook calculated our Energia Vulkan can do .. like 380 tonnes?)

GLOSSNASS system launches begin

CATO has begun launching its GLOSSNASS satellites using the Zenit-1 rocket. How many launches will be undertaken is unknown, but it the launching will take place in Siberia (bordering Byzantium). It is broadly similar to the MESS GPS system.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-03-05 12:33pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

UCSR Presidential Election Special
Live from the Palace of the Soviets
This election was one of the most important ones in the recent history of the Old Continent, and certainly the most important election for the Soviet People. With the formation of the UCSR the people were given hope and a vision of a better future. The three Presidential Candidates all wanted to impart their own versions of that future, but only one of them stands victorious today, and only he will have the opportunity and the obligation to fulfill the promises that were made to the people. The Three candidates ran very different campaigns, with different objectives.

-PCIA Chief, Yuri Andropovsky, ran a campaign in which he promised greater security for the Citizens of the UCSR and increased military spending.
-Construction and Industry Minister of the CSR, Alexei Ustinkov, focused on reinvigorating the economy and the industries of the UCSR, his campaign promised great changes.
-Former Premier of the USSR, Shady ran a different campaign. His campaign ran on the motto, 'One Vision, One Purpose'. He claimed that the Soviet people, Citizens of the UCSR, must share a common Vision of the future, a better future and that they must make it their purpose to work hard towards achieving that better future.

Although all three candidates had great support among the people, it was clear that only one of them could win the election. Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to Present to you the first President of the UCSR, the man who shared President Stanislavs vision of the Union of all Soviet people under one government, the man who helped make that vision a reality...President Shady.

"Citizens of the UCSR you have bestowed a great honor upon me, today. You have chosen me to become your first President. It is with great joy in my heart that I will take up this duty and fulfill the promises that I have made in my campaign. Our nation is strong and ready to face the challenges of this world, together we shall make a better future for our children. However, we mustn't think that this will be easy to accomplish, we have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but I am sure that together we shall succeed."

[[OOC: I don't have the time right now to handle the election, and besides this thing has been dragging on for to long. So I present to you the new President of the UCSR. Drinks are on me. :D/OOC ]]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Siege »


Congratulatory Telegram from Acting Chairman Daphne Sinclair to President Shady of the UCSR, on his Election to the Presidency


On behalf of President Sidney Hank, who unfortunately is temporarily indisposed, I wish to offer my heartiest congratulations to Your Excellency and the people of the UCSR on your stunning electoral victory.

The Old Continent has entered a critical phase of its development. The economies of your two nations are becoming increasingly integrated. This will bring about many changes, but I am confident that under your leadership your nation will successfully meet these challenges, and steer the UCSR to even greater heights.

I am full of hope that I and the Board of Directors will be able to more closely cooperate with You, Mister President, for deeds to advance and foster traditional friendly relations and cooperation between San Dorado and the UCSR in all fields on the basis of bilateral agreements, negotiations and political acts.

Yours cordially,

Daphne Sinclair
Acting Chairman
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Diplomatic Note to Acting Chairman Daphne Sinclair from President Shady of the UCSR


I thank you for your words. I write to you with hope that President Hank is still alive and well and that he will soon return home safely. As you already know, our forces on the Continent of Frequese are at your disposal and will assists with any rescue operation, in any way they can.

I look forward to cooperating with you, and hopefully with President Hank upon his safe return, on improving the friendly relations between our two nations and in other maters as well. I will be awaiting the news of President Hanks safe arrival.

Yours Cordially,

President Shady
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Zor »

Union Press

Zorian Wildlife loaned to the UCSR

Victorium International Airport, Victorium-In congradulations of the foundation of the UCSR, King Leighton-I Zoria has made arangements to transfer a section of it's wildlife to the Zoos, as well as a team of Zookeepers to ensure the welfare of these creatures. These include three Crocamanders, two Greater Land Ducks, two Marsupial Lions and a Zorian Dragon.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Memo to President Shady

Comrade, I'll bring the wine and meats, you bring the vodka and caviar. I'm coming over for a good drink and some good food. Then we can all be drunk and accidentally nuke some poor hapless country.


P.S. That is of course a joke...
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Coyote »

RMS Pacifica; FADM Josef Adama, Commanding
Off Coast of Veleria near Katangwa


The Royal Canissian 1st Task Force was busy. They were supposed to intercept astronaut Wolf Phideaux's Eagle capsule at sea, only to see the mission go tragically wrong as the pod overshot the mark to land "somewhere" in the Velerian hinterland.

Admiral Adama had searched areas at and around the splashdown site, in case the astronaut had managed to eject (even though there were no provisions for him to do so) and sent aircraft into the Velerian jungles where he could, carefully trying to gerrymander his aircrafts' flight paths so as not to overfly Japanistani territory.

SAR resources had recently arrived in Katangwaland, but who knew how long it would take to reach the hinterland of the wild, untamed continent? Heavy cloud cover made it difficult to see anything by satellite; there were no maps of the area, and in some cases they had to try to figure out bearings from tribal legends based on wild speculation.

No matter what, it was going to be a hell of a difficult search...

Seaside Palace, Canissia


King Arik Coyotus sent a message of congratulations to President Shady of the newly-formed UCSR.

"So much going on these days," he muttered, "The UCSR formation and my own Parliament's baseless concerns... still no word on events in Sabika... I have a missing astronaut... the space programs are making rapid pace..." It wasn't all good or bad news, it was just news, lots of it, and it kept coming in. Compared to the lull of a year ago, it was a hectic time at the Palace even though very little of it involved Canissia.

To add insult, the school season had started and the kids had all seemed to come down with the same cold, and brought it home to the Palace. NOw, from the Royal Family to the staff were all sniffling and sneezing in sympathy with one another.

"I hope we get some sort of break soon," the KIng muttered as he continued to pore over the intelligence folders and updates with his morning coffee... and orange juice.

Land of the Lost, Deepest Darkest Inner Veleria


"How much further?" Wolf asked, tired from the trek through the jungle. Lohn Jocke did not even seem fazed by the hike, even though he was obviously older than the young Canissian astronaut.

"It's a ways back to the camp," Jocke said, "We try to stay away from the dinosaurs."
"What were you doing out there, then?" Wolf asked.
"I saw the comet," Jocke said, "The comet coming to earth to land. And there was a comet-- you stepped out of it."

"I guess it would appear that way," Wolf said, "It was my space capsule."
"I suppose people will come looking for you, then?" Jocke asked, "They won't find you. The jungle won't let them."
"You talk about the jungle like it's alive."

"Maybe not alive as we are," Jocke said, "But there is a consciousness to it. You'll see. Veleria doesn't like to let its secrets go..."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


FASTA bulletin

Ven Allan belts

Few people are aware that the Earth's magnetic field, the same benelovent force that shields us from deadly cosmic radiation, and which allows us to navigate using magnetic compasses, has also formed the biggest obstacle to long-range manned spaceflight, by trapping high energy particles blown outwards from our central star as solar wind.

These toroidal radiation belts endanger eveyr living thing that attempts to leave low earth orbit: highly energetic particles threaten to damage vulnerable living tissue, especially DNA. Heavy metal radiation shielding does not protect well from particle radiation, often degenerating into radioactive elements itself.

Fortunately, both the Mess Space Agency and FASTA have been researchign these fascinating phenomena and coming up with materials and procedures to minimize the dangers. In the latest Soyuz 7 mission, astronauts spent a total of eight hours passing through the inner, more dangerous Ven Allan belt, and their composite radiation shield - developed especially for the mission - made these brief trips no more dangerous than a chest x-ray.

Radiation in deep space remains a problem, however, since astronauts heading to the Moon and later - Mars - would be exposed to the solar wind for much longer periods of time.

Second FASTA lunar lander mission ready for launch

After the disheartneing failure of LSR-1, FASTA engineers learnt from their mistakes and prepared another lunar lander probe. Currently, the hardware for LSR-2 resides at the newly upgraded Launch Pad B, now rated to service the medium-weight Lucrelance III boosters.

FASTA Director Of Operations Damian Kaklamanis has informed the Bulleting that he has every confidence in success of this mission, which will deliver data critical for a succesful manned Moon mission.

Low Orbit Human Presence (LOHP) program opens

In a grand ceremony as the Jerusalem Space Center, FASTA administrators announced the opening of the LOHP program. The program, aimed at constructing a permanent, manned outpost in low earth orbit, will incorporate technologies necessary to create, maintain and resupply such an outpost.

Currently, the folllowing series of mission are planned as part of the program:


Missions planned to gather data and create basic technologies necessary for a long-term human presence in space. They will utilize Soyuz-derived life support technologies, and will mostly utilize standard interconnected Soyuz Orbital Modules for construction of these initial, small space outposts.


Intermediate missions aimed at achieving longer and longer orbital stays, to study the effects of long-term human space habitation and new technologies flowing from the BEACHHEAD mission series. They will culminate with a series of construction flights that will establish the first FASTA purpose-built space station.


Mission supporting and expanding the first FASTA space station.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, UCSR

"Busy couple of days, Mr.President.", Elena said with a smile.

"Nobody said, that this would be an easy job.", Shady smiled, "Now, I need you to do something for me."

"What needs to be done?", Elena asked.

"I want you to send a thank you note to King Leighton-I of Zoria.", Shady said, "His gift is a most generous one, and I'm sure many people and their children will enjoy seeing these new and interesting creatures."

"Of course.", she said, "Anything else?"

"No, I'll finish up the rest.", Shady said.
Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Imperial Chronicles

Memo to President Shady

Comrade, I'll bring the wine and meats, you bring the vodka and caviar. I'm coming over for a good drink and some good food. Then we can all be drunk and accidentally nuke some poor hapless country.


P.S. That is of course a joke...
Memo to Emperor Heraclius

Heraclius, dearest of all my friends...I will have everything ready for your arrival, and I have also sent invitations to our fellow CATO leaders. Let us hope that the party doesn't end with a blast.


OOC:[[If anybody else wants to drop by and have a drink, feel free to do so, I promise to hide the nuclear launch codes somewhere, where Heraclius won't be able to find them. :D :wink: ]]
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Post by Czechmate »

Muzaffer City, Klavostan
Month Unavailable, 2015

Dust followed him as he rode an aging motorbike into the national capitol, his face hidden by the hood of his brown cloak,the facial wrappings of Klavostan's plainspeople, and a pair of aged Firley sunglasses. He made his way through the labrynthine streets, dodging cattle-carts and motor vehicles alike, before reaching the peculiar establishment known as Dakay's OK AKs (And Donair). He pulled up outside, kicking the stand down and pulling the keys from the ignition. He leaned back, taking in his surroundings and stretching from a long day's ride. He dismounted and kneeled, removing a CSR-made Pokarev silenced pistol and a worn leather briefcase from a saddlebag. He subtly slid the pistol into a holster within his cloak before making his way inside.

He glanced around as he entered, noting the racks that formerly held arms and ammunition and a neglected donair machine that had seen better days. Apart from Dakay, the thirty-eight-year-old shopkeep puttering about trying to stuff as much of his money into bags as possible, the only people within were a handful of Klavostani men surrounding a man of perhaps fifty. The man looked utterly calm, at odds with the nature of his heavily-armed and dangerous company. The rider gestured dismissively at Dakay and sat down upon a chair next to the mercenaries, setting his briefcase down and removing his Firleys. Hazel eyes set in a tanned face looked out upon them, betraying no emotion or reaction. The rider waited for Dakay to finish closing up the shop and leave before leaning back and looking over the old man.

"Excellent work, my friends," said the rider. "He will be perfect. Your payment is within this case."

The mercenaries looked upon the case with glee, almost drooling at the prospect of ten thousand Klavostani pounds each. The rider nodded to them before putting his Firleys back on and taking hold of the old man's arm with a gloved hand. "You, my friend, will be coming with me.", he told him as they left the shop. They pulled away, disappearing into the city as the mercenaries greedily opened their case, inadvertently triggering the detonator for several pounds of top-of-the-line explosive and neatly removing themselves (and the shop) from existence.

The rider smiled beneath his wrappings as emergency vehicles raced past, his key player safely procured and the first part of his plan complete.


OOC: Klavo approves this post. I checked.
Last edited by Czechmate on 2009-03-06 05:09am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Constantinople, Byzantium
VERY Unreal Time

Lelouch's final few days in Constantinople were marked with seemingly unending sessions of negotiations with various Byzantine corporate and government officials regarding licensing rights and potential arms deals; while he knew these talks were important to the future of his armed forces and continued business relations with the Byzantines, he found them to be quite tedious. In the end, Lelouch's patience paid off, as he came out of the talks with the licence to produce the K2 upgrade package for his own tanks, exactly as he intended; he would have to do some further consultation back home with Cornelia and the other Department of Defense and Langley Armed Forces people before he could finalize anything regarding MiG-31s or the Hermes and Skylark UAVs.

Lelouch and his consorts were still in Constantinople when they received the news of President Shady winning the UCSR presidential elections. While they were originally planning to go to PeZookia in order to meet with King Paul, Lelouch figured that they could spare some time to detour to Stasograd in order to congratulate Shady in person. "Notify the PeZookians that we're going to be a bit late," he told Shirley. "We'll be taking a brief detour to the UCSR. Make sure to notify President Shady's people as well and give them enough time to prepare for our arrival."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
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The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by K. A. Pital »

Deep in Siberia, ex-Presidential home, the SHELTER 0

Stanislav carefully stepped over the deep snow. He was retired now, and so he had a lot to think about.

SHELTER 0 was a common village house, like a hunter or a forest watcher would have, on the outskirts of civilization. Helicopters often brought supplies to SHELTER 0, but using helicopters to bring supplies in the north was a common practice for many villages of the USCR. It was no different from the millions of other village homes of the USCR, and if seen from a satellite, it wouldn't belie the location of the former Crimson President in any fashion.

Deep below it, lie a Presidential bunker. The communication lines were secure from tapping - it was a direct line to a specific phone in Stasograd, in the Palace of the Soviets. The cable was secure, it was laid down in secret during the post-war era when no satellites were spying from above. Now, even a super-spy wouldn't have found this single cable line in the millions of cable lines crossing the Crimson lands. A satcom device was also installed, concealed in the hut, but it was not to be used unless the situation becomes critical.

Here the former President would reside in his retirement, always ready to offer critical advice to the newly risen President Shady.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Emperor Heraclius IV arrived on train at Stasograd and was greeted by an honour guard and President Shady himself. Heraclius IV smiled and shook Shady's hand and the two hugged, as it was with Slavic culture. "Congratulations my friend, we have much to discuss, especially on the future of CATO."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Beowulf »

Cape Race
Tian Xia

This was to be an abort test for the X-38. Because the spacecraft was intended to be operationalized in the future, it was decided that some testing of abort modes would be required, rather than just hoping it'd work when called upon. As such, 30 seconds into the flight of the Atlas 500, when the launch vehicle was reaching maximum aerodynamic pressure, the unmanned X-38's Launch Abort System fired, splitting the payload shroud, and propelling the spacecraft clear of the booster. Simultaneously, a thrust termination charge perforated the RS-84 engine, destroying it.

The abort having been initiated, the spacecraft automatically began a return to launch site, performing a high speed turn that both bled off substantial amounts of velocity, and got the spacecraft turned back around to the launch pad. The OMS engines then fired to accelerate the spacecraft again, providing it with enough velocity in the thin upper atmosphere to return.

Scant minutes later, it was back over launch site, preparing for landing. It had once again lost most of it's velocity, and was approximating a flying brick. The parafoil release system actuated, bringing the spacecraft under canopy, for it's final approach and landing.


Frost Air Base
Tian Xia

"Welcome to Frost Air Base, sir. We've already arranged temporary quarters for you, and some other men you might know. I'll need to take your dog tags," the plainclothes driver said. "I see you followed the instructions to wear mufti."

The officer complied, then asked, "What's all this about? I'm from..."

He was cut off by the driver, "Sir, I don't care where you're from. I don't know what this is all about. I just know that you're going to be staying here a short while, before shipping out somewhere else. Briefings begin tomorrow. Best I can tell you is that this was a by-name request for you."



Ares Blog

The F-26 has yet to be named by the fleet aircrews, but has now entered squadron service, with pilots from the 17th Naval Wing picking up their first aircraft. It has been designed to carry up to two 5klb Paveway IIIs internally, along with two AIM-120s and two AIM-9X, when configured for the strike role. Externally, it can carry two additional wing glove pylons, allowing a pair of 2klb Paveway IIIs to be carried externally, in a non-stealthy configuration.


Also, the Peace Department has published plans for the remanufacture of RGM-84 Harpoon missiles into Harpoon Land Attack Missiles (HarLAMs). Known modifications include a radar terrain mapping mode being added to the existing Harpoon seeker, permitting autonomous attack. Also planned is the addition of a GPS/INS system with two-way data link, permitting retargetting after launch.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Navy indicates that it wishes sell off Kirov class battlecruisers, and BDX-III destroyers

The Navy has indicated that it wishes to sell off its 4 Kirov battlecruisers and selling its BDX-III Aegis destroyers in batches of 3. Production of the Consul class cruisers (S-500F) and the Praetor class destroyers (S-500F) is being ramped up, and another 1 destroyer and 1 cruiser have emerged from the dockyards for refitting. 5 Akula II Mod were also leaving the yards after a year over refit.

Ground work for Very Large Array Telescope broken

Construction of the Very Large Array Telescope near Antioch has begun. After years of designing, the telescope has begun construction, and it will be the largest telescope in the world when completed in 3-4 years time.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-03-08 01:07am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Imperial Chronicles

Emperor Heraclius IV arrived on train at Stasograd and was greeted by an honour guard and President Shady himself. Heraclius IV smiled and shook Shady's hand and the two hugged, as it was with Slavic culture. "Congratulations my friend, we have much to discuss, especially on the future of CATO."
"Thank you my friend.", Shady smiled, "It is good to see you again. Now come, I have made the necessary preparations for a nice little celebration. I hope the rest of our Comrades will join us soon."

The two men moved outside to the limos accompanied by the Presidential Honour Guard and the Emperors Varangian Guard. After getting inside, Shady poured them drinks and smiled.

"We can start the celebration early.", Shady said with a smile.

"I see no problem with that.", Heraclius responded.

"A toast Comrade.", Shady said, "To the future of CATO."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Shroom Man 777 »



The BAM A380 touched down on the pristine Stasograd airfield. Not the commercial ones or the civilian ones, but the foremost military facility of the Crimson air force - as evidenced by the wings and squadrons of MiGs and Sukhoi interceptors by the runway. Ironic, in a sense, as Shroom Force One was accompanied by a pair of SAF F-22s.

Crimson paratroopers formed a perimeter, and a KGB motorcade flanked the Prime Ministerial vehicles that exited the rear side of the Shroom Force One. The paratroopers leapt on to their bicycles with sidecars, and in no time the group advanced forth from the airfield and into Stasograd proper.

It was a quick affair and in no time, they reached their destination - where Premier Shady and Emperor Heraclius was waiting.


For Prime Minister Shroom.

Alison held his arm as he walked forward, trying to avoid limping as best he could. The surgery to correct his hernia was just recent, and his crotch was still a bit sensitive with the healing groin-wound and all. The cool Stasograd weather didn't make things any better, either.

"Goddamn," Shroom cursed and grabbed his crotch. The aluminum casing of his groin-o-phone was conducting the cold and making things a tad bit uncomfortable, so he pulled the cellular telecommunicator out. The SSS men with him were used to the whole groin-o-phone quickdraw, so they didn't mind, but the Spetznas men weren't quite as accustomed to Prime Ministerial protocol. Shroom handed his phone over to Alison.

"You gonna be alright?" Alison asked concernedly as she placed the thing inside her breast (pocket).

"Yeah," the Prime Minister said with a gritted grin. "As soon as I get to Shady's stockpile of vodka, and maybe his vodka-cigarettes too."

"Oh boy, another rowdy night with the boys," Alison rolled her eyes and smiled. "Come on then, let's get you drunk with your buddies."
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Ministry of Defense releases FY13 final progress report on "New Horizons"
Ministry of Defense releases FY13 report on "Far Horizons"

New Horizons programs
  • SM-4 family
    RIM-168 (SM-4A) Anti Ballistic Missile has been accepted into service with all SPY-3 capable craft. Units cost is listed as $7.8mil, final operating capacity mark were passed in Q2 of 2013. The unit is now in full production mode and is being transferred to the regular aquisition budget.

    RIM/MIM-169 (SM-4) Surface to Air Missile has been accepted into service with all AEGIS and STAR capable craft. Unit cost is currently $450k and all vessels have been re-equipped along with all ground defense and air intercept stations. The unit is now in full produciton mode and is being transferred to the regular aquisition budget.

    RIM/MIM-170 (SM-4 Block II) Program has finished initial acceptance tests and is currently in LRIP status. Unit cost is now anticipated to be $625k. Program money is inplace to add this unit to all air intercept squadrons and provide for a 25% dispersal onto all new vessel classes. Final acceptance testing and transfer to regular aqusition is expected during FY14.

    RIM/MIM-170 Block II (SM-4 Block III) Program concept goals have been finalzed and scoping has begun for initial dsign contracting. Estimated unit cost based on project upgrades is $675k. Iniital design review and scope finalization set for FY14 with design award and testing in FY15.

    KIM-171 (SM-4C) Kinetic Energy Intereptor is in LRIP and final design testing. This includes program for fixed, naval, airmobile, and mobile launch systems. Seperate program dollars for KIM-171 allocation are included in the Homeland Budget for FY14. Those dollars are not allocated under "New Horizons" funding.

    RIM-172 (SM-4B) Anti Satellite Missile is currently in final evaluation trials at sea. Unit cost is now predicted to be $15mil with flight ceiling of 450km. Final acceptance testing to be completed by the end of Q1 2014 with initial operating capacity declared at that point. Program dollars have been allocated for all expected deployment options under revision 'D' of the strategic defense posture review.

  • SPY-3A Block 10/15 for the Alleigance-class and Imperator-class vessels is finished, SPY-3B Block 10/15 for Victory-class frigates is finished. Final program testing is underway for Block 20/25 upgrades to both the -A and -B systems and overall program directives call for all ships launched after 2015 to carry the Block 20/25 upgrade.

    ASPY-3A Vendor has been selected for reconfiguring the SPY-3A system into the ASPY-3A for use in the next generation AWACS, procurement target being first operational flight in FY15. Airframe selection has been finalized based on the existing KC-767 reconfigured for the Electronic Warfare role.

    All existing vessels not slated for retirement prior to 2017 have been reconfigured with SPY-3 Block 10/15 systems.

    Block 10/15 SPY-3(blank) is now certified for limited foreign military sales agreements under advisement of the Foreign Ministry. No STAR integration suite, -3A, or -3B enhancements are currently configured within the Block 10/15 SPY-3 architecture. Block 20/25 architecture will not be available for review by the Foreign Military Sales Board until 2017.

Total program dollars spent FY13: $215Bn
Total program rolling dollars through FY15: $1.74Tn
Percent of Aquisition Budget: 68.4% for FY13, 58.9% for FY14, 42.1% for FY15

Far Horizons

-Basic Reasearch-
Under this program heading approxmiately $1.8Bn has been distributed to multiple Wilkonian universities and for-profit laboratories for fundamental and applied research on general program targets.

-5th Generation Carrier-
Under this program heading $642mil has been disbursed for initial program outlines and concept work. Initial specificaitons plan is under review by Naval Architecture Committe. Pre-test and service need evaluation will be directed by the committe pursuant to findings of the Ministry related to total program scope. All planning documentation is expected to be finalized before end of FY14.

-Electroinc Warfare Department-
Approximately $620mil has been disbursed under "ULTRA" classification, only the budget line is classified low enough for release.

-5th Generation Carrier Interceptor-
-5th Generation Carrier Tactical Bomber-
Both program groupings have come out form underneath the "ULTRA" designation and are now included on program targets. Initial Specification List has been finalized and the program will transfer to "New Horizons" during FY14 as preliminary deisgn and contract bidding will be authoirzed.

-Land Based Tactical Aircraft Replacement-
Program dollars have been allocated, approx $117Mil for initial preparatory documents and threat analysis planning to develop a replacement for all current generation tactical aircraft.

All other items are considered "ULTRA Secret" and only total program dollars are available for review at $14.7Bn.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »


Paul arrived on a chartered airliner shortly after the Prime Minister, and added to annoyance of commuters and shoppers in Stasograd as his motorcade crossed the city.

He entered the Palace Of The Soviets with Agatha, both of them under proper evening attire: a finely tailored smoking jacket for the King, and a stunning evening gown for his Queen. Flashes flashed, hands were shaken, questions asked and answered in an impromptu, quick press conference on steps of the Palace, before the royal pair made their way through corridors of power and found themselves in the President's office.

"Shroom! I'm glad to see you're well. Emperor, Mr. President, Stas", Paul greeted the others present, "Please accept my congratulations on your election, President Shady."

Paul grinned, "And goddamn if that's not one hell of a promotion."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"Welcome all. Great to see you all again," shaking hands with Premier Shroom and King Paul and ex-President Stanislav. "President Shady and I were both wondering how long more we would have to wait," laughed Heraclius.

"Now that everyone is here.. we can get down to business. For starters gentlemen, we ought to do a review of all the joint weapon programs we have. We have one main IADS complex project, namely the S-500, and 3 fighter projects which are ongoing, namely the SU-54, SU-53, and the YAK-241. There's also the Solid State Laser program that is ongoing as well, and of course there is the rocket program. We also have numerous other projects such as the underwater detection grid.

I also assume that everyone is in general briefed on the S-500 program, a several hundred billion program that took 6 years to come to fruition. There are namely 7 missiles: S-500-A, S-500-B, S-500-C, S-500-D, S-500-E, S-500-F, S-500-G. The naval version utilizes the S-500-C, S-500-D/E missiles. The naval version employs the APAR-1 radar system, which consists 2 radars: APAR-MFR-1 X-Band Radar, and the APAR-VSR-1 S-Band Volume Search. Both radars have a reduced version, the APAR-1F, for frigate use which undergoing trials. All missiles will receive continual improvement over the next few years, with a new version every 2 years, and software upgrades every year. The S-500-G however, will only begin trials next year. It will not be deployed on board ships, though the option does exist.

The SU-50 aircraft has 2 new variants, of which the SU-53 has completed trials. A heavy fighter bomber, with significant war load of 2 Klub IIs and 2 R-77M2 and 2 R-73M1 internally, it can perform numerous missions that the SU-34 and Tu-22M could perform. The Su-53 is a carrier adaptation of the SU-50. It is expected to finish trials by this year. The YAK-241 is a joint BAM-Yakolev concern and is our counter part to the F-35B/C and should begin trials some time next year as well. We will make progressive upgrades to our AA missiles as well. The SU-54 is a larger bomber that shall be undergoing trials soon.

The SSL program continues along as Byzantium begins the first testing of ruggedised mounts that can fit on ships and be used for point defence on the ground. Power stands at 150KW, we expect to scale that progressively to 1MW. We are closely working with the UCSR on that matter too.

Then the rocket program. Work on that has been distributed throughout CATO, but we have two definitive concurrent programs: Zenit and Energia. Our spacecraft programs consist of the MiG-105 Uragan and the MiG-110. The latter of which is still undergoing the design process, but the MiG-105 is a validated aircraft with which we are continuing testing. We have also begun launching our GLOSSNASS satellites.

The underwater detection grid within the Mediterranean ought to complete construction sometime next year. Testing of the grid has been quite vigorous.

We of course have other projects which can be discussed later, such as the submarine program which won't see light till 2020, but there are other concerns as well: Defence policy. As it is, with billions invested in many new weapons systems, we must begin a systematic and concerted program to replace old and obsolete systems within a finite timeframe. Some of us are looking into replacing our existing naval vessels within the next 5-10 years. Gentlemen, I don't have to stress repeatedly that for CATO to be taken seriously, we have to have credible defence.

The other issue to tackle is our relations with the MESS and the FTO and other nations. CATO should establish friendly relations with as many parties as possible and we should have a coherent foreign relations policy. At the moment, our policy has been largely left to individual nations. That I think has to change eventually. We cannot have any more surprises.

Finally, I believe that CATO should lead the way in joint Science projects. Investment in Science will not only lead to trickle down effects for our economy but ensure we portray ourselves as progressive and forward looking. There are many potential space projects that we could all cooperate on and together not just provide inspiration to our people but also ensure that our economies stay ahead of the competition. I do not have state that our military technology is also tied with our investment in Science."
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2009-03-13 03:38am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR
"Comrade Heraclius has made quite a detailed briefing on our common projects and goals, since my expertise in the area is not that great, I will only say that we will continue to work together on these projects and others, simply because it is necessary.", Shady said, "I believe that, as Heraclius says, we should focus are efforts on scientific advancements, with a priority in space related research. We cannot allow others to outdo us."

Shady paused briefly and smiled.

"I would also like to agree with Heraclius on the matter of our foreign policy, I think we should have a unified stand on all maters concerning our relations with other alliances and nations. I believe the best way to do this would be with a two handed approach; one hand extended with the offer of friendship and the other carrying a big stick to keep in line those that misbehave.", Shady smiled, "We already have a good start on the process of bettering our relations with our neighbors; Shroom is quite friendly with the FTO, especially San Dorado and Heraclius has ties with the MESS which we can use to improve our relations with them, not to mention that PeZookia is quite friendly with Canissia and Paul, I believe is a good friend of their King. I know we have some ideological differences with other countries, but I am confident that we will be able to rise above them and offer them a hand of true friendship, I believe this is necessary in order to calm down those, who took the formation of CATO and the UCSR with suspicion and a dose of fear."
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR

Paul seemed surprised by the Emperor's presentation. His wife, especially, looked bored and excused herself halfway through.

"Why, that was...well, unexpected. I came a little unprepared for a detailed discussion like that, so the best I can offer are general remarks. The way I see the evolution of CATO's defence over the following years is twofold: integration of command protocols and technology, already happening with the Continental Air Defence Agreement, and standardization of weapon systems. The MESS benefits greatly from integrated logistics: their airfields can service aircraft from any member country, UNREP ships can resupply all their ship classes and so on. Therefore, we should decide on common weapon systems, especially for navies and air forces, and strive to upgrade them to these common standards."

"I truly hope, however, that our armed forces will remain a matter of prudence, rather than necessity. I happen to agree with the good President...", Paul still couldn't quite get used to calling Shady 'president', "...good relations are the best way to assure continued peace. Not even Japanistan is insane enough to go to war with the entire world."

Paul smiled, taking a sip of his Coke, "Now...I was told there was going to be a big party, and a banquet afterwards? Please don't take me wrong, but my wife got a little bit overdressed for a chat in the presidential office."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by PeZook »

The Ring

People's Victory, Red Square

Javor Belic came to work in the morning still shaking from his encounter last evening. He knew Ana back from his days in Karic's government, and realized the woman was utterly unpredictable. She was also skilled, smart and utterly horrifying.

But what the hell is she doing here?, was the thought which didn't let him sleep that night. No good answer was apparent to him.

He walked briskly into the newly constructed Interior Ministry building, passing several checkpoints along the way. The control apparatus of the Shadow Republic Of Sjenska resided here, watching and controlling the citizenry - the Broherhood Of NOD had its fingers everywhere.

Until last night, Javor Belic felt that working for NOD gave him security from investigation into his past. He risked much to secure himself a position in the Ministry, and spent most of what he had on it, too. But now, Ana had him by the throat, like a ghost from the past.

He entered the restricted area of the building. His secretary smiled and produced a folder from one of her desk drawers.

"Good morning, comrade colonel. Here's a report on the ongoing investigation that you asked for.", she said and handed the documents to Javor.

"Thank you"

He opened the folder on the first page and froze. Now he knew just why Ana would return to Sjenska. Why she needed a gun, and why she wrote down a list of names yesterday, during their little chat in his apartment. And it was so obvious, right in front of him, all that time.

"Katja, please call lieutenant Petrovic to my office when he shows up. I have an assignment for him."

"Right away, comrade colonel"

The young, snappy NOD operative soon walked into Belic's office, saluting smartly.

"At ease, comrade lieutenant. I need you to covertly set up a dead-drop containing these items", Belic handed him a list, "And deliver a note with its location to the contact box at Andropovsky's Boulevard. Do it yourself, and do it quickly."

"Of course, comrade colonel."

"That is all. Dismissed."

Petrovsky left, and Belic rubbed his temples. Ana would come to pick up the equipment and fake papers this evening, and then she'd probably go after the people whose names he gave her. People who paid him not-insignificant amounts of money for protection, and who could be very...unpleasant if they felt betrayed.

Belic felt his stomach turn. He had to find a way out.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Post by DarthShady »

Palace of the Soviets, Stasograd, UCSR

"Paul my friend, you make an excellent point.", Shady laughed, "Let us proceed to the party, lest we be obliterated by a far more terrible weapon, than even a nuclear bomb. The ladies must be entertained, and we are all gentlemen here and as such, that is our duty."

Paul nodded in agreement.

"We can continue the business part of our meeting tomorrow.", Shady smiled, "Provided that we are not suffering too great a hangover. Besides the party has already begun, and we really should be there."

OOC: I was gonna write up a proper party post, but I'm to busy avoiding the "far more terrible weapon" so I'll do it tomorrow. If one of you guys wants to do it, feel free to do so. :D