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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 09:00am
by Coyote


Zeppelin ready with rapid-response force; one full company of Special Forces with motorcycles and Serval command cars ready to go. Zeppelin has full suite of communications and radars, and is RPG-defended by TROPHY close-in defense system.

Due to the lack of presence on the ground in the FTO, Zeppelin will take off from Canissia, severely slowing arrival time.

Details to come.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 10:09am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

The 4 A400Ms and 4 C-17 and 1 An-124 were relatively new from the factory and they were called upon to ferry two companies of Varangian Guard Heavy Special Forces and two companies of Varangian Guard Light Special Forces. All some 400 men give or take, together with their equipment which included Skylark III and Fire Scout, and land rovers and jeeps, and some helicopters. They would go to the CSR bases in Frequesue and liaise with the CSR commanders and coordinate the search efforts.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 10:57am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Constantinople Times

Election Results released

Election Day was held, and counting has been completed. Of the 3 main parties, the Byzantine Progressive Party won 43% of the Senatorial seats, while the Monarchist Party won 23% of the seats and the Communist Party 16%. The remaining seats were won by independents. Speaking to reporters, the BPP Prime Minster thanked supporters for their continued support. The Byzantine Progressive Party is likely to form a coalition with the Monarchist Party and form the government.

Orders issued to boost border security

The Byzantine Defence Ministry and the Ministry of Home Affairs have agreed to boost border security by placing large orders for patrol boats, Airbourne survelliance aircraft and UAVs. Among the items on order are: Mirage class patrol boats, Super Dvora Mk III, Flyvefisken patrol vessels, 2000tonne Newark Corvettes outfitted for surveillance and patrol duties, Ka-52 helicopters, Mi-17 helicopters, NH-90 helicopters, Hermes 900 UAVs and A330AEW&C Phalcon aircraft. These will be given to the Imperial Border Guards and the Imperial Coast Guards. Most orders were issued to Constantinople Shipyards and BAM.

Submarine rescue ships placed on order

The Navy has accepted the submarine rescue system proposal from Byzantine Salvaging and Rescue Company and Constantinople Shipyards. The system comprises of a Intervention Remotely Operated Vehicle (IROV), Submarine Rescue Vehicle (SRV), Portable Launch and Recovery System (PLARS) and Transfer Under Pressure (TUP) System. The system is fully transportable on a A400M and C-130J and will operate from a cruiser sized mother ship. The system production has begun and trials are expected next year.

Design requirement for new LHD issued

A new design requirement for a new LHD has been issued. Among the design requirements is an LHD to be able to carry an enhanced MEU. Constantinople Shipyards and the Naval Design Bureau have begun studies on the ship, believed to be larger than a Wasp class LHD and might possibly feature nuclear propulsion. Details of the ship will be issued later in the year. Like all previous strategic ships, all parts will be developed within Byzantium and utilizing indigenous technology which is comparable to the best in the world.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 02:11pm
by Master_Baerne
Baernish Military Helicopter
Approaching Crash Site
Sabika, Frequesque

"Attention, Escort Flight, this is Cavalry Actual. Are you picking up any antiair defenses?"

"Negative, Cavalry. You're clear." The commander of the MiG flight escorting the six helicopters detached from the First Armored Division reported. Two of the helicopters landed near the wreckage of the Presidents' helicopter, spreading out to look for clues as to their location. They found the body of one of President Hank's bodyguards, riddled with bullet wounds.

"This way!" ordered the lieutenant in charge of the squad on the ground. They moved cautiously in the direction indicated, the other helicopters and the fighters circling at high altitude.

Results: The Cavalry has arrived.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 04:58pm
by Grand Moff Yenchin
Announcement from the Ministry of Defense

As of 1400 Wuhan Time, a battalion of the Special Forces Brigade has been lifted towards Frequesue to assist in search and rescue of the presidents. This action has been authorized by the King himself, emphasizing Serenity's friendship with the Republic of Cascadia. The Serenite troops will cooperate closely with their MESS brothers, FTO JNAC and San Dorado REGCOM.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 07:27pm
by Ryan Thunder
Sabikan Southern Shoreline
The Sabikans may not have asked for Miratia's opinion of the men who shot down the two missing Presidents, but by God, they were going to hear its thunderous roar. Tanks and IFVs, followed closely by heavy gunships and rocket launchers, rumbled implacably ashore and towards the crash site. Spectres had already lanced deep into Sabikan aerospace ahead of them. The trees would hide the VIPs from their high resolution cameras, but there was other intel to be had. Once Presidents Hank and Steve were secured, three companies would exterminate the local pests and put an end to their audacity.

OOC: Somebody want to RP the local response to my 'incursion'? :P

RETCONNED FOR SANITY: Landed from the lake immediately to the south rather than rolling all the way across the countryside.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 08:19pm
by Lonestar
The Royal Palace

"This could have happened at a better time." Lonestar muttered. Lord Wythe was still in critical condition, in fact the doctors were telling him that is was exceedingly unlikely the old man would ever wake up. The most powerful member of the House of Burgesses was lying in a coma, and the next most powerful member, Lord Beresford, was a member of the Liberal party.

He had called the Patriarch and requested a special prayer be included or the Cascadian and San Doradon presidents in addition to Lord Wythe, after which the Patriarch had muttered something about "not helping traitors and terrorists".

As it was, one of the ubiquitous DominionHawks was monitoring the situation. The General Staff had already informed him that no rescue attempt would get there in a quick manner, and with the 'Effing Continent rapidly filling up with would-be rescuers, it was getting a bit crowded anyway. Instead surveillance was being maintained on how the various rescue attempts were going. Lonestar didn't care. With the most powerful Dominionite politician in 50 years near-death, he had bigger worries.

Results: The Old Dominion is monitoring the situation, but not sending a rescue mission. Letters of condolences, blah blah blah have been sent.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 08:24pm
by Karmic Knight
VEIL Emergency HQ, Coiler/Sabika Border

VeIL operative Valerie Spince continued, "Mr. Markum, I believe you have no idea what you are talking about."

"Ah, Ms. Spince, we are all welll aware of the news before these blackouts happening in the last few hours, a helicopter crash in the Coiler wilderness, we are now tasked with finding said helicopter, I'm sure of it, and I am merely speculating as to the nature of the passangers of this helicopter, since the news has been silent about the persons involved," as he continued to muster his defence, the phone in the corner of the hotel room rang twice, before being answered by one of the local operatives.

"Operatives of VEIL, please, cease you bickering, I have a plan," the voice of VEIL chief micromanager, Roger Shrubber, said calmly, he let his words hodl their attention for a few seconds before continuing.

Shrubbr continued, "The plan is to operate in two groups, group A shall consist of the three foreign VEIL operatives, who will work by acting like sloppy detectives trying to find out information on the crash, the rest of you will be working in a much lower key, and you will keep and eye on Group A. You shall be receiving a line that will be able to use the FreeCom stratellites, despite their drafting."

Cloud Ruler Temple

Brandon returned to massaging his temples, he stopped, looked at the Communications Cartel report, and shouted, "How the fuck does one invade a country it has no land border with? Fucking Mirata, fucking war mongering pricks, why can't they just be happy with trying to actual do something useful, and try to extract the fucking presidents. But no, the bastards response is to somehow fucking invade, fucking hell."

Brandon banged his head on his desk once, and decided that that wasn't as good of an idea as he first thought, he settled for mumbling curses and twitching in his chair, "How the fuck do you invade a country you lack a border with?"

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 09:24pm
by Shroom Man 777


Somewhere in Frequesue

Frank the Elephant made his way unseen by the militant sentries. Cleverly using his ghillie suit, and the natural environment of the Frequesuean outback, he maneuvered invisibly like a vague transparent... thing.

He used the keen olfactories of his trunk and the acute hearing of his huge ears. Maneuvering his nasal appendage like that of a submarine's periscope and tuning into the frequencies of sound like an underwater vessel's sonar, he had situational awareness of the entire area for miles.

He was trained by the very best of Shroomania's paramilitary pachyderm personnel, and with him was his partner - his handler, his comrade in arms, his blood brother.

"What do you see, Francisco?" whispered the Protector - Tony Jaa. He was in the bush before Frank, scanning the terrain with his tactical macroscopes, a radio-bead in his ear linked to the commandeered FreeCom stratellite frequencies and the myriad FTO, MESS and CATO transmissions.

Frank the Elephant made a silent snort, and picked some grass with his trunk and shoved it in his mouth, and then he began to chew. He was using his keen sense of taste to see if he could detect the flavor of the lost Presidents, if they had passed by the bush and left markers in the grass.

"I see. We're close," the Protector said to himself. He and Frank had eluded the militants, evaded their patrols, and surveyed the crash site up close. He and Frank both saw the tracks and surmised that the Presidents had survived the crash, that they were in a small group of a handful of men, and that they were headed into the treeline to lose their pursuers.

Now the foliage was thick and wherever the Presidents were, they were definitely still alive. The militants had fanned out to hunt them down.

The Protector knew his mission, and so did Frank the Elephant. Frank the Elephant was an elephant, and elephants never forget.

They would have to infiltrate enemy territory, survive, evade, and resist the militants, and escape with the Presidents. Failing that, then they would do whatever it was in their power to make the militant's hunt for the Presidents as deadly as possible. Not for the Presidents, but for them (the militants).

The hunters had now become the hunted.

It would be their Vietshroom.

"Infiltrating enemy territory," the Protector whispered to his radio-bead, relaying his position to the combat coordinators.


Then, just like that, they disappeared into the green.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-20 09:54pm
by Coyote
RAF Z-001
Communications Suite

"Sir, what are the Rules of Engagement for the reaction forces?" the Defense Minister asked. Arik shrugged.
"Seriously, by the time our Zepp gets there, command suite and medical bay and all, truth is the local FTO forces and the Crimsons will have seen to this," the King replied. "We're really just showing support of Hank & Garrett."

"Understood, sir," Minister Tenn said, "But if, by chance..."
"Just like the the operation when we rescued Jia from the eco-terrorist, Kert Swanson and the PAF-GENITAL," King Arik said, "Except I won't be there for anyone to worry about. Two rescued heads-of-state in one day is quite sufficient."

"Very well, sir," Minister Tenn said, and the line closed. Arik knew that Ral Tenn would go to Colonel Rassnar and they'd go through the SOP; they'd contact all the local commanders and CSR and share radio frequencies, etc. They wouldn't annoy the actual people running the operations-- they'd contact the adjutants instead. If anything, the Canissian forces would get there in time to help process the prisoners.

In reality, the only thing the Canissian response was providing that might be useful would be the Zeppelin's surgical facilities and the doctor on board... Hopefully, even that will be redundant, and they'll just have to hand out band-aids...

Still, he worried about his friends. Sure would suck if we had to bury some of the last people from Old Earth under these asstastic circumstances... What a way to go, he figured, raising a glass of whiskey for a sip, Cross billions of miles of space-time and span dimensions only to die at the hands of a bunch of meat puppet quasi-criminals with $1.95 buzzbombs...

Canissian King Arik realistic about the utility of his response.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 12:43am
by CmdrWilkens
Ministry of Defense Building
National Geospace Intelligence Agency

"Is there any support we can provide? The King and several of the Foreign Ministry are coming down on me hard to get something."

"We certainly could, hell you've seen what we have. It aint' perfect mostly because everything over in the FTO is pretty low on the priority list. We are only now starting to really hit up the tertiary list now that DSP-12 is up."

"Yes but these aren't real time"

"I know that, you know that. What nobody else is aware of is where we exactly stand in terms of reconnasaince data collection. If we start releasing stuff which would be useful but hardly up to date we would give a lot away."

"Without even mentioning that we'd be half identifying which of those birds are weather birds and which are recon birds if anybody cares to look long enough."

"Which leave us back with Achilles. You can tell the King that I won't release any data from that without his go ahead and I mean personal walk into my office and tell me 'General release this data' freaking go ahead. The whole project is too damn sensitive at this stage. I don't want anyone else working to counter this before we've even figured out how to use it."

"You S&T section is still saying at least 5 years before viability."

"Yeah and what they also aren't saying is they want to mount test modules on both Freedom 1 and 2 when they go up to test things out that way."

"RSA isn't going to like that."

"No they aren't but they will like the results. Anyway I'm not going to release Achilles data and even if I did you cn tell the whole CID that we have, at best, a 10nm radius of the attack zone. I'm betting that any halfway decent local comm monitoring station could do as well. Unless WISH has one of those down there we simply don't have assets in place to help, and unless the ESGs are somewhere outside of their normal patrol zone nobody has any assets that can make a play this week."

"Sometimes it scares me how much you piece together from your little office"

"I'm sitting thirty feet underground with no windows and a shitload of computing power at my hand, a lunchtime simulation based on simply Secret level information is enough to tell me most of what I need for that analysis."

"Fair enough, get some sun once in a while and I will let the CID and the King know that there is nothign we can do aside from offer our help and move assets into place."

"Thanks, and say hi to Winston I haven't thanked him enough for sticking me in this dungeon."

"I will even if you know the only reason he did it was so he could be you and the missues at doubles next year."

"Good night Al"

"Its morning"

"Whatever, sleep well."

Result Wilkonia has some idea of what might have happened (or at least where it might have happened) but isn't able to tell everyone without comrpomising state secrets. They also don't have assets in place close by since the FTO was far down on the trouble spot list so the King will end up sending notes offering help but not much to be done in the short term since by time this news starts trickling in its already at least half a day since the crash.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 02:28am
by TimothyC
Pacific Ocean Between Alaska and the F'ing Continent

Zoey and Miram Were back up to Seventy thousand feet, and a nice safe twenty-eight hundred feet per second (or about a mile every two seconds). Both were carrying the external fuel tanks that they had been fitted for, but oh so rarely equipped with. Having just tanked from another pair of Hustlers they were fast on their way to observe, and if possible help in the rescue of the two downed presidents.

How they were going to make it home would be a serious issue. With only a handful of Tanker pods in the Alaskan Air force, and with there being no other super-sonic tankers, chances were they would have to sit down in San Dorado. Such issues were secondary at the moment though, for President Cizadlo had made it clear, both Presidents Hank and Garret would come home safe, or those who killed them, would become familiar with the idea of 'dead'

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 03:25am
by PeZook
The Ring



Travelling halfway around the world was difficult enough when one didn't have to worry about airport security, face recognition software and random encounters of people with photographic memories and too much time on their hands. Trying to get from the Wilkonian-occupied Cayman Islands to Sjenska of all places with all those things standing in the way was next to impossible - it reminded Ana of just why she decided to finally settle down and disappear.

Still, she had her ways. There were still small, private airports in this world, and friends who owed her favors. There were car rental companies and fake documents, and a lot of ingenious ways to fool face recognition software without undergoing major surgery.

She had six sets of false papers made just for the trip ; discarding them one by one for each leg of the trip, and holding two in reserve. She switched phones daily, sometimes more often than that, and used every single trick she knew to negotiate the vast expanses of Messica, and then the Atlantic.

They almost got her, too. The Atlantic overflight was the most dangerous part: she was fully aware that on the Old Continent, all bets were off. It was very likely PeZookians were still looking for her vigilantly, as would the Shroomanians. So she landed in Canissia, and then snuck over the border north, to Cialan. She had another friend there, and he had a boat.

Off the coast of Sjenska


The night was very cold and dark, with the moon completely obscured by clouds. As Ana prepared her dinghy, she started at the dark coast of Sjenska before her. The entire four-day trip was nothing compared to what would await her there, in the mouth of the lion. This was the only place in the world where people still lived who actually knew her - and it was under Shadow occupation now.

"Ironic, isn't it? You were once the de facto ruler of this place, and now you come back at night, like a thief.", Carter, owner of the boat, remarked as he emerged from the cabin.

"Please, dispense with philosophy. I'm not really in the mood for that."

"Right. Listen, I have no idea why you need to go back there..."

"And that's the way it should remain. You're better off not knowing.", Ana zipped up her bag and tossed it into the dinghy, which was bobbing on the waves right next to the boat, "So don't ask"

"I wasn't going to. What I wanted to say is that things are different now. There are...old friends in position of power with the new government. Take care who you approach for help."

"I will.", she replied, and stepped on the outside ladder, "And thanks. Now get lost before a coast guard cutter finds you."

"Sure thing. Good luck!"

Ana sat down comfortably and turned on the small, silent electric motor. She sped away towards Sjenska - not really knowing what to do next.



"Falcon One to pursuit units. Target has turned west on three-sixty, holding in the middle lane."

"Copy that, Falcon One. Maintain contact."

The city's brilliant night lights whizzed by below the police helicopter, as it loitered high above the mighty six-lane highway. The red FSO Cougar sedan was screaming down the road, apparently shooting to get out of the city, carrying an abducted member of the police force. Its three passengers who commited this crime had no idea just what they have done, however.

The chase was on from the moment that car sped off towards the highway. Several police units were constantly watching every move of the vehicle, waiting for the right moment to strike.

"Falcon One to pursuit units! Target had left the highway. They are heading north-west on Srebrzycka street."

"Copy that, Falcon", Sebastian reported back from his car - he's joined the pursuit as soon as he'd heard about Tomek's kidnapping. Amanda was sitting next to him, with Filip int he back, both armed.

"What's on Srebrzycka?", he asked Amanda. She was checking the city map on the car's computer terminal.

"Some single family suburban development site...nothing all that serious. The road ends deep within the forest, though."

"Classic. I sometime wonder how many bodies are buried in these woods."

The car's passengers didn't really appreciate the joke, and Sebastian had to admit it wasn't very good, anyway. Suddendly, the radio squeaked again.

"Falcon One to all pursuit units. Target has pulled up to one of the houses on Srebrzycka."

"Okay...that's unusual..."


Srebrzycka 18

"I said you will regret it!", Tomek shouted, as the kidnappers dragged him out of the car and removed the bag they put over his head, "This is a huge mistake!"

"Shut the fuck up! You're not in any position to make threats!"

They dragged him across the driveway towards the nice suburban home. It even still had the little Christmas lights decorating it.

"Kolba, watch the car", the one in charge shouted to the driver as they went in. The driver nodded, lighting a cigarette.

High above, a helicopter seemed to be flying around.

The house was well maintained and decorated inside, but this was only an illusion. Once you passed the elegant day room, the aura turned dark and heavy, with plenty of red velvet curtains and dimmed lights. Tomek could hear muffled moans, sometimes a shout - and he saw at least two men walking around, bored, with pistols casually stuck behind their belts.

The kidnappers forced him to pass through this creepy labirynth, sometimes passing various men coming and going in and out of the individual rooms. They dragged him down a flight of stairs into the basement - a very creepy basement, covered with a tarp and with a pair of handcuffs hanging from the ceiling - to which they secured him.

"Wait here, asshole."

"Goddammit, people! If you do anything to me, there's going to be war!"

"I said shut up. You'll talk way fucking differently once we're done with you."

With that, the kidnappers left, and turned off the light.


Srebrzycka street, outside

The blue Shroomswagen van pulled over two houses from the property on Srebrzycka. SWAT officers piled out of the car, establishing a temporary command point right on the spot.

Other cars soon arrived, crowding the small driveway. The neighbor's dogs started barking, and lights came up, with the driveway's owner soon coming out onto the porch, only to be pushed inside by a patrol officer.

"Police. Please, go back inside. Make sure you stay away from the windows and lock all doors."

Sebastian arrived last, and by the time he did, the houses nearest to their targets were already evacuated. All civilians were secured inside the property near the command point - and most miraculously, it was done quietly enough that the goons inside house no. 18 didn't see anything.

"Sir", the SWAT lieutenant greeted Sebastian, "We've reviewed the situation. If they have an officer hostage in there, there's no point in waiting. I have two sniper teams in position to observe the building, and we're ready to go in on your order."

"Very well. Take the place down."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 08:25am
by PeZook

Lucy still alive!

In an announcement which has stunned the medical community, the head of a joint PeZookian-SNC-Shroomanian medical research team declared that Lucy, a pig which was implanted with a lab-grown kidney nearly two years ago is still alive.

"The organ shows no signs of failure or rejection by the immune system ; Lucy is feeling well and I have to admit, she has quite an appetite."

This announcement caused a wide range of comments from the world's medical community. If independent experts verify the claims, it could mean a world-wide revolution in transplantology, bringing hope to tens of thousands of patients wordwide.

The government of PeZookia has already declared the intent to establish a large-scale organ growing lab if experiment results are confirmed, possibly entering a joint project with its partners.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 10:12am
by Shroom Man 777
LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Shroomanian Scientific Society

The Mushroom Organization of Medicine (MOM) has announced that it is exploring the possibilities of collaborating with the joint PeZookian-SNC-Shroomanian Structured Stem Synthesis Synergy (S4) and perhaps subsidizing large-scale medical organ growing for the national healthcare system.

While independent scientific societies in Shroomania are also currently researching and experimenting on human stem cells, of embryonic and non-embryonic origin, and their health care applications, the joint PeZookian-SNC-Shroomanian S4's experimentation on animal organ transplantation has also succeeded in developing the potential for mass produced lab-grown organs.

Should the S4 be greenlit for actual-factual transplantations involving major human organs manufactured from stem cells, and should these experiments succeed, then the MOM's intentions to work together with the S4 to make pre-fabricated embryonics available to the common people will finally come to fruition.

As the Lord Minister of the Mushroom Organization of Medicine, Montginy Montgomery said: "They will behold our mighty system of organs!"

A proposed pre-fabricated embryonics 'organ brochure'.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 12:35pm
by Beowulf
Sunzi Air Base
Tian Jiao

Most aircraft wouldn't be able to make it there in a useful amount of time. Most aircraft would also be somewhat vulnerable to interception, or mistakes on the part of the Sabikan air defenses. The Habu was different though.

The tanker had taken off a short time previously, nearly right after the go order had been issued. When the tanker was about 50 miles out, the Habu followed. When it reached 7500 meters altitude, it began the delicate dance that was refueling. 150 miles later, it was done. The Habu pulled away, dived, and went supersonic. It then began climbing north, accelerating all the while. Once over ocean, it turned to the south east for the single run it would take. The guy in the back activated the digital cameras, pulling in gigabytes worth of data during it's short run over the Coilerburg/Sabika border.

Run complete, the Habu turned southwest, running through the CFR on it's way back to base. All told, the mission had taken only 3 hour to conduct, from the tanker rolling to the Habu landing.

[ooc]Why do a low and slow recon of the area when you can go high and fast?[/ooc]

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-21 02:25pm
by Grand Moff Yenchin
Phase I Results of Neuro Stem Cells on Parkinson's Disease

by Theodore Blemmydes, Tuo Hua
Funded by the Byzantium-Serenity Joint Biotechnology Research

We report the Phase I results of neuro stem cell treatment, where we transplanted adult neuro stem cells into 2 Parkinson's Disease patients, and successfully reversed the effects of the disease, with the patients' motor ability improving up to 80%. The results also demonstrate the long-term safety of the therapy up to 36 months. Our results indicate the need of a larger scale clinical trial on the therapy and further research.

Parkinson's Disease has been....Full Text[HTML][PDF]

Somewhere in Akori Republic, Veleria

Miho Tachibana was strong willed, well trained and well educated with Fusang traditions. She also knew when to admit temporary defeat and wait for chances.

2 months ago, she was invited by her old friend to join "a new Veleria establishment". She agreed to take a look, and found herself in Akori, in Blue Sun facilities. Her friend assured her that "a little redecoration and we're going to start business".

She refused, it implied betrayal. Her friend cited her status in Tachibana Heavy Industries, how she was wasting her efforts and talent. She insisted, her friend left her to "think over it". He also coldly implied that Miho has "known too much".

Eihi Shiina, Miho's bodyguard, was left back at Serenity. She would immediately take appropriate actions if Miho didn't contact her in 12 hours. But after a month of waiting, she gave up the notion that any form of contact from the Titan or Serenite authorities would be coming soon, and decided to work with her "friend", for now, to see what he was up to.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-22 03:37am
by Shinn Langley Soryu
Langley Air Force VC-137C
En route to Constantinople, Byzantium

Unreal Time

Back when they were still in Farbanti, Duke Lelouch had given Emperor Heraclius adequate warning of his impending arrival in Byzantium in order to avoid a repeat of the chaos surrounding the first leg of his world tour. When Heraclius and the other SNC/CATO leaders departed for their respective home countries, the Langley delegation chose to stay in Shroomania just a little while longer in order to take in the sights and settle some business with the MacMillan Megacorporation regarding a consignment of sixteen two-seat F-16XLs for the Langley Air Force. Once they were done in Shroomania, Lelouch and his retinue received an extremely lavish send-off as they departed Farbanti for Constantinople.

The actual flight to Constantinople was quite uneventful, with C.C., Kallen, and Shirley simply sitting in Lelouch's cabin and watching him intently as he took a nap. "He looks so cute when he's sleeping," Shirley said cheerfully.

"It's only the second leg of our trip, and he's already worn out," Kallen mused. "At the rate he's going, he'll be positively ragged once we leave the Old Continent."

"You can't really blame him," C.C. said. "Politics can be quite tiring at times."

"You said it," Shirley exclaimed. "Having to arrange his schedules, deciding who he can and can't see. I swear, there are times I feel like I'm just a glorified babysitter, having to pick up his toys and clean up his messes. He really can be such a big baby sometimes."

"He's our baby, and we have to take care of him like any other," C.C. quipped. "He's giving it all he's got, trying to do his very best for the sake of the nation. He needs all the help and support he can get."

Shirley sighed. "I guess you're right, C.C. We're all just doing what we can." A brief pause. "So, we're headed for Byzantium next. Emperor Heraclius said in his communique that he'd be happy to show us some of the latest in Byzantine weaponry."

"Langley's always been a large consumer of Byzantine goods," Kallen said. "I'd love to see just what they have to offer this time, and I'm pretty sure Lelouch does too. He always loves to see stuff go boom."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-22 06:35am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles

The Duke of Langley arrived with the usual fanfare that is given to any ruler or prime minister that arrived on Byzantine soil. The Emperor Heraclius IV was at the airport to meet the Duke. Shaking his hand and saying some words of welcome, the Duke and his entourage were given a tour of Constantinople and the Imperial Palace.

The next day, the Duke and his entourage were led to the Constantinople Theme Military Base where he was showed the latest K-3 Black Tiger tank and an upgraded K-2 Black Panther that featured a 120mm Electrothermal chemical gun, as well as variants of the K-3 Black Tiger which included an armoured AFV and 155mm electrothermal chemical artillery gun. Other items that the Duke were showed included a Tu-160BM, Tu-95/142BM and Tu-22BM, and also the MiG-31TM, Eurofighter Tranche IV fighter, as well as a plethora of UAVs from the Hermes series and Skylark series. He was also showed around one Su-50 (PAK-DA), which was brand new from the factory as Byzantium had acquired a select few to begin training of pilots before the big order was issued. There were also some transports, like the new BAM A400M.

"So what do you think my dear Duke? We are quite willing to license you the upgrade package for the K-2 Black Panther you already own, along with the rocket propelled ammunition that allows any tank to engage from 8km away. Would you also like to take a look at this PAM/LAM system? My navy and army are in the midst of doing some trials on the system soon and initial results are promising. The system will be integrated into the army and in the navy especially a new batch of frigates that Constantinople Shipyards and Blues Brothers of San Dorado are working on. If you wish, we could also arrange a tour to Constantinople Shipyards and Constantinople Naval Base."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-22 06:57am
by DarthShady
Palace of the Soviets, CSR

"Talk about a security fuck up.", Stanislav commented as the two men read the latest reports on the two missing Presidents.

"Somebody fucked up.", Shady said and scratched his chest, remembering the small piece of Shrapnel that was still in there. The incident reminded him of the assassination attempt on his own life, and the life of his friend Paul. It was not a pleasant memory.

"Indeed. And now they might pay for it with their lives.", Stas said and leaned back in his chair.

"I hear you sent help.", Shady said, "Will it do any good?"

"Probably not.", Stanislav said, "But we will know soon enough."

"I hope they are...", Shady was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in.", Stas said.

A young assistant came in, carrying a folder.

"Forgive my interruption Comrade President, but the results are in.", She said with a smile, "The people have voted in favor of the union, the UCSR is a reality."

"I would say that this is a cause for celebration.", Shady said with a smile.

"I would agree.", Stas smiled.

"The detailed report is in here.", the young assistant said and handed the folder to President Stanislav.

"So, what comes now?", Shady asked.

"Now Comrade.", Stas said, "The Supreme Soviet and your Federal assembly will work out the legal parts of the union. That will take some time, and after that comes the Presidential election."

"We're going to be up against some tough opposition.", Shady said.

"Don't worry my friend.", Stas said with a smile, "Together, we are invincible."

Pravda: The Union becomes reality

"A new nation is born from the foundation of two others. The CSR and the USSR are now one nation, the UCSR. The Soviet people are united under one government, and now together we shall create a glorious future for our people.", this was just one part of the Presidents speech at the press conference, announcing the referendum results, that was held this morning. And now as the legalities of this union are worked out, the people have a hard choice ahead of them, they must choose a new President. One that will lead them into the future.
Victory Celebrations are being held all over the newly formed UCSR

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-22 09:27pm
by Beowulf
Status meeting
X-38 project office
Tian Xia

"A couple concepts we're looking at are keeping the Centaur stage attached and using it for orbital manuevering and high energy monopropellant thrusters. With the baselined 600 km orbit, we're currently looking at a lowest orbital inclination of 30 degrees from our current launch site of Cape Race. Keeping the Centaur attached gives us the dV required to go down to 22 degrees and still make it back up to the launch site. Additionally, it gives significant manuevering capability in case it comes under attack. With it attached and maintaining an inclination of 40 degrees, we're looking at a dV of about 2.5 kps. Lastly, by keeping the stage attached, we also gain more room inside the space craft because we won't need to provide as much dV onboard, which allows us greater flexibility.

"The other concept we're looking at is HAN based monopropellant thrusters. So far we've been discovering both an increase in Isp and an increase in handling safety over the currently baselined hydrazine thruster. We're looking at a 22% increase in firing length, which can provide increased time in orbit, or greater ability to manuever to avoid threats. As for handling safety, for one thing, we expect we won't have to evacuate the hangar when working on the RCS system, which

"The droplet radiator development is proceeding to schedule. The current baseline encapsulates them in quartz, which decreases the probability of coolant loss. We're looking at removing the quartz windows later, however, which will decrease system weight, freeing it for other purposes.

"Electrically, we're currently baselined at 3 separate fuel cell assemblies. Each can supply a peak of 12 kW, and continuous max of 7 kW of power. They're powered by methylacetylene and oxygen, just like the OMS engines. They're also specced to run off of a number of other hydrocarbon fuels, due to the fact that we stole them from a different project. If necessary, additional fuel cells can be operated in the mission bay. The X-38 should be able to operate off of only one, if necessary. However, if that happens, then vital mission systems will be impacted, including radars. A minimum of two is required for full capability."

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-23 05:16am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
CATO Military Journal

Field Trials for PAM/LAM system

Kontos Munitions and the Imperial Byzantine Navy and Army have begun field testing of the PAM/LAM N-LOS system. The PAM system is expected to feature prominently in the new frigate requirements issued by the navy, while the LAM system is expected to complement the exisiting artillery systems in the Army. The PAM system has some 40Km range, with a version with 80km range in the works, while the LAM system has 200km range, though there are discussions about placing the LAM system on the frigate as well.

BAM trialing heavy lift airships

BAM has begun conducting trials on heavy lift airships. "The lack of interest in airships as a whole in the world is largely because of slow pre-positioning speed vis a' vis conventional aircraft with slight better performance versus prepositioning ships. We are however quite certain that countries such as Shroomania and Byzantium have some interest in the system though no more than 10-20 of these airships are expected to be sold," says a spokesman.

BAM Airship.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-23 08:27am
by Shroom Man 777
[Let's say this is dated before the armistice between Heraclius, Zor, and the Sultan.]

The Fertile Crescent


Somewhere in Velaria

The view from atop the hills was majestic. Unlike the barren wastes of arid Arabia, or the urbanized battlefields of Sjenska, mere minutes after they had trekked from the shores of Velaria had they found themselves within the land's impenetrable and all-encompassing jungle and only when they reached the vantage of the hills could they finally see the endless green. A most breathtaking sight, indeed.

"A man with a dozen of these could rule all of Velaria," Mohammad Jihad said silently to himself. "My brothers, this is a fine and fertile land."

"What shall we call it?" said Hakmed.

"We shall call it..." Mohammad Jihad ruminated on this for a moment, and then he made his decision. "This Land."

"Allah be praised," Hakmed said solemnly and then returned to his patrol.


As his brothers in arms scoured their way across the jungle, he rejoined his band of two-dozen. The main arm traveled in single file, to ensure that their tracks would not reveal their numbers to any one following them, while their pointmen fanned out and moved ahead. They might not have been experienced in fighting in the tropical jungles, but they had fought in the woodlands of the Old Continent - against the Crimson communists, against Shroomanian-funded homosexual militant groups, against Karic and his vicious she-bitch, against the Shadows. Now they would fight the Zorians in Velaria and make it hell on the Japanorse jackals.

It would be their Vietshroom.

Mohammad Jihad thanked Allah and the Prophet for their safe journey. Against all odds, against the combined fleets of the infidels plowing the oceans, he had made it to this fine and fertile land - This Land. Partially, he had to thank his female fellow freedom fighter - Mohammad Nemo (for her true name was too long for him to truly remember, and he preferred to call her by the title the frightened infidels had bestowed upon her, as they did by calling him 'Mohammad Jihad' which really wasn't his true name either, thank Allah) - and the crew of her submarine vessel for successfully maneuvering against so many adversities. The betrayal, the innumerable odds stacked against them, the woman who did not even wear a burqa had prevailed against them all and consigned so many infidels to a watery grave.

Mohammad Jihad prayed that Allah would grant him such bloody blessings. Thus, he pushed thoughts of doubt away from his mind and concentrated on the matter at hand. He had to lead his men through the jungle and to the small city over at Bakalakadaka Street to liaise with the local freedom fighters, to train them in the ways of holy war and join them in their battle against the Zorian satans and their little devils. The matter was complicated when the men who were supposed to meet with them had not shown up.

But no matter. Allah would guide them. That Mohammad Jihad knew with all his heart. Allah would provide. Like the time he thought he had died when, in actuality, he was really just in Shroomania.

Then he had a hashish-fueled rage and went on a killing spree, but he tried not to remember those times.

He had gotten better.

Now he was here in Velaria with a dozen of his veteran warriors. Grizzled old fighters who had fought with him on so many battlefields. With a dozen other younger warriors, fresh-faced and eager for a shot at the seventy-two virgins just waiting for them in the afterlife...

The thought of that eased Mohammad Jihad's mind a little. They were here. They were the few, the proud, the Mujahadeen. They would go in, kick the Zorian asses (their donkeys), take names and chew khat.

Mohammad Jihad wondered if he had been in Shroomania too long. Goddamn Saudi Shroomanians with their decadent belly dancers...

But no matter. Now, he was in a place with no temptations. He was in the battlefield, the jungle, trekking into its darkest and most diseased heart. There were no distractions, nothing else but one thing - fulfilling Allah's work.

Mohammad Jihad closed his eyes and remembered when Allah had called him to fulfill his holy work. It was night in Sjenska, he still remembered the cool wind and how he stood outside his mud hut to feel the breeze. Far away, his brother Tarik who lived nearby had recently married and so his merry men were firing their guns into the air in jubilation, but the shots were far and distant so Mohammad had thought nothing of it. The noise was not loud, so his wife and children slept soundly in the hut.

But then, there was another noise. The roaring rotors of helicopters, Karic's sky-chariots that came in low and hard to strike down any signs of resistance, of the Mujahadeen. But there were no Mujahadeen, only Tarik and his partying family and they were like sheep to the slaughter. The helicopters rained fire from the sky. Tarik, his friends, his family - Mohammad's family - and his home, everything burned. Lit alight like the eyes of Allah.

Tarik was a sheep herder and Mohammad helped care for his livestock. The fire too touched them, and the sheep bleated as they were roasted by the flame, bleated and bleated and bleated. Until they became quiet, until the sheep became silent.

On that day, Mohammad swore Jihad. On that day, Mohammad Jihad was born.

The infidels of Velaria would soon know his name.

And then they would burn.

"All of Velaria," Mohammad said silently to himself.

All of Velaria.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-23 08:48am
by Fingolfin_Noldor
Imperial Chronicles
Review of MEMS Solid Propellant thrusters

by F. Doria, A. Kaminsky, D. Kowalczyk, H. Minkowski
University of Constantinople, Stasograd State Technical University, University of Orena, University of Sarajevo

Recent successful testing of a small scale MEMS Solid Propellant thruster array has yielded promising results. The advantages of the MEMS solid propellant thruster include high Specific Impulse and small size. In this paper we discuss the scaling of the MEMS Solid Propellant thruster array into an array in aerospike configuration large enough to provide significant thrust for a large spacecraft.


Review of HAN based Liquid Propellant thrusters

by F. Doria, A. Kaminsky, D. Kowalczyk, H. Minkowski
University of Constantinople, Stasograd State Technical University, University of Orena, University of Sarajevo

Recent experiments with a full scale HAN based Liquid Propellant thruster showed the viability of HAN as an alternative fuel for liquid propellant thrusters for space vehicles. HAN is safer than hydrazine monopropellant, and thruster's high impulse promise greater acceleration for space vehicles. In this paper we detail the results for the thruster, as well a new larger thruster that is entering trials as a possible thruster for Pr. 332.


Review of Aerospike Configurations

by G. Shroomion
University of Farbanti

Recent experiments and the testing of aerospike engine, especially those in San Dorado suggest possible interesting alternative designs for rocket bells. This paper reviews the available designs within CATO and makes recommendations for future rocket designs.

Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Third

Posted: 2009-02-23 11:14am
by Shroom Man 777
What Spring is Like on Jupiter and Mars


Shroomdorf Hotel, Jerusalem

Morning sunlight pierced through the window, filtered by the screen and making shadow and light interspace in symmetrical patterns. The dawn's early light came with the sound of the morning prayers chanted off the Musslemen minarets and mosques, making a strange wake-up call for the two snuggling space cadets in their little hotel suite.

"Wake up, sleepy head." Svetlana Savitskaya said as she tossed a pillow over at Alan Shroompard, who was just getting off the bed. The pillow bounced off his head and he yawned. "Gah, morning breath, how very unbecoming of FASTA's space hero."

"Bathroom then," Alan grumbled groggily.

"Yeah. I'll get us some room service, you go brush your teeth."

"I wonder if hotel's got toothbrushes. I forgot mine, might have to borrow yours," Alan said as he went on.

"Hah, yeah right." Svetlana rolled her eyes, and then she wondered whether he was serious or not. "Wait, don't!"

"Isn't that the spirit of socialism? Sharing with your fellow man?" Alan laughed as he entered the bathroom and stepped into the shower.

"You dirty capitalist pig-dog," Stevlana retorted petulantly. For some reason, she had decided to forgo calling room service and was following Shroompard into the shower. They were both naked.

"Mmm... guess I ain't so heroic the morning after, am I now?" Alan laughed as he turned on the shower. "Jesus Christ, that's cold!"

"Damn it, turn on the warm water!" Svetlana cried out. "Ahhh!"

They ordered room service after finishing their long shower together and drying themselves up. Svetlana was having a light meal with florn cakes and cereal, while Alan had a heavier breakfast with eggs and a bunch of sausages.

"I want that," Svetlana said plainly as she forked one of Alan's sausages.

"Hey! Gimme that - " Alan tried to protest, but Svetlana fended off his reaching hand. "Grrr!"

"I want the sausage," Svetlana shot back. Then she forked something from her plate and chucked it over at Alan's. "Here, have this florn cake."

"Fine." Alan grumbled.

"Da," Svetlana smirked.

"Nyet," Alan grinned. "God, we're silly. Like a bunch of juves fresh off highschool or something."

"Mmm... we are," Svetlana mused. "But that's a good thing. Or would Serious Space Hero, Alan Shroompard, prefer being back at his homoerotic Shroomanian Air Force?"

"Depends," Alan thought aloud. "If you'd like to see me in one of them skintight jumpsuits that feel like you're wearing nothing at all."

"I don't need to imagine you wearing nothing," Svetlana smiled. "Though some of those jumpsuits would've been good on some of my wingmen."

"Now I'm getting a bit jealous," Alan quipped ruefully.

"Don't be. I was talking about my fellow female MiG pilots," Svetlana winked conspiratorially.

"Oh," Alan was speechless for a second. Then realization dawned upon him. "Wow, for the Motherland indeed!"

"Mmhmm..." Svetlana nodded and rested her head on a hand. Then, with her other hand, she forked a piece of florn cake and ate it. "Now, I wonder what you're thinking of, space hero."

"Just thinking..." Alan shrugged innocently. "About..."


"Troika," Alan said. "Troika here, troika there..."

"Hah!" Svetlana laughed out loud. "Alan, I was just joking! You silly capitalist dog, you!"

"Heh," Alan shook his head. "A man can dream though, can't he?"

"Dream on, hero boy." Svetlana finished her florn cake. "Are you going to eat your egg yolks?"

"Yeah," Alan answered, relieved a bit that Svetlana had changed the topic at hand. "Why?"

"Oh, I was thinking that those looked tasty and was wondering why you hadn't touched them,"

"They're the best part, so I'm saving them for last."

"Is that a fact?" Svetlana asked.

"Yeah... please don't fork them like you did my sausage," Alan scratched his head. "Er, that came out wrong."

Svetlana laughed again, and stuck out her tongue impetuously. Alan laughed and then, maybe a bit impulsively, he leaned forward and gave her a little kiss - right while she was sticking her tongue out. Her eyes went wide and she gave out a surprised little sound, but then she decided she liked it and reached for him and -

Then there was a knocking at the door and Alan groaned, got up and answered it. He opened the door and found himself looking at a familiar face.

"Who is it?" Svetlana asked.

"It's..." Alan tried to remember the guy's name. The Zorian guy, the creepy cold guy who suggested ditching Miranda back in space. "It's Ishido Ishmael. Good morning, Ishido."

"Good morning to you too, Shroompard. Savitskaya. I hope you've enjoyed your... interactions."

"Why, we have. Very much so," Svetlana said coolly, giving Alan a warm look before looking back at the Zorian with an expression close to suspicion. "What business brings you here?"

"The business of business," the Zorian cryptically said as he went over and seated himself on Alan's seat in front of Svetlana.

"Yeah," Alan raised an eyebrow. "Well, I guess we better get on to business then, since we were looking forward to continue enjoying our... interactions. Want a florn cake?"

"No, thank you." Ishido declined. "I was sent here to inform you, Shroompard, that you're wanted by the head of FASTA recruitment."

"They want me to do some more recruitment ads?" Alan scratched his head.

"Something like that," Ishido nodded. "Though considerably more... expansive."

"Like?" Svetlana cut in.

"FASTA's latest recruitment rate has gone down. Not in small part due to the Miranda Incident," the Zorian said with some distaste. "So, we are looking for a considerably more expansive recruitment drive. To salvage what we can from the incident, we will be using Alan Shroompard and his actions to try and boost public relations."

"How'll you do that?" Alan scratched his head.

"One of the latest methods our scientists have devised, which is what requires Alan Shroompard's presence in the meeting, involves merchandising and the use of his image." Ishido put it bluntly.

"What?" Alan gaped incredulously.

"Of course," Ishido shrugged. "You will be paid royalties for the usage of your likeness. The monetary benefits will be quite substantial."

"Oh..." Alan nodded. "I guess that doesn't sound too bad."

"Very well," Ishido got off his chair and got going. "The business will be done at the meeting, Shroompard. Savitskaya. I hope you enjoy your interactions. See you later, Shroompard."

He left and closed the door.

"What an asshole," Svetlana muttered, then she turned to Alan. "And what's this about merchandising and 'monetary benefits'?"

"Well, it didn't sound too bad," Alan shrugged.

"That's what you said," Svetlana said as she spooned Alan's egg yolk. "But you know what I think about that, about exploiting your actions for profit."

"Well, I could donate a lot of the proceeds to charity and use this whacky recruitment drive and merchandising to actually help other people, make the most out of it and all that," Alan suggested. "It doesn't have to be a bad thing, you know."

"Yeah, I know." Svetlana sighed. "Goddamn that Ishido. And now I'm sounding like a Shroomanian, how about that?"

"I must be affecting your ideological purity, comrade," Alan joked.

"Not funny," Svetlana retorted seriously, and then she smiled. "Come on, let's get dressed. We're going out."

"Where out?" Alan asked.

"Out out," Svetlana answered. She got up and began tugging him by his arm. "We're going shopping!"


Farbanti, Shroomania

The car made its way towards the Chunnel entrance, the half-empty energy drink on its dashboard shaking as its driver maneuvered it towards the checkpoint. Ahead of them, the Chunnel's dual-domed gateway loomed overhead like a massive pair of cheeks spread open to unveil its orifice.

One of the orifices dedicated to the monorails excreted a brown bullet train.

The female driver giggled at the sight.

By the half-empty energy drink on the dashboard was a roadmap of the entire Old Continent... actually, not a roadmap of the entire Old Continent but a bunch of roadmaps of the various nations taped together - with a line highlighting the long road from Shroomania to Jerusalem, through Canissia, PeZookia, and every other nation between them.

"No one can stop me."

As a testament to her dedication, she was wearing space diapers to aid her in enduring her arduous journey. Her station wagon was full of supplies, canned food rations, bottled water (without fluoride!), entire sheets of PeZookian conspiracy newspapers, a taser, pepper spray, and a handgun. That read 'replica' at its side.

"At last I shall have my revenge." Miranda Moonbeam hissed.